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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1918)
HI IV WAV, MAIU1I HI, lIN. DAILY fcOGCS CJVCil COtETra FAC2 V-ZX Ticad Red Sides " iff j!j ! ftf 1,1 ' i q !J . W & Where Bsauty 1 more liian Skin Deep EXFLAIMN3 CODS OF EGYPT WE never saw a motorist who wouldn't admftrthut the Black Tread and Red Sides combination in Diamond Tires mokes the handsomest tire equipment he ever saw, But we're here to tell you that you can't tee tho real beauty about Diamonds, their husky strength and long mileage. You read ubout it on your speedometer after thousands of miles. ' Take our "tip"! Try on Diamond! ItU coif yoit leu than the average tire, and before long, youTI want Diamonds "all around". , pUmond Tubes don't deteriorate while jrou carry them at "extras." They bold their Lfe for year. Prof, Hlnd.r Pitrle Ha Thrown Much Light en aoure. of Myth ology of Ancient Land, Tim question of Itio character and or I ((In of tho local god of Egypt la till oi.Mur; but a pMper by Prof. Filmier Petri, pujillidied to "Ancient Egypt," part 8, 1M7, due much to clear It up. Professor Petri collected the orlKlituI records of these cult, and by mm king tlm hindquarters of each deity lu arrived at ImiiortMiit results. . I(a sppcart In only one aoutbi-rn city, and III cult aretn to have com from ; the northeast. The dlmrlbutlon of llul, the mother-goddess, U decidedly eastern, while thul of Amen la west fru. Hit wa rcr u Inly brought Into Egypt by the df-t road, aa he bad t litre two centers o' the flrnt clan, and r he wus Introduced hf the Ned c way . to the i-UHtrru delm. ! The distribution of the Oslrlde triad Imlli-uli-a a sellleiu.-tit o early lu the : hind Hint the worship wu generally , diffused. Professor I'etrle sum up lil article tliuw : "The geography ol the worship of tlm gods Ik Hum awn , to have a considerable, vulue hlitlort f rally, n beurlng mi their orlirtn and j connections. When inure roitipl'tte rt j u nil Into the localities of vurlous , uncertain mum limy tmd our Iden- tlfli-utlous. It will be possible to get mure light ou the source of Egyptian , mythology." Nature. I. von SALE 0.1k""cVaRANT LANbaUlue print plau allowing landi la Josephine county, $1.50. Addroaa A. E. Voorblea, Grant! Pas, tf FOR BALE Good modern house, dot In, north tide. Inquire No. 1313, care Courier. ' 28tf f'OH SALE Recleaned teed wheat; Little Club, 12.15; Jenkins Club, 12.26; Washington Hybrid No. ATTORJIEV H. P, Norton, Atlory-at-Uw. Practice In all State and Federal CourU. Flrat National Bank El-fj. COL V 10 A WILUAlda Attornoye-. at-La Grant Ptae Banking Co. Bldg. Oranu Paa. Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice la all court. Flrat National Baak Building. 143, $3.(0; Marqula, $:.S0; ', DURHAM A RICHARD, Attonuya BcardleM Barley, Wblt Oata, Ai-j t-Lw. Offlco Maaonlo Temple, falfa Seed and all Oraatea and Clo-j orant Paaa Oregon. vera. Ralpb Waldo Eldon, Ccn-I tral Point 6lf '- 3LANCHARD.Attorn.,Uw ' ; I Golden Rule Building. Paoee ;70. Oranu Pasa, Oregon. r'OU RKNT Oil BALK Irrigated farm plenty of water during the whole teaioo. Inquire Jo. Fetx ncr, 7SS North Eighth ttree(. tf HtMSTlTCHlNU and pecot edge, 10 cent per yard. Mall order will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Tbe Vanity Bhop, Medford Or. gun, 114 West Main. 07tf KOK SALE Sot fine aniay Seven ore truck. Cheap. A meat. , KOIl SALE seal. C. W. 15tf BLANCH ARL a BLANCHAHD, At torncy, Albert block, Pboee 235-J. Practice In all court; lasa board attorney. I VfcT'EHI.BFislllfcKOJI 1 DR"r'j7'BE8TL;iVterTMrkv Office in Wlnotrout Implement bMg. Phone 113-J, Realdeeee Pbon 105-R. Jery cow, 7 .year old, freah In June, price .'j5; bIxo two-Heated Mollne back, covered, good condition, $45. Inquire W. II. Wimor.'821 I atreet. . 221 FOR SALE One freih Jersey row, 24 laying hen, range, atove and other house furniture.' Inquire 413 West U 23 GRANTS PASS HARDWARE CO. 209 6th St Grants Pats, Ore. U T f 1 ft A I ill. h M ; Ah i 1 ' 11 WWW a i, '4W Mil 1 I MAU u . I I III III e )L 7 . I GREAT WRITERS NEAR DUEL Tolstoy and Turgenv 'le Fierce Die put That Might Hv Led to Deadly Encounter. T,.uiiiV mid Torni'Wi. fnmou Ru- I lan novellNta, wre ront-mrKirar!f ami frirnda, but on on orcunlon they IiikI a srrliius fulling out. A gathered from rrnnt blogratihy, thla I the story if their quarrrl: The two fa mouse novelist met at a frjend' boose. Tuwnev Kke enthusiastically of his young daughler" new English gor erness, inentliinlng that he requlnd Ihcthlld to mind old. ragged clothe lo give to the poor. "Do you consider thnt good rdetnanded Tolstoy. "I cer tainly do," replied Turgenev ; "It make the rhnrlty worker realise everyday niM-ds." "And I think that a well-1 dreswd girl with filthy, malodorous UIINISHED ROOMS Large, com- SQUEEGEE niiiKinimiiTl irmrmi TERES FOR SALE Tearrf. wagon and har ness. G. Baher, 225 West 0 street. ' 23 A BARGAIN One horse power electric motor, one and one-half Inch centrifugal pump, Iron base, connected shafting, 40 feet 2-Inch Iron and galvanized pipe, valves coupling, etc. Address C$3 North Eighth. 