HI ND.lt., AI'IUI, T. IIIIM. DAILT KOCV3 KIVKJl H KiWt TERSSrML LOCAL j W. I. Ireland went Id Cortland Friday hllbt. ((I la your cardan, foil im k of seed at Cramer Droit. IK Jonteel Talcum Powder, fart ir,i'rr and crem Clemen, the Retail Store. It Mra, 0. K. Moor wont to Klam aih rIU Haturday for a short (ay. .Maida lamp at Rogue Illver Hdw, Haad garden cultivator and rad ri at Cramer Km. 2 f. Mrhardson wont to Penora, Cat.. Saturday to work durlni the aummar. lawn mower hrprnd al Cra mer flroa. 3" Mri. T. P. Davidson and tnree rhll dren left Friday night to Join Mr. Davidson at Tonnenleh. Garden trowal, areedera and hoe at C,rmer Itroa. f 1 Mra. Arthur Denlson returned Tr day night from Aehland. where aha pent aaveral dayi. niryrle repaired at Cramer II roe IClectrie auppllaa at Roan River Hardware, tf Mri. W. D. Wlnnlfred. of Tmnaha, Ore., arrived ffaturday and wilt visit her aunt, Mlaa Mittla MrOee. Mra. George Smith left Saturday morning for Toppaalsh to Join Mr. Smith, who la employed there. flpaneer eweet paaa at Cramer Rroa. tl Mra. II. M. Shearer left Friday Bight for Cloverdate, Ore., to spend a few week a with Mr. Shearar'a par ent. lawn wed la bulk at Cramer Tlma. tl Mra.V?. I). Ilalllday and two aona, Marlon and Eugene,, departed Frt dey night for ToppenUh, Wah., to join Mr. Ilalllday. Tlargalna In Oliver plow at Cra mer Droa, tl C, II. ICrnat anent Saturday in Mndford af a meeting M southern Oregon agente of the Metropolitan Insurance company, ' Aladdtn Pya Soan rolora whll It' clean Clemena, the Retail Store. Mlaa Knla MrCnlly, of Hood River, who haa heen lha giieat of Mr. and Mra. "0. S. Felon. left Friday nlahl returning to bar home. Hood firm onion eata. Just, right for green onion at Cramer Rro..II ; Mr. R. M. Steal la vlililng with friend In Oranla Paaa for a few days. Bh will probably remain un til Tueeday at lha residence of Mra. R. A. Falrrhlld. Join the sociable crowd atwaya found Sunday evening at the Oxford Cafe. The menu printed give yoo hint of our specially planned din ner. '. t - Mini Alva Wilson, after (pending the Raster vacation with her parent. Mr. and Mra. II. U Wilson, departed t lievmleta ami lUHmJdla ' Churchill and Maswell la.t week old Chevrolet ca'ra to A. Utrtier and A. Y. Berrle, and a Republic trui k to Harry Cuugle. Ilwl (Voaa IHrortoni Ituntfmia Thara will he a meeting or ' the Red Cfoea dlrectora at a luncheon next Tuaiday at noon, at the Cham ber of Commerce room. Special bailnee. Sum Maawell () Qua Li ad la tba owner of a ne Maswell auto, purchased (root tha Col Una Aato Co. Helllna Autoe Tba Donlaon Auto company sold a 111 I Hupmobll to A. C. Ilolcomb. a Itll Regal touring car to W. E. trwln of Oranta Pass during the week. Killers llaslne-a In I'ortland-- V uiirchaeed tba "Prompt Tailor" bue- Ineaa al 11th and Waihlngton atreet and will devote hi tlma to that bus-Ineaa. Vi4-4lat: at Dorrte ' Tha Walter mill at Dorrle will have a crew mad up almost wholly of Joeepblae county men. On Sat urday J. P. Morgan, W. K. Hlnkle. Je Lindsay and W. U Snyder left for Dorrla and within a few daye Ik Matney, Ike Lowdea and Oottlelb Neessle will go to lha mill for work. v T- Old Pla KUhiMted , Tba big flag which waa placed back oT tba apeakera at tha band atand Saturday wa flrat railed dur ing tha early day of the Civil war at Canronvllle by Joel Thorn. So bitter wa tba feeling at that time that a southern aympathlrer took a hot at Thorn while ha waa railing tba flag. Tba flag waa raleed by Mr. Thorn at Canronvllle at tha aa- aaaalnatloa of President Uncoln and President Oarfleld and by 1. B. Cald E'l FOUOE i::.s3 : 8 wm ram A passenicr n train No. H. northbound Saturday morning tout eight iiarti of John Handrock bof-tled-ln-bond whiskey at Grants Pa, and the whlikey li now In possession of tha authorlllea. Chief of Police Mc1ne had been tipped off and M. Dunn waa Instructed to secure the gooda. No one made objection lo Mr. Dunn's taking the package. The whlikey waa destined for Seattle and It la reported that tbe man who owned It baa already been convicted twlca of boot legging. Ivan Howell Wl.l.at '" '"!.,,,. tB. prent ,wner. at W.llv or,L"i.,0.hr".,.nn . t n i!! bu' WMh- ' h ..mKmaajI ih PrAmni Tftllnr" bua. aaiilnatloa of Prealdent McKJnley, Miirraya IMurn to CI. I'. ' Mr. and Mra. O. W. Murray re turned here yeaterday from Ioa An gelea. wbara tbey went two year ago, expecting to make tbalr home. They have purchaeed tba Shook ' . . .. A place on tna Merun roao. More Overkuul in l ee J. F. Burke recently aold a Coun try C,lub Overland to W. M. Canon, Inland, a Kb. 10 to Fred Britten, and another Overland which I to be a pretent. " He alao aold two car of other makea. jm-j N'Urlit lUiatanmaan Itoyaton Lacy returned home the middle of laat week from San Fran clico, where ho attended the South ern Pacific training achool. 