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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1918)
TrKMIt.tY. Al'ltll. II, IIMM. pin.T cccra cnrra coin: -3 r 3 r TV r ra You can make more cups of good coffee with less M.J.U. than with any other 'coffee. Compare M. J. B. Coffee spoon by spoon, cup hy cup, with any other coffee and you will be convinced that M.J. B. Cof fee is the best and mot-t economical coffee you can buy. , M.J.B. U scientifically blended from the finest flavored coffees grown in the world. It is never roasted until thor oughly mellow and is vacuum packed . to retain its strength and flavor. It Reaches You Frc:h FIGHT, BUY OR 'MfM'l Iff! ilUH III That's What We're Up to In H10 Tli'.rd Loan. THC HUN C0E9 MAACHINQ ON AND AMERICAN BOYS LEEO' WHILE THE TIGHT' WADS WAVER. Ifa tip to tlits-flpht. buy or luw byt Every American whb an 'afford to buy a Liberty Hond will bo expected to buy. ' It be refuses, the searchlight of public opinion will be no turned upon him that4 may be put Into the por tion of baying to explain why he de Ulna the government the of hi aurplua money. If tho- plalia or the Notional, I.Hwrty Loan hoednaarteis at Wailiintthm are carried nut. Information regarding the atanding of every Individual, hla worth, hla In come, hla Red Cross actlvlllee, amounta which he haa aubacrlbed to the First and Second Liberty Umns, war work which ha haa done, hla patriotic attitude, and other detalla, will all be carefully Hated on a ques tlonnalre which will be kept on file by the government. . ' Queatlonnalreg, prepared In Bpo kaue for. use in Eastern Waablngton, cot tn'ii 14 queatloni. One haa to b fll out for every nm -vnman and child abova 16 yeare oi -e. Among the Inqulrlea ware, nationality, pre ' ant occupation, name or employer, , other tradaa or occupation qualified STUMEZE .. .. . j 1 Stomach Trouble Relieved by Flrt Doe "I waa bothered with nervoua dy pepala and ehronlo atomach trouble 10 badly the dootora could not give ma any relief. They were going to take me to tha X-ray but STUMEZB anved nie the exx-nsn. 0e rtoon "t BTUMEZH and I got relief within twenty minute and am now back to myaelf again after months of agony. I have taken several bottles of tlila wonderful medicine ' and connot recommend It too highly." W. C McDougal, Coronado, California. If your atomsoh hurts, If you have gss, sour riBlngs, belching, dyspepsia, in digestion, catarrh of the stomach or intestines, go now to your druggist and Ret a bottle of this master pre scription for stomach and digestive ill. It i guarantee. ;: .! il cfbo' ssa . can buy Hnooa further Vacuum packed by special process la. I.'tvrty Lean r i'; rrlptlons, earn ti - Rel Crew wa. t'.rr: "a. IUU Croaa ti. .tsif In family, m k .''.;a;icoua warj pML.n'.'c aiiitixle. eoiirul rpuiailon, oppi a.t!i:n ij war work, if any. , j Ciualdoiliis 'he lact thai Orrgona1 pi'rovo'.aao appears to be rather low In comparison with otlir federal die tril ls, Ihu local Mli?rt) Loan Commit- lee fcfla that II may b uwrsaary. to, ad ipt some audi tii'ii.ia here of re-i iniiidlng the people that they must do enu thing to ia Ihf reputation of ttidiic!v and tholr slate. Cards are nnw bvlng. prepared. The Information for these cards will be gained by the captains or the different city pre clncta, after tho carda have been as algned to their proper dlatricta by uoetal employe. In the rural dla tricta over the elate, the work of In dexing the Inhabltanta baa been going on for some time. - , . ; Authorisation for obtaining the In formation cornea from Washington! When the system Is finally complete, and when Uncle Sam makes tha ac