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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1918)
M KD.tV, M tlU II III. IUIN. DAILY infill: IUVKH (OllllHI mm of OHM PERS2IML Hi LOCAL TOE Om WEEK OBJLY ENJOY EASTER EGG fill New lawn d at Cramer llron. MIm Katherlne llriilgii spent Hl urday at Medrord. . Ceraon Fowler Lumber company fur good fir wood. 21 Mil. C. N. tillnmn went to Med furd Baturday lo visit her duughter. Tlil l garden time. You will rind the seed you want at Cuniw Bros. u Mil. Jessie' Lindsay ent l'i Med foid Haturday lo upend few dayi visiting. Garden fertlllnetn at Cramer Hroi, Mr. A, II. Ituxit ii. Mrs. H. I.. Craig, rod and daughter, of Selma, were In the city Saturday. ' Kim trio supplies it Kogue Itlver Uurdware. tf Mint Retla Robinson, who visited Mr. mid Mu. C. I). Welter, rviurned to Medford KM urday afternoon. Llie powder and Hit liquid for poultry at Cramer Bros. It 11. Tlmmoiii and family relumed yesterday from Eugene, where they pellt a week or more vlnvltlDK. Mania lampi at llngue Itlver lid. Mn. A. Bowir, who visited her mother. Mri. (1. II. Ilrlntow, relum ed lo her home at Albany Battirdiy. Berated food for hem. chick food for chlcka at Cramer llroi. 11 Mra. M. McAilnms and MIm Jesnle Smith left Friday night for Marih flild, where they have iltuatlons. Sunday evening dinner at the Grants 1'ani hotel, B: 30 to 7: p.'m It renli. II Mra. Catherine Strong, of With ongat. Wash., who apent the pait two weeka here, went lo Myrtle Creek yeaterday. Sunday evening dinner at Oranle Pnia hotel, S:30 to 7:4 p. m.-l5 rent. Mr, and Mra. J. 8. Wlndell left Saturday morning fur Portland, where Mr. Wlndell will anhnilt lo an operation. ' Bed for early garden at Cramer Tirol. tt Mra. Either Brown, of Crookston, Minn., ipent the winter, In aotitharn California and arrived here Friday night to vlilt the C. C. 'Drown fam ily at frorott. Preserve your eggs with water glais Clemens the nexall Store, 14 J. H. Andes haa enlisted In the fnlted' Blatei guards and leavea for Portland thla evening. From there he la etpected to go lo San Fran cisco. Elkay'a atraw hat dyei, 25 cent at Clement, the Retail atore. 24 Poultry fence at Cramer Bros. 12 Mr. and Mra. John Carrier and little aon arrived on Saturday from Ellcosburg. Wash., and went to Wonder, where they eanoct to lo cate. if OY Jj Hcday EDITH STOREY "Revenge" A 5-at Wonder I'lny t re venge and tlia deerrt. AddiHl Mtrectlon The Amerlonn Mlriwle SKI' Virgin f"1"1 cwnvt exl Into military bf f,,r 40' M of our lnya In dn'ya. il liuite barrnrka built to; iMimui"diite meu In HH nilniitca. ', , 4 HKK 14,nm "' men, B.tKMl liorNea, 1,00 onto tnick ail lit t lMt'l li'lltii u win i the war. HlIH tlile wonder film nml lie proud of America. ) . The (ireat Achievement of Ihe .,.' , ; Centory Adinlmloit a' ! -V ,' flint almw H o'cloi k J. K. Turnliull went In Hosebiirg lait night. J. II. Andei left laat night fr Vancouver, jlargalna In Inrubatnra at Cramer llroa. 