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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1918)
...... . ' v . -., .. ' . .. y . DAILY EDITION (MUim ruM, jottraiiri oovrnr, orcoon, ti kwdikhiu juvv !.. iwn.i WHOLE JTVMBKR S?M. VOI VIII.. No. ' 5-' - '" ' $230,077,152 FOR U S NAVY UKritKT.tlfr BAXIKLH AMKM POIt -Ht M T I'ltOVIMK OUBAAXTK AMI AMMINITIOX llmiry Kurd WW Hull4 Mora "Cha . er lhlriye)ra"-MatBn Corpa In . cwm U 11011111 Washington, Feb. II. -Congress fit asked by Beeralary Daniels yes terday (or ll0,077,lI further to tspaod lb navy's great . building program, provide for mors ordnance and ammunition, cover additional pay and mast other eipensea, not contemplated In this year's naval ap proprlatlon bill. Of the total 1100,000,000 In for additional construction now under ): Mr. Daniels aald most of this amount would be aent for vessels "smaller than cruisers." and ex plained that unparalleled rapidity with which anms yard Were turning out destroyers had mad It possible to plac mora contracts for these boat than had been thought, l albla. About a dosen new contracts already have been placed, half of the number going to th Mar liland navy yard, which recently launched a dMtroyar (( per cent complete four montha after her keel 'aa laid. Roma of the money will be spent for mora of the "chaser destroyers" belnK built by Hrnry Ford In his Detroit plant: -. :, - ' " ' Temporsr Increase of the enlist ad strength of the active list of the marine eorpa from 10,000 to 50, 000 men la proponed and the pay of the marina corpa, orlnlnally estimated at $21,155,371. Increased , by $12.- JOO.OOO., . , AltMIIUI, VON TIRI'ITX s, , , WKAKH AT VXHKS i Amsterdam, Jan. SI. (By mailt, Following la a report In .the fr; man socialist paper Vorwaerls or a speech by Admiral toATln:tt nt s meeting of the Fatherland Party In Saeen: - - - "In Essen, von Tlrplti told his hearers that no one In Germany, from the highest to the lowest, had Incited, or wanted, tola war., .'. "rn Essen, von Tlrplts railed at British mainmonlsm'and capitalism. Oerpuny flourished only by bonnet , Jabor, he said. ... "lu Kasen," von Tlrplts pleaded for (tubtlc aplrlt and .unaeiriihneM. , "In Bawn. von TlrplU thundered aitalnat the truat magnate! of Amer ica and England. "In Eaaen. art the Krupp worki." Waahlngton, . Tab. II. Senator Johnnon.'of California, In a speech opiiohIhr the senate draft of the ad mlnlittratlon. railroad bill, advocat ed permanent ow'nerehlp rather than government control, for the period of the war und aald that step wan Inevitable, lie protested against the proposed, rate of compensation for railroads and praised the, president for his recent stand against secret diplomacy. . AltMKI MKN lum TWO i fTlllf IX I'KTIMKJIIAII 'Petrograd. Feb. 19. A gang of 60 armed men in motor lorries Inst night visited two social clubs In this olty and robbed the members of M, 000 rubles and the guests of 200, 000 rubles aa well aa a targe amount of diamonds and other Jewelry. Two of the gang wbile under arrest were lynched by a crowd which took them from the police. CItt PBOEPJLM EXFAXOEO .11 rlf.l JOHNSON OPPOSES -THE ADMINISTRATION irKi's Krnhtr MwMlur Hm Attark of ApiiiUrttia aail s 0)MwatKd on Washington, Keb. II, I'hysklsni suddenly operate ua Hun ator Cbamberlala, who was attacked by appeadlcltli yesterday, , This af ternoon they. report the, operation as successful and that the senator was resting easily.. . . ltl'MIATM I'lUITICMT HfAV'H i.: IlKI't ll ATIOM OV OICItTH I'atrograd. Krldsy, Keb. ' I. All the diplomatic representatives of the M elj led, countries eqd si neutrals buve protested against the repudia tion by the ' Itolshevlkl government of the national debt and also agalnat the decree rsictlng the coBflsca tlou of proierty.. ' . They have declared that these edicts have no valne, so far aa their nationals are concerned, and they have the right to claim damage. PETROGRAD IS FREE . OF i'vtrograd, Saturday,' Keb. I. Nikolai Unlne, Bolahavlkl premier, has Issued an edict forbidding war prisoners and lefugees from enter ing "'Starving I'etrogrsd." or any of the Don-producing sections In north ern Russia. The edict says that the counter-revolutionists are sending refugees to t'ftrornd nnd Moscow In. )ha hope, of aggravating the food shortage.... It urges a general. move ment of unemployed and prisoners to the producing provinces. . , , In Petrograd .the . allowance' of hrtsd again has been redured to three-eighth of a pound to save sup plies. : ' i " ' ' ' - OljE fpllllOi'l FREIJCfj : Li:iii;ii New York, Jfeb. II. "One million Krencli 'soldiers hae Wen 'kllieii In the trenches slid an equnl 'number have been dlsnbled for jiff." declared Karon J7 llenfllit! of tho French hltth commission at the annual dinner of the Life t'nderwrhars "association at Hotel. Astor hera Saturday nlxht. "All Frame, la working to win the war.", ha declared.. "We have (,000,000 under arms, -and. of .thli number more than 3.000,000 are now In the trenches. We are manu facturing 850.000 shells a day and turning 01K an average of 3R 'big guna'. every 24 hours," , MjOYII flKOHOK KAVOItS RXrANRIOX OK POWK.K .L.!.,--;,l'.