quaintance of all hla cltlacn and know their means and their obliga tion, thea John Jones must be In duced to make him a loan or be able to give an excellent reason why. ( Inoembuatlbl Celluloid In Japan. About a year ago a considerable amount of Interest waa aroused Id tb United State by the announcement i that a professor In one of the Japanese ' unlvendtlea had Invented a surceiwful Incombustible substitute for celluloid, to be manufactured from toy bean, cake. At the Ume It waa not found, practicable to secure any more definite t Information with regard to the project, j bat recently further data have been; received by the bureau of foreign and nlomeatlc commerce. The new product haa been given the trade name of "aatollt," derived from the name of tbt Inventor, Prof. 8. Sato, and a company for Ita manufacture ha been started with a capital of 2,000,000 yen $1,000,. 000). Batollte la a gulallth made of tha gluclne of aoy bean, coagulated by formaline. It i wild to be produced much more cbenply than ordinary cel luloid, and to have several advantage for Industrial use not possessed by tho latter.' The factory la to be built la the Kukojlma district In Tokyo, and the actual production will begin tbia autumn. Commerce Report. The cost of 'delivery add to the cost of living. Adopt the cash and carry plan. Carrying one' own par cels should he a matter of patrlotlo prldo. This Is war time, and time and man power are valuable, " All klndu of Commer lal Printing at the Courier Office. Our classified aUs bring -reilit.'' HIUlKltVIIXK Lu Uo Smith m a Grant Pass vlaitor Friday. Mr. and Mr. C. K. I.ovelar vUlt I (Irani Cum Raj.irday. Paul Ruttencuttcr leaves Tuesdsy ' ir Klamath county, where ha will remain fur the summer. Miss Ra Morrison spent tha week c.inl vlnltlng har home hit. Rev, C. 1. Morrla want to Ash a fid Tuesday to viitlt his daughter, who la student In tha high a hmil at that plain. . Iiiirlan Rohlnaon transacted bus- ttiitu In IhM eminlv Mint fhlu kaaIi. 1 A thrift stamp club, haa been or- Kiinftni) In the school hy Prof, Wsh. Tha "Rede" of the Wlldervtlle Sunday school ara to entertain the "llliH't" at tha parsonage Friday evening. Mn, Tf rk 1 n waa among tha Grant Taia visitor the paat week, ftnv. C. 0. Morrla rondurtad aer- vtcca In tha rhnrch 8nnday which waa attended by a Urge congrega tlon. Mr. Morrla preached a very a bin sermon. El 11 mm nil Parle. Apr. 9. Egg ara 5 each lu tha occupied portion of north eslern France, according to Eugens Motta, former mayor of Roubalx, who baa Junt returned from that area. Meat la M a pound when It la obtainable at all. "Tha Germans have carried off all euppllee and every moveable piece of machinery," by aaya. "The German arrogance, which bad decreased, haa again be come more pronounced alnea the (iermao aucceaaea aiiatnat the U Ita lian Botshevlkl. In aplte of every thing, however, the morale of the lielglsn and French Inhabltanta con tinue good, and tholr ardent pa triotism, courage and confidence hare never faltered." ACTIVITY OF GEUAH ageiits m m El Paso, Apr. 9 .-Telephone con nections between American and Mex lean border towna hss been sus pended during the war due to Ger man agents in Mexico getting Infor matlon. $E SEIIOITS Washington. Apr. 9. President Wilson's pronouncement at Haiti more on Saturday that Germany's challenge can be met only with lorce, was emphasised here today by Earl Reading, llrltlxh ambansador and high commlasloner In an address before tho national coherence of American lecturers. "Only by force can Germany be met, and with that force she will be met," declared Lord Reading. At another point he said: 