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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1918)
r University of Ore. Library DAILY EDITION VOU VIII., No. liMI. CHANTS riJtt, JOHETHINK COUMTT. CJIKGO.N. . Mill) AT. MAIM II W. I9IN. WHOLE M MllKU 1218. T mm FT fin t Mi V i mm. 31 JM i SIT IS - M (EflRKG STANDING jHccls cf Democracy at Grips With Prcssbcba ca Fifty , I3 Front, Held Their Pcsib'::s Everywhere tzi Icfict Extraordinary hzzt ca Ectay : ' Loudon, Mar. II llrltUh soldiers bar withstood ilia in out stupendous attack hurled against the wctrrn front In three and a half yeare of warfar. Tha boat of democracy arc gpgrlpa with rruulauUm on a Q-mlle front, and have taken the , preliminary round of what may be a decisive etruggl. . " In thtlr flrl onslaught Ai enemy passed British outpost at oinV point and attained tlia btil line. but nowhere gained their ohjfctlve Regiment after regiment was hurled against the llrltlah (lerman Joste are exceptionally heavy. The enemy'a effort were .evident ly directed to rutting off a salient near Cambrel, and dilvlng through the opening toward the old Soiiime battle it round. . According to reprtrta received here Hmperor'WfHlatn. General volt llln danburg and General von l.iiilendorff have left llerlln for the western froet to wllnee tha attack. Bulgarian and Anilrlan troop are alao among tha attacker. Pari. Mar. II. The (lerntan d vanr In the Uurlua renter ar T hure, where American artillery li aiding the French, fell down With tha British Armlf In France Mar. II. The enmy I reported advancing at several" polnta between tha flcarpo river and St. Quentln. Tha Infantry ha penetrated tha Itrltlnh front tine at polnta north ot lamplcourt and Louveral. Later It wai reported tha Ger- IS . AT HOLLAND 4 ,'- . 1jndolT' Mar.- II. Plapntehea from The Uafue report that a local newi agency taya that Germany con alder her relation' with UoUand l- tared by the attitude of the Dutch government toward the ente"nte and tha UnAed Btatea and publlehea a re port that the abandonment by the Dutch government of the remaining restrictive clause In , H shipping loan term would be regarded by Clerninr cue for war. . : i , Waihlnglon. Mar. II. Although offlclaU docllned tonight to put any definite Interpretation on dlitpatohe ' frorn. The Hague, .purporting to out line 'Germany' attitude toward Hot land.'ll.waa pointed out that the Dutch government', under tiermun threat had rejected ; tho DrlllBh Ainerlcan i-shipping demand. Tbe belief ; general kcre however, tH tim; rcqtilaltlnnlng of , Dutch 'llpa In American nd British wa ter would rciftiU In German reprl aala npon Holland and that unre stricted submarine warfare would be .-Ktended td the Dutch wne, AMMUCAX PATIIOIVKV , ' liKTl'ItN MKAH'AN FIKH t m raso, Mar.-22. The American border, patrol today returned the fire of Mexicans near Faben. It l .believed four Mexican were killed. ;Thw were'no Amerfcan caroaltlea. uiani wart advancing on St. Quen tln rldire, on tha edge of tba Cam bral aallent, and alao through the Gauche wood, In the ame avctor, and through tha brick. Held near Crollll-aur-Vllleri. Washington, Mar. II Kven word from I,ondon that tha drlva launch ed yeiterday by the Germane on th weit front la on a larger rala than any undertaken there alnre the war began' baa failed to convince Ameri can, army observer that tha long heralded German offensive la at hand. They ar waiting for the full cope of tba enemy action agatnat both British and French fronta to be made clear, and at 111 believe that the lovlc of. the altuatlon point away from a Herman olfcnilva In the wee) -at till time. . There I a dlatlnnt feeling that tha tumult of 'the German gun, might cloak yom other; purpose than to commit the lue of the war to de porala. onslaught agalnt the all but Impregnable allied line In the writ. Supreme1 confidence In the power of thoe. line relt the ihork characterised the expression of nil offlclnla. ".' " t With the ! American Army In France. Mar. 21.