nan rasa Morris Brothers. Inc. Kibllhiti 25 Yeara ! Railway Kirlunne llulldlng Portland, Oregon. THK PltKMIh'K MUNICIPAL IIONII IIOIHK OK OUKtiON WKitrv asu wm.i, Miimry mim at thh miikkt Ttliliini Main Hlou uovmivmkxt msm Hate MVrty Price Yleltl $ 1 16.000 I nlled Slates Government 3 Jet) 1B32-4T H ZN 3.65 126,000 United States Government ...4 MAN 1937-42 (6.60 4 60 Wt buy anil sell Government snd Munlelpel Uonda and are lonatant ly In the market for same. We ire Junt as anxious lo buy wt are lu "fit. Yon should neither tiny nor tell bund without our quotations. Ml MdPAI. IIONDK f 12.600 lty of Tillamook. Or.. Imp .. 6 MAS 1(( 101.1 24.000 Ventral Point, Or.. Refits MAS 1(20-30 (9.33 3.000 'Coeur d'Alnne, Idiilio, llefdg 6 MAS 1(1( 100.72 2.000 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Itefilg 4 MS 1120 101.41 2.000 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Itcfdg 6 MAS 102.06 2,000 'Coeur d'Alrtl. Idaho, ltafdg..l MAS l3J 102.67 2.000 'Coeur d'Alcne, Iduhn, ttcftlg I MAS 121 103.26 2,000 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Itefdg 4 MAS 1(24 102.112 1.500 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. KMx.. MAH t(25 104. IS 2,000 'Coenr d'Alene. Idaho, Kefilg .1 MAH 104.H5 2.000 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Hefdg . 4 MAS 1227 106.12 2.000 'Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, Hefdg 6 MAS 1(22 105.78 2.000 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, nrfd(.. I MAS 1(2(' 106.21 2.000 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Rafdg MAR 1(20 106 62 2.600 'Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Refdg..6 MAS 1(11 107.00 2.600 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Hefdg 6 MAR 1(32 107 27 1,500 'Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Rcfdg.l MAS 1121 . 107.72 7.600 Tltyof Weal l.lnn.Or.Water 6 AAO 1(42 (1.27 7,000 "City of West Llnn.Or.Water 6 AAO 1(42 (1.11 5,000 "Nes Perre County, Idaho. (Ilwy. Dial. I JAJ "Nn rrce County, Idaho, Mlwy. TXat.) JAJ 1(34 To Net 6,000 -NVi perre County, Idaho, (Ilwy. IHI . t JAJ 1(35 To Net 5.000 'Nes Perre County, Idaho. (Ilwy. DM.) JAJ 1(34 To Net 3.000 "Newdnle. Idaho. Water JAJ 1(27-17 (1.11 5.000 'OreaterWInnlpex.Water DUt. 6 FA A 1(21 (2.6 6.40 6.25 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.25 5.25 6.26 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.26 6.25 6.25 5.25 6.125 6.125 1(11 To Net 6.60 5.60 6. 50 5.50 (.125 6.75 Mhoii-Trrm Pun-Inn eieetnnirnl and Munlrlwl Nimihi (We fill orders on the following IJ(ed Securities al New Vorli Ex change quotation! and will bo pleated to furnish oit with dally quo tallnna upon reqnt.) ' 'American Forelwn Securities 6 FA A 1(19 Anglo-French Convertible 5 AAO 1(20 C. K. Great llrltnln and Ireland . ..5 MAS 1(1 T. K. ('.rent lliitaln and Irrland 5H MAN 1(19 T. K. Great Prltnln and Ireland 5H MAN 1(21 "French Republic Convertible 5H AAO Kit ( lty of Paris 6 AAO 1921 llurdesiu. Lyons ami Manellle 4 MAN 1(19 Dominion of Cnnadn : 3 FA A I HI 9 'Omotc ln n d of Son denmnlnatioti. "Denotes bond of II Olio denomination. 'Denotes bond of lioo, Mio and lioon denomination. Our- rrirrMiilnili, Mr. M. II, IMjitiu, will Im hI the Jrnrphlm' Mi-trl, Frlilny nml Nittuitlny of the priiit werk. Second-Hand Ford Cars Bought and Sold - C. L. HOBART CO. CHICHESTER S PILLS HIM. la Ma 4 41.14 .uiik-V di1Vn hhand rat. tmmn kMWi M aWl. rUfot, Alwtvt Rrtl SOLD BY OfiUGOISTS EVERYWHERS I DOINGS OF TXS VAN L00N3 FRUITDALE j George A. llainlltoo went lo I'o it land on bualiiMia U'fdnedy even- log. , 'Mr. J. I.. Btanbrotitfh Increanvd the augar aupply laat week by niak Inv two gallon, of maple ayrup from a aufl maple tree. Mlai Ann Nlalnou attended the party given by Mlaa Jeannette Cra mer In Uranta I'ana Wedneaday evening. A number of our people attended the lied Croaa play "Hob White," and were well pleaaed with the per formance. Mra. F. Roaa of (iranta Pat apent Saturday nlxhl and Sunday with her Inter, Mr. Fred lloper. The achool board hn engied MU (lenitive Hall for the coming year, whleh meet wltb (he approval of both acliolari and parent. A. 8. Farquhanon I trying to xet acquainted with new borne. Mr. Alomo Jone apent Wednes day In town with her alater. Mr. U Wadiworth of Grant Paia and Mra. Hoy Kenyon of Itoneburg, who la down on a vllt. J. I.. Slanbrough and O. A. Hum- llton have each punhaaed aome pig to eat the cull grape and fruit. Mr. Dynlgton haa purrhaaed nice team of black horaea and farm lm plementa and la preparing to be a rancher In reality. (1. F. Pott now drive to town In a new ear. Our arhonl haa Join the Junior lied Croaa and baa gone to work In ernet to do their part. Cramps! Says Mis. Frank Hau ler, of Carbondulc, III.; 5 ci am pi Month. nil i and palm each I had used . . . but it didn't give any