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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1918)
M MV. Mtlll II .1, lIH. DAILT KOOITC RJVKRCOl'IUEH rica ma SPECIAL ATTRACTION ITi'TV Tuesday and cJjVJ 11 ' Wednesday i KiiK 1 IB a - .'fK Iff V VTN u' r 7 w A r ju itsa 11 Ffrfiir 1 I A WhVMa W i 7 A I In which you'll see . i".4 ill lit the Courier nine. Anytning to t.llT Try a classified. JOY 'I'Mi.n nnil MONDAY ' V.ivvlius, Willi I'uto . !Vi t!i' Sim Supreme Ethel Barrymore "Life's Whirlpool" .' .".u '.c:..' Wuiiilerpl'iy "I I It .l I'lllotlllllN ( int JSili)' (XV.MKHY ' ! WI N IN A CAHARKT" t.,';,V ANIMATED WEEKLY 10c nul 20c ! I Fairyland Made Real E3 Thre Stars Jack Mulhall Carmel Myers Louise Love.ty tlii iMiiiu ( liun h Illlilo school nt 10 a. m. Dr. K. C. Macy superintendent. We are working for a five per rent Increase in attendance over last month' aver ';' of 1C0. Como help ns realize mir ii 1ms. Communion nt 11 and ;.n nchli'g service following. Suli Je t "The True, .Interpretation, of t hrlstinnlty." Christian Endoavor at (t;30, Mlss-s Itrns Kvnyon and Edna Trimble, who attended thu stnte C. E. convention In Eugene the piit week will make reports. Even ing service at 7:30. Subject, "U the Bible Out of Dnte?" We extend a moat cordial Invitation to oil not worshiping elaewhere to attend the service. ' Chas. R. Drake, mlnlRter. . COMIVO EVKNT9 March 4, Monday Service flag ded ication, W. O. W. hall, 8 p. m. March 5, Tuoadny County conven tion !iy alate food administration. ;nrch 5, T'lesiV'y Hobo aocial ly v.:!iien of nethany church at the iV.ib'.len home. . , :.:-.irch 8 and fl, Friday and Saturday Ukh school opera "Bob White" o-K".'ii house, benefit Red Croaa Mar. IB, FridaySupper given by ! the Indies of the Baptist church. March 16. Saturday Red Croaa . Bale. .. Job work at tte Court. rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT7TTTTTTTTTTTTTT77 lPERS2ML:25 LOCAL : Mrt. M, C, VaoLeuven left Krl- j day night for. The Dallea fur Hint Nw 1818 bicycle at Cramer Hro. Mn. Mary Me, of Thompson .creek, In In Ilia city for Merl days. Free battery Idii tlon, any car any lima, Hattery Shop, llobart Garage. - 100 Mr. lena Allcnaworth, of Mad- ford, la Ilia guest of Mr, llcrt R. Killott. Chicken uppjle at Cramer Hioi. K. I). Thompon, of Winter, pent ta rrw day In the city, returning I homa Saturday. We buy our drM good dlr-t I from lha mill. New shipment Jut .received all new ami all wool. The 'Golden Rula. ' 1 9 O. Hern and two aona, Krlc and William, returned Ratorday from a abort atay at (Mandate. Bulk garden aeeda at Cramer Rro. W. J. Iconic and family left Krl- day evening for Portland to pend the week end with relatlvea. ' We know your electric system from tall light to radiator. Battery i Shun; llohart'a Oarage. 100 Mint father Cook went to (ilea- dale yealerday to attend a couple of week with the luclna Halley family Bicycle hospital at Cramer, Hro. U. A. Oriffln loft Saturday after noon for Santa Ciut to remain until the road are iiillablo for motor , travel. Mr. Oriffln pent two week ' here. New bicycle tlrea at Cramer liro. ' J. V. Bwaniion, George II. Smith, i V. R. llarrclt and T. Welsh left 1 Friday nlrht for ToppenUh to work , for the llnrke comimny on the new "augar factory at that place. ; The new woolen dresa good ri celved thla week are of the name Mandard all wool quality an pre- vloiuly old here. The fioldrn Rule, j Mr. A. W. Moon and daughter and Mr. E. L. Moon returned Fri day night from Koa Angele where they apent the lat three month. Mr. Moon will return In a few day. ; Oliver plowa at Cramer Bioa. 98 i Mr. and Mra. B. W. Faha went to , Inland Suturday morning to accora jpany their ton, Deri, aa far aa Grant I'aas on hi way from Kalama to San Diego, wh(re he will be wit It the naval aviation section. A few good Incubator, uaed at bargain price at ' Broa. , Mr. B. B. I.oneo and slightly Cramer 9K daughter arrived Friday night front Portland to make Grant Pass tholr home. I Mr. I.owen will reach here later. . Thnv have bouuht , the Crawford 'olare on the Merlin road. Alfalfa, clover, timothy and vetch . rm, n,n 98 x. w ,ii wn.nn .nri nhiM nd an uncle. A. V. Wright, arrived Sat-!r"nd ln I-wnUburg building. urday morning from Pasadena, Cal.. I ' to Join Mr. Wilson, who