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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1918)
ttk cccra trra coixixa SLfiGAI'SSTATEWiDE Contestants For Liberty Lotn Prize Widely Scattered. NEARLY IVIRV COUNTY ANO TOWN IN ORCaON II EM. SCNTCO IN THE MATIRIAL aUI MITTID TO COMMITTII. Wniisii fnnii over lh entire atate were ButnuUt J (or u In the Third I. lti'Tly Unit i-hiii'hIkh, In the r- cut Ikkkii content. fr beat o( whlrh 160 Liberty Hand It to to awarded opening it', April I. Among the simian which were ton eldnrml by Ih committee paraa Ins titith merit and worthy of esi't-r'ul mi'iiiloii. are Dm Mlmtlna hlh are rcprrniitatlve of Hip entire utr: Open your purse help all in eure, All llenel McCoy, Uufur; buy a ton it that bind IWninwrsry, W. P, MMier, Villi I'lty; the Knl"r gruana at Liberty Limne, NVtttts I'tue Hinliulil, Niiwt.m, l.lUrly Loan r Liberty'' t'pilnej Klonr, Mr. J.'b. Hlutcr. Ia llmmle; bury the KaUer with Llbt-rly lunula, ()eo,-A. Harden, Grant Paea; Uphold the rolur lili liberty dollar, Mre. Edward' Hill, Mrhfleld; Over there our lioyi ere watrhlna, II. K. Donnelly, Balem; Ilreak Liberty's rtmln Invest your Ml". Uuena Flaher, Dalla; How bond reap victory, Mle Klv g. Iltll, Vanora; llullil freedom'e foun dation with Liberty Ikmde, C. E. l-oae-den, Junction City; Our country'! ar mor Liberty Honda. C. V. Collier, Mllweukle; The Liberty I)ind ta vie lory'a wand, II. K. Allen, IHIUboro; Uotd were droee with freedom's loaa, Count that day loat, whoaa low da scendlug aun, eeee nolhlni 'done to beat (ho Hun. both by T. P. MoAn drewe, Baker; Your llttla inlla may win the flKhl, Mollla K. ftlrtaght, Ore gon City; Protect your homee with Liberty Loans, I-onna Powell, Hk r; Iluy a bond br1de the pond. lira. II. II. MeKenns. Aatorla: Wall brldaa the pond with Liberty nnnria. M. Eva I)uel, KuKcna; Join the band at I lb arty'a aland, Mrs. U R. Whitney, Van couver. Waah.; Another Liberty Un Inaurea Entente eurrc, Wllna f)f bill. Amity; Provide Perthlng power to punlah Pruslanlnt. Tha fotlowles, alcana are a tew of thoae eubmltted by realdrnla o( Cort land In tha contest : right, buy, or ahew ua why. Orara N., Crow; Patrlota all, aubiiribo to tha call, Aw R. VanderTloleu; Liberty lam protect what you own, W. W. Lawton; Our bomla dlrtata our aoW d ra' (ate. Mra. I). W. Jarkaon; Have a liert. do your part, They alao aerva who only lend, Jennie A. Maraball; Yankee IVmmII dollara do or dla, Keep tha home tunda fighting. W. . KlrK patrlch; Tla frewlom'a call lend your all, Ha no ahlrker, be a worker. Flor ence a iloyt; Sava Ainerlra'a fata from Qorman hate, J. N. Hevea; Tha Liberty lAan aafeguarda tlm home, J. II. Maaon; For county and home Liberty Loan. Geo. K. Hall: II" backer, not a alacker, H. 0. Furnlah; Kutmrrlbe to loan, protect your hotna, Mlaa Myrtle Itatea; Can you deny while othera die, Anna Lavlllc Mc I'beraon; Bonda are better than I'rua alan fcttcri. Ruth Helen Underbill. HOW RETURNS ARE NOTED Map Syatam to Be Uaed During Third Liberty Loan Drive. Roturna from tha tarloua countlra of tha atata will be Indicated at tha Oregon Btate Contra) Liberty Loan neadquartera, Portland, on a color cheme map, aa will every town and dlatrlct In which a quota haa been aaelKticd, by a yellow thumb tack. Tha countlea will have A largo headed Uck and tha dlatrlcta a email yellow one. Aa aoon aa one half of the aiilgncd quota haa been reached In each town or dlatrlct a red thumb tack will re place the yellow one ou the inp. (similarly with the countlea on II: iaUte map. Each county headquarter will have tbalr own map with tha county divided Into convenient die itrlcta which are to be bulletined llk wlie. . When the full quota In each town and dlatrlct la attained It will be dee Ignatcd by a blue thumb lack. Thta ayatem will afford an accurate check and will Indicate thuae count l and dlatrlcta of tha atate which are tfolng tha moat effective work In the Third Liberty Loan Campaign. In each