11a I now ervlng aa night baggageman at tha depot. Oeorga Pratt, former night man. taking tha day Job. faO TCB PAT" TO SFEAX KEF.E Tonight at tbe Uaptlit church at I o'clock A. C. Ilevan, of Medford, will apeak. Mr. Bevaa waa a mem ber of the famoua "Prince Pat Canadian regiment, private ho. SI,- 065. Ha waa wounded at Yprea In May, 1115, and on account of hi wound baa rturne4 to civil life. He will tell In hla own way hi experience In the great war. Tbe aula Liberty , loan committee ha aaked the eburchea of tha atata to make eome obaervance of April 7 aa Liberty loan Sunday and tba Cbrla- tlan, Preibyterlan, Methodlat and Raptltt charchea af tha city are ob- aervlng tha day In tbia way. The bond laau will be urged at thla ear vice, but no aollcltatlon of the aale of bond will be made. All are In vited. In caee the Baptlat church will not accommodate the crowd, provltlon CO' SCOUT DM SET FOAFQ 20 The date for the bcnlnnlng of the Intenalva campaign by the Boy Scout In tbe Third Liberty loan drive baa been definitely aet for April 20, and will continue unto the end of tbe month. Tbl meana that for tha flrat two week of the drive that tha acouta will not take any part a tba aollcltatlon of eubacrlptlons. Prealdent Wilton baa expreaaly auk- ad tba national council of Boy Scout to uaa them aa "gleaner after the reapers." The reaaoa for thl la that tha acouta are participating In the campaign and not running It. and 'that expr rienced aleimen will Ue aied In the general aale. ' Tba acmit eervlee la in tba nature of a "clean up" a houae to houae peraonal can vaaa reaching Individual and homes not otherwlae reached. Tbe application blank whlca will be need in giving award to tbe acouta will not be laiued until April to. Voter Should IUn1trr Voter who have not regtitered ahould toie no time In registering, and tboae who have reglatered butjWj Da made for an overflow meet who have moved from tha home pra-DK ( be held In the Metbodlit clnct ahonld be careful to have their ;CBnrth. regletratlon changed before April II. ,, - , I tfl IUmmi Patntl lkMMta Hotxln Member of tha Red Roto patrol of Olrl fkouta after (ha parade on Saturday aang patriotic aonga In front or the banka of the city, to ttlmulate the wiling or Liberty bond. The young ladlaa aecured or der tor aaveral hundred dollar worth of bond. Caa'l lava laind of Plenty R. J. I.lnd ha nought the 190- rrlil nlaht for Seattle to reuma sere farm recently owned by Jim her studies at the University or Wnahlngton. Chick feed and scratch feed at Cramer Brost 8 Mr. J. O. Wert and children left uatnrday morning for Corvallla to Join Mr. Wart, who I employed at tha Dunbar mill. They were accom panied by Mra. Wert' mother. Mrs, (lrlfflth. . Thlry Meet In The second of. the series of dairy meeting will be held at the court hoiue, Oranta Pans, Monday, April I. at 10:30 and 1:30. Prof. R. B. FIM will discuss the subjects or ,'Tha Cow Testing Association," In tha fnrcnon. and that of the "Silo. Homo-made and Patented." In tbe afternoon. N.WMOVA IV "KKVEIjATIOX" JOV TIlKATItR APRIL AND 10. White la the Illlnola valley, on the north aide of 8ucker creek. Tha aoll la the quality that' haa made the Il llnola valley famoua aa tha cream of outhern Oregon, while tha water right la the third out of Sucker creek and dntea from 1155. Thla Is tha third farm Mr. Und haa bought In the Illinois valley since coming rrom Spokane. In 1109. flrant Iml Pamplilrta Delayed Pamphlets describing tbe Oregon A California railroad grant lands to be opened to entry In Jackson and Josephine counties will .not be ready j pie at thla time it, la POULTRY IMS-: scimeo he! ran A avrlea of poultry meeting are to be held In aoutliem Oregon with V. L. Upaon Jr., national extension poultryman and Anna McCormlck, home demonstration agent, aa speak era. Tha following Jneellnga have been arranged tor Josephine county beginning April 9. Merlin achool Tuesday evening at I o'clock. Provolt achool Wednesday after noon at 