24 TO RE N'T. PHYSICIANS U"b. CLE M ENT, "it D. Practtoe limited to disease of the eye. ear, nose and throat. Glataea flttaeV nose and throat. Ulaaae filled. Office hour 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Office phono, $2; deuce phone 309-J. 3. LOl'GHRIDUE. M. D.. Physiclo-a ana! aurgcou. City or country calla attended day or tight. Reel-!:3r phone 69; office. phone ill. Six;U atd II. Tnffs B niilm.- A. A. WITHAM, M. D-. Physician aaa urgeon. Office: Hall Bid., corner eizth and I atreet. Phoaee: Cf Bce, 111; reeldenee, 288-J. Hoar. a m. to 4 p. sa. Consolstlon. . Mnny n fellow wlm Is nhv:t.v tt'idllng pr-CiUse nil Ills frli'n'ls hnve fnrmikVn bl til shiitild he int'.'lit.v ald hU frli nds were wise enmicli r f.n-mil.o him In Mine to n vill lii'lir; hero Willi hlju. Sing Sing Stiir-liiilliMlii. i , , ' All kinds of ('oinnierclul 1'ilnllnv .at the Courier Office. . Food'a Function. Quit )lfferne. Twl ta the fuel which furnishes the Lawyer "Whnt wi s he arrested rm-rgy for all the bodily actlvltle. aa' frr Mike "Thev told me at the ta- coal furnlshe the heat to niuk'e the Uol h ,ook ,n', t0 much." Law- itemu which drlTe the engine; but yer "Too much or too many r Mike It doe more than thl-lt to build "What I the dlfferenrer Lawyer tho body engine and kwp It In repair. "Intoxication or bigamy." Life. It you have anything to soil try All kinds of Commercial Printing classified ad. at the Courier Office. fortable and ronrlently 411 C areet located. 8tf rags In ber hand I acting an Insincere furce," commented Tolstoy. "I as you not to say that," exclulmVd .Tur genev, hotly. "Why should I not any what I am convinced la truer retorted Tolstoy. "If you any That again I will box your ears I" Turgenev cried, white with rug, and rushed from tho room. A duel waa narrowly averted. After ward tries lomou men necnm TOR RENT Small house on Lawn onclled. and on his deathbed Turgenev ( rdge Ave ph(jne mu 5 PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 50 feet from pavement, a!so unfurnished cottage on pavement, $8 per month. Inquire A. B Voor hle. 2tf dressing him a "tbe great writer of ' our RiiKslan land." Outlook. TO EXCUAXGB I iTdsl Swift & Company PubKcity At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced correspondence taken from the private files of Swift & Company,which showed that the Company had been con sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which we have recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the i packers' operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company's net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 191 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: , $875,CGO,000. C $34,650,000. V This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500. If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser would have recek-e.d only one-eighth of cent per pound more for hia cattle, or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per pound on dressed tecf. . V , trj yi-';f. fi i i in' ..' njJLli..m fh:n:i That I'eve r,-?ccd. !!:. nrr ililn;? not of the jiri'Miit Ki'ix'niimti. yci uitliin the meiiiory nf i lie nidi 'iit lulir.litiiint. They lire I'liiimi.T.ui'd by' (ii'orno C't nstunt In the !,onNv!!li C"JirU'r-Jiiirr.i:l. Llttk' girls niul buy v im tviuld cor rnlly nmiio In soii'i'nce thi IhiUs of thu Bible, recite the bontltinlva und Rive tlie' liersoniiel of tho (wclve dla clil's, mid to whom the nuuitu and anteoedcnls of movie star were as veiled .mysteries. Mothers whiuMi dollght was to set a austulnlng table of good food to their growing children, at which well cooked steak and brown gravy, big fat biscuit and fresh milk In unlimited measure predominated, the whole flunked by homo-mnde preserves and Jellies, and whoae pet abomination waa food eaten from a pnper bag. - Memory cards, affected by loving couple In 'their middle tec'ns, sent through the mull and conveying ardent aenttmenta of personul regard In rustic gnthlc type, and emblazoned with cooing dove, hearts pierced with arrow and wreathe of forget-me-nots. Swift & Company, U. S. A. NOTICE y Notice la hereby given, that the County Court will consider bids for the construction of a public llhrary I building for 'Josephine County, Oro