town and dlatrlct a aolleltor will be aent out with the Oovernment houaehold queatlonnalre upon which la written pertinent facta concern'ng 'tha Indlvldual'a ability to aubacrllie. BliouIU ilie peraon be unable to aub acrlbe one-halt of tha amount eatl mated that be la able to, a yellow card will be aent Into dlatrlct bead quartera. When more than one half but leaa than the full aealgnment hai been received a red card replacea tha yellow, and blue card la uied when -the full quota of tha Individual haa been atibacrlbed. Tbla ayatem glvei n accurate and detailed check on every peraon and the atata and county Ihcadquartera will know exactly what can be , expected and what la being done. ) The maetor map at Washington, tX C, will Indicate the advance In eacb .atate and the entire country, T0i::.i;::3Ti:::2:T : (3 tJ8 R::pons:b.!:ty for Human Ccrrcvv end Suffering. try af Yauni Man Hidden Under fmoklng Ladga PoInU Moral far All ef Ua, Especially In Thaae Treublad Tlmaa. nave you read Iba atoryt A trapper mid the anow-huKhi'd hi I la of wealern Mawachuaetta aplwl amoka Imtulng from a ledge of rocke In the !(( Iim of denae foreat. Ha did not know what to make of It All aorta of fi-ernome Dollona beat lilui aa he venturvd on attempt to aolva the niyntcry, Rut when be lind aumiiioiied help and Ihcy went In at the o'tilng dotected, hear ing latiterna arxl all htu) armed to meet whatever might be enrountered, tlu-y dl-overrd lone man beading over a aiunll fir In (he an of roaatlng bit of meat. And they learned from lilin that he waa living there In earope the M-rvlce men are autnmooed lo ren der In war time I The myatery f the amoklng ledge Would aerva aoiiu-bmly well to point moral or adorn a tale. For rmmt of llfn'a extK-rli-iiree that pumle and trou ble u luortnla ur much like thla of the amoklng Mire. We conjure op no end of dire IhouuhU alHiut them aliout dUraa. dlMter and experlal ly ouch dlntn-ue are now come on the world, when the whole of rlvllUH life la Ilka a amoklng Uiige. Wa think of nature aa mnllgn. of fateful evil power a lying M m,iinh agnlnot ua, even of (lod hlmwlt a rnmilng thing which confound u a we rn the ronmU of common Ufa. Hut by and by we dl. enter. In one Itmtiince after another, thnt prerlaely wbnt nlnrm and puwle and trouble aa are really due to eonie hinrian aberration from light doing. We re wrong In thinking that fnte or na ture or flod are iwoonnlhle for tha niyterloa of eunrlti' tnA aorrow. The truth la that anma human being who hn gone wrong la down tinder moat of the amoklng tooV'i that myallfy ti Tu get tlila clcnr in one's mind la of tlm greeteet Importance, eapedally In tlmca like theee Thla young man hid under the amok lng ledge told atory vividly l(.-nl fl ea nt. He waa there to eciir (lie duty of all when all that we clierl.h la Im periled, lie nihfraaed Hint he had crept ont nt night to buy food In a town ml Ira away he couldn't aubaUt without drawing on the common pre YMnna for welfare which are now id Jeopardy. H acknowledged having been obliged by lllneaa In bla cava to go and aecretly epend week In ho tel'a comfort he would have died Ilka wild animal but for auch nhelter In the eatnbllahed order he waa refuting to help maintain. Ua had even tramp ed far through the anow on wlnte; night to peer through a window at bla alater'a family, happy around their bomc'a bright fireplace hit mnu'a beurt craven aa It waa, longed for gllmpNo of tboae aanctltlee which aound-headed men are now going forth to aufeguard. Food, ahelter, the n-nlm of love I Tneae are the primary human Impcrnnvea, aa even the man under the amoklng b-dgo bear wltneaa. And thi.'e, with muny other bleiwln are now put lu lt rll by ruthleaa foea, over aooa and here at home aa truly. Could anything ahow the folly and wrong of falling to defend them more atiiklngly tlinn the atory of thla man under the amoklng ledger Hoxtnn Herald. Hair Dyaa Forblddtn. All blonde who have decided to be come brunette ninl nil