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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1918)
I Tilt lUiliAY, APRIL , IBIS, J3 KTT3 CCTTm Dahlias, Snapdragons Sweet Peas and other flowen will bring hiiie into your home. 1 hey lite nous theia war-day. wimlow box what of it) seeds lo flower there.' In a woild'e competition In. I,,.. I ik. I,... nt.i ! iiiw mm viu mna lavumc or now I novelties -get them from your . I dealer or direct from us. M it A vur I V lo Uardr n tjuide annul mows nnwers wnen to I L ' 1 y j plnt them anil how to prepare . J , .ls a youi ground. w rito for your today, lie free. C. C MORSE & CO. in rroni airni MR rriMHM - T AfoMl 5m at Jmlirt tuttyufm - We Sell MORSK & CO. GARDEN SEEDS J. PARDEE "Over the Top" Bf As Americii Soldier WtoVcnt ARTHUR COY EIIPEY MttUlnt Cunntt 5rWnf In Fr wil, nr AnkiuuarltiaMf I VNOPIIS. , CHAPTER l-ttrrd by tha naw of th Inking of th I.iulianls tiy a Uartnan uliinarlna, Arthur IJuy Kniy, all Aniarl. an, laavi.1 lila oMt'e In Jaraay City and Kwm to r.rmlund wliar annua In the rillah army, CHAPTER H-Afier parlwl nf train. itipT. Hrnoay voluniaar for linmeitiat arv. . tea and auon flinla hlmaalf In rt blllfH "anmswhar In Kriw." whara h flrat rmkaa tli acqualntamia of th vr-pra-nt "ciotl." CHAPTER hla flrat eliurrh aarvlr nt Ilia front wIiIIm a Onr Dun I'okker rlrcloa "r th coiigragaikin. CHAPTER IV Kmpy'a command foaa Into tl Iront.rtna it-mhM and la under fir fur tha nrat tlm. cmrTER VH-Emty learn how th Brlllah aiilillara art fat. CHAlTKIt VIII Hm k In tha fronl-llna tmicli, Km nay ara hla drat frlnnti of tha trani'haa "o Waat." ' CIIAI'TKIl IX Kiniwy mnla lila flrat vlilt lu duifoiit In "Hulclda Ullch." ' CHAPTER V-Kmiwiv Irama to adopt 1 tha mono of th Hrtiah Tommy, "If you ara a.'ln to gat It, you'll t It, eo navar worry." CHAPTER VI-Bai-h In raat bltlata, Em- pa M lila nrat axponanoa w a oruariy. fHAPTBR i rKmr, tjjrti" LuJll "h.-ll In r-turn for every one we aen't the wire In the battery dugout atgnnl traneh" 1 ' over. Flit aecnicd to enjoy It. hut : "n "Utlon. We were .opposed to aend Irani ' ClIAPTnH XU-rmpy foi "ovr tM Jj?r,ff n'i'Vwt bayonat thruat. ' CHAITKR XII Empaf Jolna th eul- ( eld club" a th bomblna aauad to oalUd. chapttr XUl-Each Tommy tt aa ! m..i. i k.ih. : CHAPTKR XIV-Fimoey haipe dig aa when writing hiiinc. wouldn't oak for , two ' Hx a day. You ee, Old Pep advaiKd irnch uadr Uarman Ur clmiretlea to be aent out. bocnuae per had lasued ortler not to fire ex- chapter XV-On "llatanlng pot,, m No Mnn' lnd. CHAPTIH XVI. BttryD2Ja. The day after thl I received the ' glad tiding that I would occupy the machine guumira dugout right near . ' the. advanced artillery obaervatlon poet,, Tula dugout wa a roomy affair, dry a under, and real rota In It. Theae cot bad been made by the R. E.' who had prevloualy occupied the dugout. I wa the flrat to enter ind promptly made a algnboard with my name and number on It nnd an s pended It from the foot of the numt comfortable cot therein, . ' In the rrenrhe It la alwaya "flrnt Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. C0BURN Ifopublicfln GandidAte for Norniwee for v COUNTY CLERK Present Inrumleut OE0R0E LEWIS ('.intlidiito for Republicnn , s Nominee for SHERIFF Ptreeent Incumbent. . added cheer and sun- I i 'X help to brighten up .J II your garden ia but a You can gel Morea'a Morse's flowen were - t telle all VMM1? F ' copy V, -:J " ' rS r - ' '' lXCj T A" - V--, f come, flrat emed,' and thle I lived up to by all. Two U. P. A. turn (Uoyil yield Ullrry) from the nearby obaprvetlnn pot were allowed the prtTlteg of topping In thla dugout when off duty, One of thne nion, Bombardier Wll on by name, who bolonirtd to Hat tery D 2.1A, amnrd to take a liking to me, and I returned thla frellng. In two daya time we were prrtty