reret'i'jstore ( lime Saturday purchased a place near Grants Pass. We have a, battery to fit your car, at .lne uattery snop, nonari a uar- age. 00 Mr. and Mra. Will G. Steel apent Snturday In Medford attending the Ohio club meeting. Mr. steel I president of the club and was on the progrnm for an address. All the tools for the garden and orchard at Cramer Bros. 98 Miss Bernice Nichols, of Klamath Falls, arrived last night to with her sinter, Mra. Larl remain Yonng. and attend high school. Earl Young retumt-J Friday night front Cheweleh, Wash., where he weut some time ago to attend to the shipping of some mining machin ery to Bnllakaln, Cal. P. E. Gerould, of Selma, returned Friday night from a buslnes trip to San Francisco, Mr. Gerould has rented the Selma ranch to Victor anllrlson of Gaiello, Cal.. Mrs. Gerould and daughter will for the present live in. Grants Pass and Mr. Gerould, will resume his work as In - surance adjuster with the Sun In - suranre company. Spray pumps at Cralner .Bros. 98 Perrie Gunning, now In the t". S. navy, arrived here yesterday from Portland for a day or two with his parents before leaving on a cruise. Pruning shears for rose hushes, borry Hmshes and trees at Cramer Bros. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Carnei re turned yostorday. Mr. Corner was a member of the V. of O. third ord nnnco clnsv '-Vitthe course at the university " 1 r ending a week or more In :.t'jr.J on special study. After" a week nt home he will go to Bcnlrln, Ci'., rftnre the class will MMcnd six weeks In further study before a - tlvc'V entering the service. I'enioval Notice The oltlce of Dr. Walker, dentist. I now In the Masonic building. 99 WttfterWjpi Have Itauglitrr Letter have been received by Crania t'm friend from Mr. and Mra. 11. A. Welterliorg, now of Ku gene. announcing the arrival of an other daughter, February 17. Aru iuiiI Crala Mnrting The regular meeting of the o elety of Arta and Craft haa been poatponed one week, on account of the county convention of the atale food admlniatratlon coming on the regular meeting date. Piano Toning William C. Debley, perfect tuning guaranteed, phon Mt-J. ittt Mr, Ackrmian M ill K-nk 3. H. Ackernian, preldent of the Oregon State Normal achool at Mon mouth, will be the apeaker at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Monday. Mr. Ackerman wilt apeak on the aubject, "The Bchool'a Duty In Thla Crulcal Time." Iteiwlrinii l-'loli way Carl D. Shoemaker, itate game warden, accompanied by Vnrdcnn Tonkin, Walker and Altken, are In the cl(y toduy looking after the re pairing of the lhway over Ament dam, the efficiency of which haa been Impaired by the recent high water. New Woolen IIttm noml New ahlpment of all wool drea good received thla week. The Gold en Rule. 9X llrtng Your Lunch Each lady attending the Hobo so cial on Tuesday evening given by the member of the Preabyterian church are requested to bring their lunch In a paper lack. Mulligan and coffee will be furnished by the committee. The social will be held at .the home of H. C. Bobalen, Vr-Mli Eighth street. War Hlump Kale The aalo of thrift stamp and war saving stamp at the Grants Pass post office to the present ; Mme amounts, to tl3.745.S7. Tbla doe not represent the total sale Inasmuch a some of the distributor secured their supply of stamps from Port land. V. M. t", . PhNlgPN Hue The last payment of the pledges for the army Y. M. C. A. work was dt,e M-vch 1 and there are yet aev- ieral ,,'dM nl,ald- The treasurer T- M. Stott Is anxious to have the subscriptions paid In order to close P accounts. Mr. Stott can be The Bush Electric Store will close '"1 Saturday," March 9. Anyone wishing electrical supplies or ma terial will find bargain In our store. R. S. Bush, Prop. 98 Oxford Will Kt-rve Meula Raymond Hamm will open the Oxford cafe and grill on Monday evening. No meals have been Berved at the Oxford hotel tor a year or ' more past, and the fact that M Hamm, who has 'been In the city for some time and Is recognized as standing high ln his profession, will serve meals, la hailed with deliarht by Oxford patrons and others. Oxford t'nfo OjH'iia Monday Raymond Hamm, former the." at the Josephine and Grants Pass ho tels, will open the Oxford cafe and grill on March 4. Mr. (Hamm Is ont of the bent cooks on the coast and will have nothing but a first-class place. He will be his own cf.ef and win give the people the best service. jHe will buy the best on the nuirkt. ; Don't forget to watch for the big opening ang turkey dinner. 