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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1918)
suutr mmvb urn oociuaa MJNDAT, MAHCI1 B, ltli. . i t t : H ' li w 1 1 11 ! i; t.l 3 15 Have Arrived! Our New Overland Cars A pleasure to show you Abo some good buys in used cars. Fashion Garage and Machine Shops J. F. BURKE Second-Hand Ford Cars Bought and Sold C L HOBART CO. CHICHESTER S PILLS hUrfcM-r U..J n mJ , nil la Hrm Md fc.M I born, atd with Si mi RiUM HAMIS riLLa, SHELLY (KEEK The heavy snow haa compelled the Grants Paaa and Crescent City stage line to put the horse stages on to get the mail through, and Incident tally the pansengers over the, Ore gon mountain. The i horse stages running from Monumental to the Johnson place. , Roy Clarke, the mining engineer of Takilma, Is sojourning at Monu mental for a couple of days, while waiting repairs for his automobile, which broke down while be was en deavoring to climb some of the snow drifts on the Oregon mountain. Mrs. Floyd Duley, of Crescent City Is spending a few days In out midst with Mrs. Murphy and other friends. Martin Uldall has a crew of men under the supervision of Tom Cal vin, taking out chrome on the .High Plateau. They are making arrange- Oils Soothe SldnJDisease Oil of wmtergr"en. thymol, glrcerlne and other staling Insnvl!, nM computing'-! In proper proportion ii,t.i th I. I. D. Prescription has now h-inme ili unlvenal favorite of ekin mfrrt In r';l-rln akin diaeaae. It l a mild ra-h that j 'n-trtlm the pores and lr InKtni.r rli'f from all burning ar.ij Il.hlnif Ir ki'.'n nii'J wah off the gnawing diva.1 cnn and It mthing oil (juku, h . al the lnaamed IiruirirlBta are irfart to Tocomaiin' this Soothing, cool in it lliiuiiL it , ( ome to im and if will tm yon more about t'ula rcmarkalile n-medy. Your money back nilrea the flrt bottle n-lpve you. I. D V Boap keeps your akin healthy. Ask about It. TTk TT 1T For 15 Yean JLFe) ILf JLf Standard -----. Sk Eased? DOINGS OF THE VAN ments to begin hauling aa toon a the weather will permit. They are building about 8 miles of road from the High Plateau to connect with the old Wlmer road. The chrome will be hauled by truck to waters Creek for shipment. The heavy snow on the mountain and the continued cold nights has stopped the automobile traffic be tween Crescent City and CJrants Pa. But If no more anow falls the roads should be passable by the mid dle or March. Mrs. McPherson of Monumental, who has been on the slrk list for some time Is very much improved and will soon be able to feed the public again. E. T. Raymond, our genial host of Patrick Creek, killed a fine bear the first of the week. Austin Raymond, who had the misfortune to freeze his feet during the recent storm I getting along nicely and will soon he able to walk again. Jack Fnlck, of Kerby. Is with J. X. Brittan on his copper claims. O. O. Bunch of Grants Pass Is In our midst trying to get his truck back over the mountain, which he was compelled to leave here on ac count of the snow. THIKI) LIISKItTY IX) AX HI'KAKF.IW OX THE JOB Washington, Mar. 2. In anticipa tion of the third Liberty loan, ten parties of three or more speakers each will start next week on tours of the country. The pre-campalgn will be inaugurated simultaneously In Richmond, Atlanta and Dallas, .March 11. In all, nearly 400 cities and towns will be visited by the ten ' groups of speaker. Letterheads that will please you, at i the Courier. a classified ad will give reauHs. LOONS r 1 1 KftlLRiATA (MMVtr vSulA. BV6N mt7,' l ,1 h 5fs Vf l 6 - ' " 11 At theChurches I lleliuuiy tYenliyterUu ftmrvtt i Morulug service at 11 a. ., eer I moo "The Trumpet That Say Some thing." . Evening service at 7:10 p. ni., sermon, "The Religions Need of the Man of