bnmettea who have decided upon a golden dlgule, take heed. The monthly drug bulletin of tile New i health department contain the following warning: "Lead and silver anlta were formerly the main poUona to be found lo hair Vlyea, but the walls of the would-be young under the punishment of 'Indignant nature,' who was euld te hide Tier laah In the purple hues of a dyed mua tache,' more particularly the offering C their pockctbooks, have caused many, of the hair dye manufacturers to use a coal tar derivative aa the base of their product. Thla la known as paraphrnylcnedlatnm. It having become evident that the nse of this auhatance fn dyea Intended tor application to hu man heads waa dangerous, auch use has been forbidden In this city." , School Nelghberllnaaa. In the city of New York, 14 of the large public school have been made Into community ceuter. Roller-skating rinks, employment bureau, social cluha, reading room, lecture halls' and gymnasiums, are some of the features of these centers. And oil their attrac tion aro not for young folks alone. The mothers have their tluba where they listen to experts on all subject of home Interest, and where they ex change with each other views on com mon problem, pefMonnl experience and friendship. Thla movement for 1 nelghhorllneaa haa become wldeHpread, I and In many cities the new school houses are being designed with partic ular attention to their prospective use I as centers of the community. , ', Walt Mlnutal An elder sinter approached In an lu (rratlatlng way a small girl who, In the breakfast room, wus enguged in knit ting. . "Well done, well done I" she" ri marked. "Thnt U rcnlly capital. You oi's-ro o Eabccni KzU War Very ; ss Co Human Celn;f. Ample Preef That IntalMeant laaato Recognita th Value ef Ca opara. tietv Alae Capable ef teif taa rlflce In Alrflna the Yeuno. If we are to credit the teoiltnony en the aubjert offert-d by naturallxt. man la not the only atilimil who rarrlea on bla warfare by nireti of orgiinlird band, and call In the forrea of na ture to aMlt him. There have been wlliiied lo Africa tuUi that were roniluctial In a orderly a tmiriner aa If the warrior hml been renlly men, lntrd of only aoinewhut like tlietn In form, I, a., hahonna. One naturalUt waa utmied out of a pawa In a very ft-w.tnluule by tlu-w rrenturr, wbu iprung upon edi;eiind ton-a, liMilied down for a fc mo menta on the valley, growling, ' nnrl Ing and adeeming, and then begun to Mil down Ptone with, an much v:;,r and adroltnroa thnt the Intruder took to fllgbt. The bulHtona evidently kni'w the value of reoperation, for the nt urnlUt aw two of Ihnm combine their effort In order to et a partlcnliirly heavy atone rolling. One monkey, bent on makmg the mt of M ml alle, waa aeen to carry a done up a tree, (bat he might hurl It with great er force. Once, while aome baboona were rroMng a valley, they were attacked by dog, and. aa la netiiil ilucing a mnrch. the fetniilei and young vcre In the n-nter. the malee bending the col umn and bringing up In the rcitr. Aa the dog rukhed upon them the mule turned and fared their anemle. growl ing, beating the ground will) their banda, and opening their munth wide, ao aa to ahow thlr glittering teetli. They looked ao fierce and mnUgunnt thnt the dojr Arab greyhonndu, ac cutomed to fight ucceiifuily with by enaa and other beaata of prey ehrank hack. By the time they had been en couraged to renew the attack, the whole herd had made their way. cover ed by the rear guard, to the rocka, one alx-montha-old monkey- excepted. Thla little monkey act on rack pur rounded by the dog : but be wa not long left In bis perilous position. An Old baboon atepped from a cliff near by, advanced toward the dog, keep ing them In check by threatening gea turea and sound, picked up the baby Donkey, and carried It to a place of safety on the cliff, while the whole crowd of baboons watched the act of heroism and ahouted their battle cry. .i Peanut Up a Pag. Until