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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1918)
ntin w. Mtiun an, mm. daily cccra trm cctxzra -1 APPLEQATE V J." 7 Ml One Week and Thio Storo Closes for Good Women' oxfords, small sizes, tlie jiuir - -..$1.00 Women 'k nnd drls' par.v hUpikm-m, the pair .a.. !! $1.95 nn.lJ2.45 Women's mahogany brown 8-inch laee shoes, tlie pair '. : $3.45 WoiiK-n'K patent leather button nhoes, white and ivory tops, 8-inclies high, all sizes, the 'pair tt $5.00 Children V x fords and pumps, the pair -.. $1.00 and' $1.25 Children's sandal, Hize I-H,V$1.15, Hj to 12i; the pair : U $1.25 . Women's ruhlM.T lnuts, all sizes, the pair $1.75 Men's knee rubber boots," the imir ... $4.00 Men's rubber pacs, the jmir ; $3.00 ' Men's work, shoes ... . L, $4.00 and up ' Ah'ii h rJ-iiirli I In v ton immhhitm. tin imir . ' S.4o ONE WEEK MORE AND STORE POSITIVELY v CLOSES MARCH 30th K. L. Kfflfftletl . Second TO WE HAVE A NUMBER OF FORDS FOR SALE WHICH ARE IN FINE CONDI TION. FOR SALE . . , At BARGAIN PRICES COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER AND LET US TAKE TOU OUT IN THEM. 1 ., t . . BARGAIN PRICES. TERMS IF' ' DESIRED BUY NOW AS OARS WILL BE SCARCE LATER. C. L. Hobart M ftp Ozt 1918 Chsvrdct 'f Special 0:i 1916 Dci? Eros. Touring. Fine ccsitisa Oi 1918 Hcpobile. Special eqiipest Throe cum have .extra equipment mid are gtiafMiiteed In Hint rliiwt condition. Term to responsible J. Hi Denisoii , DodKO - Hand Company parties, A Agent V Mr. anil Mr. Geo, Harriott and family tlalleil at tlie home of Mr. Harriott'! parent, Mr. and Mrs. Dar ni lllt, several daya lint week. i The Alginate lied Crota tent In their flrat shipment of work Tiiee - Am ri.n.uiin ..f I ..f iimI flay, consisting of I suit of paja- man. ta luweis, si w.iur iioiiio cut- era and 10 palra of bed aocka. Mr. H. Pernnll and Mra, Fred Benedict -attend. Ill H-d Cross I rummage aal at Oranta Paaa Sat-1 urday, Mr. and Mra. John Harriott have rrturned to their home on .,. The ladle of Mlmourl Mat have organlied a Red Croaa auxiliary and the following officer were elected: Mr. K. Kubll, irealdnt; Mra, Zola Knox, eqrretary and treaaurer; Mra. Geo, Matney, director of work. They will (Iva an entertainment and box aoclal at the MUnourl flat achool home Saturday evening March 2S. to ralae funda to buy material. nillle Head who entlated In the I aviation rorpa, haa been aent to Kelly field, Txaa. Mr. and Mra. T. H. Mannflold fe tradlm with Oranta Paaa merchant Wednaaday, Among those rom Applegate at tending the Show of Wonder at Mnd ford were Mr. aad Mra. Cheater Ube aame aa those In France, only Kubll, Mr. and Mra. T. II. Manafleld.lyoii can talk' to the English, people Mr. and Mr. Fred Benedict, HugbLnd understand them. The train In Drown, Mra. Maud Kubll and daugh ter, Edith. SOLDIER LETTERS Morrlaoa Knjoya Kngland Dear Mother and All: I writ a abort note today, am fetllng flue so 1 guea that I a good a 1 could do any place. The weather la rather cold here, a high fog moat of the time. Thl I a beautiful country. ' I thought Franc pretty bnt England haa It beat for aeon I o attractiveness. The roada and drlvewaya are grand, t would certainly like to tour It In an automobile and take my time looking at all the beauty created by nature and man. Mother. I aent you a cable a few daya ago ao yon would know that I waa all right In caaa my lettera did not get acrosa. Write all the news, love and best wlahe to all. , . GLENS. Add re: KENNETH M. 3, MORRISON'. 47 1 nt Aero Squadron. American Ex. 