WKHSFNDAY, MUU1I 11. IOIM ' KAII T HOOlT. WVHl roi iiikii PACE THTUQI Second-Hand Ford Cars Bought and Sold C. L. HOBART CO. AERIAL OPERATIONS ON WESTERN FRONT l.otulull, Mar. II -- An official 1 1 tr im' lit no aerlul operations a)a: There haa heon poor visibility, but over 600 bomb nave been drop inl on eldlnga end ammunition de pot ( Aulnoyo, noiil hnitt of Mau lifiiMD. and other depute south of Yelcnclennea. eoutheast of ('moral ami south of Doual. "In th air fltchtln ln enemy lunchlnc were brought don and nvwn others aore disabled; a Oer nun olmxrrallon balloon aUo brought down In flume. Two British machine ar miming. In night bomb IliK 200 bomlia were dropped on aid Iiik anil a iimnltlona dump northratt or HI. Qurnlln. Tim enemy nlo dropped a few bomb during 'he nUltt. but lout a fouri'td machine which landed In our line, the oc-u-tM n la being taken prUonvr. "On Monday we made the third dwyllKht rnbl on Germany l f n daye. On t hi occasion factories. Ms llona and bairaike at CoblctiU wire attacked and over a ton of bombs were droird. Hursts were arm on all thr objective, rsnlng two fire, and a hit on n building In thr tooth' wet corner of thr loan irestetl a very la rue etploHlon. Few enemy tnarhlnra were encountered. All our machine returned safe." RAILROAD BILL HAS ' WuMliliiKtmi. Mar. 13. -On a point of order that conferee on the rail road bill haa violated the new aenale rule prohibiting Insertion of ihw provlhiona, the aciuilo today retiiriu'd Ilia bill ti l onforonce for ellniliiutlun ! of the aectlou llmlllog the poer o! atate to Incrrnae Uxe. Vlc-rei! dent Miirahall ninlntalned thr order. THAT MORNING LAMENESS If too art lama every morning, and Buffer bUddof Ilia, thar moat b a oaute. Ofun It'a weak kidney a. To atrangtbea the weakened kldneya and avert mora aertona troablea, aaa Doan'a Kidney Pills. Ton can rely on thla Orants Paaa womaa'a teetl- mony. Mr. Amelia Lmpke, 402 P 8t., Grant Pa, aay: "I ran not tell you how much I uttered from rheumatic pain. There were time when I eould hardly get around aa I waa o at Iff and lamn. At night I laid awake for hours on account of the pain, whlrh went from one part of my body to another. I got up In the morning feeling io atlff and lame that It wa all I could do to keep up. I tried many rheumatic medicine and alio liniment, but without getting the llghtett relief. Doan'a Kldnoy Fllle helped me from the start and almoat before J knew It I waa free from tbe trouble.". A Iter Rtatemrnt On March 20, 1916, Mr. I.empke aid: 'What I have ald In my form er statement regarding my experi ence with Donn's Kldnoy Pills Is a fact and I am glad to confirm It whenever anyone aaks me." Price 60c, at all dealer. Don't Imply ank for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kldnoy Pills tbe same that Mr. I.empke haa twice publicly rec ommendfld. Fosler-Mllhurn Co., Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. boA 'of aiiiE VAMlLbONS Z' THtiKiE-'s ON5. USt Mr, A.T rWMB. n demand! tgrhapi se MOW' jr fr- 'S IS STILL UNBROKEN WaahlrtKton, Mar. 13. Rumsnla's llrlt will be loyal to Hit allios, des pita any peace forced on bar by Ger man y, waa the atatemrnt of Ituman lan delegatee Issued In Homo and cabled to Ibe Italian euibaaay here. The United Btatea government In common with Kutnanla la thoroughly lnensed al the Austro-Usrmsn peace (arms Imposed on Rumania. Tbla thought waa made clear at the atate department here today when a cablegram from Jy waa announced saying that the Human lana point out the terma were "vio lently Impudent" and contradictory to atatemnnta of the Merlin and Vi enna parliament. Tbn Koverniucnt la particularly iiirpriKod at the. Austrian tallica, lu uain iirli a they cnlnclile with Car niany'a ruthlm dUrcKurd fr the rlKhta of amull nation. Thla new feellnK on the pail ol the Kotrriiini nt in taken to inn that the government will not again make overture to Auatrla while ahe la In her present mood. T READY FOR DRIVE Nu Yoik, Mar. Amcrkau aoldlera In Frame are now ready to block a liftman uffQiiKe. Von 1 1 1 it -dinbtir baa