'America stepped Into this war, and with It a whole new plane of thought waa raised. America has fought, and will fight, only for Ideals of world democracy." GLASS FOOIil m valu m Pcndletoir. Apr; 8. District At torney Keator today turned over to federal officers two loaves of bread cbntalnlng ground glass obtained at Weston, where he had been called to make an Investigation. The bread came from a Walla Walla bakery and Mr Keator has been Informed that all' of the bread from that eon: cern has been seised by federal offi cial pending an Investigation. To atop our exports of wheat to the allies now would be more dis astrous to the cause of civilization than to discontinue exports of muni tions of war. To save wheat ia a military necessity. It la up to ypn to say whether the needed wheat will he available to the flRhtln rows on the front. ! Cut down on the plea and cake. Use corn meal in making them. The wheat flour you save will keep a ol(ller In the trenches.. : 1 f lied blooded men of courage are oo Ilia firing line and Uiere are many anemic, weak, dlxcoursged, men and women loll at borne. At this time of the year most people under from condition often called Hprlng Fever, Tliey feel tired, worn out, before the day is hall thru. They may have frequent headache and sometime "pimply" or pale skin. Illoodleea pnople. tliln, anemifl people, those with pale cheeks and lipt, who hav Mior apixHit and feel that tired, worn or feverwli condition in the spriugti ne of the year, should try the relrenliliig tonic, power of a good alterative and blood tiiirillor, Koch a one i extracted from lil.xxl root.Uolden peal and btone root, Qanen tool and Oregon (irano root, made oo with chemically pure glycerine and without tlte nte of alcolioL This can b obtained In ready-lo-nne tablet form in sixty cent rials, as AtnM have sol I It for II fir ynar aa.Iiuctor Pierce'a Golden Ifulicul DiMMtvery. It is a standard remedy that can be obUim-U la tablet or liquid lortn. A good purge should be taken once week even by persons who have a movement dally, in order to eliminate matter which may remain and cause a condition of auto-lntoxlcation, poison ing the whole eystom. To clean the system at least once a week is to prac tice health measures. There is nothing so good for this purpose a tiny pills made op of the Way-apple, leave of aloe and )alsp, and sold by almost all drugginia in this country a Doctor Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets, sugar-coated, easy to take. - . . h i ii .,ar TVI'KWKITKIM HIGH IX LOMKIX tandon, Apr. . Typewritere are almost aa expensive In London as small automobiles. Owing to the restrictions on Importation and the enormous demand due to Increased clerical work In government depart ments, the prices of all available ma chines have more than doubled. New "machines, if they are to be had at all. are -worth from $500. Remodelled machines which before the war sold at about 110. now bring from $150 to 1200. Second-hand machines In good condi tion have been sold recently for 150 to $100 more than they cost when new. ' Qlanta of tha ky. - The largest warplane are the bomb droMHog machine. They must be capable of carrying heavy loads of ex plosives. Tbey are usually alow a chines, speed being sacrificed to carry ing capacity. The Italians have special iced In big bomb machines. The hug Cnpronl airplane carry three men and three guns, besides 2,700 poui.ds of eg plosives. That makes a useful loud of 4,000 pounds. The muchlue ia driven by three engines with a total of 000 horse power. Such enormous machines ore nither exceptional, however. Bomb ing machines are usually couvoyed by fast fl.liihiR pluues, and do not have to defend theiuselvva from attack in tho air. Often bombing raids arc made at night, and the big Italian machines are provided with "searchlight bombs" to enable them to locate Important pota on the ground beneath. These are bril liant magnesium torches auspended from parachutes, so that they fall alow, ly and give a. broad Illumination, while the airplane Itself la shielded from tho light by the parachute. 