Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, April 07, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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ciTii cccra crrra ccrrm
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Our boys, the boys from this town and this county
and this state, are fighting the Huns. They are in !.
the trenches in France, they are sailing the U-boat-infested
seas, they are going "over the top" in the
face of German cannon and machine gun fire.
Many, many more of our boys are now training and
will soon be in France, and more "are yet to be caned.
And, remember, these are our boys; thc:o v;l:o cro
near and dear to us. They arc doinj ' thc:r"ALL,
They are giving their ALL. They arc prepared to
make the extreme sacrifice that our homes, our town,
our nation, may escape the ravages cf the Hun: "
We want them one and all- to ccms bzzl:
to us : .
ill You Help, fo Enrng
; ' : ." - : Tkem
Will you help to provide them with the things
they need, with clothes and food and munitions,' that
they may complete as quickly cs possible the terrible
task assigned to them?
Will you support our boys while they are fighting
for us, fighting the German, autocracy that seeks Jo
destroy our ideals of liberty and justice?
Back ?
Compared to their heroic sacrifico cur part is bui
email that of providing the funds to keep thrrn
equipped; to build and man the ships that will trans
port their food, their clothes, their guns and their
ammunition, and to pay for these things.
.'. Yes, we, the people of this community, will sup
port our boys.
. .!
J !
We will do it by buying bonds of tlib Tliird Liberty Lean; by feuynig cJ
tlieco bonds vc can; by making cuch sacriScso aa afo vECcicccajy
to do this. That vill bo cfur cunpor't for Our Doyc,
3 Tliio Spzco Paid For aid Contributed By n