permanent relief. Tho pain came' back on me Just the enme a he lore ). . Afler l iking Cardui. was eri-Hjf relieved torn tlie p a;id havn never beei hcthtcd with Uiera tince." TAKE 8 Classffisd Advertising mm A.MKItlCAN TIUMH-H AHK, RK.ADY MH -4NYTHIMJ With the American Army In France, Mar. 15. The American tro'n are "icady to attack any thing" The oftlicr (ommandliiK the Amer ican force In the l.unevllle region o Mated In a menMge to the home folk toduy. "The eplrlt of the command I ex cellent," the commander declared. "It couldn't lie better. . After their experience In the trenchee their norvouanesa haa paed. They are now ready to attack anything. Their Jieilth 'i fix etlent " Crark German fighting; dlvlHlon are oppoaed to the American In their aoctor, ' Including dlamounted I'blani, It haa now been eatabllRhed One anllent bombarded prepara tory to Baturday'a raid ha now been abandoned by the enemy. It wa ao demollahed that It waa untenable. The Bochee apparently Intend mere ly to hold the ponltlon In the fear of thla point. 8hetp 4aa Wooden Leg. Cliurle Krauter, living near Uucyroa, lO- had a Inmb get tangled up In a fence aud Injure It leg. The veterin ary told him the leg had to come off. Krauter did not want to loae the Inmb, ao nilnua the leg ho nuraed It back to health and then fixed up peg leg NJ for It Now the lamb haa grown to be I aheep and atlll atuuipa around on the wooden leg. Occasionally the wuuxlen member become looee and (alia off, and the abeep then hobble over to a oft apot and walti until aome one comet along to faaten the leg on again, .The wooden leg doeeo't Interfere) with the aheep growing wool, Mr. ' Krauter nay, and wool I wool now-iadaya. 1 Ttie Woman's Tonic Cardui should help you as it did Mrs. Hauler, as It has helped thousands ot other women who suf Irred from the pains and discomforts from which women sutler. Many medical authorities pre scribe the ingredients ol which Cardui la com. , posed for the female . (roubles for which it Is recommended. Why not try it lor your trouble? AO Drag fists EB( I TIUXsroKTATlOX X)(iKhTI(V IH IIKMICVKU IIV HUaitt'.ti Philadelphia, Mar. 15. Frequent paaaagea of traina of United States motor trurk through Pennsylvania to the Atlantic aeaboard have aerved to rail attention to the extensive use which the federal government now la making of the itate road. Run over the Lincoln highway which Is the main "link" between Pblladel phla. New York and Pittsburg, have been pronounced ao sncreMful that the war department baa aiked the atate highway department to con cent rate Ita effort on the malnten ance of thla road. In addition to the Uncoln highway numeroua other main avenue throughout the itate have aasumed Importance as atrateglc arterlea to tidewater. One of the most notable la that connecting Philadelphia and Cheater, Pa., over which Is trans ported a large percentage of flie out put of the munition producing belt. foil BALK 0. C. OIUNT LANDS Blue print plat showing landa lo Josephine county, 11.60. Address A. f. Voorhle. Grant Pass. tf FOR SALE Good modern house. close In, north side. Inquire No. 2331, eare Courier. 28tf FOR SALE Reeleaned seed wheat: Little Club, f2.15; Jenkins Club, 12.25; Waablngtou Hybrid No. 143. 12.60; Marquis, 12.60; alio Beardleaa Barley, White Oat, Al falfa S ed and all Greases and Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen tral Point. 6tf FOR RENT OR SALE Irrigated form plenty of water during lb whole season. Inquire Jo. Fetz ner, 766 North Eighth street, tf FOR BALE OR WILL TRADE Five-room bouse and three Iota In Qlendale for cows, calves, goat or automobile. Roy Kelley, Wolf Creek, Ore. .10 WANTED WANTED Men for aw"mllla4 logging amps. Mills and eaaasf wlll operate throughout the vlav ter. Steady work. Good eoa4S tions. For full particular write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cat. Hit WANTED Junk, old Iron, rubtMC. sacks, rags, auto tires, old sata moblles, copper, brass, sine, bides, pelts, furs. The beat In town for everythlnc In eer line. Union Junk Co. Phone 2L II WI LLBUY"pTatInum In small lots for cash. T. W. Oruetter. II WANTEDSt-eond hand motorey- dea and Forda. Paramount Cy clery. 606 South Sixth St. MTHIOAL INSTRUCTION FOR SALE One 'road grader and wheel acraper. Inquire of J. T. Tuffs, 824 East E itreet. 09 TWO-YEAR old Jersey heifer, freh soon, for sale at 145. Will make a dandy good cow. Phone 601-F- 13. 11 HEMSTITCHINO and pecot edge. 10 centa per yard. Mall "orders will receive prompt and careful atten tion. The Vanity Shop, Medford Oregon, 114 West Main. ' 07tf FOR SALE One-borse power elee trie motor. -Addres No. 420, care Courier. 09 FOR SALE Cow four yeara old. will be fresh soon; also .heavy wagon and double aet of harness. Inquire at Red Front Livery barn. 13 FOR SALE Two good donkey, al so one 2-year old pinto mule. In quire 602 Eleventh atreet. 