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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1918)
, rcj rom daily npom nivien ooirbch KlllllAV, MAIM 'II kU. IUIM. -BJew clothe? for Easter. Get them early ""HAT'S an established idea. Everything has the new look about this time; men usuafly like to be 14in it," too. v ' Your spring suit the one we know you'll pick out as the best one for you is here ready for you to wear. It's a Hart Schaff ner & Marx suit, of course; we know you want something good. Don't wait until somebody else has taken the one. you want. Easter comes March 31st. v Get ready now in clothes and furnishings. lipf Your Easter bonnet is here, it's a Mallory. You know it is good. $3 to $5. JOE SWARTZ Formerly the WONDER CLOTHES STORE Now the Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothe3 Vrw Ismlg Owner , Jack AllUon It the latest purchas or at a tts Dodge automobile from J. t. Penlson, agent. Hough Gel (Mi a. u, nougn na purchased an eight-cylinder Oldamobtle from th J. It. Dentaon agency. Red (Viim Shipment Marrh A shipment of Red Crow supplies ill he made on Saturday, March 30, ml knitters are asked to und In all finished work positlhle not Inter than Thursday or Friday of next week. To ('nil Pastor. , The congregation of the First Raptlat rhurrh will vol on tha cull ln of pastor at the Sunday morn lng' service. This action wna deem d advisable m u( nlxht's weekly meeting. "CiH'y" fr Sunday Any articles which are exported to be published In Runday'i Courier mint ho turned In to tha office early Saturday .forenoon, preferably on Friday nlitht. N Will Collet Account At tha meeting or tha elly coun cil held Thursday night It wa decid ed to place delinquent Improvement assessment account! In the hand or the rlty attorney for collection'. V. It, r. Meeting RalenUy General Urn Woman's Relief Corps will hold their regular semi monthly meeting Saturday afternoon Rvery member I urgently requested to be present as bnilneaa of -Importance must be attended to. Junior lt Croa Meeting, . A meeting or the Junior Nod Cross chapter n-hool committee, su pervlsots and all teachera of the Mty and county ha been called by the chairman. Mra. W. W. Canlir. lor Sfatnrdav, (tomorrow) at the court ho ime at 3:30 p. ni. A full .ttm danre In desired. I'E:iSOXAL AND LOCAL today. .v Mra. E. J J. L. Scott and J. A. Jenkins, of hr rtmiifhtur Mr. W J Homo nn Furlough rrlvate .Sterling l. Sloan arrived thli morning from Mare Inland on n 30-days' furlough with a permit for .30 days more, and will visit his par enta. Mr. and Mra. 8. P. Sloan. ITI rate Sloan la a member or Co.' I) , io i:3W or our, regular e 3rd Swtlon. r, 3.. Marlnei. and h walKera, who vinitea o clock dinner for 3a cent gives ,,- nn ,h ,i,.k ii-, for ,h, ,, G. Karg. of Lelund, was In town Oxford Cafe business men's lunch Olesidale, are In the city today. . son. A. F. Walker, for the past two.uioney. Xaida lamps at Rogue River Hdw. I father, returned to Ker. Melville T. Wire and J. M. ' nieht first having (tneumonln. mentlea iong, ana ou the most and best for your twn nmniti May we serva your 1 nose taster candies nave arrived: months, leu last nlglil ror lng (. . at Hdrnlng's shack. . . 171 Beach, Wash. . j Xew .MemlNni for ( of ( Mra. A. O. Lewis and little sonj r alui yirt Ernest Banflcld and) At th 'Btlng of the board of dl weat to Jacksonville' , this morningjtw0 children, who were here to at-" rectors of the Chamber of -Commerce to Tlsit lor a short time. ' ii.nrt tha fi.nml of Mr. tiiinfieid held on Thursday the names of 12 Portland lam,"" memuera were aciea on. 1 ne Philip Helmer for another. TheHe ( iso oecioea 10 give a aociai .,,, wl be a great relief to the Bert Sergeant returned this "uu u,u,"'r Bon, "me ov,OT' APr"; cutters In the work rooms, who Two Ntoola ror Ited CrmH The Red Cross Is Indebted to the generosity of Kd Harlocher for the donation of a lilh stool, also to laaam are spending the day at Mfd- , ,,,j ,h, 'and dinner some time before Tm-Jl aftanifinv tha I a t- mnn 'm nnn f Ae 1 . m a V a 1 . . a i . vU..,.6 "" - mornlng from a two yeara absencei"' Ior ne purpose 01 securing neea- gUnd from j ,0 s .Plock. and the Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Crowell, of Ta- ;and will spend a week or two bere. ed fundav ' t r . 1 1. 1 . 1 ..-ii... : . . t ..... 