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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1918)
DAILY nOGVK RIVKH COllUKR MNiiy, M.tnm si, itu. qi eqsue Dm to published Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORH1KS. Pub. 4Ptopr. Entered t the Postotnoe.vlranu Put, Or., aa second elau mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Dlaplajr spec, per Inch....... lie local or personal column, perllne 10c Readers, par Una c DAILY COURIER By mall or earrlar, par jear.-M.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .60 MEMBER Stata Editorial Association Oregon tally Newspaper Pub, Aaan. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Preaa la exelueively entitled to the u e for rt publication of all newt dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credl'ed In thla paper and also the ; cal newt puis Uinee herein. All rlshts of republication of apo dal dispatches herein are aleo reserved. i 0 M mm Order a Caii With Your Groceries Try Lighthouse Cleanser KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QIAUTY FIRST FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1918. . OKKOON WRATH Kit 4 Qear. moderate westerly 4 wlnde. HUN SPY PROPAGANDA Almost unbelievable are the ac tlrltlea of the German propaganda. Thousands of German spies have en deavored - to undermine national unity and divide the nation to im pede the mobilisation of Its re sources for war. They have destroy' ed property and taken life but their most effective work has been done long lines never before practiced by a nation calling Itself civilized the systematic effort to Introduce deadly maladies that slaughter the victims and cripple future generations. For this purpose Germany has prosti tuted science to curse humanity. . A couple of years ago it was proved that the Germans dropped candy from airships, tainted with germs that infected children and spread the plague in Rumania. Vials of cul ture were found burled in the Ger man embassy which were to be uied to Infect the livestock of the coun try and through them, the people. Infected and poisoned candy bat frequently been dropped npon French villages-. The war was evidently the signal for the creation of a great German army for the spread of disease, which operated not only among bel ligerents, but among neutrals and wherever the Hun conld reap ' ad vantage through decreasing the food stuffs or supplies of the allies. United States secret service agents re authority for the statement that the sudden and startling Increase In the number of Illnesses and deatht from anthrax In the United States in the closing months of 1915 and early In 1916 the "hoof and month" ep idemic has 'been traced to. German agents. Anthrax In man la identical with anthrax In animals, and the di sease appeared all at once In widely separated sections of America. Med ford Mall Tribune ' .. bn Easter Sunday the first service will be conducted In the Episcopal, chapel now under construction at Camp Meade. The money for . this chapel waa given by two women members " of Epiphany - church of Washington, D. C. There is a seat ing capacity for 250. The original gift has been almost doubled because of the carrying out of more exten sive plans and the erection of a mo dern home for the chaplain adjoin ing the chapel. This gift to war ser vice meets a need keenly felt by the chaplains desiring a quiet, secluded place for their work. . Used. Car Bargains 0:e 1918 Chevrolet Special equipment. One 1916 Dcdge Bros. Touring. Rue ccsditisn. One 1918 Habile. Special eq'ipsest. .ot sux WHIP""1 "d -r ur,,UNNl ,B nn rJ,w uiInlxt vjin o.twq inn eq,M P J. H. Denison Itodtfe Agcni GERMANS CHECKED ALL BUT ONE London,' Mar. 80! After eight days, during which it has swept for ward over the rolling hills of Picar- dy. at times like a tidal wave, the German offensive baa slowed down. Instead of a sweeping advance.! its progress has been chebked. at all but one sector of the front, and there it has been merely creeping for the last two dars this fact even admitted by the German war office, which us ually concedes nothing. From Arleux, north of Arras, to Albert, on the Somme river, the British lines have been holding stub bornly and have thrust back the Germans at a number of points. From 'Albert south to Montdldler, there has been a slow movement to the west, but the hills west of Mont dldler are still being held by the French. No ground hat been made against the French along the south ern tide of the salient driven Into the allied lines, while It Is asserted that the French counter-attack from Lasslgny to Noyon la still going on. The extreme depth of the German wedge now la about 87 miles. t OBITUARY Adam Wimer Jacob Adam Wimer was born near Ashland, Ore., July 30,. 