1:10 o'clock. Oranta Paea court house Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Wlldervllle church Thursday af tornoon at t o'clock. , All people who raise chlrkena or use poultry producta are Invited to attend.. Since the United States gov ernment la making an effort to get certain information before the peo- hoped tbnt for distribution until about April It. on account of delaya In printing same. . Aa soon as the pamphlet Is received at the IT. 8. land office. Roseburg the same will be promptly mailed to all requesting them, a lint or such requests being kept as they arc flled.' JOY Theatre .. J Viola Dana in "A Weaver of Dreams" .W.M- M, Montgomery FIakkV 'oincdy v'Thc Sn- -( jl'OJ-stitituis dirl." . T , f irU 0. 10, "I-ovelationr". IVrttuviog' .Mhhv Nazi- ;, Tliumlay Airil H Friday mo ya.; , . ' . . ... Jack I'i.-ktord and Uww Huff in "The Ghost House," "Hoap Suds and Si 1'cn.s," a two-rocl comedy. . i ' Kitty Gordon ' in "Diamonds and tlmu ei)i- , ul-, ,t' Pearls," "Mv Father," the thin At nl '"isodoju uTlH!Son of Democrat. . , ! "The Little Dutchess," "My Father," hahmln tl thiicl cniwulc in -"The. Son of ; V,n,n,m-)W'y.'f , there, will be a good attendance at all meetings. H.S.EIITERTDIIT NETS NEARLY $50 The entertainment given by tn student body of the high school on Friday evening wa enjoyed by fully 350 people who crowded the hl);h school auditorium. Tha entertain merit was given for the purpose of raisin funds to defray the expenses of the debating team, and the Htn dents are much pleased at tlie gen crous response. . The' entertalnmmi nvtted nearly $50. The student body desires to e- press Its thanks to those who assist ed In the entertainment and to the public tor the liberal patronage. 1 The debating team, which hns been victorious in every contest, Is composed!' of Vivian .Isham and Max Wllklns, with' Mrs. Gunnel as conch They will meet Marshlefld high at Rugene next Friday, taking the ne gatlve of the question; "Resolved that at the close of the present war the United States should become member of a league or natlona which has tha power to enforce the dec! aiona of It's International court." di:::lc:lt suits rcn lzz stakd fg:. couzie v;2v: akd dou:le szr.v;o: ! DUBHELMLT h i cr V nary suit crtrr.L "7 n tin? term that In st di; rnlcs it. YKT TIIK P1UCK LS BUT $3.75. Just think a suit fr t:ys with double scat, ki:; : J elbows jjoi-keta C.Jlz Hewn, and double loeLcJ , eat-h wearrscara reLnforced. Made of the famous "Crav enette" Finished "7d- : cloth" fii,:::: r.l f 1'- ' with all the eare a::J tTl that giM'8 into "p-own up" clothes. And in back of DU1SCL IHLT. is a SIX MONTK.T (1UAKAXTEE TO RE PAIR FREE OF CHARGE ANY RIP, HOLE Oil TEAR THAT S1I0Y.TS ITSELF. If M CXM. NTY TKKABl'RKIl'H CALL KOK IW)AI WAKK.AXTK ( ' All Jotepblna county (pink) road warranta leaned prior to Januao lat, 1118, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called in and are payable at the county treasurer's In these thrifty times, a good looking, good fitting suit with a pledge of two-fold service ia of vital in terest to every mother. Thai's why we sav, "Let us show you DUBBEL BILT." MAY WE TODAY1 "Mam other suits ait the following prices P.C5, $3.85, $4.35, $4.85, $5.35, $5.50, (355 and $7.35. TKE GOLDZTJ DJIE o(Il on or after the 6th day of April, 1918. on which date interest will cease. GEO. S. CALHOUN, to County Treasurer. Our classified ads brina results. We wish to thank our frieada I r their kindness, flowara and car al the funeral of our father, 8. C 1 " am. FRED ICHAM aad tA?. . V . ' . .. ..... . ' . . ' ' .... .IlT:..'fr.... . ..wr it Give. Your Little One An Interest in the Dutur . ney are your hold on the future, und America is fighting to make tneir ixi-cu .e. They are too lktle to realize this no vv but some day must learn to reverence the . tradilions ' of merica, the idcab of America the great cause for which the men of their father 8 day gave their lives. Be ready then to put in their hands bonds of their govemmc: They will be for them inspiring evi dence that their) fathers pbrped ; rificed , and invested for their crj future. . Liberty Bonds will mra more to them than moneys Th will make them proud of the fathers who in America's day of great ne;l proved themselves true Americr Datrictau . Invest in Liberty Bonds for Your Little On H I.J FH l J THIS SPACE PAID FOR. AND CONTRIBUTED BY C Zl Horninrt'o "SEQcIi"