--Amrlcan artil lery b a -destroyed first and econd i line poaltlona on a (xirtlon of the I . . s in. , . . , , ,erior el Ol iunrviun. n iarui crowed to enemy trenchea and found them wiped out. , Hoine. Mar. IJ. Fighting-1 yery active along the entire front. HOP GROWERS WANT ..Salem, Mar., 12. Washington county hop' grower have complain ed to Attorney General Drown that (lermkn brewer In New York re r(i to cancel pre-war contract. o that thousands -of acre ot hop art thua preventing farmer from grow ing grain, and ask If there la any way to evad the contract. The at torney general la Investigating t .the i condition. , v. , XKW HIIIPntlLIHXG . txmpoHATiox mhoiki Baltimore. Mar,; J2. Artlclea of Incorporation for'a ew 12,000,000 shipbuilding company to be located at Curtla BaJ, wera filed Vtodoy ht the 'office of the state tax "oruiam slon. It will be known a the iirtl Bay Shlpbulldliiii company. : . . ' The yard will he, equipped,' to build ihlpa of any length". ' 1SIQN AFPAREf IN THE REICHSTAG Amsterdam, Mar. 22; The main j enmmlttea "ht the German relchatag 'ha voted It to 10 against a motion of Indopendont aoclallst democrats,1 to evacuate Aland Inland and not to Interfere with the Internal affair of Finland, by tending troops and aup plylng grma.1 , . ' CONTRACTS ANNULLED IT loiDrjaiHsv CAPTURED THE GOAT Ofllrtal Hbpatrbew of the F-ntny Would Indicate That tlx ' Jtrlve. Mm Iteen HwYeeaful ' XtmAtm, Mar. VX--A Uermaai of Ik Ul statement rUlm they hare raptuml Ifl.OOO itrUuarr and 2M gun. - AIHPLANK PIUUHtTION ' IH OJf TIIH IXCIIKAHK Washington, Mar. jl.-,The ratt ed Btatea by tha Uat of -Auguit wljl have completed mora than double tha number of battle plane now in un by Germany. England and France, aviation official declared today. . , While admitting that the airplane program la two month behind the original chidule and contending that tha. United State' plana have been ovar-advertlted .the official uggetted that a. vaxt work had al ready' been done. ' ;;:,:eiit ws PAPERS TO ASSIST Waahlngton Mar. 12. The aid of 736 dally newapapera waa asked by Secretary of Ubor Wilson today In moblllxlng farm labor."1 " They will be branrhe of the federal employment service and a member of tho atall oa each patter will be niade a federal agent. The newapapera asked . are thoae In towna ot over 20,000 pop ulation. " ' r . - Secretary Wllaon In hi letter to the newapapera ay: .',-. "There la no more worthy demand than tha farmer' for hoi p to pro duce the natlon'a food. The depart ment of Jabor, eooiwrating with the department or agrlrulturo, l ' ei pending it United Stateg employ ment aervlce to find alt available la bor and correlate very activity to ward meeting this demand. TWKIjVK ADIHTHKtAli lK.THH KKPOIITKI) KIUM DKHTKOVKK Washington, Mar. 22 Twelve ad ditional death from the cqlllrtlon between the destroyer Manley and a British warablp are announced. London, Mar 21. It la Indicated that tha rote taken by the miner on the government' proposed policy of "combing out" 50,000 miners tor military aervlce will show a majority ot 30,000 agalnat the proposition. .,- AMINE STRIKES Buenoa Aires, Mar. , 22. Three thousand employes of the state rail roads, Including 720 engineer and firemen, have been .discharged ' be cause of their participation In the railroad strike" which now has been running for nearly a month, accord ing to a report to Pedro Torello. minister of public works, by the'ad mlntitrator of the atate railroad. The ' englnemen will be replaced by naval engineer and stokers. This Is the moat radical step yet taken to end labor trouble!. ..'