PACK TWO DAILY ROGCI E1TBI ODVROHI t'lilDAV, MAIU'll I. IDIN. ill hue mo e:?, fihllshed Dally Except Saturday A. & VOORHIE3. Pb. and Propr. Tatered it the PottotEc. Q rials Pass, Or., m second elaaa malt matter. ADVERTISING RATES . Display space, per loch..... Ue Loeal or personal column, per line 10c Readsrs, par tlna.... 6c DAILT COURIER By mall or carrier,' per year....t.0w Br mall or carrier, per month.. .11 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per yaar.l .ft. 60 MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon De.Ur Newspaper Pub. Aaan MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the n e (or republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the 1 cV. news pub lished herein. All rights of -republication, of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. FK1MV, MAKCH I, 11H. . ' OREGON WEATHER : 4 Fair, moderate westerly 4 winds. .. v ANSWER, YES OR NO Down at Grants Pass, the local council of defense employed a short and exceedingly direct questionnaire to a counterfeit preacher who was trying to use the cloak of Christian religion to hide seditious speech. Before they would consent to per mitting him to make a scheduled address, they demanded a yes or no answer, without debate, to the fol- lowing questions: Are you a member of the Red Cross? ' Are you a subscriber to the Lib erty loan? Have you purchased thrift stamps or savings certificates? Are you whole-heartedly and un reservedly backing the government's war program? He answered "no" to all four questions, and that summarily ended his public activities at the county seat of Josephine county, Oregon. Answers to these four questions are a perfectly fair test of the right of any person to live In the United States and enjoy the protection of the Stars and Stripes. No man or woman who can not answer at least one of the questions In the- affirm ative Is fit to live la, America as long as the war lasts. Extreme poverty Is a valid excuse for answering "no' to the first three questions, but no one is so poof as not to be able to give the government moral support This test Is a most f earthing test.! Even those who are able to answer the first three questions affirmative ly are lacking In Americanism If they can not say that they are whole-heartedly and unreservedly backing the government's war pro gram. Evening Telegram. TiO, AKME SATURDAY HEAD LETTUCE RADISHES TURNIPS CELERY GREEN ONIONS CARROTS THESE PRICES WHILE THIS STOCK LASTS:- OREGON ALMONDS, per lb 20c MANCHURIAN WALNUTS, por lb..... 25c BULK COCOA, por lb. : . 25c GROUND CHOCOLATE, per lb . .20c BASKET FIRED TEA, per lb. ...35c KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY gi'AUTY MIWT able medal. For every $100 worth of stamps sold In addition to the first 9250 worth a "palm" decora tlon will be added to the "Ace medal, and at the end of the year's campaign, the Roy Scout In each state with the largest total of sales to his credit will receive a letter of thanks from the president of the United States. "There is no waste of food among the allies. If you will read the Eng lish food reports you will find that a woman was fined $100 and Jailed for SO days for throwing away half a rice pudding, and that a baker who threw away two plea was sent to prison for six months." United States Food Administration. Neatly printed stationery at 'tht Courier office. THE RIGHT PLACE RIGHT TIME RIGHT PRICE FOR ' FRESH and CURED Meats POULTRY, GAME and FISH in season Home Made' Corned Beet a Specialty TEMPLE i MARKET We have an excellent stork of salt and smoked meats, pure lard and substitutes. Phone 134 f 1 war frtrrrr ! Irrkrrrr i J I Eisnaaa's Lime-Sulphar Solution lUame Teat 81 pine BO gal. or more at S4o per gjJ. set SO to AO gal. at BAc per gaL net 10 to SO gal. at SOc per cat. net Small quantities at 4 Or per gal. net 5 gal. cans filled and sealed at $2.2S each. E1HMANN PltOIHTTS COMFAXY Booth Grants Pass HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Why are there no meat markets the North Pole? BOY 8 CO UTS j Every Boy Scout In the country has enlisted for service for the dura tion of the thrift stamp and war sav