jgon, to be erected at Grants Pass, I Oregon, according to plans and spe iclflcatlous on file in the office of the J County Clerk at Grant Pass, Ore 'gon, and at the office of E. E. Mc Claran, 525 Lumber Exchange Bldg., ', Portland, Oregon. i. y-, I Plans and speclticatlons will be furnished on deposit) of $5.00, which will be refunded on or before five days after rcoetpt of tho same If re turned In good condition. Alt bids must be filed on or before 10 o'clock a. m. of tho 4th day. or April, 1918, In the office of the County Clerk of Josephine County, Oregon, and . be accompanied by a . certlfled check of 6 per cent of the amount bid, made payable to K. L. Coburn, County Clerk as per clause In specifications, as guarantee that a bond will be given and the con struction contract signed, j Ths Court, reserves tfo rlsht to reject any and all bids or award the contract ae.eordliiu: to the best In terests of the County. I By order of the County Court of Josephine County, Oregon. ! . E. L. COBURN, ' County Clerk. WILL EXCHANGE corner lot at Second and C street! for dairy cows. Address Con Schaeffers, R. ' F. D. No. 2. 33 -. WANTED WANTED Men for saw mills aai' logglng camps. Mills and campt will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars wrHe Weed Lumber Company, Weed. Cal. 5t: WANTED A good second-hand re frigerator, medium slse. . Phone MO-jr.-' t tl WANTED Cook for small camp Apply Wm. R. Scott, Grants Pass hotel. 22 DK. J. O. NIBLET Phyaldaa aat . aurgeon. Lundbur; BulWUaj. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hours, t ta 12 a. m. . 1 to 5 p. ta. Pbeave 310-j. iru PHOTO 6TUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally If. a. m. to 5 p. m. - For 8unday att tlngs call Mill 283-R or reside- 140-J. , 1U DE5TI3T8 E. a MACT. D. U. D. Flret-etin dentistry.' ; South El street. Orant 3 Psaa. Oregon. MI SICAL LKSTSl'CTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of vol.e culture and lnglng. Leeeonj gtns , at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 711 Lee St. til'J MISCELLANEOl'8 THE RED FRONT Uvery, 4I South SUth street, has - chaacl hands and w'" hereafter be eea ducted by the undersigned aa a feed barn, 50c per day for eca animal; patronage solicited. A3' ' accounts previous to March so to he handled by R. Timmons. B. B. Baher. t tVJ HAVE YOU REGISTERED? LOST All electors who were registered but did not vote at the primary or general election In 1916, and those who have changed their residence must re-regtster. !';:' Electors not registered must do so on or before April 17, 1918, at S o'clock p. m. E. L. COBURN. : County Clerk. How to Read. At best tlib printed words of an au thor represent bgt a poor fraction of what Is in his thought and feeling, of what he would express If he could. Therefor, it Is well to follow Ruskin's ijvlce on "rending for the ' thought." .ud "get Into the habit of looking In tensely at words mid assure yourself i-f their inclining syllable by syllable !.ny, letter by letter." Not only does Ills help you to understand the au thor's meaning by comprehending his words, but the ac;i of concentration fertilizes and awakens your own mind and tends to bring you Into euch sym pathy with the, Idea expressed, and with the author, that you are Illumined by far more of the subject than the I rlnted words alone contain. William li. Towne In NuutUus. Envelopes at the Co nier Office. LOST Wednesday between ICrs. Gray's and Aire. Rehkopf's store, round Turquoise brooch. IC2B. . Mary A. Browne. . 11 DRAYAtfj AXD TRAKSFEn COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. A3 ktnds of drayae and tranafar iork carefully and promptly dose. ' Phone 181-J. . Stand at freight depot A. 8hade, Prop. F. G. ISHAH, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture aaoved packed, shipped and stored. Phoae Clark and Ilolman, No. 60. Resi dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoa . 897-R. :The California and Oregon ! Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD , ' EffectlveDecember 1, 1917. CHICHESTER SPILLS W Tiir til'. vr,M linANo. a. ."v lllml A. I. y l"-l.l(o X iyCLJC fill. In l it ol j.iu m,ullKVx v -JV J !. Mil ilii III.,. kiMion. vX fA as. V Take mIwp. Ilur ef joT V I I Ta 1 bn.,liL Asl-rwtf'lll.M .""''" .......... ryi fui t wn M H I . S rnt. A I w. ?i a el I.M. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Grams l'ueu.. 1:00 p. as. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 8:00 p. a. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For . all j Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundbarg building, or phone 131 for same. Butter Wrappers printed to cea ply with the law at the Cearler.