delayed too I11114 Mi pluii for rl' Iiin it hi:' drlvtf early till year. (lenrral Perahlng at I.irI la In po rtion to make America' power pluy a tliu'latve part In checking any ef fort of tho (lermana to break throiinii th' wet. The American oversea troop tuive reached tho ntaxo where they nin he called upon Inaluntly for rvl on a major defi nalve acale. Tho Increaa lng fieiitency of American mid and the conalantly enlarging xoctor held by General Porahlng'a force ilenion itrato ronclualvely that the prelim inary training period haa been left behind and the Americana are now true craf lumen of tho trenchra. Von Hlndenburg no longer haa any terloua chance of amahlng through tho we: line. I'mlor the power of the Veraallle military council as Initiated by the American, general staff, It Is poiwlble for the troope of any nationality on tho went front to be moved to new Hector. Left-Handtdnese. At least one huiouu being In fifty la left. -handed. This Is tbe minimum ce llmate. Some authorities suy four In fifty. W. Franklin Jones declares that 4 per cent of the race are born left handed, but about three-fourth of these are converted by training Into more or Iras Imperfect rlgbt-hnnders. On tbe other hand, about 1 per cent of thr rncc, though born rlght-hnmled, Is trulni'd to use the left hand because of accidents to tbe right. Scientific American. i':i;i nt the Courier ollice. rO M TWlMCl could t r-isc ' 1 SLAVS FIGHTING Petrograd, Monday, Mar. II. Id conaeqiiance of the departure of the government eomiullnnere to Moa cow, a special I'rtroirad military revolutionary committee of aeven member ha been formed, with leon Trotsky a prealdent. Another com mlttee of 10 member, representing the council of rommlaalonera, alo will br formed with M. Inotleff. a lnlne adherent, aa prenldrnt, The neutral legatlone have decided to remain In Petrograd. The (ler mana advancing on Odraaa are Alert ing with determined realatance all long the Blnhodka-Trnamenka line. The typhua rpldemlo In retrograd la Increasing. . The anathema agalnat the llolalie- vlkl pronounced by Dr. Tlkhom, pa triarch of all Ituaala and metropoli tan of Moscow, waa read In all the rhurchea Sunday, Report received here aay that Auatrla la Isolating all prlaonrra of war who have returned In order to prrvent propaganda. ntvi uaiT hvi(J him, IIKI.P TO Wilt (iAKKKVH Waahlngton, Mar. 13. How much produce can be rained In the average war garden In half a million yeara? Klgure thla our and the aniwer will how what the proponed davllahl anv Ing bill will do to the kalr.' Chailr lthroi Park, prealdent Of the national war garden commlttalon, In an appeal Monday for thr enact ment of the daylight savin plan, wrote to Representative Sim, chair man of the buiiae Interatate and coin mt'ite roinmlaalon, saying: "Thla bill will give 10,(100,000 war ganlurra n half million year of extra lime thla year to grow home-produced food. In tbe name of liberty rive tho ar gardner thla ritra hour of daylight." I'l I.I.MAX COMPANY CHAMUM ;::itMA. NAM KM I'hoenlx, Arln,. Mar. 13. Charle Korrlck of I'hoenlx today la credited wltb being the man who canned the Pullman company lo change the Ger man nnmea of more . than 100 of their a'ccplng rara to aomethlng purely American. Korrlck objected to riding in a Pullman car bciirlnn the nnme "Mle mark." lie vol ed his objection to the Piillmun company In a letter and In return wa told by Richmond Dean vlrr prexldi'tit of thn company, that throuKh his protvHt It had been found at least 100 car bore dlntlnrtly C,r mun name, but that order had been Immediately tanned to hare "the knlser kicked out of the service." TTitifty.shrewd.care ful people make it a habit to read our clas sified ads Do you ? - These ads', are mon ey savers and money makers. Keep your eyes on them. VAN UJON.MS ASV6U I ronnovy oj K'- to Kfttf MS A. iccw INUTFJ "Cured!" Mrs. Cui Griffith, of Evcrton, Ma, unless "1 lullered lor three yrnrt with various female troubles. My life vat a miwry. not able to do Hnytiiing , . , bear ln(( down :.nt In my back and lim' t.and head ache . , , and nerv ous. Dr. racom-mendedCardtiiioine." i .1.' TAKE TI18 Vte's Tonic "When I w.