.; . l HUfl RAIDER IDUTCH MAY ORE ftKlRBmSII ARF IS ROUNDED UP WAN HTTKII OIT OX WrTKIlM ttAHT UP MEXUX), WITH MA, ' . (iKKMAX CIIKW i otoe f aunt a llaa lie Operating oa the raciflc (MhViala Invent txatlog to Iearn How It Got Paper A Pacific Port, Mar. 22.' A Ger man raider,' operating on tba Pacific ocean, ha been captured by a Unit d Btatea cruiser and la now being towed Into port. ' The captured raider la a compara tively rtnall vessel, but capable or (inking any merchant ship on the Pacific. It outfitted from the west coast of Mexico, with what seems to be sir all German crew. Offlclala are now 'Investigating to ascertain how she got her, clearance paper. BJJlll'ASHm .ilSIIFEIHCTSIl'PE ' t" 'k . t -i UrltUh . Arin7 Headquarter In France, Aar. U2. It la too early to predict JJ outcome of the first few hour of the itruggle, In which vast force' and evejy conceivable engine probably waa employed. On general princiiilea, however. It may be stated that tne great concentration of at tacking lorcea will probably result In the defensive line being pushed back In til aces. . This would merely be history repeating Itself. Thla much la certain: At no period has the British war machine been In auch perfect condition. Never before has' there been higher morale or op timism amffng the British troops. The general impression on the front Is in agreement with that of ; the German that ' tbta Is the decisive contest of the war. But on the Brit ish aide there Ik no doubt that the decision will eventually be in the allies favor. : lOEPAMIT TO PLANS v -r Washington. Mar. 12. Reorganl-' tatldu plana for the war department worked out by Secretary Baker and j iiiirnvn,! hv tha ' nrnslilnnt will be 1 iitit Inlrt full effect a soon as the - house ants- finally upon the senate; by u;:cle SA'.I illl creating two new assistants toitlonal army and who are unwilling the secretary of war. There has been considerable spec- uiation aa to tne men s.aiea 10 no.a, the new post which are to be filled without waiting for Mr. Bakr'a turn from Europe. - It is generally understood now that Edward R. Stet-ishall tlnlua, aurveyor-general of Bupplles, Ill b mad assistant tn charge of all Industrial and commercial as-. Pact of the department's work while'1 F; P. .Keppel, dean of Columbia unl-;the verstty and bow acting as Secretary Baker' confidential clerk, will he assistant In direct charge of all mat ter relative to the non-military life of the army. " .. i. . , Washington, Mar. 22. The senate has adopted resolution, asking the war department why It withhold addraae In' the casualty Hats . DIPLOMATIC TIES Threat Will IJo Made la Holland' Parliament . Urea lug Iriplon-.a tic Itelation With Armrira 'Amsterdam, Mar. 22. A dlipatcb from The Hague aaya a prominent member of parliament Intends to ak tha government whether It la not time to recall the Dutch mlnlater at Washington, and hand bla passport to the. American minliter at The Hague. II. Q. BTAKKWKATHKIt IH CANDIDATE FOR GOV K UXOR Salem, Mar. 22. H. G. Stark weather, ot Oregon City, ha filed a declaration aa democratic candi date for governor, , , '' lamifnn Amsterdam, Mar. 22. George Le debour, sneclal democratic leader, speaking In the German reicbitag Tuesday and referring to the ces sions of Caucasian districts to Tur key, I quoted by the Berlin Vor waeru a saying that as a majority of the people are Armenian and Georgian in these districts they are now . faced with the prospect of ex termination by the Turks' who al ready have exterminated a million Christian Armenian in Turkish Ar menia because of religious hatred. 