recently the peanut was re garded ss a casual one might almost j,say eportlve article $t provender. It baa been looked upon a appropriate to the small boy and the circus. The "peanut gallery." though but a mem ory to the preaent generation, la not forgot en term for the cheap seats at the top of a theater. . But now It la different The long despised peanut I coming Into Its own. It ha the emphatic Indorsement of Hi. floover. Our people are advised to eat peanuts. You see. the peanut Is not a nnt at all, properly speaking. It Is a kind of pea ; and, tike oiler legumes, It Is rich In tlaaue-rasklng stuff. A paper bag of peanuts (even nowsdsys, when omewbst reduced In site) affords a fairly square meal. The peanut, however, may be util ised to sdvsntage In cookery for soup, for "peanut loaf," and In other ways. If yon want the recipes, you can get them from the food administration it WaahlngtoD. Thought He Waa "Setting Im Up." A young Topoka army officer, now In France, was seised while In Paris with a desire to send his slater a present, and finally decided on a waist, says the Rsnsas City Star. He entered a fasblonsble shop and selected waist, but not knowing the else his slater re quired, singled out a pretty Parisian clerk who looked about bis, sister's slae, and asked her to try the wslst on. When she returned the Ot wss pro nounced perfect, and the young ofllcer nodded approvingly and paid the cash ier. Aa he turned back to claim the article, the clerk flew Into his arms snd kissed him again and again, exclaim ing, "Thank you, thank you.1 All the other clerks In the store then caught the Idea that the handsome young American was "setting them up" gen erally to girls who wanted new waists, and begged him to buy for them also. The officer finally excused a retreat In aome manner or other, but the slater In Toneka has not yet received, any present , . Her Horrible Suspicion. We are all to be overausplctous. Just now, ot everything and everybody. Ab Instance of this regrettable tendenry Is tarnished by an ettfylng food queue story which Is going the rounds here. A queue had formed op outside a butcher's shop In a London suburb and, In order to make things easier for all re doing the work so nicely, and ao quietly, and so Industriously " "Look here," Interrupted the small girl defiantly, "if it's anything nn Kinlrs nt the top of the Uoufet, I, fot m urn not going to fetch It!" s t u m e z e afeianatli TroaUe IleUeved by First foe "I Waa bothartd aillh Mrlnm Arm- pepala and cbronlo atomach trouble so badly the doctors could aot give me aOV relief. Th vara nl lit take me to the X-ray but BTUHEZB men me evirn. line do,.e of 8TUMEZB and I got relief within twenty bilnutxe and ft m - in myself again after months of sgony. i nav ttian aeverai Dottle of tbla wonderful medicine and connot reeommand It Inn htM W r ktcDougal, Coronado, California. If your atomach burl. If you have gaa, eour rUlnga, belching, dyapepaU, In- dUnitloa. catarrh nf tha alnmai-h or Intestines, go now to your drugglat ana get s ooitis or tni master pre scription for atomach and dlgeittve in, ii i a guarantee. concerned, the hopiiiua iidoptcd the plun of Icitiug bl rtiKfomiT In In psr lie of eluht or ti n, ami of letting them out from the rear if hi pri'iiilwa. one old woman, noticing Unit, though mnny went In, none came out, marveled gri-t!y, and, when It canw her turn to enter, she heaituted about doing o, ''Hurry op, madiim," shouted the butcher, who didn't want to ioae time. "Hut what have you done with all the other people?" wa the startling Inquiry. Loudon 'limes, , Dsred Death for Shipmate. The ungual chunce of aavlng a man who waa endeavoring to save another came to an American aallor and be bss Just been commended for hla bravery by the secretary of the navy. The In cident occurred off the seronsutlc sta tion at Penaacola, 11a. George Buck ley, a seaman, and A, J. Gash, an ap prentice, were sailing In motor dory attached to the station