98 From loa Anse-les by Ford Joseph Brown, wife and daughter arrived In Grants Piisa Friday nlfiht from los Angeles, mnklng the trip with their Ford. They encountered roads blocked .with slides In several places on the grade south of Delta. On the Slsklyons they traveled through from one to tw o feet of snow, but the worst piece of rond they report is between Central Point and Granta gass. The Browns expect to remain ln Grants Pass. Wnr Sermon Tonlnhtv . At Newman Methodist Episcopal church tonight at 7:30 o'clock, Rev Melville T. Wire will deliver the third sermon of the Sunday evenlni war series, entitled, "German Colon ial Ambitions In Africa." 99 The best tires to use in this season are run r NON - Guaranteed 5000 Miles to wHriaw - A JAX non-6kid tires wear longest, are most certain and safe against side slipping and do not interfere with the easy riding qualities of the car. can recommend Ajax non-skid tires in highest terms. "While others are claiming Quality we are guaranteeing u." Sold 'I '4 ROGUE RIVER HDW; ths em Rflo mem A Billion Dollar Insurance Fund The Kriler I Krwrne llnnking Myittem may it liken el to a vaH billion dollar mutual liimirmnre fund which ho and 7.(MM other banks maintain at all timea to give .an the rurrrnry our dPMiltora need to ntand bark of na In time rf flnanrlnl Mirw and to enable bb to give better and aafer Imnkina: Kenloe In many ray. Kvery one at our d4MHtltora, large or small, wKh out any additloiuil coat, participate In the pfXitectlo and benefit:; of thl great syatem. EaBkySYSTEHatU FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Musliburn iet Franklin . Frank Mashburn of the Golden Rule Store has purchased a hand some new six-cylinder Franklin car, which was delivered to him Satur day. Honor Guard Attend Funeral . The Olrla Honor Guard will attend the funeral of Fred Vincent at Mls aourl Flat thla, afternoon, leaving this city at 1 o'clock. All girl with cars are requested to bring them. Machine for Vincent Funeral The Odd Fellow lodge has provid-. ed a number of, automobiles for the Fred Vincent funeral and can fur nish conveyance for a number of people. The use of other machines will be appreciated. Net Keeelpta $(l.4.t Chairman Sldler on Friday turned over to the Red Cross military relief committee a check for $226.45, the net profit received from the Red Cross party at the court house on Wednesday.' This event was so much of a success that It is probable oth ers will be held In the near future. TONIGHT "For Valour" With WIXIKHIIII MA.KS A potriotlc ulii lfr d'iidornl l:mther Victoria ( i-ok THMXtil.K t'O.HKDY "A Tough Turkey Trot" All-Ktar Keystone Koniedy 10c and 20c tj SKID by. ii you on id line io nave this nation-Hide fund bark f you, let ua write or talk with yon about it. 4 Lbe-Sclphur Solution . Baume Teat 81 pin BO gal. or more at 24c per gal. net 80 to 60 gal. at 85c per gal. net 10 to 80 gal. at 80c per gal. net Small quantities at 40c per gaL net S gal. can filled and ealed at 8 each. E1SMANN PRODUCTS COMPAJCY Bouth Grant Paa Oar of Chevrolet Churchill A Maxwell on Saturday received a car loaded with eight Chevrolet touring cars. BAPTIST LADIES A!D BURNS CANCELED MOTE The Ladles Aid of the Baptist church at their regular meeting re joiced at having paid a note which they had assumed 'for the church. With due ceremony the treasurer conveyed the note on a silver tray to the president, who In turn, burned the note with a candle while : the ladies sang an original song written for the occasion by Mra. A. L. Edger ton and sung to the tune "When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining." After the business session ladies were served by Mrs. Llnch and Mrs. Nazor. El Paso, Mar. 2. Mexican sniper fired across the Rio Grande at Lieu tenant H. E. Waldon, Lieutenant J. J. Kevland and Texas Ranger , Joe Muilana last night, as they were walking toward the International bridge. The fire was returned by the soldiers and the ranger ; and more than 100 shot were tired. As far as could be learned no one was hit. I