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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1918)
DAILY BOOm EJVCt tXHRXtH Tlil ltMhW, APIUL 4. Ii. r3 roin flo Crosseft Skoa "MaUea Life'. Walk Eay" We offer yon CmmH Shoe solely because w want you to get the fullntt possible vakltMk for your wwy, k Marked durability aud permnnenct of apieraiHt '" ,h'" shoes which experienced mnhaM-r like to wear. Why not come la and see our t roascU Shoes? They hiy gistd shoes to know abmit ami wHT t ' to wear. CK08SF.TT SHOES AXO 0.WHn FOH WOMKX OBTAIN THK 8AM K FIXK l.KATHKK AXI WORKMANSHIP JOE SWARTZ FMmrty th. Won Jcr Clothes Store .' Now lh home of Hart SchafTner A -Mar Clothes, Mr. Charles Il departed (hit, morning (or Portland to jolu Mr. i Lewi, ho la employed at Portland.: Mr. Oeorge Hansen arrived t h I 1 morning frum ilrownavlll and will ' be a Riioat at the Townseod home, . The Junior Ked Croa want your Junk. They will call (or It thUj week or next. SO Ther' an appetising S5c lunch eon (or you every , Bonn at the O- (ord Orlll. Hood food crfutly cooked aud teasoned. irnutly , served la attracting many. Try It. : On Friday nlbt April 5. there will he big dunce at Waldorf hall, given by the Iron Worker. ' JT Mr. and Mm. Clinton A. Smith and two children arrived thU morn ing from Fredona, Kan., expecting to r.iake Oront Pss their home. They have come here attracted by the healthful climate and good flithlng. SkvII lriH Tonight N Sl'prlal drill for home guard to nUht. 7: SO hrp. F. B. Oldlng. Cnpt. Primer Wanted rtnt-cUM ad and atone man wanted at Courier office at once. S Pay Ttea at Once In order to avoid Interest the first hair of the 19IT tax must be lald to the sheriff not later than Friday night. April 5. and the sec ond half muil be paid by October 5. After that date a penalty of 1 per rent la added. 55 LOCAL j R. R. Wilson went to Glendale laat alght, 0. & Baldwin left Wednesday evening: (or Seattle. Save old copper, brass, etc., for the Junior Red Cross boys. It Oliver Brown, of Glendale, was Id Ik city yesterday. ' Isaac Roberts departed last night for Chehalis. Wash. Big dance given by the Iron Workers at Waldorf hall, Friday ISM. April 5. 37 Miss Minnie Reymers went to Bosebnrg last night to rlstt with ker brother and family. . Mrs. O. E. McLane and son left last night for Portland to visit (or a time. I. F. Peck went to Portland on business last night. Collect your Junk for the Junior Red Cross. The boys will call. !6 Mrs. C. S. Rice returned to Port land today after spending- a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Barry. ' Electric supplies at Rogue River Hardware. tf Mrs. Clara McGIll and Miss Al leen Robinson left this morning (or Portland, expecting to remain all summer. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosklnson. of Long Beach, have been spending several days with the X. E. Towns end family. Maxda lamps at Rogue River Hdw. Haaseth Is Information Clerk Corporal Archibald Hanseth. son of'A. A. Hanseth. a well known resi dent of this eoitntv, Ins bre op pointed Information clerk at post headquarter. Kelly Field. South San Antonio. Texas. Nominating, Petition , Nominating petitions are on sale at the Courier offlce. All candidate must have them. SOtf Captain Truax Promote I Mr a. J. P. Trua has Just received word from her husband that he hit Just been coin missioned as major. Major Truax Is stationed at Cump Fremont. Palo Alto. Grunt 1'um people have recelvvd many compli mentary expressions regarding the service of Major Truax. atruolio o( library building at ihla time cumin froiu a few real- dent, believing that It would ne cessarily Increase taxe. Th gen eral opinion seem to be that Orant I'ait should tako advantage of the opportunity to secure th Carneg!. money vthlle It I poaalbl. oniclcailor In Trouble Mr. Miller, a homeia.rir on'lh ei fork of th llllnoi river, r brounht to thl city Wednesday lV A. C. Lichen charged with kllllir; tovk. A aoarcli of the preinlaest revealed a barrel of pickled beef. Mr. Miller date that he found an animal whl h had