8t Nlrhnlaa. COUNTY T!lEAsniKRH CALL VOH 1MUD WARRANTS AU Josephine county (pink) road waminte Issued prior to January 1st, 1918, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called Ih and are payable at the county treasurer's office on or after the 6th day of April, 1318, on which date Interest will cease. ' ' ' , ' A' GEO; S. CALHOUN, 30.. ' .,, County Treasurer. I.H K.NSK KKK NOTICK Proprietors of billiard parlors, eating houaea, restaurants, dining rooms', Ice cream parlors, soft drink parlors, soda fountains and picture hows who have not paid for the second quarter, PLEASE TAKE NO TICE. .. - All city license fees are parable Aprfl. 1st, at the office or the under signed in the City Hall, and without notice. ' '., H. H. ALLYN. 31 1 ,v. Auditor and Police Judse. HAVK YOU REGISTERED? , AH electora who were registered but did not vote at the primary or general election In 1916, and those who have changed their residence must , re-reglster. Electors not regls'ered must do so on or befOr April 17, 191$, at 5 o'ctock p. m. , : ; : . : E. L. CO BURN, County Clerk. 1X3 (AU 6.A C.URANT LANLS Blue print plat showing landa la Joaephtae county, $1.00. Addreaa A. E. Voorblee, Oranls Pas. If FOK BALE Good modern bouse. eu In, noitli ide. Inquire Ni. 2233. ear Coorler. 2Stf FOR SALE Racleaned aeed wheat;) Little Club, $2.15; Jeakln Club, $2.25; Washington Hybrid No.! 14S, $2.10; Marquis, $2.i0; also Beardless Barley, White Oats, Al falfa Seed and all Grasses and Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Elden, ' Cen tral Point tf UluMSTlTCHlNa and pecot edge. 10 cants per yard. Mall order will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Tb Vanity Shop, Medford Oregoa, 114 West Mala. 07tf KUK BALK OR THADB for live stock 40 acre farm on Pacific highway, S miles from Grants Pass, 25 acres in cultivation, fenced and cross fenced with wire, 6-room modern bungalow, ' barn and other buildings. For par ticulars address E. J. Und, Rd. No. 1, Kerby. Ore. 91 FOR SALE 2-yesr old registered Ayrshire bull. River Bend farm. Ed. L. Schmidt and Son. Jl KOIt SALE Two young draft teama. One pair geldings. One pair mares. H. E. Gordon, R. T. D. No. 2, Granta Pass, Ore. Si HEAVY TEAM fcr sale at Grants Pass Livery. Good logging Mm. $2 FOR SALE 40 acres wheat land In Klamath county one mile from in I of Strahcrn railroad, all c ear el rud under fence, will sell hr.r. . Phone tt9-J. 29 FOR SALE .RIGHT Splendid tract - of land partly cropped, suitable for alfslfs, half mile from e!ty. on river. Terms, to suit your pocket book. Address No. 560, care Courier. 32 FOR SALE nicycle, Racycle model, 104 B street. Phone 234-J. 30 FOR BALE Two 3-galloa milk cows. $50 and $63. Five 30- pound pies. $5 each. L. M. Mlt chell,1 Murphy, Ore. 30 All kind of legal blanka at the Courier. . . - . Ttt RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable aad convtently located 411 C street. 