1868, and departed this life at Grants Pass, March 28, 1918, aged 49 years 7 months and 26 days. Beside his widow, Sarah Wimer, he leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. "Wimer of Myrtle Creek, .Ore; four sisters. Katherine, 8trong of Washou gal, Wash.; Lydla U Camp bell of . Grants Pass; Mrs. Rauda baugh of Arago, Ore., and Mrs. Alice Baker of Eugene, Ore.; two brothers, Charles L. Wimer of Myrtle Creek and John B. Wimer, who is In the service and station at San Antonio, Texas. Moving from Ashland Mr. Wimer lived some years at Waldo and In the Applegate country. Then moved to Coos county, where he was en- gaged In the mercantile business. Oa September 8, 1895 be was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Halter at the Wlllowdale Presbyterian church. Coming back to the Waldo country be engaged in the freighting busi ness over the Crescent City moun tains. His final move was to Grants Pass, where he and his faithful wife have been able to build up a pros perous store business. Mr. Wimer made his way in life against great physical difficulties and afflictions, which would have shaken the will of a lest, resolute man. He waa brave and patient te the last degree. He was always honest, quiet and kind. The funeral waa conduct ed from the Christian church by Rev. Melville T. Wire Thursday af ternoon, March 28. Internment In the family burial plot at Ashland. TAKIL11A Mr. and Mrs. Geo. . Heckendorff and children are spending a few days with Mrs. Heckendorff'e parents, Mr. Land Mrs. Spencer near Holland. Mrs. Harry Messenger Is visiting her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Hllder brandt, near Kerby. Mr. and Mrs. Ben George were vis iting In Kerby lust Sunday. Mrs. Frank Hogue and son'. Clif ford, of Kerby, were visiting In Ta kllma Saturday and Sunday of last week. Mrs. Johnson has moved back In her hotel and expects to run It this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rose were Grants Pass visitors the first of the week. Mrs. A. L. Bailey was visiting in our city Thursday. Mrs. Splcer returned home Wed nesday after staying for several days with her daughter, Mrs. Hatelrlg. while their baby was sick. Miss Minnie Hogue, of Kerby, it here helping Bi F. Hogue In the store as he Is on the sick list thla week. Mrs. Ed Hannum is visiting with friends and relatives in Grants Pass, Murphy and Central Point this week. Frank Sowell Is visiting friends In our city this week. The Ideal Fancy Work club met at the home of Mrs. J. E. Smith on Thursday afternoon. The dab ladle have knit 9 sweaters; 8 pairs wrist lets and 9 pairs socks since the first of the year. EXPLAINS POISONING Bj FOOD Science Hat Discards Tntery, Lena Held, That Pto naints Are tht Cause ef Infection. fulsunlng by food la no- lunger ex plained as "ptoiname poisoning," but In an address to the American Asso ciation for the Advitucement of Science, 1M K. O, Jordan showed that It Is due either to true bacterial toxlus compara ble to those of diphtheria and tvtanua bacilli, or to infection with siwvlltc In fection carried by the food article. The beet known example of the toxin-forming microbes la the bacillus botullnua, whkh has produced In the Lulled Stale XI recorded cases of polsoulng, of which 17 were In California, while Great Britain has reported no case, This type of poisoning is rare, but In fection with food borne disease bac teria seems to occur It) a great number of case. The bacteria are either pres ent in the food llwlf. or the food la contaminated from human sources. The chief food-borne Infections hith erto traced to human contamination are typhoid fever and the various paratyphoid Infectious; but to thew usual be added certain Infections rare ly transmitted .by any food except mUk, such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, and streptococcus sore throat. The type of Infection from food contam inated at Ita source Is exemplified In the diseases of certain (ood aulmitls. The chief Infections known to be due to food lufected at Ita source are those mainly meat-borne caused by the group of paratyphoid enterltldls bac teria, and those resulting from the use of Infected milk. The bacterial die eases of plants do not Infect man. NEW TODtY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 16 words, two issues, lie; ' tit Issues, lOe; one month, 11.69, when paid In advanoe. When not paid In advance, te per line per Issue.) J uS. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur ance, plate glass liability insur ance. 204 V Sixth street. tf IMUKANCU Any kind, best ol companies. L. A. Launer, real estate. U FOR 8ALK At a bargain, two pul leys, one 18x Vs. oue 30x6 Vk lace. Also one S-hursepower electric motor, 220 volts. Inquire 201 Burgess street. 22 KOU8ALU Laying bena, Flemish Giant rabbits, harness, buggy, S-looth cultivator. ' 894 North Tenth street, I'hune 11)2-11. 