ings stamp campaign. Fire million red postcards are being distributed to assist the boys In the sale of stamps. They will make personal solicitation to have the cards signed by their friends. They will not be called upon to collect money. The postcards after they have been' sign ed, will be njalled, no stamps telng required, and the thrift stamps or war savings stamps called for In the order will be delivered by the mall carrier. Every Boy Scout selling $250 worth of cards will be made an Ace" and will be awarded a suit- Because they n'p.r had a ook there. i..iiii:s! WK I'lVKUST HKKN THtilJ 'T worui re, WHAT A Hl;itV WOKM) IK A 1,1, THK MKtT SHOW WK'KK TKAXSPOMT.O KAIt IIKVOM) THK XOKTHKKV SKA! WHAT WOflJ) YOU DO fok DINXKIt TO.MOKftOW? CITY MARKET. 403 Q 8TIUCET PHONE 82 ' By D. W. II. Jl An exhibit of unusual interest will be the wprk of the girls of the high 'school displayed In the window or Helnier's furniture More on Satur day and Sunday. 1 The work of these students as : members of the Junior Ked Cross Is under the supervision of Mrs. Geo. C. Sabln of the chapter school com mittee and Miss Edna Cornell, teacher of domestic sclrrce. These ladies have been working untiringly and the exhibit Is the result of what has been accomplished since the hol idays. The display will consist prin cipally of Belgian baby layettes, and clothes for older children. Many o( the garments have been made from (donated materials, and show thnt the girls have put a great deal of attlme and thought In utilizing them to me oesi iiinmaso. The past week the Honor Gunrd of this city donated $10 to he used for material for Junior Red Cross work In the high school. The ex ample set by ' the Honor Onnrd Is a good one and It Is expected will be follwed by others to help along this most worthy cause, the work of the Junior Red Cross. V - '"'- 4- iik;e r NOTICES 4 I. O. O. K. The funeral of Brother Fred R. Vincent will be held at the Missouri Flat cemetery on Applegate at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Sunday, March 3, 191 , and all members of the I. O. O. F order who can attend will please ;:lve their names to some one of the committee. Dr. Bert R. Elliott, J. H. Denlaon or Will Ireland. 8ermon will be preached by Rev. L. Myron Boozer. 97 ' T, Y. DEAN, Secy. A. F. A. M. There will be a special meeting of Grants Pass lodge. No. 84, A. F. & A. M. Saturday night for the E. A and M.' M. degrees. 97 E. O. HARRIS, Secy. no m;:ipi l'li'VWI!lfl&.P. The state food administrator has instructed that home cards be plac ed la every home In the county. Cards have been sunt out to the teat-hera of all the schools, In the rural districts and other towns of the county, to be dlntributed. ' It there la any one In the city who has nut received a hew hums In structton card, phone th chairman of your ward. ' ' Mrs.. I', II. Herman, I at ward. . Mrs. Mary A. Browne, 2nd ward. Mrs, M. U lvts,v 3rd ward. Mrs. J. R. Gunning. 41b ward. In sending out these card the state food administrator says, "The situation Is much more grave even than It appeared la tteptember. It looks aa though multitudes of peo. pie would starve to death this win ter In spite of all we ran do." That the situation may be brought direct to the rttlsens of this couuly ths state food administration and tile extension service of the Oregon An rlrultural college will hold a conven. tlon In (Irants Tass next Tuesday March 5. Delegates from all over the county have been appointed to attend this convention. ' BAM It. BAKER. County Chairman r COUNTY AGENT'S I I NOTES Team Work for the Italryman The big strldea ahead along dairy lines both In production and manu facturing have come as a result of cooperation or team work on the part of the dairymen combined with the application of accurate knowl edge. Better stork has been secured. poor cowa weeded out, yields Increas ed , better produrts made, creameries and cheese factories started, more money secured for products through dairy farmers getting together and acting as a unit In carrying out con structive plans. The Interests of one dairyman In a community Is, In the essentials, the Interest of all