when it caught fire. Not being' able to extinguish the flame they Jumped overboard. Oaob became unconsdoua and Buckley went to bla aaalatance. A life preaerver waa thrown to the men, but by accident It struck Buckley In the face. Be was then trying to keep Gash afloat, but tha unexpected blow csused him to Ioae bis hold On the commandant's barge, which hsd reached the scene of the accident, wss John R. Hay, a coxa wstn. 8eelng wbst bad happened to Buckley he Jui. ,-d overboard and dove to the bottom of the bay In an attempt to recover Gaah's body. Hay enlisted In the navy In October, 1913. LICENSE FEE NOTICE Proprietor of billiard parlors eating houses, reatanrant. dlnlnz rooms. Ice cream parlor, soft drink parlor, aoda fountains and picture bow who have not paid for the econd quarter, PI.EASB TAKE NO TICH. All city license feet are payable April 1st, at the offlte of the under signed In the City Hall, and without notice. H. H. ALLYN, tl Auditor and Police Judge. HAVE YOC REGIHTERED?' , All electors who wer registered but did not vote at the primary or general election in 1116. and those who have changed their residence must re-reglater. , Electora not . regla'ered must do so on or before April 17. 1118, at 5 o'clock p. m. E. L. COBURN, County Clerk. Here Lt a message. E5 uncrinK women. Mrs. Katl of u f n Court House, am clad I rila many women, what suffered before I knew Ol Cardui and the rnt r I ini Lie Denelitlo be derived from r this remedy. A lew I n years ago I became man- V i. ' j tically helpless ..." a i Asawasf HI A IfV sWsaaal avivct nn iw iwm lorrn 'If A I , "I wa3 very weak." I ( Mrs, Edwards goes on 1 tossy, "and could not stoop without suffering great pain . . . Nothing Cfmti ta htn rrwn nn til ted to help me until I beard of Cardui and be gan the use of it ... I gradually rained my strength . i . 1 am now able to do all my work." If you need a tonic take Cardui. It is for women. It acts ccntlyand reliably and will 'probably help you as it helped thla lady. o BBl y Here Lt a mtssae to 1 J) women, irom v i Ixryn Edwards, J 1 lo tell, and have i i MfM . I Qrssffisrji P03 iALX plats showing land In Joeephla county, 11.60. Address A. E. Voorbles, Grant Pass. If FOR BALE Good modern houae, close In, north aid. Inquire No. 11U, earn Courier. - iltl FOR BALE Reeleaaed saod wheat; Llttla Club, 12.18; Jenkins Club, 12.25; Washington Hybrid No. 142. 12.80; Marquis. 12.50; aUoj Beardless Barley, Wbtta OsU, Al falfa Bead and all Oraaaea and Clo vara. Ralph Waldo Eldsn, Cen tral Paint tf HEMSTITCHINO and pecot edge, 10 cenu per yard. Mall orders will ' receive prompt and careful atten tion. The Vanity Bbop, Medford Oregon. 114 West Main. 07tf tOK BALK OH THADK for live Block 40 acre farm on Pacific highway, i mile from Crania Pasa, 25 acres In cultivation, fenced and cross fenced with wire, 6-room modern bungalow, barn and other bulldinga. For par- e tlculara address E. J., Lind, Rd. No. 1, Kerby, Ore. 31 FOR SALE 2-year old registered Ayrshire bull. River Bend farm. Ed. L. Bcbmldt and Son. II TOR SALE Two young draft .vM.iiB, vug isii geiuiUHff. vol pair mare. H. E. Gordon, R. F. D. No. 2, Granu Paas, Ore. 11 HEAVY-TBAM for sale at Granta Pasa Livery. Good logging team. FOR SALE RIO HT Splendid .tract of land partly cropped, suitable for alfalfa, bait mile from city, on river. Terms to suit yonr pocket book. Address No. SCO, care Courier. 33 Tl RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located. 411 C street. tttf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 50 feet from pavement, a'.so unfurnished cottage on pavement, f 8 per month. Inquire A. E Voor bles. 2tf FURNISHED 5-room cottage for rent, Mrs. G. P. Jester. 215 C street. Phone KS-R. 23tf WANTED EXPERIENCED mill men wanted year around work. Excellent cook-house, electric lights, men's club, good wages, write to Modoc Lumber Company, Chlloquln, Ore gon. 52 WANTED Middle aged lady to do housework, two children. Call 515. 