1 e DiB own wurKiiiK ill me iiu" ' kflma, have been In the cltr for a' . , .. , Ktrhtlr Cash . . . " fir and spruce for the government. ,"rH"7 few days. They, returned home this 1 Beginning April 1, we will go on "wuiniu, .. . - .... stricuy casn terms. yriii win not Mr. E. F. Heath is at Eugene fori ford cafe gains many new patrons extended tq anyone. Carmenta six weeks to be with her son. Heath, a member of the U. ordnance class. management wishes to hoartlly thank the gentlemen for their kind nans. Loyal.every week by dining with us to- that are delivered of o. nleht or any night. Grants Pass i n, ., ,n. -i..n 4.11....J 11.1 I tiAnnlA biii. rm. I t a itip air lllf nil v ' . . .. ... .. . t , ,.,.. ' pacKags u. u. u. . rna waraTooe .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Atkln and cooked and wholesome foods, appe- Cleaners. Amos F. Williams, Pro- davghter of Los Angeles stopped off tlzlngly served. Once more we ha?e' pretor. 23 la Grants Pass to look after property 100 pounds of young turkeys for our, , ', ' ' , ' . , Interests. They left north this morr, special Sunday evening-dinner, 5 to Vll kinds of Commercial Printing ts. ' s ociock. 10 at the Coorlor Office. ' it Plenty of clothes yes, but how are you to ftet good clothes? THER'ES no trick in; buying clotKes that look fcood during tKe first try-on. ; ' What you want is real value clothes that will keep their fine : appearance all the while you're wearing them clothes.! with durable style, lasting srrtartness. All rifcht, then,, you'll find just such values araonfe our Collegian assortment for Spring. , -' .' W III Celebrate Holy Week The eonirreratlon of llethanv If. 1 ' ' " ' . Presbyterian church will observe Holy week, March 34 to 31, with ser vices beginning on Palm Sunday morning and continuing each night with (he exception of, Saturday, con cluding with the Easter Commun ion oh the morning of Easter Sun day. These services will begin at 7:45 o'clock each evening. A spe cial study of the last week of Christ's earthly life will be the feature of the week. A large attendance Is anticipated. Adler Clothes Smart stylu for veiy man of 17 to 70 Prices just thoit that you like to pay. c Peerless flothing to. ISIIAKL Wkl.MtKIUl TO IIK UKLKAHKK UN HAIL San Francisco, Mar. 22. Israel Tn'. ,.ntll..n f... WA..nuA (iviiiuvis iraiiiiuu ivi ivicnno uii bail on two charges of murder placed against him In connection with the preparedness parade bomb explosion here In 1(16, was granted here to day by the state suyreme court. The sum of 1 7,600 for each charge against him was set by the court's order with the provision that the bond must be approved by the superior court Judges In whose court cases are pending against Weinberg. Before er After the FaetT There must be a mob of unprincipled persons In the motorcar game, else how expluln all the accessories? Philadelphia Public Ledger. NEW TOmY (CLASSIFIED AO RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 2tc; sis Issues, 50o; one month, $1.60,. when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 6c per line per Issue.) WOMAN wanted at 616 west 13th street, ' Medford, Ore., ; two In family. - 16 FOR SALE Set fine assay Seven ore trucks. Cheap. Ament. , , scales. C. W.l 15tH Ii CROSS YAR The local Ned Cross haptef wishes to advise those who are knlttltvg or who rontemplate knit ting, that yarn la being purchased and will he available In a few day Those who are knitting for the It';' Cross should obtain this yarn fitmi the local sewing rooms, where Ituvt are charged with the amount ol yarn taken out and credited with the weight of the garment returned. The local chapter was able to pur chase the first shipment of, yarn un der II. SO per pound, but the last shipment cost II. SO a pound, and we are still able to purchase yarn at that price. All of the yarn has been purchased from the Red Cross organisation at Seattle. In other words, the northwestern division of the American Red Cross has pur chased yarn In la rue quantities and sella It to the chapters at Its approx imate cost.' This la practically Hie same yarn that la being sold In the retail market at 16 per pound. HARMON OPKXS (WMI'AUiN .'Some Place In Oreiion." March lliud. I1H Kd Courier (lenural C. R. Har mon came In from the "western front" one day this week And re ports heavy "skirmishing" all alotu the line. He aaya he la trying to open the "spring campaign" and commence the "big drive." So fnr the enemy have not offered any for midable opposition, and he thinks hi will Join forces with General Bldler and that they