'The German and Austrian gov ernments," continued Herr Ledebour "cannot therefore -permit Turkish troops now to enter . those terri tories. Let them be united to a new Caucasian federal atate. It la a point of honor for the German gov ernment to prevent fresh Armenian massacres. The resolution of July 19 (peace resolution) Is made , 'a scrap of paper by these treaties." RIGHT REV. O'REILLY HAS BEBI FiXOTEO Rome, "Mar. 22. Right Rev. Charles O'Reilly, bishop cf the dlo-j proximately 2.500 'majority over cese of Baker City,. has been appoint-j James Thompson, reputed to repre ed bishop of the' diocese of Lincoln, ; sent the ' LaTolletta sentiment In Neb., by the pope; , v . j Wisconsin, In the contest for the - T i (nomination for United States ,sen- ''T " " ' ator. according to latest unofficial re- rnn i -tlV A!lPgeiAN! Washington, Mar., 22. President Hllanil illranliul that .nnulan. v . nous oojeciora araiiea into me j to accept non-combatant service as I provided in the draft-law, shall. In i Dr0vlded in the draft law. shall. In cagM fee wntineA ,n dsclp. 1 1 ..... i.. i . i .1 . j re-j""JBr"' ""l7' ul oi in WW I ,no - uany aisoney a commana. ng mat eitner lenroot or uavtea be held for whatever disposl- j withdraw from the race but officials rtlon the secretary of war may makeiof t"" organliatlon. which la non- i of their cases. ; Each such objector is to be given the benefit of a full explanation of law by a "tactful and considerate officer," and fo. far as possible will; be given the choice of a wide range of activities Including almost every-1 thing except actual fighting. i In accordance with the president's , oraer, tne secretary or war wilt re view sentences of courtmartial here tofore held of persons who . come within the conscientious objectors", class and judgments at variance with the order will be changed. UI!E OT FIRST STACK OF OKFEX8IV1" HAS PAM8KO WITH NO POINT VET LOST WOISSMITIT Captured Docnmeau Show Koeny Plana lUve Failed of Eaecutio U FtoM Stags of OnsUaght British Headquarter, Mar. 22. Fighting continue. but tha flrit tage of the offenilva baa, paated. Late yesterday counter attack re stored some position the Brltlih bad abandoned temporarily. , Captured documents show tba enemy failed badly In the execution of bla program. In the early hour of the offensive.. One most brilliant counter attack occurred at Dolgnles, where British drove back the enemy with tank and infantry last night. Tha British line la still Intact, though bent backward at point. General Halg predicts further bard fighting. - Berlin, Mar. 22. German troop are attacking from the southeast ot Arraa and have captured the Brit ish front line aa far a Lafere. British Headquarter. Mar. 21. German are today continuing their assault on the Cambral sector, no tably In the region of Crolsellea and Hargincourt. ? No inch concentration of artillery has occurred tinea the war began Tfc Anjkiti Itatt ttinnoantl mm In one amall sector, belog one la every 12 yards. LEh'im:":: "IITI IINail 1 is fely m Milwaukee, Mar. 22. Irvine I& will have ap- j Len root, republican, Reports are current td the effect llkal rMmlM wilt ha hrnnwht in bear upon eitner uavies. aemocrai, or Lenroot to wlth'draw in favor of the other, to prevent success of any pos sible combination between Thomp son and Victor Berger, socialist nom- Jnee It la known positively that Len- r , it. uavies win not withdraw and na-;rooi nas siaiea mai no one nas ueen iuthorlzed to make a statement that i" q " B"m luu"' "U"""JU would Introduce a resolution at a conference ot the Wisconsin loyalty ! . . ' ; legion tomorrow afternoon request- Prtlsan said tonight that nothing j wa Known or sucn a step. i v 500llMIIiS DESTROYED FOR HOiiS London, Mar. 22. Thirty German soldier were killed and over 100 in- Jured and 500 . munition wagons were blown up by an explosion near Mons, Belgium.