'Forcea. Saw Ve(mlnlMef Somewhere In France, February IS, 14 IS. Dear Folk: , I received your letter today that you wrote on the 18th of December. I waa In Camp Merrltt then, but I am a long way from there now. I can't tell you what part of France we are In, but the weather la about the aame a we have In Portland. The last few days the aun has been shining, but It lan't afraid to rain In thli country. I will try and tell you about our tlp from the state to France. . I cannot tell you the way we came or how long It took us but we had a nice trip. The weather wa fairly fine but we atrttck a couple of storms and It. got pretty rough, but as we were cn a large ahlp we didn't feel It so much. Harold and I thought we would get seasick but we fooled the fish for once. We got a little dirty about three days out but soon got over It, then we enjoyed the rest of the trip. T suppose you think the submarine are like fiah. We didn't light any and we left them o the subchasers, which the submarines are sure' afraid of. I sure wish I could talk French. We get an awful kick out of these people the way they talk, their way and the French village, All of the houses are of brick, rock or mud. The streets are as narrow as alleys and nre laid with cobble stones, and are dirty with mud and slop. , The" buildings are all smalr and one or two stories, with a. lot of fanry.'work and steeples., "'l.was through an old church It England that Is one of England's first churches. All of the kings and queens . of England have been crowned there and burled there. The place Is Just lousy with caskets and gravestone's. Nearly every . stone you step on In. tho floor says, here lies the body of some great guy. The! walks are covered with them too. They have caskets lying on the beams with kings In them. They have brass plateson the walls nam ing all the battles that England has STUM EZ E ,V ' PIT THIS MAX BATt,TO WORK This it to certify that Mr. R. L. Wolf. 110 Aib St, Sao Diego, Cal ifornia, purchased tbree bottles of ?' umwh, sir. Wolfe staled tbat stomach wa giving him ao nucli trouM, n 0Mbl, t(J work. bu, (net taaklns 8TLMKZB be la entlre- ly relieved end able, to resume bla (Binned.) TIIB MONARCH Dm?0 CO., an filaaern fb 1 I fnrn I el wh- ,nil,T.,Am,h i. ,.h ' ar alck all over aoon knorka you out. Don't mo the rlak of total dle- Awl-,bll,tJ'l n,no J?"r5""',t " Bel bottle of STUMEZK, the real medicine for atomacb Ilia. It la guaranteed CHICHESTER S FILLS lAauS IIHtNK f IllJl. lot SOIB BY DSlQGtSIS EVUVXIXi had, and namlAg all the men who were killed and. wounded. Thi churc h la built over an old well and waa atarted in the year lit A. D. and flnlihed'tn 101 A. l., ao It J getting along In age. Th lAwh. nf I?nirtani1 are ahfiut both cpuntrle -are about the aame only they are faster In England than In France. The cars are cut up In compartment .and are about half aa long a our own and each baa alx compartments with benches In them Well, I will have to close for this time, hoping you receive thla and it And you all well and happy. BE ROT. P. r. tfERBIG, Motor Supply Train 408. V Q. M. C. Co. 122, ' Amor. Ex, Force. ' ' Fascination of tho Sea, To those who live on the coast or near emingh to vUlt f frequently, no wonla need be auiil in pniiwe of the mighty ocemi. I'nllke the mountains, the prnlrle and 'the foreit, 'the sea iu'vcr Rriiw iiioiiiitniiouM. It It "a mere expiiiiM nf water." If you will, but It la,U"b M vurlfl expunge Hint one never gims -weary of looking at It. It la thl fnwliintloii tlmt litnri a willor to hlM profession. Ills work la hard, the rlla ure limiiy, ami flip pny Blll f,MK ore nllt:e poor, hut time U snllor he cun pt'Ver willingly druil;:r on html ngnlu. Kveti in Ills old ago mid i-rliileilt he loves to hn unt the sctislinre nnd giue oil tin' .element lie on.-e vil upon. Beware ef th "KiMlng Palml" A' corrc'nniteiit tells us of a won derful plant, culled the "kissing palm," which has th curious and -sometime enihnrrasslng effect of filling all per sons who come nenr It With an Irre sistible desire to kiss eucti other. "It la not a bit of good trying to resist its power," he says; "you aim ply must kiss everybody near you, regardless of age, sex or looks." A dangerous plant thla-Hwt t all the kind of thing to bar Id a respectable bouse. - i Poet Too Artificial.'