will use "gas" before the campaign closes. niC IIINDKNIU'KO. (Passed by board of censors.) . MUX OH MUM AUK . Ml'HT NMOW ( AltllS New York, Mar. JJ Able-bodied min In New ,York who appear he or draft age will be stopped - by policemen on the streets sfler the first of A i!L m;l anVi-d fo rbo- the!' flnaelNratlun draft cards, It was an nounced today by Martin. Conbny, director of the draft for New Ynrk City. - . , , , Flffeen thousand men of the 6X0.. noo -to 'whom qurdlonnrtlreti .r: mailed,, .nr., Conboy said, hnd failed to make returns. HlKNm HK. UWSKH . ' , I.KJHT LAST WKKK Washington, Mm. 32. Submarine or mine sank only three French merchant ships during the week and Ing March 16. one over 1,600 tonr and two under that tonnage.'1 Tho weekly report received here records one vessel of over 1,800 tons whlrh was f link during the previous week, but was not Included In last week's announcement. How to Tell Age of EggsT There Ih a simple method of ascer taining tho Age of ecKK, bnsed npon,tho fnct tliut tho ulry hi e nt the bnuid ,i iul of the egg lucrcuites with Its nge. Now, when the egg Is plticed Id a tumbler of wutcr In which any amount of ciimmun suit Is tllHsolved, It will, with Increasing age, tend ever more to iisHiiniH a position with Its liingltudlmil tixls In a pcrpendlculur direction. A frenh liild egg Kill lie horlxontully on the bottom of the vessel. An egg from three to four dnya old w ill rise with Its brond end, so Hint Itk longitudinal axis forms with Its horlioutul axis nn nnglu of 20 degrees. At the age of eight dnys the angle Increases to 4.1 degrees, at the age of two weeks to (10 degrees, and at the nge of three weeks to about 75 degrees. When the egg t) more than a month old It will flout perpen dlrulurly on Its emnll end. COMING EVENTS March 22, Friday Ice cream social given by Mr, and Mrs. Saltmatsh to members of Kand L. of 8. Ex cellent literary and musical pro gram. , . , 16 March 23, Saturday Children's story hour at Public library, 10:30 a. m., Miss Elsie Powers, story March 23, Saturday Called, meeting or Ladles Auxiliary, 3:10, Cham ber of Commerce rooms. March 26, Tuesday Reese Bros. Africanders, opera house. March 30,- Saturday Annual Easter egg hunt al Riverside park, 1:30 p. m. ' March 30, Saturday Meeting of Pomona grange at Rogue River Valley grange ball. ,' April 1, Monday All Fools party, given by Presbyterian ladles at the E. T. Ludden home. 23 April 3, Wednesday Meeting of Public Service' commission In 1 Grants Pass. , ' (1IMK IN TIIK lV TIMK The 'peisoii who entered my premises last nliiht. traiiiiillng down a newly planted rose buoli as she did so. uurlolned all of my pink oar- rlssiis, one paper while, the only Von Slon double In bloom, and even filched a white one from a flower pot, has my proroundsst sympathy for having a nature endowed with a love of flowers coupled with to Indolent a disposition to raise them. I hope to have other flowers dur tii it the siimmer and should my ef forts prove sueiessful and last nluht's Ireapawrr attain be tempted. If she wllljrv'i"1 1,1 daylight Instead of as a siuHik thief at night, lo save her from asaln becoming's crim inal. I will cheerfully divide with her the results of my labor, NEUJR O, MILLER., , KXTK'NhH TIHVKX The ladles of the Provolt auxil iary 'desire lo thutik the people of (Irani I'ass, for the liberal patron kit xlvrii them In the tummaxe sate held last Saturday. They especially wish to thank (. S. Illsnrhard and F. M. South ror assisting In arrang ing the articles for sale and also R. M. flute for hauling. The total re ceipts were f Sff.10. ' PROVOLT AUXILIARY. If you have anything to sell try a rtatncd sit Joy Tonight William A. Itrady. director general. WorM 4'liurr, prv wnt CAItLVLH ltl.A HWM.I, . Mlltl HI. OHTHItllK KVM.VN tJHKKI.HV "The Good for Nothing'; f J wim..ih?w.wi f)',V'V.rf ever tijr lo i-nirli a fbeV c rrrtMli'il clil kcn? Pitrtlctiliuly vtlieii nil were oenrln-1 a dreM ault? No ' Well, It's mime experience. He i' IIiIh picture ami see what Imp IH'iieil to Carlyle lllncknell When lie tili-d to cor nt I a ImiiicIi of t bltkcns under Itiew rlr , inmMiioi ee, . ' UOc mid fie I Joy::- Saturday . p. ' 1 u-iBBSIBSaBaBBBBBlBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBIBaBBBBBBBBSJBBBBBBSSBBBBBBSB-, ra.SJFiTCkvi? KIOINA ' ttADH-T- n4 PAUL GUIDE lllsiissltakMt V-----: ...H.'Vi Golden Lotus'. ; : tvitl. ' . " . . .. " ' ' . , Regina Badet .''' . and ' Paul Guide .