rhimiiny. and be told me how hla bat tery lo tha early dnya of the war had put over a alnnt on Old I'rpper, and liad gotten away with It. I will endeaver to give th atory aa far a memory will penult In hla own word : "I cam out with the flrat expedi tionary force, and. like all the rent, thought we would hav the enemy licked la jig time, and be able to ent Chrlatinna dinner at home. Well, ao fur, I have enten two Clirlntmn din ner In the trent-hea, and uu) lluble to eat two more, the wny hjIiir are pointing. That la, tf Frit don't drop a whlu-bang no me, and aend me to ItllKBly. Hoiiii'tluioa I wlah I would get hit, because It' no grout picnic out here, and twenty-two moniha of It nirtkca yon fed np. "If fairly ctmhy now roinMirrd a what It UKcd to be. alllinugh I admit thla trench la a trifle ruticlt. Now, we aend over five "holla to their one, Se are getting our own hnrk. but In e early dnya It wna different Then yon hnd to take everything without reply. In fnrt. we would get twenty. vi iUV tv wore (h nf "r an- oilier, Poinollniea whole platoon would dlanppear. eapcclnlly when a , j.,iin'. n,ri(od Into their J ,r JonnK0 puriike i into neir middle. It got an bud !lmt a fellow. I be wim afraid he wouldn't be there to receive them. "After the drive to Purl waa turned back, trench wurfure started. Our general grnblied a iiuip, drew a pencil acroaa It. dnd wild. 'llg hero.' Th'ii he went back to Ma tea, and Tommy armed himself with a pick nnd tdmvel ; nnd atnrted digging. IK- a beun dig-, glng ever alnce. 'Of course we thig those trenches nt night, but It wna hot work, what with j the ride mid nmclilne giin Ore. Tlu slreielier lii'tirors worked harder than J the (llgvr, ! , "TIiiinu trenches, bioniulii' ditches, l' cull tin were nlKbtmnres. They were' only about five feet deep, and you used ! . ... . . . , . ., I to get he backnclie from hepdlng down. It waan't exactly safe to stand imrliiht. either, heennsn as soon a 1 your liupper showed over the top a bullet would bounce oft It. or else come so close It would'niuke your lull r stand. "We used to fill snnilhiigs and stick them on top of the parapet to make It higher, but no use; they would be there about nn hour nnd then Frit would turn loose nnd blow them to bits. . My neck twed to be sore from ducking sheila and bullets. ' "Where my battery waa stationed a hasty trench had been dug, which the boy nicknamed 'Suicide ditch.' and, believe me, Tank,- thl wa the original 'Suicide ditch All the others are Imitation. . "When a- felfow went Into Mint trench It wna an even gamble tbnt he would come out on a stretcher. At nun time n Scotch battalion held It, and when they heard the betting wus even money that they'd come out nn tretoher, they grabbed all the beta In alitht. Mke a lot of bully Idiot, ' j rat 01 in uaitrry uio rt-u ior innir gam, and put up ral nionty, Tli 'Jock' aiiflVrcd a lot of ranunlllcn, and th pnwin'cl liMikrd bright fur the battvry nion to rollixi aome eay money, Ho wli-n the battalion waa re lieved the an inlilcr lined np, Brvrml 'Jorka' got ll;cr tnoni-y for finiTKlntf afely,' butvth one who rllrkcd It weren't there to ny. The artllli'ry- 'j mea bad ni'vr tlxniKlit It nut that way, Thoae Kent Ilea wi-ra hinind to be tir wIiiiht, no mattor how the Wind blew. Ho Ink a tip from dip, never Ix't with a fd-ottl, 'rnuae you'll loa motioy, "At one part of our trenrh where a roiiiiiiuiilcnilon trenrh joined the i front line a Toimiiy lind alurk up u woodin alRiipoat wllh tlirm hand or arnia on It. (inn of I lie ImivU. point j Ing to tlie fli'niwin lliwa, r'inl, To Her i Iln ; Hie one pointing down tlm rom. niiiniiiiiloii irrnifi rend, To I'.Hvliiy.' while the other anlit. 