31 Beautiful Surgeena, "The girls of India make the finest surgeons In the world," according to Dr. Mary Biggs Noble of Colorado, re cently returned from India, where she bas been professor of surgery In the woman's medical college of Lndblana. Doctor .Noble is giving a course of lectures In Kansas City on "Patriotism and the Woman," particularly the yonng woman. "The tremendous need for doctors In j India," aald Doctor Noble, "has helped to produce them, for the veiled women of the East will not have man physi cians to attend tbem, and many have died rather than be treated by a man. During the awful plague that raged In one of their dtlea a few years ago ten 'thousand women' lost their lives because of the lsck of woman pbysl ctsns end nurses to attend them. All kinds of legal' blanks at tb Courier. . - Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for 5 , Nominee for, COUNTY CLERE 1 i . Prewent Incumbent OEOSOE LEWIS Candidate ' for Republican . I Nominee for 1 SHERIFF t Prewent Inrwmbeat ' ) , . C. E. HARMON Candidate for Republican ' Nominee for COUNTY CLERK . Primaries May IT , ' vctf:: ATtczxrri H. D. Nortoa, Atlormey-aU-i , 'Practice la all Ctate as J I" ' 1 Coarta. First KaUoaal Eak I ' -, COLVIO WILLIAJ Arm eUUw Granu Peas Eaxrj Cx Bldg. OraaU Pacs, Crr- E. B. VAN DYJCX, Attoraey. Frr la all eourta. First Katlosal r 1 Bailiag. O. 8. BLANCaAKD.Attorneyt-Lcr Oelden Rule Building. Ft:t 270. OranU Paas. Oregoa. BLANCH ARI A BLAKUItalJl l torneys, Albert block. F.zi) 2H-J. PracUcs la all courts; Icil board attorneya. VETEKlNAXr Kl'l. DR. H, J. liL-ri'L. VetarUa i. Office la Wlnatroot Ia-:L Bldg. Phose 111-J. Phone 205-R. r;y:clu.a U67 CLEMENT." lLD-frEI limited to diseases of tit c ecr, nose sad throat Classes C:':V Office hours t-12. 1-5. or ea t, polntment Office phono, 12; resi dence phone 169-J. 8. LOt'GHRIDGE, M. D.. Pbysic!ca and surgeon. City or conn try eal'j attended day or clghL tatf:- phone e J; office phone 112. Sixth and II. Tuff Building. A. A. WITHAM, it. D.. Phyaldca asl surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg.. eorsar Suth and I streets. Pkczra: C 3ce. UC; resldenos.' 2 its!. E-::; a. nv. to 4 p. ss. DR. J. O. NIBLCT Pbystx ,tJ , surgeon. Landbnr Z-Zl' Surgeon Utab-.tdaho Zizr Cx Health 09ear. OCeer bsjsra, t 12 a. m. l to 5 p. m. n ) I1W. f.J PI-arO ETUDtO THE PICTURE MILL open t-I 1) a. fa. to 6 p. m. For Eaa' y O tings call Mill 283-R or rr- " 140-j. t:j Ctl. E. C. UACT, D. U. D. VW "1 dentistry. 103 tiVl C J street. OraaU Paas, Crt;:a. KV-CAL L i 1. 8. U ACUUZ3AT. teact fT i culture and (nnx. Lerr- j ' i at boma of pnpll If requ:':l. I dress 711 Lea Et. til l THE RED FRONT Livery. 4-J South SUth street, haa sir. 2 hands and will hereafter ta o ducted by the undersigned as a feed barn, 50c per day for : "l animal; patronage solicits!. H acoonnu previous to Mareli ar to be handled by R. Tlmmoma: C. B. Babar. . C T CHAYAC3 AVD 1 -JLZ COMMSSCIAL TRAXfJl CJ. I ) klnda of drayaga aai tr. '.y work, earafolly and prsac; C- x Phono Ul-3. Staad at trJ-'X depot. A. Ehada, Prop. r. Q. ICHAlf. drayag aad t-: r. Bales, plaaoa and furnltara rr 1 packed, skipped aad store 1. II. . Clark and Hohaaa, No. 13. r ' dene phona 124-R. THE WORLD KOVX3; se Ca V Banck Bros. Transfer Ca. Flsao 317-R. TO tiC-AJ. J WILL EXCHANG2 corner lot si Second and C street, for CJrr cows. Address Con Shaeffera, R. F. D. No. 2. 35 The California tud Crra TIME CARD - '. '" . . i EffectlveOeoembar 1. 1317. ) Toeaday, . Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Grants Psss 1:11 p. as. "Praia '2 lv. Watera Creek 3:01 p. as. AU trains leave Grants Pass trass the corner of G sad Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific daptt For all Information regard!sig freight aad paseesger service cell at , the efllce ef the eemaany, Lna4arx building, or phone 131 lor OITX ADVX3TI3X3QEBT di. HOT UAXl YOU A TCTXZTZ, B1TT IT WTXJi SXRVB A3 A. BT01TE E3 TE3 FOtnTDAim. OT BTCSZn E70C3 tl tr