22 F. M. Fauver, of Indianapolis, hai heen In the city a couple of dayi on bmlneaa. Mra. J. W. Iluih went to Portland lait night after apendlng a day with her mother, Mra. O'Neill. Illryclei repaired at Cramer llroa. (I. ,W. Winter return. d to hli home at Myrtle Creek Saturday, af ter apendlng eeveral daya here on account of the death or hla ion, Adam Wlmer. Iwn mowere iharpened at Cra mer llroa, 22 O. M. Knot returned yaatnrday from Portland, where he went to aee till aon, Olln Knot, who waa taken al'k at Woodburn and la now at Ihe Good Samaritan hoipttal In Port land. The young man I recovering. Garden tool a for ladlei at Cramer nroa. It MjmmpJI Tnuk fur Al'lsle The Colllna 'Auto company aoiiT a Maxwell truck' lo Frank N. Ellin of Applewnte laat' week. They alio disposed of three 'touring rare. Mmle Trip to Klmth Perrle Gunning went to Klamath Falla lait Wedneaday, making the trip by auto. He re port a the roada In good condition In the main from here to Ager. tut the remainder of the trip waa very rough. . I Xomlnatlna; Petition Nominating petition! are on aale at the Courier office. All randldatea mn it have them. lOtf Arte and Craft Meeting The regular meeting of the So ciety of Arta and Crafta will be held April 2; hnateia. Mra. P. A. DeGen ault, 41 B atreet. l'rrHtrlng for 0Mmtlon P. II. Wlckham went to Gallre Saturday with men and auppllea to commence work at the Copper Eagle mine, about four mllea from Gallre. For the preient tbey will be engag ed In preparing for the aeaaon'a work, which will require about 20 daya. The road will alio be put In repair for hauling ore. Htrlctly Ch Beginning April 1 we will go on itrlrtly caih terma. ' Credit will not be extended to anyone. Garmenta that are delivered will be returned If not paid for when delivered. All package C. O. D. The Wardrobe Cleancri. Amoe F. Wllllami, Pro prietor. ' 28 Wllford Alio Here Wllford Allen, member of the atate Induatrlal accident commlailon arrived In the elty Saturday morning from Salem. He came to repreient the commlaalon at the hearing held before Robert F. McOulre.- matter In chancery, a claim held by the commlaalon agalnat the Rogue River Public Service corporation, being In volved. He will remain In the city till Tueadny. Ilrench Orgaiitenl ' A Red Croaa branch waa organlaed at Central achool, Deer Creek, two mlloa cant of Selma, Friday after noon by Rev. Melville T. Wire. Mra. U M. Bnlley demonitrated the low ing work. Tranaportatlon waa fur nished through the courteay of L. A. I,auner, who w.ent with hla car. The organisation waa named the "Deer Creek Branch." The following of flcera were elected: President, Mra, H. E. Chrletyi aecretary, MIm Mabel Christy; treainrer. Mra. W. E. Mln- thorn. ' ' ; Ford ("era Hold , ! The Ct U Hobart Co. haa lold and delivered Ford cars to the followlnir nolnn Hi, txmmt Iwn WflAbl1 fl P. iTycor, Waldo: Mra, Grace Kayaer, Merlin; L. J. Hill. Waldo; J. C. Kln cnld, Wllllama; A. I, Hussey, Merlin; Clinton Cook, Wolf Creek; Williams Creek Stage, Ford truck; Tlnk Woodcock, Kerby; Everett Hogue. Orants Pane; R. K. Woodion, Mur phy: Roy Hudaon,, Waldo; H. .B. Walker, Swutlka mine; .T. T. Row Innd. Wlldervlllef T. C. Booth. Ornnta Pan; O, It. Grlffln, Oallce; C. A. Sldler, Grenta Pan; Ralnh Moore. fn1do: William Cockrel, Grants Faas. '' 1 Placer and Quart Mining blanks at the Courier. If von have anything to tell try a elaaelleeV ad. The second annual egg hunt given at fllvenlde park Saturday af ter noun under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher a mux In lion t i de rided aurresa, More than 400 chil li rm were ai-attered over the park earnnitly searching lor tlio colored eggs whli'h'had been prevlouily hid den, anil there were ninny parent! present eii)u)lng the sport of the youngster. A aeparate hunting giound wai provided for the entailer children. The weather waa Ident, and the perfect order kept through