-.s en the ' sixlll bclils", t!.c conlin urs, "1 bc'i::n fctline like t new woman. ,.l am now t well woman . . , I know my cure is per manent for it has been three years since I look Cardul." Thousands ol women, now strong and heallby, who once suf fered from women's ail ments, Rive Card-u-i the credit lor their good health. Try It, for your troubles. 1 a ! 11 Spanish C!eod in Cenquartd Races. Spnln, In poliuilr.lng the new world, nluny fiilluwnl ln- ,llcy ,,f wmllnK adiller, hut few r no women. It wn" the Inevltiihle rrult Hint In every land ifiiirpiered by Spain tbe populu tlon I to a mnaldernhlr extent nt mlxwl Indian and Stxinlfh blood. Tho In (Idle. Vubllvlii. one of the early KpniilNh explorer ruptured sn Aran eniilun chief. Mlcbl-Miilnnoco, and held, him for raiDuim. The ruclnue of the tribe offered WW Indian viri(ln for the rcli-axr of the chief, and IhU of fer waa accepted by the Ppniiliinl. In this way originated the Chilean race of today, although It hn fuibacqtipufly been modified pj acceilim of other racial aim In. The Great Crises. Tbe grt-at crlea of life are often like a bolt out of the blue of n sum mer day; there Is not n moment for preparation. In such crliien ull that a timn h:i been doing In the wny of preparation midilcnly bear fruit. He often net liihllm lively ; he dm that which he la III the hnhlt of didng and, het-iiUHe ho Is in the hnbit of doing his heat and ull bis Instincts prompt blm to put forth the best that Is In blm, he svlsvs tbe golden niomei.t and dors not dlwcover until afterward thut It was golden. Hamilton Mable. Calling carda at the Conner. The California anf! Crs Coast Railroad Compan ; TIME CARD EftectlveDeceniber 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. m train 2 lv. Watera Creek 3:00 p. m -Ml tnlns teavo Grants Psss from tbe corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of tbe company, Lundburs building, or phone 131 for ssme. M IH( KLI.A N EOjnS RED FRONT Livery. THE RED FRONT Livery. 413 South Sixth street, has changed baud and will hereafter be con ducted by the undersigned as s feed barn, 0c per day for each ni.li,,nl .,t....n ..a til I nullum, pmiuiiiiKD ruin urn. j nccounts previous to .March 9 are ! to be handled by II. Tluimoim. R. I B. Rsber. 04tf rj a balfm s at M gv W 1 1 . 1 vow ses. -meRP Jf IS lONUi -TR,p-UEL Y I I rt DEMAND. 1 VSy Class'ftecJ KOIl Htl.K D7C OiANfLANDaBlue"j)rin plats showing lands In Josephine county, ft. 0. Address A. K. Voorbles, Grants Paaa. tf KOIl BALE Good modern bouse, close lo, north side. Inquire No. 2331, csre Courier. Zfttf FOR BALE Reclesned seed wbest; Utile Club, IMS; Jenkins Club. $2.25; Washington Hybrid No H3, S2.&0; Msrquls, f 2.1.0; ao Deardleis Barley, Wblto Oats, A. fulfa B'vii nod sll Grssses and Co vers. Ralph Waldo Eldon, Cen tral Point. 6tf KOIl KENT OR SALE Irrigated f.irm plctiity of wlcr Uuriuj; ibe whole rwson. Inquire Jo. Fetz ncr. 75S Vorth Eighth street. tf y;.M.lTV WHITE I.KGHORNS Ilj'clilug ca sod Laby chick- tbe kind that lay and pay buil: . r or.I. r early- now. K. Ham morbacher. Phone 608-F-J2. R. K. D. Nu. 2. 07 FOR SALE OR WILL. TRADE Five-room bouse and three lots In Glendale for cows, calves, goats or automobile. Roy Kelley, Wolf Creek, Ore. 10 POIt SALE OR TRAl)EOn7draft mare, '6 -years old, weight. 1,400 pound, in good condition, and has a reliable dlspoxltlon. If In ' forested, call or wilte, George Al len, Waldo, Ore. 08 FOR SALE One road trader and k wheel scraper; Inquire of J. T. . Tuff. 824 East E street. . 09 KOIl SALE Oak flat top double of fice deak; oak roll top typewriter desk. 7 drswers: oak 4-drawer fil ing system; 7 large book caxea. fir, oak stain; revolving ofll e chair; large fir cabinet oak stain, containing shelving 1 and coat iloaet; blank cabinet 15 drawers. 20 compartment. Inquire ut of fice or house. A. C. Hough. 08 TWO-YEAR old Jersey heifer, fresh soon, for sale at $45. Will make a dandy good cow. Phone 801-K- 12. 