Today." Sunday echool at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 1 SO p. m. Mr. Will Ireland haa charge of (he inuilo. Coma If Inter emed, If not come and Kt Inter ested. U Mjrron Mooter, minister, i 1 Newman M. K. Church At 11 o'clock the sacrament of the Lord' tapper will be administered. Short communion addreaa by the paa tor, Anthem by the choir, sole part ! taken, by H. U 8tonakr. At T:S0 o'clock the third aermon of the war eerie will be preached, "German Co lonial Ambition in Africa." Two musical number from the lait Christmas cantata will be rendered, j male quartette, "Silent NUM." and solo by Mrs. Knapp. Sunday tchool .at 10 a. m Sam H. Baker, luperln tenJent Intermediate and Epworth Leagtiee at I: SO o'clock. A cordial welcome for all at Newman church. Melville T. Wire, paator. IhilXlNt (Imrrh , Rev. W. C. Driver will apeak both morning and evening. Ilia toplce. 11 a, m "la Religion a Paying In veatutent, or Day'a Pay for an Hour's Labor." 7:30 u- m, ,"-re There Contradiction in the Hlble. or Practice What You Preach." So cial music by the choir at each ter vice, and Rev. and Mrs. Driver, will sing a duet at each service. Sunday achool meeta at 10 a. m. and B- T. P. V. at 6:30 p. m. A cordial wel come la, extended to all service. Catholic Church Massea on Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. Edmund Wall, Paator. Mrat Church of ChHat HclentUI Christian 8ienre service are held every Sunday, In the W. O. W. hall. J at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings at I o'clock. The subject for today Is, "Christ Jesus." The reading room la open 'from 2 to 4 p. m. ex cept Sundays and holiday. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the aervtre and to visit the reading Nt. take Kiilftcop"! Third Sunday In lent. 9:50 a. m. Sunday school; 7:30 p. m. even ing prayer and sermon. Rev. Phil- In IT J e 1 -U I I I i c. naiuuiuuu ui nnuiMiiu, ;H in charge. If you haven't a church hofe, a hearty welcome awaits you here and all visitors are most wel come. MARRIED FIFTY YEARS Amid a background of puient gold, the blossoms of daffodils and tulips, Mr. and Mr. George C. Karr, for merly of Grant Pass, received their friend at the Karr home on Ban nock street, Dulse, Ida, Wednesday evening, the occaxlon being the cele bration of their golden wedding an niversary. The flowers, all gifts or friends, were most beautiful. Fully 25 pots of blossoming daffodils and a half dozen baskets filled with ex quisite double yellow tulips, were grouped about the living room and dining room. The top of the piano was banked with pots of daffodils and in the dining room the center piece of the refreshment table was a large bowl of double yellow tulips, bride's roses and snap dragon, rest ing on a circular mirror. Two tall slender vases each held a perfect specimen of bride's rotten, and were placed on either side of the center piece. So far as possible the table This Corn Will Pec! Right Off! "OeU-If Make Corn Com OS The"BwiaBa-Pl"Wajl Why have t Hop oa (he floor, aquaria oureelr up Ilk the latter V.", and with bulalua ay draw your Car uii Into a wrinkly knot while you aouae and pull at (ha ukk" of a lander coruf That's at S Deaee Aaekaal aa a Paw I in Tbaraa ae t'anan e CuMae. "Cat Always Warlul the OM. savasa way. 