'Kiilclde L'lldi. J Clinn'tn Here for Hin't'lior.' "I'lirilirr down frmn thla xul'le poi t tin Iri'iicti ran llirouuh an old orrliuril. on ibe eilirn of thin orrhnrd our but J lery luiil eotiatriii'ti'd an ndvnnrcd ob- fi-rv.illnn pat. The tree acreened It frmn Die rnciny nlrnicn and the roof 1 vn turfed. It wnmi't cuahy Ilk ourx, 1 no Umber or ronrrete re-oiiforremi'iil. JiimI miiII of aniiilliiiK. From It a lli'iidl(l view of the Oi'rriinn UneH roiild be eliliilned. TIiIh poat wnan't rvnelly anfe. It wna a ' hot corner, Khella pliinUIng nil around, and tlx' luillrta rut ling leave off the tree. Mmiy a time when relieving the alt; tinier nt t h 'lioiu, I hud lo crnwl on my belly llko a worm to keep from being hit. "It wna mi' oli. million pnat ur; I'tiriiiKli, Tluil'a nil tilt uh It waa. Junt olmiTve all duy, but never a nieMnni;i' bni'k for our buttery to open tip. Yon eee, at thl,rMiliit of the line there were (it riot nnlora pot to Ire ahell, iinlea aperliilly ordered to (lo ao from brlgiule h'-mlininrlera. illline me. If . unyone dlaobeyed that roininmid, our , genornl yea. It wna Old Popper vr.f'il coiirt-iintriliiled the rlvlv exiMilllloniiry forre. Nolxwly went out of their vfny to dlwiliejr Old I'eprwr In thoae dnya. berauae he couldn't be culled a piiraon; he wa more like h pi rule. If at any time the devil ahonttl fii'l lonely and alith for a proper mute Old IVpper wiajld get Uie flrat cull. Knrlng the (leriiinna waan't hiilt bnd compared with no Interview Willi I lint old flretiruud. "If a coinpnr.r or bnttnllori' alvnild give way a few yunlx nmilm.t pprlor fori'e of IhM'llea. (Ilil t'eppe ' would w ild for the 'comniiindliia of!l "''r In ntMiut hnlf nn hour the offici i would come back with hi fiov tli color of a brick, nnd In n few lion:' wlint wn left of hla comiiiiiiiil won!., be hohllng their orlKhinl poKlllon. " "I have aeon uu ofllcrr who wouMa t aAy d n for a iIioiihuiiU qnlil pjieut! five mlnules wlih thn old m nnd lti U ll- i(lllnicl t! flow of liil'ui. - .mm hla I'ih wouid iiinke a iinvvv bluxh for niiinie. ' "Wlint I mil i.-oln". lo tell you I how two of u put It tiv.'t on the old i cnmp. nnd got nuy will. it. It wna n rlnky tlilnit, too, beniiii.,. i 1 ivppor wouldn't Imve been exactly mIIiI v.lth ua If h hnd P't nvt to It fc-Kimio. "Ale mid my liiul . a Ind nnuied Hur ry Ciifni-11. ii iMiiilmi'dler In li ISIS but tery, or In lice coriHirnt. aa you cull It In the Infantry, uaed to relieve the telcphouiiit. V would do two hour on and four off. I would be on duty In the advanced obaervatlon pout, while he would be at the other end of through order for th battery to fire when ordered to do ao by the observa tion officer 10 the udvancud poat. But very few rneaangex were aent. It wa only In rane of an actual attack that we would get a tlinnce to earn our cept when the order came from htm. And with Old Pepper order I orders, ana maao io ooey. The German must have known bout theae order, for even In the day their tranaporta and troop uaed to expoae themselvea a If they were on parade. Thla aure got np our nose, sitting there day after day, with fine target In front of us but rinnble to end over a ahnll. We henrtlly russrd Old Pepper, hi order, the govern- ment, the people at home, and every- thing In genornl, But the Boche didn't mind cussing, and got very care- lcs. Bllme ma, they were bally In- ultlng. Used to, when using a certulu road, throw their cap Into the air us a taunt at our helplessness. .. , M telorrapne, , ,., f ,, ,.. .h . . ' . . 'V "F ".""'