11 Tl RKNT TREMONT ROOM 8 Now under managment of Mrs. U C. Arm strong; 28 elean rooma at 35c and 50c; special ratea by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FCRNISHED ROOMS Large, com- ' fortable and ronviently located. 411 C street. 8Ctf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam beat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate wetkly and monthly rates. 37tf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 50 feet from pavement, also unfurnished cottage on pavement, $8 per month. Inquire A. I? Voor hles. 92tf FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, one block from postofflce, for rent, reasonable. Apply 621 D St. 11 FOR RENT Four-room furnished cottage, 709 South Eighth street. Also Six-room furnished house, 713 South Eighth street. Phone 327-U 10 DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First -els dentistry. 109 H South Sli street, Grants Pass, Oregoc. CHICHESTER S PILLS ,"N A.I. r"r Ori.f .1.1 ttK WJTi I'lllala K.S Mfl UolS m,.llKV' -J,n lKit, Mainl na Mue Rilo. VX Tttk tlarp. flu mt tM PlAJKII IIK.lt riUAriiill jmnkixywnM Ikit,ilt.Alw.vReltaH5 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS IVERYWNERE But it wasn't exactly t Al KJ.IV j. .iii WAS. CtonG to 1 m ri 7 APFwinr- r-iENT TVITH- MR, .'"Ull I t-C. if vs. a Adverting WAXTTD WANTED Usn for sswnmllliaa4 logglag camps. Mills and cam pa will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber Company. Weed, Csl. . 5tl WANTED Junk, old iron, rubber, sacks, raga, auto tires, old auto mobiles, copper, braas, sine, lead, hides, pelts, furs. Tbe beat price . In town for everythlnc In oar line. Union Junk Co. Phone It. 14 WILL. bUY platinum In smsll Iota - for tssh. T. W. Crueller. II Ml KIC.IL IXKTP.l tTlOX I. ? MACMCRRAY. teacher of volee cnlt'ire and singing. I.easoni given st home of pupil If rqoeted.' Ad dress 71S Lee 8t. ISltf fHlMltLt.s L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice ltmlicd O dlseaies of tbe eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasaee fitted, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. OlT.cs hours 9-11, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 12; resi dence phone I6I-J. i. I.Ol hiiRIDCE. . D.. PhyslcUo and surgeon. City or country cslts attended day or right. Residence phone ";9: office phone ISI. s vh a-. d if T-.rr it iiM'nsv A. A. WITHAM. M. D., Pbyslclso and surgeon. Office: Hsll Rldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, 11; resldeaee, 288-J. Hours. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DK. J. O. NIDLEY Physician and surgeon. iuodbor; Building. Surgsoa I'tak-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer hours. to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. Phone J 10-J. ' IStl ATTORN ET8 H. D. Norton, A ttoraey-at-law. Practice In all State and Federal Courta. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIG t WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law Grants Pess Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Paaa, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In sll coorta. first National Bank Building. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attorneys-at-Law. Office Maaonle Temple, G rents Pas Oregon. O. S. B LA NCH A RD. Attorney-at-La w Golden Rule Building. Phone 270. Granta Pans, Oregon. BLANCHARD 41 BLANCHARD. At torneys. 'Albert block. Phone 236-J. Practice In all courU; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTmrVeterlnarlaa. Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone US-J. Reeldenee Phone 106-R. DRAYAOB AM) TRANSFER , COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade. Prop. F. O. ISHA1I, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and atored. Phone Clark and Ilolman, No. 10. Real ' dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we. Bunch Broa. Transfer Ce. Phons 397-R. PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 2S3-R sr residence 140-J. 78tf FOUND. FOUND Purse with money. Owner can secure It at the Courier office. 07 the way Father expected Vou I V I ' J Aft Ill M