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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1918)
r Aoa two daily mqvi circa oocsa rlUlllY, MAIU'll 1U, lIH. Ell BSE MEBdHCB' rUbllshed Dally Except Saturday A. S. VOORHIES. Pab. and Proiv. fcatardatthePostoOoe,3ranta Pass, Or.. M second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch.....- lie Local or personal column, par Una 1 Oc Readers, par Una. 80 DAILY COURIER ! By mall or carrier, per year... t.0 By bU or carrier, per month.. .(0 WEEKLY COURIER ( ' By mail, per yaar $.60( MEMBER State Editorial Association Orecon Daily Newspaper Pub. Aesn. Picmc.JHIainni, n Fresh Smoked ORDER ONE NOW .,. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Preas la exclusively entitled to the u tor republication of all news dUpstches credited to It ' or not otherwise credited tn this paper and also the 2 cal news pub lished herein. All rlshts of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. BLUHILL CHEESE TILLAMOOK CHEESE KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Ql'AUTY KIKAT TO FRIDAY, MAI1C 23, 1818. ORKGOX WEATHER 4 e ' Rain, moderate southerly 4 4 winds. I. W. W. AND BOLSHEVIKJ It is not surprising that the an archists, revolutionary socialists and I. W. W.'s should start a pro paganda for the .Bolshevlkt In this country, because they are all one and the same when It comes to the ultimate aim the confiscation of all the means of production, distribu tion and the land. In other words, Lenlne, Trotsky, "Bill" Haywood, Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman are urging a revolution In very country- on the face of the globe that will enable the unskilled, those of little skill, and most Ignor ant and the most gullllble to take over and operate all the factories, n the mines, all the railroads and other public utilities, all the banks, all the stores and all the farms In fact, all the productive force, and operate them "In their own sweet way." Ralph M. Easley. SECOND-HAND FORD FOR SALE Completely rebuilt and painted New tires Q300 CI HOBART CO. snd Mr. Kobrey for letting us have the hall. Part of the money taken In Is to go to the Y. M. C. A. and Red Cross, and the rest toward Im proving the Takllma school grounds. The Ideal Fancy Work club met at the home of Mrs. John Delslr on Thursday afternoon. The time was! spent in doing-fancy work and knit-1 ting. Those present were Mesdames, 1 Mary Valen. M. McClsy, Ed Han- nnm, Ben George, Ed Strong, Harry 1 Messenger, L D. Corbett, J. E. Smltt. C. D. Cameron and Hostess1 FRTJITDALE I! -: The old adage to youngsters, "Save the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves," may be changed to good purpose and be Just as valuable an adage reading, "Drive the rivets and the ships will take care of themselves." Anna Nlelson was dinner guest at the home o Mrs. C. H. Ferrln of Grsnts Pass Sunday night. When Mrs. Geo. A. Hamilton and son. Gall, were resdy to leave town Saturday night their car had dis appeared. Later Gail found It ditch ed on the Murphy road with a punctured tire and the new extra tire and set of tools were gone. 'Jacob Redding was sick with la grippe last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper, Gail Hamilton and Ernest and Anna Nell son attended the governor's recep tion and Red Cross dance at the court house Monday night. R. R. Turner, of RoBeburg, was at his ranch Wednesday morning taking note of the fruit prospect. Mrs. J. F. Hyde and Charlie Wade and wife, of Tacoma, Wash., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roper Sun day. Gelbert Wardrlp and family, of Tokar Heights took dinner Sunday with Mr. Wardrlp's cousin. Prof. H. H. Wardrlp and .family. Rev. L, Myron Boozer called at The purpose of the national war savings committee la to create an army of savers who will, by saving, release labor and materials for the use of the government In the war, and who will lend their savings to the government to prosecute the war, TAKILMA Mrs. Roy Clark and Mrs. R. C. Crowell are spending a few days In Granta Pass. George Fife returned home Sat urday from Nevada, where he was called on account of the death of bis aunt. Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Johnson were Grants Pass visitors last week. There are' some new cottages be Ing built in our city of late. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Feiley were shopping in our city one day last , week. ,". I Miss Daisy Hervey went home Sunday to stay for a few days, after which she Intends going to brants Pass, where she expects to stay for some time. B. F. Hogue was vinltlng In. Hol- lsnd Sunday. . " The pie social given by the Ta kllma school Saturday night was well attended and we wish to thank those who helped, especially B. F. Hogue, who auctioned off the pies, v There is nothing nicer than a s VEAL ROAST For Sunday We Have It " JUST ARRIVED : ' ' '..; A nice shipment ' ot Smoked and Kippered Salmon. .... . ' ':. v TEMPLE MARKET; Phone' 134 Why did that little pig go to mar ket? N ; the Riverside and Ellerslee ranchrs Thursday. Last Saturday the monthl ygrange meeting was held at the grange ball with a fair attendance, although this la the busy season forrancber& We had for dinner guests Mrs. Charlie Peterson and children. Miss' Red ding, Mrs. Hagen and children and Clifford Jewell of Grants Pass. We are pleased to see Wanda Wardrlp In school again after a two weeks siege of tonsllltli. . Mr. and Mrs. Nellson and sons, Ernest and Robert, also Gall and Gln Hamilton are practicing for an entertainment the? Intend giving at Rogue River. Friday nlghtfor the benefit of the Red Cross. This ac counts for the volume of sound that has been coming from' the Hamilton and Nlelson residences ''disturbing the peaceful tranquility of the Pa cific highway. ,. V- .V ( Because the farmer took him there! The Chances Are THK FARMER BROl'OHT HIM" HERE! AM TH(SE OTHER LITTLE PIGS THAT STAYEi) AT HOME NO IKHHT THEY WILL HE IHMHGHT HERE TOO! . - - - v, y v WE ARE HKAIKJl'AKTKItH For Choice Pork The City Market . 408 a STREET PHONE 82 NEW HOPE I H. 8. Wynant Is hauling lumler for the New Hope Ditch Co. ,' . . There was an old folks meeting at the borne of Mrs. Josle Messenger lastunday, . '. t Mrs. Ohles and Mrs. Louless ' vis ited at the flsh hatchery' Sunday. ,' Some of the young folks called on Mrs. Langworthy and also on Miss Pa (Tel Tuesday. ' . ; Bert York and wife, and Ernest and Harry McCalllster attended the Red Cross dance , At , Grants " Pass Monday night. , . ' ; Vern Coburn attended the - Red Cross dance at, Grants- Pass. ", Arthur Messenger ' Js , working . at the McCaun mill at Wlldervllle. . J. W. McCalllster spent Tuesdaj In . Grants Pass. , ,,'' , , ' .... 1 ;. . ' ply with the law at the Courier.' " Envelopes at the ; Courier Office. JUDGE C. G. GILLETTE I Grants Pass, Oregon. March , 11(8. TO THE EDITOR OF THE COl'RIKR: I t'nfortunately undi't the laws of the state of Oregon, a public official has no recourse to a court of justice and any Irresponsible parties may set up a complaint. 1 lake this meth od of answering the allegations that have been made against mt as coun ty Judge. , . ', I' I win uiy taking the office Janu ary 1, 1115, the county clerk's re cords show that there ware outstand ing general fund warrants to the amount' ot 1141,007,61. with esti mate accrued Interest to the amount or 115,000.00, making a total out standing Indebtedness of IS8T.007.- I. The report of January 1, Ills, shows In general Tund warrants $101,051.8(1, with estimated ac crued tnttrest of $49,S03.S, Wklng a total of 1150. 355. SO. Our war rants at that time were being dis counted at the rste of, five and ten per fsnt. Previous to this time no provision hsd ever been made by any county court to take care, of the Interest or outstanding warrants, In addition to this, the supplies for the county purchased from the local merchants wsre not only charged with, the retail price, but the rate of discount as well wss added. This stale of affsfra continued for on year. After much consideration, the other members of the county court were persuaded that a sinking fund should be created to take care of the Interest and -outstanding! warrants also a current expense fund to prcyj vms iur iue rooauci 01 10 county business. This action had thf hearty approval of the executive committee 6f the taxpayers league, lis a. result of this procedure, our warrants are today being eagerly sought at par. In the matter of handling the county poor, thla has been dona by the county court as a whole and not by the county Judge, alone. This business has been carried on to the best 'of our ability under the con ditions and circumstances with which we had to contend. We know that 'll Is a matter of large expense but the laws of the state ot Ore gon provide that (he county court shall care for the poor and destltnte and, In so doing we bolleve that they should have sufficient clothing and good, wholesome . food.' After ' two years experience, the court decided to advertise for contracts for the maintenance of thy county poor farm and Its Inmates. Fbur, bids were received, two for 130 por cap ita per month and two for $22 per capita per month. The contract lot the care of the county poor was then let for $22 per capita per month. As a matter of comparison we night mention that the cost of maintaining the poor In Marlon county In , 1(16 was more than $24 per patient. A comparison of conditions In our ad Joining counties will prove 'quite as favorable to Josephine county. ' In regard to the water 'master, the county court has no jurisdic tion .In the matter as thfa Is a state appointment and cop trolled by the state water master. The , county court's responsibility extends merely to the paying of bills .as authorized by 'the state water master. On re commendation, of the county court to the state Water master that a water master be employed bat five months of the year, that official ruled, that he must be employed not lesethan six months 6f the year, which plan Is now In force. No sal ary has' been paid In the water mas ter's office since the middle of No vember. '' At the last meeting of the county court 'the commissioners and county Judge, with the approval of the exe cutive committee of the taxpayers league, decided that It was for the best Interest of Josephine county to purchase the machines that are now a matter of controversy., Since the nse of automobiles are becoming so general the county has annually paid oat more than 'the price of a Ford for auto hire.' , In conclusion, I will say, that had an investigation been made by any committee of responsible cltlsens of the county and they found It was to the best Interests of Josephine coun ty and so requested) I would have stepped aside without a word. Com ing from the source It did, which source I will reveal if necessary, I dropose to defend my administration before the voters of Josephine coun ty until, the same Is vindicated and the untruthfulness of these charges folly established. ' Respectfully, .-' ' , C. 0. GILLETTE, Cosaty Judge. ifiioiiiiiifj Oooil . t- . , -y"-T-twra - .'i 1 , I ami M For : Your Feet INI m kutiM- that , are cdule mMIIiiu Mtruta for the SvAUi.oVKH tMHtNIIKI.M MIOKM IHI 011 know tluU YOtll HUEMIM are buying thrao shore every day and 'are dally bwomlng louthr In thrir pralae? , IMI )m know thnl tlii'MO shoe look IPMmI tit other anil ffrl iiinmI - to yonrw-lf? . ' INI you, know that I low "look giMMl nml feci giM xl" hIhhmi col no more than tli orilliiBry? PEERLESS CLOTIIKJG CaahCIothien C O-M-.I M G I Reese Bros. Africander Co. -15-PEOPLe' BAND AND ORCHESTRA ' Mimicul Coiitctly, Minstrel iind Jubilce SingeiK SOUTHLAND MuJiif, Songs, Dances, Cbnicdy anyl-Vnuderille - A musical uml novelty iierformaiicc;' tlint . ' .will deliitht and instruct you If lanphiiiff:hurts you stay away V ; Opera Mouse Tuesday, March 26 Rosorvcd Seats 75c; general admission 50c ; ' . 'Children 25c , Ticket im sale at Morning's Kliat k llmne 1.17-J . NOONDAY BAND PARADE . Tros OopnL of WorK. Work . the (,'lury ami delight of life, uml Uiu only iiiTctnlle excuse fur bilng lu till wnld, and tlm ob Jei of all pruct.i'sl investlgiitioDs'of the irlnclde of fialgue ami recovery U to And out, not what Is the least lOMihle amount of work that a hu man being can get along on, but what la the greatest amount that he can do without decreasing tils working capac ity. Such la lbs gospel of work, which those who are not of the elect may regarid aa bard doctrine Exchange. True Mahogany. ' Trne mahogany Isproduced by only two species of trees which are closely related Swtcntenla unhognl Jsaj and Swlentunla muchophyllo King, nutlvce of tropical America. There are vari ous cabinet woods pawed off for real mahogany,, A bulletin recently, pub lished by the deportment of agriculture named "67 species of 41 genera, and scattered throw;!) 18 families of the vegetable kingdom."- Our clBHslflnd ads bi Ing results. Foolish Victims of Custom. ' A summer Jiotd In Y,rn'onl onr trlrJ the expi-rluifiit of pleiclng horn pout on the menu, only t provoke In dlgnuut protests from the . giieta aininst such uuheardnf aud uncivil ised food. A few duys later tliH de spiffed flsh were agnln presentinl un der the disguise of "mountain trout", when they met with surhrnthuslnstlc favor that several men hud to be em ployed for the rest ht the season to catch enough of the fish to saUsfy the demand! W the discriminating guests. These victims of custom would Mt trout but not catfish. , , , ' v The Perpetual Vision. - What lightens labor, sanctifies toll and makes a man good and strong, wise and patient, just and benevolent, both lowly and great, as well as worthy of Intelligence and freedom, Is the perpetual vision before hltn of a better world besmlng through life's shadows. Victor Ilugo, . , . Knvnloiies st thfl I'onrlor Ofllce. INSPOCTION yova ciiojS uyar - UQUIDS AND MtTKt. FOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, JAMC CSOWMOROX-ELOODAHOIi. PUIS SNVCTHI LIATHKX. ,v"" tw r. r. Duurr coirotATioHs, uxniD, ivrrxLo, h, t.