Just been hot and he completed butchering and mad use of the meat. . patriotic d;;;;;er by m co:: The Grants Pans Chamber of Com merce at 6: SO Monday evening, April S, lll serve a dinner to Its members and their ladle tod to thoi not (iitnibere, so (ar a ' th seating capacity of the club room will permit. Th dinner ticket are now on sal at Horning' Shack at SO per plate. Th dinner will be served by th Red Cross ladle, which I uRlfent guarantee that It be a good one. .The entire pro ceeds go to the Red Cross. ' Short address will be made by Hev. U Myron Rooaer and by' Frank C. Bramwelt. These will be rousing patriotic talk. An excellent musi cal program will he provided. Th gTT1 -1- JOY THEATER Thursday April 4 Friday April J IJhrary Vuetlun l"p The question of t!ie Carnegie li brary has' been up before the county court today and this afternoon th bid for building are to be opened. There Is some objection to the con- Saturday April ti Kir Liberty featuring Gladys Ilrorkwell. I'mlrie t lib ken. . reel comedy, 20c, 5. Vcilnee, I o'clock, June Klvldge In The Tenth Cawe. Thn Cull to .rm, th 2nd episode of The Hon of IH-mocnary, aixl lof. ' Lew Field in Corner (irocrry. The The 1 nil to Arm, M eilROl or, The Hiii f Hoiii'icrecy, 20c, 10. do you 4 ... . , ....... long for the' substantial woolen fabrics you bought before the war? W'v liavt Dili of tlit'HO H)u'c-tiino woven fabrics til 1 on suit from The Royal !int i of last year. Over !HX peaee-tiine fabrics to aclcet from the "U'fore-tlie'War" stock of The Iloyul Tuiltiw. Peerless Clothing Co. Autliorietl KeHulen't Dealer ftr the ttoval Tailoi-8 peaking and other entertainment will take up about one hour. ' The purpose of thla gathering Is to es pecially bring to th attention of (he people th need of this commercial body In the great work to which all are called In thl national trial. MAItl(IKI) (SOOtNOW-HALI, At, the Pre.l.y terlan manse W'cjlnpsday after noon. April S, Oliver Cheater Good now and Helen . Thompson Hal), both of thl city, Rev. L. Myron Rooser officiating. Mr, and Mr. Ooodnnw left Imme diately by automobile on their honeymoon without stating ' their destination. When Man Prop. When man ask a woman to mar ry hint be puy her the greatest com pliment g man cun pny a wninun, or elH he needs the nimiey. Life. v All kinds of Coinmei lul Printing at the Courier Office. WKW TODiT (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 11 ur!i, two lasue, lie; lit laauea, iuc; on month, 11.5. when paid la advance. When not paid In advanoe, &c per line per Issue.) L1"11 ' " 1 " f .J-M... - FOR BALE OH TRADE for Uv took ID acre (arm on Pacific highway, i mile from Oranti Pa, 25 acre In cultivation, fenced and croas fenced with wire, (-room modern bungalow, barn and other building. For par ticulars adrireas E. J. IJnd, lid. . No. 1, Kerb, Ore. , SI KOH SALIC X-vesr old registered Ayrahlre bull. Itlver liend farm. Kd. I.. Schmidt and Ron. 31 WANTKI) A" gentler light w'eTght buggy horse fur two month for It keep. Telephone W. W. Can by, 0-K-H. 17 Foil 8Ar.ETwo young draft team. One pair geldings, On pair mares. II, K. Gordon. R. F. O. No. 2, Grant Pas. Or, tl TI (Th V Tues. and Wed. J J 11 April 9 and 10 The Bill Board: Motion Picture News: N'azlmova reveaUa herself a true artiiete of the screes) in "Itev. eU(ia.', a Metro special That tendency to he too emotional and be Ignorance of all the niceties of studio makeup which were the only drawlMrk to her perfornwnre In "War Hride" have been over come in this, her aecond spraranos In pictures. Ami here, too. "he Is provided with A KOLK WHICH OKFKIW HKK VKIWATILITV Fl LL PLAY. A Jollne, the Paritdan cslmret dancer, nnthlnklng and nnheHevbiK. to whom the fact of God ia revealed iby a miracle, Nazimwva Kivea a chararterktation rkh In contraM and capable of pluying the full scale of human emotions. At one moment "be I tiie rareleM, selfish Joline. At the very next she i tlie nermlnK em bodiment of spiritual Innocence antl suffering. IIF.ItH 1H THK AlllL ITr TO SWAY HKH Al'DIEXCK FKOM LAl'OHTEK TO TKtHM HY THK