and In nnlty there Is strength. The dairy Industry In any community where dairying has a place can be developed and made more profitable through team work. 3. D. Mlckte, state dairy and fond commissioner, has given much study to these questions and he has a message for every dairyman. He la a loyal friend of the dairyman and a magnetic speaker. Connty Agent Thompson has se en red Mr. Mlckle and Prof. Pitta, of O. A. C. for a special dairy meeting to be held In the court house, March 7. The meeting opens at 10:30. Talks along the line of feeding and handling of dairy rattle as well as marketing of dairy products will be given. Additional meetings along .similar lines will be held each month until June. Secure a program from Mr. Thompson at Grants Pass. Anything to sell Try a elasslfled. STOMACH . TORN UP India?.! Lad Describe! Conditio". . V.Tuch the S;.y?Wa$Du-eTo ' Coiutfpation aud Tells of ' Riilici. Obtained From Black-Drtugnt ' ' ' Scotlsburg, Ind. Mrs. Annie Johnson, of this place, writes: "1 well remember I suffered for a Jong time with constipa tion, which would get (tie down. I took doctors' medicines and any number of purgatives. They would leave me In a worse condition than I was before taking, and my stomach so upset... I know once I sulfcred . . . from constipation, I was so ill we had to have the doctor, just so nervous and feverish. The doctor said I would have to quit medicines, my stomach was so bad . . My husband was reading and found something about Thedford's Black Draught and brought me a package to Iry. I used It regularly at first untill be gan to feel better, then I used just a dose occasionally. I was cured of Wis con stipation and am sure the Black-Draught did it." 5 If your stomach Is out of order, you will suffer from such disagreeable symp toms as headache, biliousness, indiges tion, etc., and unless something is done, serious trouble may result. Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It Is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, help ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse the bowels of impurities. . Try Black-Draught. EB-I5 i CirmnZiri Treatment of CIUWHKI UlltKH NOIKKI.KRH IIOItNH HIAIIKM:HM HATTKItlKH f.AZY HTAIiTKItM k And all wrte of your rlrvtrtc yatrm KHKN IIATTKItY INSI'rXTION . Ofllce In Hubert's Uarae CX A. LINCH Thou 1 75 Second-Hand Ford Cars Bought and Sold C. L HOBART GO. Dally Thought We have spoken of physical courage, or the courage of nerves, of moral courage, or the coumge of principles. IWaldre three there Is Intellectunl cour age, or the courage of opinions. I'hll Ups Dreoka, Hookworm. The full-frown hookworm la boot one-third to one-half an Inch In length. It Is about the thickness of email hairpin or a No. 80 thread. It looks to the unaided rye very much Itkt 0 miniature earth worm. I ' - Save to Buy When the Third Liberty Loan if offered, will you be ready? AMKHICA linn ciitt'i't'd Dt'iiiocnu-y's war against I'niHsiaiiisin. . Your dollars 'air nVrded to insure victorious jK'nct'. v Your (lovt'i'iniit'iit wiuitH your help. The young, men have bravely shouldered 'their musket and fol lowed grim duty across the sea. They are ready to offer their lives. CAN'T YOU AT LEAST SAVE THAT YOU MAY BUY LIBERTY BONDS? V To economize in dress, to eat simpler food, to elijiiiuate waste, to spend less for luxury can't you do these things? Your savings hank will gladly tell you how you can help your (Joverninent, how you can' save so that vou can respond when the call is'iuade for the Third liberty Ix)au. - ' V You will find how easy, it is to save and to buy on terms. Space Donated Uy CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO. East Through San Francisco (X)KTH MTTI.K MOItlO A visit to clear old Sun Kranclco the Cosmopolitan the llohcmlrin i ran be made uilivenlontly on ylmr way Kast over thv Ogden Route The Siskiyou, ivit. KhaHtu, tho Sierra Nevudu, Groat Suit Lake and the Rockies are seen en route. AHk oearcMt iment for particulars JOHN M. 8COTT General I'aHHcnuor Af?e'nt Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific-Union Pacific Write for folder on the Apache Trail of Arizona.