s Ul'XDKY, MAIUH 4. I SI A. cir- cccra cnrca occcrra pics Trrr3 Vr-rwM I IB A if Electricity is the Cheapest Power You can Buy Electricity I a no longer a luxury to I x enjoyed ly the few. It in now within thu reacli of the many. Kcml tho following figures buml on tho avrrngo rntet for cloctric current. .1 AnlcUI'i worth of Itctricttjr wtlh ' Rum II In. rx' W" rto( mmMm rmHw fat It Iwa. I rlr ! U a4an fa. nra. fmm to ,.11.'.. IM f(, Mali 1.IIB BMIII, a PIMM. 4,a I U at.lal. mi aa. Cra.a It ku.k.l.af .a '4 I I Wa tlt aa faat .1 iwaal a IN la af eUb Milk It aawa Oaarata ttlwdat j far It lira. and do many othar usef ul thing. Li Hi a horn aWnr tttetrkltg wM Af YOU. lOS-J ' 62JG STREET, ' GRANTS PASS. OREGON ' ' Ltl the Cow Htvt Mutlo. Ws have It m 1I.0 authority of a fanner In thr tnt of Wlwinsln thnt cowa to whlt-li ih p'tiinnfmpli, or gramophone. tihM 1'iin plnyed while they art being milked Imve given two fjuarta of milk a day mora thnn they ever did Mar, professor Marker re toarka upon thlt Uiat cows will do a lot better If they ara entertained and amused, and thnt a great deal drpeoda poo tbelr mood. London Tit-III ta., Touching on Courtship. Touching courtxhlp In other days, several Romeo contribute to column levity of the hour. One aske: "Remem ber the llnva 7011 hnd ht out hugy rlilliif and aha aked you If yon liked buckwheat or corn cakee bent, and you aaked brr why ah wanted to know, and aha stuttered, 'B-e-c-eoa-t,' and yon both Uttered, abr Pittsburgh Pott .... CHICHESTER S PILLS T AX laaaitin MHN rii.La.tolI 9mm MM at an, . ttfaM . A I, n H aMMa sonBvisismnwiifj3 Hwlttrrland (n remain noiitral and Imported llinbururr - clln. to llunlaod. but Tillamook will hp to It that the rixhtera for damocrary no not chMMlvM. Tha Southern Pacific hauled iIom to (t.noo.OOO puunda of cheoaa out of Tillamook In 1917 and tba rounly eollortad orer $1,000,000. Tba Induitry la now ao wall ettabllahed and conducted on auch a aanlUry and aclentlfle baala that Tillamook cowa work orartlma willingly and tba International cheM record for ltl I la la tight 3 75 of all hauling can be done by a Maxwpll truck ' . ..1 mi ' There ara now more than 6600 Maxwell trucks in use. They will do everything a 5-ton truck will do except haul 5 tom at one load. , Big trucki spend more gai hauling themselves than the Maxwell uses at peak load,. How well those Maxwells have done their work is shown by a service record of 99.6 perfect the great est record ever made by a motor-driven vehicle. $400 less than any other truck of similar capacity in the world. '. $1085, chaisii only, f. o. b. Detroit. Electric lifhti. Electric generator. Worm drive. 10-foot loading space. 2500 pounds. COLLINS AUTO CO. 1 DISTItllUTOIW I I I 1 I ..,,,... ' . , JUDGE C. G. GiLLETTE EXFLft?:;s posmorj , . Ortntt I'ait, Oron. 1 . March 12; ltl I. TO TI1K KDITOR OrtTIIK j COlllIKR: ' ' I'nforUinatuly under tba lawt of the iut of Oregon, a public official hat no recoume tq a court of Juntl and any Irreapootlbla ptrltet may aet up a oomplalnl. 1 take thla mcth. od of tniwarlng tha allenllnt that have bean made agalntt ma aa coun ty Judge. I'pon my taking tba office Janu ary 1, HIS, the county clerk'a re cordt ahow that there were outatand Ing general fund warranta to the amount of 1242,007.61, with anti mate accrued Interest to the amount of I2R.O0O.O0, making a total out atandlng Indebtrdneta of $267,007. 61. The report of Janutry 1, 1116, thowt In gennrtl fund warranta 1201,051. 65, with tlm.ted ac crued Interetl of 141.202.45, making a total of $260,255.10. Our war ranta at that time ware being d It counted at' the rate of five and ten per rent. ' Prevloue to thla time ho provltlon bad erer been made by any county court to take ear of the Interest or outetandlng warrant!. In addition to thla, the euppllet for tha county purchaaed from tha local merrhante were not' only charged with the retail price, but the rata or dlacount aa well waa added. Thlt ttate of affaire continued for one year. After much contlderatlon, the other membera of tha county court ware peranaded that a linking fund ihould be created to Uke care of tha Interett and outatandlng warranta alao current expenae fund to pro ride for the conduct of, the county butlneet. Thlt action had the hearty approval of the executive committee of the taxpayer league. Aa retult of thla procedure, our warranta are today being eagerly ought at par. In the matter of handling the county poor, thla haa been done by the county court aa a whole and not by the county Judge alone. Thla butlneta hat been carried on to the bett of our ability nnder the con-' dltlooa and clrcumatancea with which we had to contend. We know that 'It la a matter of large expente but the lawt of the ttate of Ore gon provide that the county court hull care for the poor and destitute and In ao doing we believe that they