MKRK (HAXJK OF K.PKK8KIO., mi aigniflcant that Joline become a character tliat one knows Intimately, that one ferla with, xuffers with and Joy with. IF NAZIMOVA WERK IXK.N'OWX, RKVELATIOX'' WOI LI) IXTAUMHH HKH. r U Hi'- ? t if-6 ' -I . v f ,. v.. ;0 New York Journal of Commerce : One of the moHt noted dramatic' reviewers of w 1'ork came out of the Lyric. Theatre late yeeterday afternoon after the firs preaentation of the Metro picture, "Revelation, with Mme. Nazi, mora as the star, and said: - ie been going to picture for a long time, looking for what I considered a real photo play, and at last I've found one." '. That Is what "Revelation'' I a real photo play. It ha a beautiful story, beautifully told and wonderfully well acted. Practic ally all the Internet center In the one character, Joline, played by Mme. Naxlmova. There never has been, never ran be any que Ion a to the talent of tills actress, and In the role of Joline, the vivid picturesque little model of the Latin Quarter, who, through a mir- ' acle, finds her soul, Mme. azlmova Is milted as she seldom lias been before. Her playing, whether an model, mistress, Madonna or nurse, in a triumph, one that she never has exceeded on the speak ing stage. - ... ' '., ' "Kev elation" I a truly great pictucre, one of the best ever . screened. , .:.-). r x NAZIMOVA m "REVELATION" . j Pi ' t v, Thkr la a graphic story, (old with trenchant rmpliNnlH and flaw leu) continuity, lending up to a grilling, i lirtMn. From m Parisian cabaret dnnrer Ut a malHiiia In a cloister is a stUHiuloua leap, but the gulf I MHinned In a brief hiatus by the heroine of lU-veUOon. THIS I XI HCAI, PIKKTOPLAV Is A WHALK OF A HIT, and THK PtllLIf WILL FUN K TO IT LI UK A HOI HK AFIUK. This Is one of the beat of .Metro release, and AN' AHNl ltKI) JIOX-OFFICK Ml tX'K.HH, the iMiur lMlng pregnant with a oplruiml uidaraval fol lowing the gmit Mar's devastation. Madame Nsxlmova and llevela tlon WILL HK HA HI) TO IIKAT. The srrern drama is wit limit a doubt a cUnhIc aud reflects llio HIOHKHT HTAXDAIUI IX I'KTl'HI ATIOX. The story evolve rnllu-r slimiy at nrst, Init when It niicb. thn Mint of gri)liig heeri Interest it HKtHHTKRM A SOLAIt I'LKAt'H IlliOW THAT STARTS THK TKAIIK FIOWIXO I.IKK NWIFTLi; FAI.LIXO HAIX. Xo lirUer scene of a tmttlWIeld with the deml and dying strewn about like gray nulies, with soldier top. pling Into the trenches and ruthless (lctro)ing missile clouding the air, while HKATH slirlrks out Its trliiinpli a brutal, biirbsric vlxtiallzation of mmlem warfare tlmt has not been eimlml In the silent drums. A thrill like the enploslon of a 7i4ielln playing tag with a llMist Is felt when oiw hoys go over the top, slid in the rar. nnge tliat follows one rememliers Hliermun' wonls. Yet HKVKLA- TIOX IH NOT A WAR PLAY, but has a spiritual npiieal, ns It de. phis the gradual awakening of lethargic, souls from bnse pamlous to the sublimity of unselfish sacrifice. i nm mum in ON A s yen-part photoplay adapted from Rose Wanguirs novel "The Rosebush of a Thousand Years;"- First ,show begins promptly, al 7:45. . 1 Prices 25c and 35c The Literary Digest: literary Irigest, March 23. And then comes the triumph of Na.lmovs herself, who find in this new .vehicle an opportunity for the display of all of her talents, for It is a "MOVING" picture In every sense of the word. Wills' Films and Film Folks, March '21. This film Is siirh. a record breaker Hint It mnde movie funs of most of the dromntfr rrlt lis of Xew York, Mho hadn't been to see films since the lllrth of a Xatlon. Hcfore you reiul further, dnu't take this as a rotnmrlHOii, , It Isn't. The Idea we want to put across Is Hint tills Is a real qua), ty photoplay. The sort of thing tlmt gets under your skAi unit nuikes you glml movies were Invented. Nnaim'vn Is wonder of an nctrpss imyniiy. ( lit the world of, Hie so-called rrguliir t bent re they sny It doesn't, mutter, on vvluit mvrt of u Mugc she stand r who elw Is moving around' her, she Just tmttirnlly roinnuimls the nOeiitlon, , nnd O Hoy! but she diM'N pliotoitrnMh, ., . . , .