8tf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, SO feet from pavement, also unfurnished cottage on pavement, $3 per month. Inquire A. B Voor hies.. 2tf FURNISHED 5-room cottage for rent, Mrs. G. P. Jester, 215 C street. Phone 168-R. 23tt FOR . RENT First and second floors. Dean apartment house SIS North Sixth street " 30 WANTED EXPERIENCED mill men wanted year around work. Excellent cook-house, electric lights, men'a club, good wages, write to Modoc Lumber Company, Chlloquln, Ore gon. 52 WANTED Furnished house, bodga low prefered. garage and garden spot. Phone 35-J. 30 (JKILMANS ARE OUT-BOMUKD Behind the British Lines In France, Apr. 9. The following table shows the number of bombs dropped during January by British airmen In enemy territory and the number dropped by the enemy . In British territory: "Enemy bombs, by day, 221, by night. 1,261. total, 1.483. British bombs, by, day, 6,900, by night, 1,758, total. 7.653. , Our class! Bed ads bring results. Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COLULN Republican Candidate for Norninpe for .. county cLrr.n, Prewent Incumbent- QEOUGE LEWIS Candidate for Republican Nominee for CUEHIFF v Present Uramhrat v , ATTCrjtl If. D. Norton, Attora-f ' U. PracUce (a all CUU acj T : J Court. First Katloaal Eaai , : " -, COLVIO WILUAU AUC at-Law Grants Ptaa tL-'. ; Cx Bldg. Oraau paaa, Orr:. . 8. VAN DTKZ, Attorieyi Pi - la ail courta. flrat Naaacl la3 Bulldlag. DURHAM ft RICHARD, At'.sjr ; at-Law. OIc MaaonJ Ti Grants Paaa Oregoa. O. 8. BLANCHARD.Attorsey-at La Golden Rule building. Kliae 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHAX.D. At torneys. Albert block. I :i 22S-J. PracUce In all courta; I zl board attorneys. V rT 'ft u .v -' Omc In Wlnetroat ImU:.t Bldg. Phon 112-J. IU.:.:;: Phone 105-R, limited to diseases of tie r cose aad throat CIac:; C:: 1 Office hour -12, 2-S. or ca i poiatment. Offlct pbene, (2; r 1 denee pboae SSSsJ.' 8. LOl'GHRIDGE, M. D.. Pbyslcua and aurgeon. City or country i j'.ls atuaded day or tlstt r? ' " : phone 'f 9; phone 182. Sixth and H. Tnffs Building. A. A. WITHAM, M. D.. Physician ail sarg son. Office: Hall Bldj., corner EUth aad 1 aurweta. Ftc;-s: C fic. 11S; reclJaoe. 33S-J. L. n. I 1 B. to 4 , DR. J. O. N1ELCT riyc!Ma I 3 surgeon. Loabar; tz.".I y Sorgaoa Utaa-Idao tzzzx Cx Healta CZear. Orcer haara, St) 12 a. m. t to I p. am. r: i sio-j. i:j ii:oto rut:3 THE PICTURS MILL pea t7 1 a. m. to S p. m. For Eaai 7 c Unga call Mill 283-R or rc ) X40-J. t. : E. C. MACT, D. U. D. . ' dentistry. W l treat. Grant T: v -zz:x J. 8. MACUCJIAT. taac' ;r cf v J . cnlture and alafng. U r" 1 at homa of pupil If re . ::: 1 I dreaa 71S Lee Ct t:t : THE RED FRONT Livery, i'.i South Sixth street, has -clar . I handa and will hereaTter ba c: j- . ducted by tha onderattl 1 aV feed barn. SOc per day f r c i . animal; patrons) so".:::.l. I I accounts prevloua to L!rck l to br handled by R. Tixmora. C B. Eator. C:J t.aTA' j i: ) i COMMZnCIAL 1.U : O. i J klnda of drtr?r 1 ' 5 tzzJl I work earafalr t" 1 rr y C: Paoaa 181-J. C 1 tt trJ.S ' depot A-Cl-: f. r. o. tr-AS, ir:. ) t 1 1 ' 8aho, f'-o ail f.: t:r;l packai, iltrrii til 1" 1. n: 1 ' CTark azi llcl z, r.x II. C deaca ghora 131 " TK3 WOXLD t.Z ,-2; u Ta. Bnaca Broa. Tracw Co. TXzzt 3S7-R. WILL EXCHANGE corner lot ti Second and C streets for dairy cowa. Addreaa Coa &aae"eri, K. r. D. No. 3. . SS The California .ard Crr"3 TliaC CAK3 1 ; ESectlreDeoeaiaer 1, 1917. t Tuesday, Thursgay, Saturday Trala 1 lvv Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. aa. Train 3 Iv. Water Creek 3:00 p.m. ' All trains lesve Grants Pass tn tha corner of G aad Eighth atrec epaesite the Southera PaHe izz.'L For all Information rgarc"T freight and passenger service call at tha aflc of the company, Luabur2 bulldtag. er phene 181 for save. 033' KOT KAJKJgS YOV A rCZTTTZ; BVT IT WILL arav3 A3 A execra a rz3 toxzxvxzzzh Or 8UCCCZ3 tt If