'Mela. It" la the modern, palaUea, aliupla way. Ian over and put two drops of Mata-1 1" on the corn, put your torkina and alio riahl un again, and forget (ha corn, t'aln la aaaad. (IrU-lf haa ravoliitionltotl the treatment of corns. It never Irrl. tale the true fleah. You'll atop llmplne- on the aid of yuur ahoa, and do away with rreaay aalvaa, bundling bandaaoa, thick plaalar and painful nivlhod. Va 'Klets-It", It's common Sanaa. tl.le-ir la sold by all druaKlat ( you need pay no mora than 31 rvntat. or It wilt bo aant direct by K. Iwrence Co., fhlrago, IIL 8old In Grants I'asa and recom mended aa the world' best corn remedy by George C. china was carried out In white and gold. The silver service uned was presented to the bridal pair on their silver wedding. Two of the party. Mr. Annett, brother of the bride and Mrs. J. II. Annett. widow of Mrs. Farr's oldest brother, were Veent at the wed ding 50 years ago. Mr. and Mr. Farr have made their home In llolse for the past 20 years, and they have many warm friend, who railed to offer their congratulation on the iisplclou occasion. llolae lierald. H.S KKWCIHMl MAS IAINM HltKWOKKM San Francisco. Mar. 1 A two story building occupied by the Ed win Forrest Forge company, a con cern working on government steel contracts, was almost totally des troyed by fire last night with an eatlmated lose of 1125.000. Officials are Investigating Ihe cause of the blaio. MAIWIIHKLI) HITt'HKH KMlH I.IFK WITH It I U.K. SHOT Marshfleld, Mar. 2. James Hous ton, a butcher of Powers, committed suicide here yesterday by firing a rifle bullet through his heart. Des pondency due to III health after an attack of pneumonia, Is supposed to have been the cause. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectlveDecember 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 I v. Oranta Pas.. 1:00 p. m Train 2 Iv. Water Creek 3:00 p. m Alt train leave Grant Pa from the corner of O and Eighth street! opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundburi building, or phone 131 for same. LOST IX)ST Black hound pup, about eight months old. Reward foi return. E. R. Wllllums, phone 2 2-J. 9S Classified frU BALK 6."VC. GRANT LANDS-Blu print Plata showing land In Josephine oounty, $1.50, Addreaa A. B. Voorhlea, Qrantt Pa. U DEALERS In nor, uiulea, cattle. wagon, back, bugglea, ' harnesa and saddle. We have a variety of ll kind at all time, it you have anything to sell or exchange, or it you want to buy, come and ae us. We will treat you right. All our llveetock la put out under guarantee Red Front Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K treat. Tlmmoui, Prop, Phone 6u-j. i sir FOR 8ALS Qood modern .- house, close Id, north aid. Inquire No. 2111, oar Courier. Iltt FOR SAL Reoleaned teed wheat; Little Club, fl.ll; Jenkins Club, 12.16; Washington Hybrid No. 141, 11.50; Maroute, .I0; atao Beardleea Barley, Watte Onta, Al falfa Seed and all Oraaeea tod Clo ver. Ralph Waldo Blden, Con tral Point. tf FOR RENT OH SALE Irrigated fam plenty of water during the whole season. Inquire Jo. Feta ner, 755 North Eighth street, tt PC UK UKBD Rhode laland Red set ting egg. II for IB, on sal al The Roohdale. 01 QUALITY WIIITI LEGHORNS Hatching egge and baby chick the kind that lay and pay book your order early ,now, K. Ilenv merbachtr. Phone C0I-F-2I. R. r. D. No. J. 07 FOR 8M.E t a sacrifice or lrad for horse S farm wagon: I hfteki: t bugle;. t democrat wa gon: nil aire collar and harness: t alngl harnesses; 1 burro well broke to ride or drive; 4 good sad dles, alio 1 electric piano, good aa new, at Brownie' Livery. Roy Hlgglns, owner. 101 8ELU OR KXCHANGK Pure blood registered Rerkshlre pigs for breeding or porkers; will trail for Leghorn pullet. M. Mclntyre, phone IOO-F-12. M TO RKJfT TRJCMONT ROOMS Now under mnnagment of Mr. L. C. Arm strong; 21 clean room at 35c and 30c; special rate by week or month; aleo light housekeep ing room. Would like your pat ronage. 1 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located. 411 C (treet. gttf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS tor rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privilege. Very moderate weekly and monthly ratee. : 37tf FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage. Mrs. O. P. Jester. 