VAGI TWO DAILY KUCIB RlVaUl COtlUKIt Tl rl)AY. r UUU'AIIY l, Jtln. 01 rat m corai Published Dally Except Saturday A. E, VOORH1ES, Pab, tad Prow Btered at th Postoffles, Qraata Pas. Or., as second elaea mall mattr ADVERTISING RATES DUplay spaoe, pr lich He Local or pronal column, pr lln 1 Oc Reader. pr lln... ......... le DAILY COURIER By mill or errir, pr yr... $1.00 Bt mail or earrtor. per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By Mill, per yr..- ..11.10 MEMBER Stat Editorial AmocUiIob Orogoa Dally Nwsppr Pub. Ami MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Th AMoolatod Press la seluslvely entitled to tha u tor raputllcaUoa ol all news dispatches credited to It or not ethervi erdltd la tat payor and alao U 1 al aws pub- Uahed herein. All right of republication of pe dal dispatches barala ar alao reserved. ..TVEBDAY, FKBKl'ARY 1, lM. ORKGON WEATHER . . Fair, oreeeded bv rain this 4 afternoon and tonight In south- weet. portion, with moderate northerly wlndi. THE HOME GUARD Colonel John Leader In an addrosa at the Eugen armory lait night founded a not of warning to the peopl of the Pacific coast which all title and town would do well to heed,., although they may not agree with Colonel leader la hi belief that tha danger of an invasion of the Pacific coast by German 1 not only poialble but probable and may come in th very near future, the Hun pouring in from Mexico and coun tries of South America where It I known ther ar large number of German reenriit. , Colonel Leader' Idea la that some thing of this tort might be attempt ed within the coming summer, the ohtect of the'invadln form helnr to divert th coldiers wlilch the na tion is now sending to France, with a view to crippling the allies "over there." . He state that such an in vasion would Immediately accom plish that result, for the sentiment of American would be overyhelmlnirly la favor of protecting the lives, pro- nertv and aanetlrv nf th hnm of the American' people on the Pacific coast. The landing of a force by the enemy in hi opinion would not be difficult, out if the Pacific coast had a body of men trained in the science of warfare, it would b a dif ficult matter for any force of invad ers to get awjy after one making a landing. The importance of keeping up a constant supply of men for our war forces In Europe was emphasized by Colonel Leader. "We will win and keep up the fight so long as there la a man or woman left in the countries of elvl lizatlon," he said. "If anything happens to keep the United States army from getting to Prance I be lieve this war will last 20 year." Colonel Leader believes that one of the things that might happen is an attempted invasion of the Pacifi coast. . We have not given the possibility that our own state might become a battleground In the great world war, much consideration. We are not In clined to believe that the danger fa as great as Colonel Leader thinks, but we are certain that no greater step for national defense could be taken than the organization of a "home guard" in every city and town of the state of Oregon. The knowledge that such an organisation of men, trained in the science of SPECIAL Picnic Hams 20c lb. CHEESE PIMkiNTO tlKKKM IHILK OIUCUON' IT Lb CRKAM KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST - QUAUTY BUTTER Mad la Greats I'm by The Co-operative Creamery Order our Joervhin Bread troaa your Grocer. If It dor not suit ym, you will do ua favor by tsiUag u an, and your money will be cheerfully refunded, J&se;.i.e Ccssty Co-cper.tive Crercery Assn. warfare existed, would tend to keep away any enemy who might contem plate plans for invasion of the Unit ed 8tts from th Pclflc. Eugen Guard. DETAILS OF THE IICOH TAX LAW Depreciation Th term depreciation as used In the Income tax law mean a reason able allowance for ordinary exhaus tion, wear and tear sustained through the use of the article to be depreciated in the usual business or trade. It Is computed npon the cost or fair value of the article and Its expected life under normal condi tion in business and trade. To compute the amount which may be claimed, the taxpayer should determine the probable life of the property, then divide Its cost or fair value by the number of years It will be usable In the business In which employed, and the result thus ob tained will represent the amount which may be claimed acb year. The following rates ar aver ages which have been determined for the several classes of structures, etc. , i Frames, 3 per cent; brick and stone, 2 per cent; steel and concrete. 