. " declared. Aa for tue, I knew Mow, ! learned It at the signaler' school biiek In 1U10. With ao officer In the obser vation poat, we could not carry on the kind of conversation that' utual be tween two mate, ao we used the Morse code. To aend, one of u wouid tap, the transmitter with hi finger nulls, and thn on on the other cinl would get It through the receiver, Many an hour wa whlled away In this ni'innor passing compllraenta back and forth. . : 1 , , . . "In the observation: poat the officer used to alt for hour with a powerful pair of field glusse to his eye. Through a cleverly concealed loophole he would scan the ground behind the Merman trenches, looking -for targets and finding many. , Thla officer, Cap tain A- by name, had a habit of talking , ont loud to himself. Some times he would vent hi opinion, some 01 a common private doe when he' r V..iMtiiV- T7-, .VV . nt'in-'il no. .'' ii'ioii a time the , i : i. Ui ii'i.l 1 1 i-i i.., i llil Pepper'- a ii.T, if, he ei.i.i.l nr-H ur, J blind In the ir.oat n':Moveil mylc. t,i,( to be aort vf a li il'lt wlill him, "Almiii lx Mii.uiiniid yard from v, liihlnd the tienniiii line, wa a rnnd In pli .n vi.w of our Hnt,, For the lout three d.i frit hid brought cotupn nlc (,f iroop.t i,'nv.:i ihla rond In broad 1i'.'. iWit. They vrre never ahelled. Whenever inU hnpiieneil the captain V.011M froth nt the mti!li uii'l UH ont 11 voliimo of Old pepper' religion wlileli iiC(l to liia We lue hive blm. "livery tuittory b.ia a r uiue chart on uhl' Ii dltlnctive Iniuliiiiitk are noted, wlilt the rnnce for ench. Theae Innd limrka are called furfetN. and are num bered. On our batlcry'a chart. Hint rond waa called Target 17, Itnng (fKK). fj decree !W) minute left D Z'!8 Inllery cinlatcd of four '4..V howlt xcra, and flred a I!" pouiid II. E. ahell. A yoo know, II. t.. menna 1il'h ct plonlve I don't hue bumming up my own battery, but .ie bad a rword In the dlvlalon for U'rect hit, and our boy were juKt pining away for a chance to exhibit their aklll In the e of Krlt. "Oil the afternoon of the fourth day if Frlta' contemptuoua uae of the road mentioned the captain and I were at our poat a uaual. Frit wa itrafe ing n pretty rough, Juat Ilk he' doing jow. : The hell were playing leap frog nit through that orchard. "I waa carrying on a converaatloa In our 'tap' code with Caiaell at tba Jther end. U ran oraethlng Ilk thla: "Say, Caaaell. how would yon Ilk 10 be In the aaloon bar of the King Arm down Rye lane with a bottle of liana In front of you, and that blond barmaid waiting to fill 'em up agaloT "Caaaell bad a fancy for that par ticular blonde. The anawer came back In the ahape of a volley of cunse. I changed the lubject "After a while our talk veered round to the way the Rnrriea hnd been expoalng tlfemaelvea on the road down on the chnrt aa Target 17. What he aald about thoae Ihv-hea would never have pnnaed the retchatng, though I believe It would have gone through nur cenaor ennlly enough. (To He Comlnu?d IHVK VOf ItlXilSri KKI).' v All elector who were registered but (lid not vote at the primary or eneral elvrtlon in 1910. and those wh;i have chanscd tho! icaiden'O nniat ro-rcglHter, Electors jiot regla'ored nuiat do ao on or before April 17. 1018. at 5 o'clock p. m. " 1 E. I.. COBt'RM, County Clerk. Every Affaetlon In Patrlotlwn. Dear are our parent, denr our chll dren, onr relative nnd our associates but all our affection for all these art embraced In our affection for our na live land. Cicero. IlASCn TO VICTC.1Y Courage ia a matter of the blood. Without good red blood a man has a weak heart and poor nerve'. In the spring li the beet tlm to take (took of one' condition, if the blood ia thin and watery, face pale or pimply, generally weak, tired and little, on should take a spring tonio. One that will do the spring house eleaning, an old-fashioned herbal rem edy that wa used by everybody nearly 50 year ago ia still safe and sane because it contains no alccAol or nar cotic It Is made np of Blood root, Golden Seal root, Oregon Grape root, Queen' root, Stone root, Black Cherry bark extracted with glycerine and made Into liquid or tablets. This blood tonio waa first put out by Dr. Pierce if