11 TO RF.ST J. R MACMURRAY, teacher of rotoe eulture and singing. Leeeoas glfwa at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 716 Lee Bt. , Slltf PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. U. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat Glaasee fitted, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 1-11, 2-6, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 12; resi dence phone 1S9-J. LOrrsitP.inOE. M. D.. Pbyslcls and surgeon. City or country calt attended day or cljht Residence phone '69; office pbore 1!2. Sixth and H T-iff It iUdlng. A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Uldg., corner Sixth and I atreet. Pbonee: Of fice, ill; residence, 2 18-J. Hoars, I a. m. to 4 p. as. DR. J. O. N1BLET PbysicUn aad surgeon. Lundbur; Bnlldlag. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Oa. . Health Officer. Offloer boors, I to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Phoe 210-J. IIU TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 15c and 60c; special rate by - week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf ATTORNEYS YONtXH.LA MAN IS WOINDK.O IX KHAXCK FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conviently located. 411 C street. 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. 17tf Centrnlla. Wash., Mar. 15. In the latest casualty lint from General Pershing, Dr. bcar SauiU of this city found the name of his brother-in-law. Earl Howard, who was slight ly wounded. Howsrd Is a member of Battery D, Sixth field artillery. His home Is In Yoncolla, Ore. ItniAXlAX PAltlXKT KF.SIOXS Washington. Mar. IS. Official notification has been received that the Rumanian cabinet has resigned. No particulars are yet available. Proud Rseerd of Marinas. As the first battle of the American navy was fought and won by the marines, so, down through the years of the Revolutionary war, we find the marines at the forefront when difficult ' work was to be done. In fact there were hut few expeditions In which they did not figure In more or lexa ntrength. Thus Lieutenant Walllng ford of the marinea died at the head of his men under John Paul, Jonea in the battle between the Ranger and the Drake; and In the clnaalc fight be tween the Bon Humme Richard under Paul Jones and the Hern pis, the marine lost 40 out of 137 men. The California and Oregon Ooast Railroad Company TIMK CARD EffectlveDeoember 1, 1917. Tuesdsy, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 1 1. Waters Creek 3:00 p. m All. trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of Q and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding ; freight nnd passenger service call at ' the office of the company, Lundburg building, or phone 131 for asme. PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, SO feet from pavement, also unfurnished cottage on pavement, 28 per month. Inquire A. E Voor hles. 92tf Fi'RNISHED housekeeping rooms, one block from postofflce, for rent, reasonable. Apply 621 D St. 11 FOR RENT rFour-room furnished cottage, 709 South Eighth street. Also Six-room furnished house, 713 South Eighth street. Phone 327-L. 10 DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-clan dentistry. 101 South Slit: street, Grants Pass, Oregon. FOUND. FOUND Purse with money. Owner can secure It at the Courier office 07 MISCELLANEOUS THE RED FRONT Livery, 413 South Sixth street, has changed hands and will hereafter be con ducted by the undersigned as a feed barn, 50c per day Cor csh animal; patronuge solicited. All accounts previous to March 9 are to be handled by R. Timmons. R. B. Baber. 4tf H. - D. Norton, Attorney-at-lav. Practice In all 8tate and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO k WILLIAMS Attorneys-st-Lsw Grants Pus Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practise la all courts. First National Bank Building. ' DURHAM A RICHARD, Attomers-at-Law. ; Office Masonle Temple, Grants Pass Oregon. O. S. BLAXCHARD.Attorney-et-Law Golden Rule Building. Phoas 270. Grants Paaa, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD, At torneya, Albert block. Phone , 236-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. ; VETERINARY BURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 11 S-J. Realdenes Phone 305-R. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot. . A. 8hade, Prop. F. O. I9HAM. drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, ahlpped and stored. Phone Clark and Xlolman, No. 60. dence phone 124-R. THE YORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 39T-R. . PHOTO STUDIO ntnmttnn HIT! .atl tl a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday sit He call Mill 2S3-R or residence 1 to. J. 78tl Evidently the young ladies can take care ol themselves