1 per cent; store furniture and fix tures, 10 per cent; tools and ma chinery, 4 to 10 per cent; farm tools and work equipment,. 10 per cent; automobiles 10 to 25 per rent. If a taxpayer wishes to claim the full amount of depreciation estimat ed to have occurred In the value of a building or other property, used for business or trade purposes, be may do so, but tbla precludes his claiming a deduction to cover any amount expended during the same year in making repairs. If he wishes to claim a deduction on account of repairs, their cost must be deducted from the full amount of deprecia tion, that is, if the taxpayer expend- ONo Rake 7N In Price f ) Of Thi, V- Great Remedy Twiswanwl nil ills n mwSirw iiw.m nlis -MiaUk Mlwi mim MmykMklftaatHa. dual awaiaa wHfc MMMalfe, fcurtsfetarasen. CmU Ism, . ed $100 In making repairs to I building which will depreciate In value 1100 daring th calender year, tie may claim $1"0 fo.- repair under business expense and $100 a depre ciation, or be may claim 1200 a de preciation and nothing for repairs. In short the aggregate amount claimed on account of repair and depreciation must not exceed the full amount of depreciation estimated to have occurred.' Depreciation on the value of a home, or any article of property such a an automobile used for per sonal pleasure of convenience, can not be claimed; the property must be used for the purpose of produc ing Income. , Depreciation other than that aris ing from ordinary wear snd tear can not be claimed. Depreciation In the value of land whether Improved or unimproved cannot be claimed. Depreciation on account of obso lescence cannot be claimed. When in the course of years, the owner of property ha claimed It full cost of depreciation In his In come tax returns, no further claim will be allowed. Salem, Feb. II. Homer McCoy, a Chicago capitalist, ha asked the state land board for a lease on Sum mer and Abert lakes, to extract pot ash. The board decided to serve 60 day notice on Jason Moore, who now holds the lease, but has not com piled with it. -Our Guarantee- Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for MJB Qjftuu if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can Youcanbuy Ask your grocer BBS CLEOPATRA WAS 1 . SIREN OF 1 IE Immortal atorl hav ba writ ten of Cleopatra, th Siren of th Nil lb queen who, aided only by her personal rhaiiu and scheming mind, conquered Caasar. "th great est Roman of than all," and . who brought Mare Antony bowing to bar feet. William Pox' version of Cleo patra will present her as th beal authorities of modern time hav -om to know her. Th Kox screen ing of "Cleopatra," with Theda Dara In th till role, will deal with th moat dramatic period of her life the time when ah was righting to retain her power and her crown. Th forthcoming production, which will b seen at th Joy theatre Wed nesday and Thursday, February 10 and SI will b a gorgeous spectacle, made magnificent by th beautiful detail of Ancient Egyptian salting with those of th Roman Empire, th costuming being sumptuous. Th costumes worn by Mia Para a Cleo patra are to a degree startling la many Instance. ! GERMAN TEXT BOOKS TEACH lit HATREDS In Germany th public mind hss been educated by Klcht, Nletsch. Trletschke, lllsinark, von Mollke. Oeneral von Dernhardl and the kaiser. Th essence of Fichu' teachings Is expressed In this extrsct from on of hi books: "In ca of need one single man ha th right and duty to compel th whole of mankind. . . He Is the master armed with com pulsion and appointed by God." Th gist of Nletache's false teach lag la contained In this extract from hi work: "T shall lov peace a a mean to new wars, and the short pec better then th long. I do not advise . you to work but to fight. I do not advise you to com promise and make peace, but to con quer. !rt your labor be fighting and your peace victory. You say that a good cause hallow even war. I tell you that good war hallows every cause." t r , t ' ' The spirit of Trletschke' teach ings speak in this extract: "W hav already seen that war Is both Justiflabl and moral. . We msy depend upon the re-Oermanls-Ing of Alsace, but not of Livonia and Korlaodf two great Russian provin ce now Invaded by German armies). There no other course I open to us but to keep the subject rate in at uncivilised a condition as possible. and thus prevent them from becom ing a danger to th handful of their eonqneror." For two generation or trior the kaiser' government