Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, March 10, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Printms KM
A Style Event of
Great iMportaEce
Do not miss this PRINTZESS Week Display of fine ready to
wear coats and suits. Even if you are not ready to buy you
should see these distinctive new PRINTZESS models the very
last word of Dame Fashion in Women's outer apparel.
These coats and suits embody the latest accepted Paris and
London ideas faithful reproduction: rhich ere absolutely cor
rect in silhouette and line.. The. materials are quality fabrics,
splendidly tailored.... They combine vrith their fashionable lines
a distinctiveness that every woman seeks the distinction in
dress for which the PRINTZESS line is famous.
Just at this time you will find ourOarment Department at
the height of its attractiveness, with a wide variety of choice
models from which to make selections. You are cordially invited
to pay a visit to this style review and note the new ideas for this
season's wear. . ,
Distinction in Dress
March li to March 16
New Silks and Dress Goods
Ready for New Spring Clothes
This showing of colorful fabrics is an inspiring
sight to every woman and miss who seeks new ma
terials for her Spring wardrobe requirements. There
is a wealth of material here,, each different fabric
suggestive of sonic becoming indoor or outdoor
frock blouse or other wear thing.
Many new patterns are seen, revealing the ar
tistic originality of America's foremost fabric de
signers. The color combinations, too, are striking
ly original, ami all are in tune with the Springtime
The New Spring Dresses
Are Extremely Pleasing
The slender silhouette still donunates, but this
is sometimes relieved by pleasing effects of sash' and
girdle together with tunics, pleated or gathered,
long or short, occasionally displaying the use of side
Materials favored are Taffetas, Foulards, Ser
ges, Gaberdines and Jerseys, in blue, gray tan and
other Spring shades. Plaids and mystic designs ap
pcr in many of the silks. Combinations of color and
fabric are very prominently displayed.
The Favored Spring Styles
In New Waists
These are the garments which have already won
their way to popular favor and which will be great
ly desired for wear this season with the one-button
suit-jacket and separate skirt.
; They are in dressy, tailored and semi-tailored
styles bedecked with low flat collars and long pep
lunis. Fashioned with Satin, Crepe de Chine, Sheer
Silk, Crepe and Lace trimmed Cotton in flesh, white,'
plain colors and contrasting shades. . "
Ready now with spring
shoes, whoHc charm lies not
alone in pattern, color and
material, but also in the dis
tinction a woman, will gain
by their trim and graceful
lines the charm of youth
is in them. Ideal in the'
idea as well as in the wear
Shoes that, will give individ
uality to a woman's costume. The highest expres
sion of correctness in design and materials, an elab
orate showing at most any price you may wish to
The New Skirts
Make their Spring Bow
This showing is widely varied; for, within its
scope are models for all occasions of wear. They
are built upon straight lines with tunics and over
skirts; a few, however, show side drapes which are
produced by means of tucks.
.Materials are of Satin, Taffeta, Foulard, Tussah,
Tricotine, Serge, .Cotton Gaberdine, and others in
quiet and loud colors and striking combinations.
MlW ' 'mmmTmmm - "
' The Spring corsets are
created upon lines that will ac
centuate the slender lines of
the new apparel to reveal the
charm of the slim youthful
looking silhouette.
At the beginning of each
season is- the time to select
one's corsets. Our present as
semblage consists of the Gos
sard, original front lacing, the
Nemo, and Royal Worcester
priced from $1, to $(.")0.
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