thould have tufflclent clothing and good, wholesome food. After two yeara experience, the court decided to advertlae for rontracta for the maintenance of the 'county poor farm and Ita Inmate. Pour blda were received two for $S0 per cap ita per. month and two for $21 per capita per month. The contract for the care of the eounty poor waa then let for $12 per capita per month. At a matter of comparlaon we might mention that the coat of maintaining the poor In Marlon county In 1116 wat more than $24 per patient.. A comparlaon of condition! In ottr ad Joining counties will prove quite at favorable to Josephine county. In regard to the water matter, I the county court hat no Jurisdic tion In the matter as this la a state appointment and controlled by the rtate water master. The county con r ft responsibility extendi merely to the paying of bill aa authorised by the state water matter. On re commendation of the county court to the state water matter that a water master be employed but five months of the year, that official ruled that he mutt be employed not lest than six months of the year, which plan li now In force.. No sal ary haa been paid in the water mas ter's office tlnce the middle of No vember. ' . ' " ' ' At the last meeting of the county court the commissioners and county Judge., with the approval of the exe- cutive committee of the taxpayers league, decided that It was tor the beat Interett of Josephine county to I purchase the machines that are now I a matter of controversy. Since the use of automobiles are becoming to general the county has annually paid I out more than the price of a Ford for auto hire. I In conclusion, I will say that had I an Investigation been made by any "".nmlttee of responsible cltlxena of the county and they found It was to the best Interests of Josephine coun ty and so requested, I would have "tepped aside without a. word.' Com ing from the source It did, which source I will reveal If necessary,' I propose to defend my administration before the voters of Josephine coun ty' until the aame Is vindicated and the untruthfulness of these charges fully established. ,, Respectfully, : - c. o. gujLettb, 1 ' : . ; County .Tudse. ill u:2'faci:23! , 1 ; r .' ; I . J ' ('UmII Oituth Mattes on Sunday at $ and 10 a. m Edmund A Wall, pattor Klmi (tiutrb of Out H letlt Christian Science services are held very Sunday, In the W. O. W. ball, at 11 a. m, Wednesday evening meet ings at 6 o'clock. The eubject for today la, "Matter." ' Tha reading room la open from 1 to 4 p. m. ex eept Bundaye and - holldaya. The puhjle la cordially Invited to attend tha eervlree and to visit the reading room. ' ' i" Ht. Luke Kh)ciNl ' Palm Sunday Sunday acta 00 1 at 6:10 a. m. Evening prayer and ser mon at 7:10 p. m. Rev. Philip K. Hammond of Ashland, vlctr In charge. A hearty welcome It extend ed to til at these eervlcei. ftirMiasi fharrh Church achool at 10 a. m., Dr. Macy, auperlntendent. We are put ting parts of our achool on a tysta matlo graded basla. Thla training department la a real contribution to thla community. Communion at 11 followed by sermon, subject, "Chris tian Correspondence." A ' tplendld Junior hat been organlted and meett at I p. m. C. K. at 6:10. Evening aervlee at 7:10. subject, "A Mighty Mawnet." Thla church atandi for service to the community and la de tlroiit.of hsvlng a part In every good work. ' ' . " Charles R. Drake, minister. Itethnny PrrakylerUn 1iurch Observance of Palm Sunday at 11 a. m., appropriate sermon for the day. Evening service at 7:10 p. m., sermon, "A Thoughtful Man's Esti mate of Religion." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:20 p. m. The choir under the direction of Mrs. Ireland will sing morning and evening. T. P. Cramer will aing 'The Palmt" In the morning.' and Matter Robert Nellson wilt play a violin aolo In the evening. Tour In terest Jn the larger things of life will be quickened by attending thesf ervlcet. U Mjrbn Booxer. mlnltter. Newman M. R rhnrrh Palm Sunday aervlee at 11 a. m. Baptism of Infanta and reception ef membera.' Address by the paator: thank-offering for woman's foreign and woman'a home missionary socie ties Solo by Mrs. A. Brunken. Evening aervlee at 7:10 p. m. Ser mon by the pattor, solo by Mrs. Mel ville T. Wire. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Intermediate and Epworth Ieagues at 6:20 p. m. A cordial welcome for all. " " Melville T. Wire, pastor. l Baptist Church At the morning service at 11 o'clock Rev. W. C. Driver will tpeak on the aubject of "Our 'pro German Appetites." Evening service at 7:10, aubject. "Who la My Neigh bor?" At the morning service the church will be asked to take action on the calling of a pastor. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. and the B. T." P. U. at 6: SO p. m. A moat cor dial Invitation Is extended to all these services. KOTICK Notice Is hereby given, thaP" the County Court will consider bids for the construction of a public library building for Josephine County, Ore gon, to be erected at Oranta Paae, Oregon, according to iplant and ape ciDcatlona on tile in the office of the County Clerk at Grants Pass, Ore gon, and at the office of E. E. Mc Claran, 525 'Lumber' Exchange Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Plana . and specifications will be furnished on deposit of $5.00, which will be refunded on or before Ave daya after receipt of the tame if re turned In good condition. All blda must be filed on or before 10 o'clock a. m. of the 4th day of April, 1918, In the office of the County Clerk of Josephine County, Oregon, and be accompanied by a certified check of 5 per cent of the amount bid, made payable to E. L. Coburn, County Clerk as per clause In specifications, as guarantee that a bond will be given and the con struction contract signed. ' I The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids or award the contract according to the best . In terests of the Connty. ' By order of the County Court of Josephine County, Oregon.- E. L. COBURN. ' , " County Clerk. Rutter Wrappers printed to com ply with the law a,t the Courier. Mb There is do foundation for the Cci violations of law attributed to our Cea pany ky amenta of the Feictxl Trtia Comrnisdon and I want to aayercptj cSy that Swift A Company is not apxtyto any conspiracy to defraud the Govera ment ' liar has Swift ft Company teen ,ni:ty of improperly storing foods or ef rooking false entries or reports. ' Coherences of packers, where prices have been cscussed, have been held at the urgent request , and in the presence of represenutives of either the Food Administration or the Council of National Defense. And yet the packers have bee, accused of committing a felony by acting in collusion on Government bids I We have done our beat, with other packers, Urge and small, to comply with the directions of the United States Food Administration in all particulars, including the furnishing of food supplies for the U. S. Army and Navy and the Allies, now be ing handled through the Food Adminis tration. "" Wa will continue to do our titaDckctvan der Crovernmem direction, to increase our production end tusizt the Food Adks tration. -Ve ccedder tht we opportunity to co-cperate whc!e-hert2y and to our fullest powers with thi3 ' branch of the Government is our plain end most press ing duty. .y ' The Trade Cotnir!-:3a Aaraey haa, by false bfercatee adrf-!iced eirha aia, given to "rxrr.Tt&J pttes ef C?t coiTespondence taken from our prhr&ts files and read into the Record, a false and sinister meantnij with the plain purpose of creating artascixic pubc cpinica The cenricea ef the packers of tha United States are most ursntly needed, and I rett cutj thit we shoul at this time have to rpeid our eCxts ia (Jefendi ocrsdves athst unfounded, unproved, and unfair assertions such u are being daily made pubUc t ' " " t&T.ofunttr. Preddsnt (C.JSwift 6c Company,U.S.A. i f, iN i 1 TWE.VTV YEAHH AtlO Ladles wore bustles. Operations were rare. - - Nobody swatted the fly." Nobody bad appendicitis. . Nobody wore white shoes. ' Nobody sprayed orchards. Cream waa 5 cents a pint. Most you men bad "livery bills." . Cantaloupes were muskmelons.. You never heard of a "tin Ur.xle." Doctors wanted to see your tongue Milk shake was a favorite drink. Advertisers did not tell the t.uth. Nobody cared for the price of gas oline. ........ . ..... . , . ', Farmers came to town for their mall. The hired girl drew $1.50 a week. The butcher "threw In" a chunk of liver. " ' ' Nobody "listened In" on a tele phone. ' , '. .. There were no sane Fourths, nor electric meters. Strawstacks were burned Instead of baled. 'Jules Verne was the only convert to the submarine. You stuck tubes In your ears to hear a phonograph, and it cost m dime. ' Dally Thought - We think there are? circumstances under which we can deal with men without love, and there are no auch circumstances. You can cut down, the trees and make bricks, or hafnmer Iron without love, but yon cannot deal with human beings without it Tolstoi. A Billion Dollar Insurance Fund ' Th Federal Reserve. Banking System may be liken ed to a vast billion dollar mutual Insurance fund which wo and 7,000 other banks maintain at all timet to give -a the currency our depositors need to atand back ef us in time of financial stress and to enable ua to give better and safer banking service in many Mays. -, , , 1 ' Every one of our depositors, la r lie or small, with out any additional coat, participates In the protection and benefits of thla great ayatem. . ' It you would like to have . this nfttlnn-wicle fund back. of you, let ua write or talk with you about it. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON CraoeiiAi. RESBRVC "1