-.' Id the aame year as Lovelace, or Just '.three centuries ago, was born Abraham Cowley, who published his first book of poems at the- age of fif teen and to whom fell the posthumou bonor of leading off Samuel Johnson's "Live of the Poets.';' Johnson ranked him among those be called the "meta physical", poets and expressed a dis like for his farfetched conceits with which the present-day reader would heartily coincide. Really "'Playing th Qam. . When a soldier plays the game, bo does things which It requires a braver man than himself to accomplish; he never knows when he's done; he ac knowledges no limit to his cheerful ness and strength ; whatever'tils rank, he holds his life less valuable than that of the humblest ; he laughs at danger not because he does not dread It but because be baa learned tbat there are aliments more terrible and lea curable than death. Butter Wrappera printed to com Our classified ads bring results. fW,r Neerlected IPr .V. , Pneumonia CASCARAf QUININE . Tto M fnaRy tvaMdyla tabM form sf, sura, J to ttks. No ccUtM uo napltMant ancr effKU. Curt esMs m 14 houf Grip In S , iyt. Mooty back If It falls. oniipt Boa wtu ftsd Top mi Mr. hill's plrtur on It tTMiufS. AlAatyDnagStec r fuu u. l.a u Jvry f . J T . aff. rftL Y, rl tJ fcnM nxtimt ten MVk.Vrenr Ik -M i i -r JttUM . ruct SALS dTTcTOBANTlCaWfiltnrp plaU aowlag laoda la JoMpbloe county, 1.I0. Addroa A. E. Voorhi, Grant Paaa. tf FOR BALE Good modern house. Close n, north side. Inqolr No. till, oar Courier. IStf FOR SALE Roeleaned eed wheat: Little Club.. 11.11; Jenkla CTub, I2.2S; Waahlngtoo Hybrid No, 141, 2.50; Marquis, 11.19: also Beardless Barley, White Oata, Al falfa Seed and all Oraaae and Clo ver, Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen tral Feint, C6tf FOR RENT OR SALE Irrlgaiei farm plenty of water during too whole Mason. Inquire Jo. Fets ner. 7SS North Eighth treL tf IlKMSflfcHINO and pecot edge, 10 cents per yard. Mall order will receive, prompt and careful atten tion. Tb Vanity Shop. Med ford Oregon, 114 Weat Main. 7tf FOR SALE A young team of horaea, cheap. Weight 1200 lb, each, are well broke. R. Haoen krat, Provolt, Ore. 16 FOR 8ALE Light team horses, weight about 1.000 lbs. each; also hack and harness. Cheap for cash. R. L. Hill. Hugo, Ore. it FOR SALE Team of horse cheap, also 4x5 aawed cedar fence posts some of tbem planed. W. J. Sav age, Rd. 1, GrsnU Pass, Ore. 15 Our classified ads bring rea.ilta. TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS -1 Now - under managment of Mr L. C. Arm strong; 28 eleaa rooms at lie and (0c; tpecla! rate by 'week or month; alao light housekeep ing rooms. Would like yonr pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located.' 411 C street . Ktf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 50 feet from pavement, alao unfurniahed cottage on pavement, $8 per month.- Inquire A. E Vopr- .hies. !2tf TO EXCHANGE . WILL EXCHANGE corner lot- at 8econd and C streets for dairy - cows. Address Con Schaeffers, R. F. D. No. 2. 'I 25 WANTED WANTED Men for saw mills anc logging camps. Mills and camp will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars writ Weed Lumber Company, Weed Cal. IStf PHYSICIANS L. O. .CLEMENT. M. D. Practlc limited to diseases of th eye, ear nose and throat Glasses fitted . nose and throat. -Glasses fitted Office hour -12, 2-5, or on ap pointment Office phone, (2; real dence phone 859-J. - S. LOL'GHRIDGE. M. D.. Physicist and surgeon. City or country cslli vK attended day or Usbt Realdeoc phone "69; office phono 182 Sixth and H. Tiffa Rnitttnc. A. A. WITH AM, M. D Physician anc surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg.. corne, Sixth and I atreet. Phonos: Of (Ice. lit; residsnoe, 2 8 8-J. Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. . DR. J. O. NIBLEY Physician anc surgeon. Lnndbur; Building Surgeon Vtab-ldabo Sugat Co J N Health Officer. , Officer hours, tc 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Phont ' 810-J. ' 96U ATTORNEYS v H. D. Norton, Attorney-ot-law Practice In all Stats and fedora, rnnrta. Flrat National Bank Blrit COLVIQ : WILLIAMS Attorneys at-Law Grants Pfcss Banking Co Bldg. GrsnU Pass, Oregon. E. S,' VAN DYKE. Attorney. PracUe. la all courta. First National Bani JJuIldlng. DURHAM A RICHARD. Attorney, at-Law. Office Masonlo Tempi. Grants Pasa Oregon. 0. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-La Golden Rule Building. : Phon- 270. ' Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD t BLANCHARD. At . torneys. Albert block. Phom K36-J. Practice In" all courU; lanr board attorneys. . . , VETERINARY SURCEON' DR. R. J. -BESTUU Veterinarian . Office ta Wlnetrout Implement Bldg.' Phone 11 S-J. Realdenc Phone 805-R. DRATAG8 AND TRAX'TZS COMMERCIAL TRANSFER 00. All kinds of drayage and transfer work eerafully and promptly doe. Phone lll-J. Bund at fretjhi depot A. Shade, Prop. F. O. ISHAM, drayag aad tranafer. Safas, pianos and furottur moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark aad Ilolmaa, No. 50. Evi dence pbeae 124-R, THE WORLD MOTES; so do wo. Bunch Bros. Tranafer Co. Phone l7-R. PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL opeo dally 1 a. m. to I p. m. For Sunday it ting call Mill 2S2-R or residence 140 J. f Itf DENTISTS E. C. MACT, D. U. D. First -da dentlatry. 101 South Sixth street, Oranta Paaa, Oregon. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. B. MACMURRAT, teacher of vole ' culture and alnglng. Leonj given at homo of pnpil If requested. Ad dress 710 Leo St llltf MISCELLANEOUS THE RED FRONT Livery, 411 South Sixth street, baa changed hands and will hereafter be con ducted by the undersigned a a feed barn 50c per day for each, animal; patronage solicited. , All accounta previous to March are to be handled by R. Tlmmona. R. B. Baher. 4tf The California turd Orta Coast EaUraul Ccrpirj TIME CARD ' EffectlveDecember 1, 1917. Tneeday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Oranta Paaa.. 1:09 p.m. Train 8 Iv. Waters -Creek 1:00 p. aa. ' All Ualns leave Oranta Pass from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenser aervlce call at the office of the company, Lundbarg balldtng, or phono 181 for aame. ' Kind Thought aa Tonic. ' When you find yourself ready to pet the worst construct ion on the acts of others, when It is ciiMer to believe tbat an acquaintance pnssed you without speaking because xhe wished to cat yon, than It Is to assume that she failed to see you. It Is high time to take yourself In haud. Suspicious peo ple need the tonic of kind thoughts and generous Judgment Bsttle Against Dry Rot Dry rot Is a wood disease tbat Is giving serious trouble in some locali ties and engineers are prescribing pre ventive and curative remedies. It Is especially urged that every trace of the Infection be removed from timber for buildings. The infected spots are to be oiled to retnln the spores and are then to be completely removed and burned. The diseased wood Is to be kept from contact with other build ing material, while saws used In cut ting It are to be afterward sterilised. Noble Thoughts and Poems. When you have thought something fine and beautiful, go a little further and. put It Into fine action. Noble thoughts which do not Inspire to nobis living are the most hopeless of shams. And the noblest poems are not those which an written, but those which ar livedo - Thrif ty,shrewd,care ful people . make it 'a habit to read our clas sified ads t: 7 Do you) . ; ' These aas.s are mon ey 1 avers and money makers. Keep your eyes on thera. s"' ' .