01! ROGUE RIVER COURIER Vubllshed Dally Except Saturday HE FN PURITY GUARANTEED A.. I. VOORH1ES, Pub. and Propr. Catered at the Poatoffloe, Grants Paae, Or., aa aecond elaaa mall mattar. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per tnch.... He Local or paraonal column, par Una 10c Readere, par Una DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, par year.....0 By mall or earrler, per month.. .80 NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES MAPLE SYRUP SUGAR SYRUP CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP CORN SYRUP By WEEKLY COURIER nail, pr year. ... .11.60 MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Aan. KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QIALITY MIWI MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Tha Associated Preaa la aiolualTely o titled to tha a a for republication of all nea dlspatchee cradltad to It or not otherwise credited In thla paper and also the 1 -cal aewg pub llahed herein. All rishts or republication of apo dal dlspatchee herein ara aleo reserved. FK1DAV, MARCH 13, 1D1M. 4- OREGON WKATHKK 4 Fair, except probably rain in the northwest portion. Moder- ate southerly winds. THE YEARS WE LOST The Springfield Republican takes comfort from the thought that we declared war on Germany a year ago. Otherwise, It reasons, we might find ourselvea today aa pow erless before the Hun aa Russia Is. This argument the Republican bases on the fact that we have employed the intervening year in military preparation. It Is a pity that the gifted possessor of so much hind sight did not go further and point out how much better off we would be if we had begun that military preparedness two years . before we did. Our failure to do so was not for lack of warning. Stout voices were raised In behalf of so sensible a course, but the president resolute ly refused to hear or to heed them. He permitted the U. S. to drift into war without forethought for the means by which it would be tarried on; and the feverish haste and waste of the past year have not made up for the lost time which we might hare employed in putting ourselves In a state of defense which would have advanced our effectiveness in war, when we finally did go In, to an extent which no man can estimate There is nothing nicer than a VEAL ROAST For Sunday We Have It JUST ARRIVED r A nice shipment of Smoked and Kippered Salmon. TEMPLE MARKET Phone 134 Beef Pork Mutton Veal Sausage Full line of Cured Meats CITY I.1 IARKET 403 O 8TRKKT PHOXK JKt every time. I like 'em. 1 would rather be In a front line irrmh than1 any other place I know of In France. There la something doing there all the time and wun is a man and knows It. "Next time we are relieved I think I shall ask If I can't stay alth the relief. I don't want to tome here attain anil stand guard over the end of a belt rope where there Is nothing going on. Nearly every, other man I know feels the same way about It. They would pick the line every time." President Wilson, In his telegram to the president of the t'nited Car penters and Joiners' union, summed up the whole situation when he said. "Will you cooperate or will you ob struct?" This applies with equal force to every Individual In the Unit ed States, and It is not only the president of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners' to whom this question is addressed, but to every other union, and to every citi zen, and to every manufacturer and banker and-farmer and clerk In the United States. ' KOUt .VMKKH AN SOLlUKIUi WILL NOT IlK tilltrr Washington, Mar. la. The four; American soldiers condeumeil to death by court martial In France, ' two tor sleeping on post and two for, disobedience of orders, will not be shot. The Judge advocate general's offl.e after Inspection of the records In thei rase, has returned the men to Gen-' era! Pershing with a notation show-' Ing that the findings were Irregular. These irregnlarltlee are understood to be of such a character that Gen-' eral Pershing will have to set aside the findings of the court and restore the men to duty. Officials today praised highly the action of Reneral Pershing In send ing these findings to the war depart-1 ment for review. BOXES FOR LIQUOR DOWN TO THE BARE WALLS The key will be turned in the door for the last time Saturday, March 30th, when I shall call quits. There is still about $3,000.00 of good shoes to be sold nnd I am going to give you some nry rare bargains, bargains that will taki every pair of shoes out of the house by the 30th day of March. Sale Opens Saturday Morning at 9 o'clock. Be on hand. KH) mil's of Women's oxfords ami pinups, small $1') valuta, at, Ilit- pair - ' fl-W 1.7) pail's of Women's pumps nnd oxfords, all sizes, 1.1)0 values, at the pair - $L0 .71 pairs of Women's pums, all sizes. $1 and values, better luiiaiiirt nw not made, at the pair...... - - 2'95 :U pairs of Women's dress shoes, size to , nil leather, values, at the pair --- l d,) HH) paii-s of Women's dress shoes thievery best of leather, (loodyear welts. . size 2U to 4, at the pair .'