ready-to-nso form and Since then haa been told by million bottles a Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discov ery. If druggista do not keep thi in tab let form, send 0 cents for a vial to Dr. Pierce', Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Kidney disease carrlea away a larva Kroentage of onr people. What I to done? The answer is eaay. - Eat less meat, eat eoarse, plain food, with plenty of vegetables, drink plenty of water between meals, and take an uric acid solvent after meals for a while, snob a Annrio (double strength), obtainable at almost any drug store. It wa first discovered by Dr. Pierce. Most everv one troubled with nrio acid finds that Anuria dissolves the nrtc acid aa hot water 'does sugar. You can obtain a trial package by sending ten cents to Doctor Pierce' Invalids' Hotel and 8mgical Institute hi Buffalo, N. Y. L vv r ) (- POK BAI.K 6r croiUNT QNLoBluTprint plat tbowlog laod la Josephine county, $1.40. Add re A. E. Voorhlea, Oram I'aaa. U J KOR BALE OnM modern home. r!n!e In, n nl'.i i-J-. Inquire No. 1333, car Courier. Iktf KOK SALE Hecleuoed eed wheat; Littla Hub, 12.15; J-nklns Clnb, . 2. zS; Waahingiua Uybrld No. 113, 2.50; Marquli, IJ.tO; alo Beardlwi Barky, Wb!te Oat. Al falfa Beed and all Ora and Clo ver. Ralph Waldo Llden, Cen tral Point. ' 6Ctf H It AI STITCHING aod pecot ig, 10 cent per yard. Mall order will receive prompt and careful atten tion. The Vanity 8hof, Medford Oregon, 114 Weal Main. 07tf KOK SALK S"t flna away scale. Seven or truck. Cheap. C. W. Ament. I5tf FOK 8AI.E A good"all pnrpoae mare, weight 1,400 lb. ' R. W. Roger. 104 North Ninth atreet. 27 FOR SALE one 6-foot S. Beer rol ler quart mill, complete with one 4-footxS-foot copper plate. On lS-horsepower Doak distillate engine. One 4-borsepower Doak dUtUUte engine. One 12xS Dodge truaher. One 3-footxlO- foot Giirzly. -One Woodbury con centrating table. One Matteion No. 60-11 cubic foot or car. Two . large or bucketa. Two email ore bucket. Four hundred feet 12- pound rail. Thirteen hundred feet 2-lncb dipped atandard pipe, Eight hundred lVlnch dipped aUndard pipe. One S,000-gallon heavy galvanized Iron tank. One Challenge ore feeder. Black imlth tool, etc. All at the Truitbutter Mine, six mile north of Gold Rill,, Ore. lAddreis Chaa. Wetherbee, owner, Cold Hill Oregon. 27 FOR SALE Span of mares, not old, about 1200 each, also har ness and wagon. A steady job with the team until July at $5 per day for 9 hour. Address 812 North Eighth street. 29 FOR. BALE 67 Whit Leghorn bens fine laying atraln. Mr. J F. Strong. 1114 Pine street. 29 FOR SALE Seven-year old mare, , good driver and saddle animal, gentle, not afraid of autos. fine for ladlea' driving horse, $50. Ap ply J. A. Prentiss, 609 L street TO KKXT FURNI3HED ROOMS Large, com- fortable and convlently located. 411 C street. 86tf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, SO feet from pavement, a!ao unfurnished cottage on pavement, (9 per month. Inquire A. F. Voor- hle. ! jJtf FURNISHED 5-room .cottage for rent. Mrs. 0. P. Jester. 215 C street. Phone lg-R. 23tf FOR RENT Firt and second floora. Dean apartment bouse 615 North Sixth, street 30 WANTED WANTED-J-A girl for general house work, on a farm. Mrs. H. I. Pel ton. Gold Hill, Ore. . 28 . STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCY1A- . TION, ETC. Required by Act of August 24. 1913. Of the Rogue River Courier, pub lished dally at Grants Pass, Oregon, for April 1, 1918. Piibliaher, A. E. Voorhlea. Editor, A. E. Voorhlea. Managing Editor. A. E. Voorhle. Business Manager, A. E. Voorhlea. Owner, A. E. Voorhlea. Average number of copies of each ia.;io of thla publication sold or dis tributed through the malls or other wise, to paid aubscribers, during the six months preceding the date shown above, 955. Bondholders, mortgageea and other s?