the work or the (llrl Scouts nnd the Hoy Hinuti wai marked. Tlmo organl aatlom guided by Bcoutmaater Reyn old' and Guardlun Mia. True had charge of the hiding of 100 doien eggs, and after the work waa fln lahed they enjoyed a picnic lunch. The Parent-Teacher association li appreciative of the, work of those who made the hunt a success and to thoo who auppllnd the aggi. The! eggs were dyed In auch a manner ai to keep them fit for food 1 TO- COVER 400 ACRES The war gurden committee which made a canvaia or (i rant a I'aaa laii week report that there will be more than 400 gardena put In thla eum- nier. The public la urged to ralie more vegetablei and let vegetablea form a larger part of their diet dur ing the lummer, canning the aurplui for winter uae. Anyone wlehlng ground for the putting In of garden can be aupplled by application to Mra. Riddle at the Rogue River Hardware atore. County Agont Thompnon waa re queued to make all effort poailble to eitabllah Induatrlal gardena and canning cluba. W. D. Fry waa requeated to make a canvaia of all bualneaa hoiuea and "aound" the bualneaa men on the 5 o'clock rloalng proportion for. the lummer, thereby releaalng a large pumber of people for war garden work. There will he a "drive" put on In the Interest of home canning In the near future. May 17, Friday Primary nomlnit- Ing election. April 1, Monday AH Foola party, given by Preibyterlan ladlei at the E. T. Ludden home. 23 April 2, Wedneidax Meeting of Public Service commlaalon In Oranta Paaa. April 6, Friday Mimical entertain ment at the high achool audi' torlum. All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Courier Office. Joy Theater Tl'KSDAV and WEIN'K8DAT is i ft I; t' : p q VIOLA DANA in"6LUEJ:Af::'' ' In 'one Picture VIOLA DANA , - Heen me a the ' ' .(iroatrftt '., ... Htar ' t t " the Screen Tlie Picture Is BLUE JEANS ' Mr' yrrformanvft T . p. in. Nun Time or N p. in. "Korllnlit Suvlhn" time. rib.' r1 Cabinet Style . . Drop Head Style . HELMED' IIOHX JERMAN To Mr. ind Mn. Jamil A. Jerman, 229 West 1 itreet, Fri day, March 29, a daughter. MEE To Mr. and Mra. Warren Mee of Thompson Creek, Satur day, March 30, a aon. FIT TRIBUTE TO WASHINGTON Shaft at National Capital Ii One of the Moat Remarkable Ever Built by Man. The foundation of the great shaft nf the Washington monument I CO feet square and Is set in aolld rock cU'l.t feet below the surface of the eitrth. The Interior Is only V,1 feet In dlumctcr, while the exterior dlsmeter la fil fVet This showa the tremendous thickness of the walls, which are mode of pvt fectly fitted stxnea No wonder that this obelisk has been culled "the best piece of inusonry In the world." Man;' lint Inns, as well as inuiiy cities and itatea, wtxheil in contribute to this great cenotaph, nnd as the vlItor en ters the monument nnd tukes his pluri In the big elevntor, ho umy si-o, us he lowly mounts, vurimis Interesting atones from all puns of the woild. He may catch a glimpse of a stone from "IJridilock's field." one from the "bi t-, tlefield nf Long Island," one from the Alexn,ndrlnn library In Emit, one from the tomb of Nnpoleon at St. Hel ena, a niosulc block from the ruins of Cxrthnfrc, Inva from Vesuvius nnd stnnee from Jerusalem and Mecca, be sides blocks contributed by 40 state, 16 cities and towns and 44 andcMes. Ten foreign conntrtea cent blocks of atone, suitably Inscribed, to testify to their regard. Mary V. Worstell In 8t Nicholas. Old