. - 2'95 Women's dress shoes, button nnd laee, patent leather, and kid, white and ivory tojs. $7..7) ami values at the pair - $500 Women's dress sIuh-s. mahogany tan, $a..7) values, (loodyoar welts, at the pair i - - $0-45 -JO pail's of children's oxfords and pumps at, the pair $L00 :U pairs of children's pumps, -ft-S. Ht.Vll, HW.to 2. at $1-25 HO pairs of Men's oxfords, sf:i.7) and fl.00 values at the pair $1.00 4 paiis of Men's Howard & Foster oxfords, and f values at the pair $1.95 10 pairs of Men's patent leather shoes sizes to (!, (! hear welts, at the pair - - - - $1-93 Men's riskI work shoes at the pair ' $4.00 Mer's woiji sIkh'S, best of quality, (ioodyear welts, nil sizes, the pair $5.50 Men's TJ-inch Dayton Cruisers, at the pair $7.45 .Men's rubber boots, l S. Patent Process, blacks at $4X0, red at $4.50 the pair Men's knee nihler looth leather soles, at the pair - $5.C0 V.'( r's rubber 1sots, all sizes, at the pair , $1.75 Men's Hi cut mountain hoots, 14 and 1(5 inch tos, (nole;ita volts. t $7.50 nnd $8.00 the pair , Lets of other articles that are not enumerated, this is your last chance to oh lain if od shoes at a small part of their cost .J I.c : I.ar. I Saturday niorniiif; at 0 oVlo-k. ' OF LIFE IN TRENCHES With the American Army In France, February 15. (Correspon dence). Here's an incident that happened in a little shell-spattered town in the rear of our lines which shows how the average American soldier feels about life in the trenches. It was Just at dusk. A lone sentry was walking up and down In front of an abandoned church, upon the door of which was a little printed sign conveying the information that in the event of a gas alarm the church bell should be rung for a minute. It was the sen try's duty to pull at the bell rope, should occasion arise. He was plastered with mul from head to foot. A substance not un like red mortar was ground into his putties. There was a dent in the canteen swung at his waist, the top of his shrapnel helmet bore red, muddy stains, his face was covered with a growth of about three days of hair. Falling to see a pamlng captain of artillery, he did not salute. The captain asked him a few pointed questions, gave him a few pointed in structions about saluting and passed on. "Good Lord," remarked the sen try, "I have been out of the trenches days now and I am going back tonlsht perfectly happy. There used to be a time when I thought a trench was about the last place on earth to spend a week or so. But I have changed my mind. There Is that officer, for Instance. I ran Into him up on the line not long qgo and he was nlcec as could be. Now be-, cause I did not see him I catch h . "Yes sir, give me the trenches San Francisco. Mar. 15. The utl- llzation of a phonograph record I packing boxes to thlu liquor to pro-, hlbltlon territory in the northwest) was alleged by witnesses here today In a hearing to remove three renl denta of this city to Portland, Ore., to face trial on a charge of sending ardent liquors to that city In viola tion of the law. The hearing fol-, I M.0IL0 BAKTLETT lowed the returhtng of Indictments In Portland on February 26, charg ing a widespread conspiracy to ship liquor from' Sun Frniiclsco to that against William Hunt and William city and other points In the north- Hunt Jr., wholesale liquor men, and west. The hearing was directed Timothy Dwyer, a transfer man. 3D We can help you look your best for Easter Ti 'm'-ntw Jsv.imu 11111mm m yi,. u .. a ill 1 Ml HI si II J V 1 1 Itl V v YOUR new Spring clothes must be becoming must display ood taste, style, fine appearance. A3 a matter of wise thrift, you'll want skilled tailoring, fcood material, full value, comfort That's the kind of clothes you are &oin& to feat here when you buy Clothes Smart style for rrerj man of 17 to 70 Price Just thoM that you like) to pay Or. Peerless Clothing' Co.