-'.irity holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. None. . . (Signed I A. E. VOORH1ES. . Subscribed and sworn to before m this 3rd day of April, 1918. L. A. LAUNER, Notary Public. (My commission expires ' r August 31, 1920.) Most Wallflower Peppery. The mustard family contains mora than two thousand aoeclea and In cludes cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, radish, horseradish and. In ornamen tula, the stocks, sweet aiyssum snd the wallflower. All kinds of lcsal blanks at the Courier. " 1 ATTO"XEYJ H. D. Norton, Attorney-al l; . Hractic in all CiaU and ri.: J Court. Flrat National Eank f.lj. COLvTo 4 muZZEi AttcriT.-a-t-La.' OranU Pua Banklrj Co. Dldg. Qraau Pa, Oregon. K B. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Praete t in aui court, nm Mauonai caai BuIIdl Ing. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attorney. at-Lav. Office Maaonle Tmpl, Grants Paaa Oregon. O. 8. BLANCIiARD.Attorney-at-La Golden Rule Building. Phonn 370. OranU Pas, Oregon. ULAUCHARD A BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block. Phoa 236-J. Practice In all courts; land hoard attorney. VlTEIUSAIlV8l'I10EOJI I DR. R, J. BE3TUL, VeUrlnarli. Office la Wlnetrout Implement BIdg. Phone 113-J. Resident Phone 305-R. PHYSICIANS L. O. ''cLEMKNfr M. D Practlo limited to disease of tha ey. ear, nose and throat. Glass fitted. Omce hours 9-12, 3-5, or oa ap pointment. Ofllce phone, 62; ml dence phone 35S-J. 3. LOIMHIUDGE. M. D.. Pl-yslcl-.' and surgeon. City or country ';; attended day or risht Residence p!i03 '); olV.'l phono 181. "SUth and H. T-if.'s RilH.nK. A. A. WITH AM, M, D.. PbyXcUn snd surgeon. Office: Hall BIdg., corner Sixth and' I streets. Phones: Of fice, lit; r Ml dance, TtS-J. Hoars. I a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. N1BLET Physician and sa.'geon. Lundbur; Bullcilrx. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar . Co. Health Officer. Officer hours, 9 lo 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 310-j. t::i PHOTO B1TDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to B p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence' 140-J. , t:j DENTISTS E. C. MACT. D. M. tt Ftrst-c dentistry. 109 Sooth C V street, Grant3 Paas, Ore:an. mtsicax iNSTr.cer:c?i J. 8. MACMURRAT. teacher of vc!. culture and singing. Lessou clr'i at home of pupil If requested. Al dress 718 Lea St. 1J MISCFXLANEOtS THE RED FRONT Uvery. 411 South Sixth street, has eh an; "I hands and will hereafter be con ducted by tha undersigned aa a feed barn, 5Qe per day for : " animal; patronage solicited. O accounts prevloua to March ! s:l to br handled by R. Tlmmona. C B. Baber." QVJl D RAVAGE AND TaAlC: COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. A3 ' kinds of dray ace and tram t work carefully and promptly d. :t Phons 181-J. SUnd at fral.t depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. O. I8HAM. drayaga and tranifor. Safes, pianos and furnltnra movat packed, shipped aad stored. Phozs Clark and ilolman, No. 19. Reot dencs phons 134-R. - THE WORLD MOVS8; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phons 197-R. TO EX CHANGS WILL EXCHANGE corner lot at Second and C streets for dairy cows. Address Con Schaefferi, R. F. D. No. I. 35 TO EXCHANGE A good aurry for a disc or other farming imple ment. Call 603-F-12. 21 Tks California, and Orerjca Coast Cailroad Ccpany 1TM3C CAK3 EffectlvsDecemssr 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Oranta Pass.. 1:99 p.m. Train I lv. Waters Creek 3:99 p. aa. All trains leave Grants Pass from th corner of G and Eighth street, pppoait the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and pasaeazer acrvlca call at th office of the company. Lundbarg baildtng. er thane 131 tor sasis. V