He Hasten let She "Oh. Jack, dear. Tm glad you've come. Father la so excited and disturbed. Do go in and calm him." He "Very well. But what'a the mat ter with him ' " She "Well er-I Just told him yon wanted to marry me." Boston Transcript. All kinds of legal blanka at the Courier. Oxford Cafe March 81, 1018 Easter Scday Dinner ' Served S to 8 p. m. MENU Oeami of Chicken, prinUnicr New lUdlahee C3ren Onions Freah Dnngeneaa Crab Salad Stuffed Young Turkey, plum butter fricassee . of Itilcken, , , , ateamod dumpllnies Prima Biha of Beef, au natural linked SuokllnR Pig, candled applet - Cretuned Potatoea New Aapuragua on Toast Btrawberry lee Cream and Cake Pineapple Cream Pie Tea Coffee Milk ..... . Demi Taaae , , fifty c;:ntj We Will Place on Sale MACHINE STRICTLY CASH i'l- It Pays to VoM Painting your buildings will immediately in crease their values many times the amount of your investment in paint. Neglect to paint means loss by deterioration and decay. Lumber and repairs are more exjieusive now than ever before. Protect your property from depreciation by painting with ACME QUALITY . House Paint . f ' It gives great durability and lasting beauty. It is most economical to use, because , it takes less and lasts longer. ." ' ' . Let us show you suitable color combinations for' your house and estimate the amount of paint re quired, whether you buy or not. Rogue River .Hckv. ' The Big Red Front ; IBM (Continued from page 1 ) Lewis, W. T. Miller, P. A. DeGen- aolt, Paul Klrker. H. L. Stonaker. Speakers and meetings Rev. L. Myron iBooser, chairman, Mra. Alice M. Bacon, A. K. Cass. Advertlalng Frank Mashburn, chairman, Edward 8. VapDyke. Frank M. South. J)r. J. O. Nlbley, A. E. Voorhles. Subecrlpilons of absent cltliens Fred A. Williams, chairman Sub-commit tc Chairmen, Question- nalres and Team Captains With in the City of Grants Pa Ward No. 1 Dr. W. W. Walker. Ward No' 2. C. H. Demaray. Ward No. 3. Dr. J. C. Smith. Ward Ntf. 4. Ira A. Roble. Team Cairtains In Liberty Loan Dis tricts Outside Grants Pssh DUt. No. , 1. Wolf Creek, E. F. Storey. 2. Iceland, A. A. Porter. 3. Hugo, Charles Sexton. 4. Merlin, Daniel W. Mitchell Jr. 5. North River, IT. D. Mlhills. 6. Jonea Creek, J. F. Klrker. 7. South River. Ed. L. Schmidt; 8. Jerome Prairie. A. Wylberg. 9. Frnltdale, Geo. 'A. Hamilton. 10. WonBer. J. T. Robinson. 11. Wlldervllle, C. F. Lovelace. 12., Murphy, L. M. Mitchell. 13. Selma, E. J. Hottenroth. 14. Dryden, William Maaten. IB. Provolt, G. A. Dunlap. 16. Kerby, J. F. Stlth. 17. Holland, J. E. Holland. 18. ' Williams. Fred O'Kelly. 19. Waldo-Takilma, B. F. Home. $40.00 $35.o6 J ' A -A PANAMA CAFK Sunday, March SI st Served from 11:30 a. m. to 8 p. m Soup Cream of Chicken , with Noodles. ' ' Shrimp ReUahea Green Onlons,Sc; Celery, 15cr Radishes, 10c; Lettuce, 10c Roasts Chicken and Oyster dressing, 3 So Leg of Pork and Apple Jelly, 85c Prime Rib of Beef and Brown Gravy, 30c Entrees Chicken Fricassee and Rice, 3S Braised Heart and horse radish, 25c Two Fried Eggs, 25c Panama Club Steak, 30c '' T-bone 8teak, Special, 50c Fried Fresh Eastern Oysters, 50c -..Fresh Eastern Oyster' Stew, 40e- . Vegetable '. Mashed Potatoes Garden Peaa ' Hot Mince Pie and hard sauce Bcnreragefl Coffee Te Milk 12 BRITISH DESTROY TURK ' ' RAILWAY IX PALKHTINK London, Mar. 30. British mount ed troops have destroyed several miles of track of the Hedjac railway. east of the river Jordan, on the Pal estine border. .