baa been plant ing these doctrine in th German mind, beginning with the children In school. "What I Oermany?" Is a question asked In a German text book, and thi th answer. "My fatherland, a country entirely sur rounded by enemies." CAST OF CHARACTERS i ,; . For THE NEW MINISTER' M. I CHURCH, TUESDAY, FEB. 19 . sr. v. . IXIKU MHMTIO.N MKH, Ol Y KNAIT HA MKT MIIM. tlKO HAUI - IUv. Homer AleiawW' llftm it The new minister II. I fcUaaaker Prof. Ton Note leader of choir Arthar Wlble ttrrelrreailo PaUifaky Organ!! Mra, ten. labia Mm. Orwesido Ik Hat Member mualo rommitle Mr, (leu. IHrhlnao) HeaekUh V. Mharp Member amtato committee K. H. lUlslger Dm-tor Hooelck Member atualc committee A. M. Hmtoe Mlae ly Lyric HoMat . Mra, A. Ilraakea IUIph lluatrr llaiiton In rhoir Arnold Mater Heth Perkins A Joke Iam tillMt IMay l4vjoy V lilac school tocher Mra, Arthur YVIht (HMia llaaMit A relic , (ttlVrln Miller Henrietta Hharp AmXher relic Helea 1311 PNunl Piehlee The milliner lucy llanaoa I art Alec eWvtUm i, M. laluua Auxwata Wlnt Hverylxxly's friend ...... Mrs, Guy kaapf Mr. 1H Lanry Pre, of Ladies AM Mr. P. II. Hermaa Ivory 8.H- ivea, of (Hd Maid' (tub VlvUa laliaa Members of ldle Aid and Old f akl'a (tab . Mr. A. M. Hex on. Mra. K. H. Ilsdatger, Mra. Melville T, Wire, Laura Htrong, Maud (lllmaa. Ve4aa WUllama, Florence llocork, IUimi Anrnaea, lor Herman, Marion Hnbln, Irene (XlweU. 8YNOPHM fholr beidaa rehearalnii for an rnterulrunrat, la laterruied by a committee out d tactual ng (he hiring of a new mlnlater... Mi Iwejoy in. irodurm heratdf and offer eaaiaUnre. Hex ton nrrirea and lolls his trouble. The l.dlra AM mil a meeting and dJanuwea a recriKlon for the new niln l-rr. The Old Maid'a Club take bat h their vow never to marry, thinking the new minister may be a yoneg man. The minister arrive, and in welcomed hy congregation... HeatkUb dvlhea him. Prufeaaor Top Note warns him. Mr. FUtt ronsnlta hi.' lr Hnoslik. Introduce aome of the ladles Aid. HesikUh draw the minister's attention to the rliarnw of his tUiittb- ler, neanesia. iMlay ana nr. Ilrown merit renew v.Id arunalnlane. The l)W Maids ask help from setiiia lo further Ihelr meirtmotiUTIn terewiM, , .Mr. Brow a 1 at last nuked If he Intends to awry. Me aelerta hi wife from among them much to the surprNe of all. Final chorus find ever) body happy but Mearletta, Admuvioa 2JW Children lor I Always Leek Happy. Why do photographs of woman air plane pilot alwsys show then com peting for the record In the standing brood grin? Pittsburgh Oatette-Tlmes. Second-Hand Ford 1914 OVERHAVLKD OVKIUilZK pNTO.8 LKAK PKOt)F RIJftiH ntxut Tinra dhock absoriu3ih wot lioht $265 C. L. HOBART CO. WHAT TO USE TO PREVENT MD Grants Pass people should know simple buckthorn bsrk, glycerin, tc, as mixed In Adler-l-ka flushes th ENTIRE bowel tract so com pletely that appendicitis I prevent-, d. ONE SPOONFUL Adler-l-ka re lieve ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or constipation bectus It removes ALX foul matter which clogged and poisoned your system. The I NOT A NT action surprises both doctors and patienta. National Drug Store. ANOTHER KBORO IS LYNCRKD IK GMHfHA Payettevllle, la., Feb. 19 "Bud" Cosby, a negro, was lynched near here last night by a mob,' after he attempted to rob the home of Mr. Barney McElwayney, near Aberdeen and kidnaped her two-year old baby. The child wai found later In a briar patch uninjured. If You Want DRY WOOD! I Now Have It I liave dry wood under cover. fhoVest Dry lloa) Dry and Half Dry PARSONS' WOOD YARD Phone ftvlL ar 101-R UOMAX DIKM AT THK AGE OF II5.YKAIM CharlotUtowo, P. I. I rb. II. Mis Uxil Palmer, th oldest pc oa on Prlnc Edward Iland, If not In Canada, died in the provincial In firmary hare today, at th ag of 116 years. Bb became blind two years ago. Her bearing was acuta and other faculties wer normal. A elasstfltd ad brings results. SPECIALS . Portable lamps from $2.60 to $11.25. Fixtures, $4.00 and up -Hunjg in your home as they now stand . without extra charge Glass shades complete with holder, 19c to 45c KtMffli Holder alone worth 10c Second hand Frantz-Premier vacuum cleaners, $7.50 and $10.00. These cleaners new are now $41.00 Electric fans, $4.00, $6.00 and $12.90. ' Less than what these fans will cost this year Warming pads, regular $7.00, now $5.60. Q. E. Electric Iron, regular $5.00 now $4.00 Riteheat Electric Ironi. regular $5.00, now $4.00 All who have repair" work in the shop will please call for it dur ing this week if possible Bush Electric Store