12 SNAP Good 4 -room bouse, corner Tenth and J. Price, $450. 84U cash and 15 a month, no inter est. What the use of renting Fine garden land. L. A. Launer, realtor. 24 KOll SALE A nice 5 -room mo dern bungalow, close In, D street, at $1,200, can you beat It. L. A. Launer. realtor. 24 CROP KOll SALK Party has to leave at once and will turn lease of 90 acres cultivated, good build Ings, 65 acres In wheat and oats, 8 acres grapes. 4 acres peart, gives one-third rent . to owner, and he pays one-third expenses, team, stock and equipment. AH for $260, crop seeded cost him more. 7 acres more plowed. L. A. Launer, realtor. .,' 24 FURNISHED cottage, modern, good location, wanted by man and wife; permanent. Will be . in Grants Pass Sunday, Apr. 7. Ad dress answers to No. 616 care of Courier. ' ; . ' 26 WAITED Second band Incubator, hot water, phone ZU-Y. za FOR SALE A good all purpose mare, weight 1,400 lbs. R. W. Rogers, 1064 North Ninth street. 27 Language ef Heaven. A correspondent sends me a story which Is a good parallel (or, rather, the exact opposite of a parallel) to that of the minister who prayed in Gaelic. ! There was In Dublin an old lady I both eccentric and devout One day she sent for a Jewish minister, and started to learn Hebrew most assld nonsty. Though she was eccentric, and her friends were rarely surprised at anything she chose to do, they did wonder at this, and asked her the reason. "It would 111 become roe." she re plied, "when I meet my Maker, as soon I shall, to address him in any bat tilt . native language." London Ifewe. ' FOR SALE one 6-foot S. Beer rol ler quarts mill, complete with one 4-footx8-foot copper plate. One 15-horsepower Doak dlstlllato engine. One 4-horsepower Doak distillate engine. One 12"x8 Dodge crusher. One 3-footxl0-foot GrlMly. One Woodbury con centrating table. One Matteson No. 60-16 cubic foot ore car. Two large ore buckets. Two small ore buckets. Four hundred feet 12- pound rails. ' Thirteen hundred feet 2-Inch dipped standard pipe. Eight hundred 1-lnch dipped standard pipe. One 3,000-gallon heavy galvanized iron tank. One Challenge ore feeder. Black smith tools, etc. ' AH at the Trustbiister Mine, six miles north of Gold Hill, Ore. 'Address Chas. Wetherbee, owner, Gold Hill, Oregon. 27 DRY WOOD and dry kindling. Get them while you Van. Won't last much longer. A. N. Parsons. 22 Advice to Sentimental. When fellow's In love he might as , well go right up to her and make a j fool of himself first as last. Anything j Is better thnn holding it In nntll he gets spontaneous combustion Rich-' mond Times-Dispatch. ; ; FOR SALE Five young laying hem 75c each. Phone 2S5-.T, or call at 109 West D street. '.. 23 BPECIAtr For scrap Iron and junk we pay the bett price In Josephine county. Union Junk Co., phone 21, 401 South Sixth street. 21 is hvrv. Don't let another day pass without coming in and selecting your own style and woolen and he union' tlio best-d)cscd men who will he wearing good elotlies this Springtime. . - - TT rfT -ZTD i . V MEAN COMFORT AND SATISFACTION Iliuulretlfof beautiful Hpring patient you'll not see elsewhere, ami the finest workmanship which insures correct style and fit. Price consistent with good quality. Geo. S. Calhoun (5MO Street Xeaiiv fifteen year Kxdusive Dealer Ford Owners Wi have enlarged our rcpuir shop and installed tjie regulation Ford Burning-in Stand The name as used in the Ford factory for setting the hearings in the motor, insuring n perfect running motor after an overhaul. This is the only repair shop in Southern Oregon with this equipment, and which we have installed at considerable expense for perfect service for Fords. C. L. Hpbart Company The Unicorn. The unicorn which assists the lion In upholding the British Royal coat of arms heart the reputation of being en tirely mythical. But In truth It has an actual prototype In the chtra, an antelope of western Thibet and Hin dustan, By right the chlru hot two horns, but It la of no pugnacious a dis position that It often loses one of then, Rattlesnake Skin. The rattle of the ruttlesnake It de veloped from the single conical scale or epidermal spine, which In most snukes forms the Internal tegument of the tail. The bone on which the root of the rattle rests consists of the last caudal vertebra and it covered with a skin which Is the beginning of the rat tle Id young rattlosnskee. Farm and Garden Tools Increased profits follow the use of modern tools, and we have the very latest productions waiting for. you. Our stock includes everything for the farm and . home, or for the yard or garden of townspeople. It is useless to dwell at length on the superior- j ity of our hardware and tools, - for YOU ALL KNOW TIIEIU QUALITY. : - " FINE SHOE REPAIRING Jewell fidw. Co.