215 C street, phone 168-R. 8Btf PARTLY Fl'RNISHKD cottage for rent. 50 feet from payement, also unfurnished cottute on pavement, 3S per month. Inquire A. K Voor hles. 2tf DIIAYAGK AND TMMKKH COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al; kind of drayage and transfoi work carefully and promptly done Phone 181-J. Stand at freigb' depot. A. Bhado, Prop. F. O. ISHAIf, drayage and transfer Safes, piano and furniture move packed, shipped and stored. Phom Clark and '.lolman, No. 50. Resl dene pbon 124-R. THB WORLD MOVES; so do Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Pbon 2J7-R. PHOTO 8TI IHO THE PICTURE MILL open dally l a. m. to 6 p. m. For Btinday fit ting call Mill 283-11 nr resldem 140-J. 7M Yes, Father comes in Advertising WANTkID WANTkiD Meu tor saw mill. "and logging eatnpa. Mill aud rampa will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Qood condi tions. For 'full particular writ Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cal. 5lt w"ANTKDunkr'old""iroX"rbb aack, rags, auto tliea, old auto mobile, copper, bra, Hoc, lead, hide, pelts, fur. The beet price In town tor everything In our line. Union Junk Co. Phone II. II 8TBNCH1 ilAPHBR-11rrejaaa. "o Ire employment, Can give best of reNieucea, Addreaa P, O. Bog III, or call Court Houae 112 be tween hour I a. m. and I p. m. IT WORK WANTED by man and wife; t man expert noad in ranch and or chard work; wife wlahee cooking; can give beat or reference. Ad dreaa No. 101, car Courier. 110 WANTKD A couple of man for wood chopping, Inquire at 411 West L street. 101 W A NT E D i I on se a nd bridge poolers tor shipyard work. Write Cooa Bay Shipbuilding Co., Marshfleld, Oregon, for partio ulara. 101 WANTED A young man II to II year old to learn the hardware business. Cramer Broe, a HO K MAKER WANTF.Dtdij ree No. Ill, oar Courier. II Ml BIOAb INHTHl tTTION j. 8. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice oulture and Ug1ng. Leeaont given at home ot pupil If requeeted. Ad dree 711 Lee St. II1U I'HYBICUNS LO, CLEMENT, M. a PrMtloe limited to dleeaeea of the) eye, ear, noe aad throat. Olaaaaa fitted, ooee and throat. Olaaeee fitted. Office hour l-l I, 1-5, or oa ap pointment. Office phone, II; resi dence phone I5I-J. 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. I).. Phytlclsn and surgeon. City or country call attended day or tight Reatdeac phone Ml; office phone 112. Sixth and H. Tuff Building A. A. WITHAM. M. D PhyalcUo and anrgeea. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth aad I street. Phone : Of floe, HI; reeldenoe, lll-J. Hoar. I a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLBY Phyaitsaa aad aurgeon. Lundbur; Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Oflloer. Officer hour. I to 11 a. m. 1 to I p. m. Phone 110-J. ntf DENTISTS E. C. MACY, D. U. D. rirat-cIaM dentistry. 101 H South Blxtb treet, Orants Paaa, Oregon. " A1TORN JCYS H. D. Norton. Attornar-avt-la. Practice la all Bute and Federal Court. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO ft WILLIAMS Attorney. at-Law Oranta Paaa Banking Oo. Bldg. Oranta Paaa, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all court. Ftrat National Bank Bjilldlng; DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attorney- at-Law. Office Maaonlo Temple, Oranta Paa Oregon. O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Law Golden Rule Building. Phone 270. Grants Paa, Oregon. ' BLANCH A RD ft BLANOHARD, At- . torney, Albert block. Phone '.'3l-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorney. . . - JkTKUIXARV HtlWlKON " Oil- Ky" J"." " BBBTuCaTeTrTnVr'raS Office 'in Wlnetrout Implement Hldg. Phone 113-J. Reldno Phone 30K-R. . very handy sometimes