-fv ;.'. .v..v.r.'-f.' London, Feb, 19. Moyd Oeorse said today the American representa tives at Versailles had, declared "with Irresistible loglo.", for expan sion of the supreme council's power. The premier made his eagerly await ed statements about recent- army changes and aald It had been decided to. set up a central authority, to co ordinate the allies strategy, British Headquarters, Feb. 19. Artillery and aircraft are active on the western front Nine Americans have been wounded by shells. . . The great German 'offensive may he expected at any moment, In a thrust ngtiinsl the nrltlsh betweon Arras sad Ft. Quentln. Tanks and the hew. mysterious gas will be em ployed by Germans, Other attneks 111 he made further, south. -. Th's Information , Is gathered fram Oer- mnn prisoner nnd la other,, ways, ACTIVITY GROWING ON WESTERN FRONT GEHMHAS RETURNED TO ATTACK ON RUSSIA , - Bcbhsviki GoTernt:t A:::::ces It Will fo Cc;:Hd . to Sja Treaty if Peice ViA Gercay ca Teres " Dictilcd By Tht Gorerczt rt'i- tt. 1 I 1 Amsterdam, Feb. II. Germany has returned to the attack 00 the eastern front The Holshevlkl must now face Its greatest test. Invading forces have crossed the Uvlna sod Ovlnsk rivers and are - advanclag eastward from Kovel, Volbynla, Jo the aid of hard pressed I'kranlsns, who . are, protsctlog food supplies. The food shortage la Russia Is great and la becoming desperate. It la problematical what opposition the Holshevlkl ran muster, ' London, Feb. II. An official Rus sian statement says, "Russia Is now forced to sign upon conditions pro posed by Germany." ' A statement by Tenlna and Trotsky protests against German resumption of wsr snd saya they are now forced to sign peace terms. They promise to give a detailed reply Immediately, to German peace negotiations. ' Vienna. Feb. II. The German army group has occupied the Rus slsn town of l.ltsk, In Volhynla, without fighting, according to an Austrian official ststement. Berlin, Feb. II. Germans have entered Dvlnsk territory. Russians attempted, unsuccessfully, to blow up the bridge across the Dvlna. - ' umsmw 1 1 .. Seattle, Feb, strike to take Hi A nation-wide effect May ' 1. ''If Thorns Mooney and bis co-defend ants in the San Francisco prepared ness , day ,,bomb explosion are not freed ly that lime, Is fhe announced Intention of labor !eder,,hqre, .to day following a , mass meeting yes terday afternoon. . A, street parade in' which 1 4,000 jlersons'. participated including representatives,, of. organ ised, labor,, was held, and after that the, meeting. ( w , . . , , . ', , r W. i).. Patterson of San Frsucisto. representing, the, union,, In (he ... de fense of Mooney case,. was, the, speak er. Other labor, leaders and social ists apoke. The masting went on record In fa vor of 'Mending; a telegram '.to' Presi dent Wilson .appealing . for , Mooney and In, tht event Jhat no action is taken by May 1 calling a nationwide strike. raw of ii in 'rill ivrrn uni San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 19 Forty enlisted men of the 24th infantry, colored, went to trial before a court martial here today on charges of murder and mutiny. It is the third courtmartial to be convened as a re sult of , crimes committed at Hous ton the night of August 23 last, when 20 persons were shot to death and others Injured in a riot of the third battalion of the 24th Infantry. At the first courtmartial 63 de fendants were tried. Thirteen were found guilty and hanged, and all but Are of the othere were found guilty and sentenced Imprisonment, many of them for life terms. Five were acquitted and restored, to their or ganizations. At the second trial 15 were tried and all convicted. Five were sentenced to be hanged and are now In the cavalry guardhouse at Fort Sam Houston awaiting action by the president, who Is revlewln? the case. 'iv. iXndon. Feb. ' II. Rumors' art rarrent 1,0 Vsa that the JJolshevlU government In Petrogrsd has been overthrown by social revolutionists under M. Tlchenoff. According to the Exchange Telegraph, .tanlne and Trotsky, ars said to have escaped jo Riga. Petrograd, Feb. II. General Ksl- edlnes. hetman of the Cossacks, who rpught agalnat the Bolshevtkl, pm mltted suicide t Mora Tcberkgsk. during a session ,of jibe govfrnment. After, It hsd decided ha should re slgn.LKaledJnea ihot himself, in an adjoining room, t) Petrograd, Saturday. Feb. . News or. me capture or Kiev, was contained In an official dispatch re ceived at BolshevikJ hesdiarters, The aoclet force's under Colonel Mur- avleff who defeated the beginning of the latest revolution. re-entered the city, from which the 1; grains rorcea haa fieo. srter re leasing the ..Bplshevlkt.. authorltlea, whom they had Imprisoned. ' . Tho correspondents of the Petro grad papers, describing the situation at Kiev, aald It can be compared only to the havoc death. and destuc.tlon wrought by the notorious Jewish po grom In 105. Killed and wounded filled the streets. . SOEAuE MOM' SOLDI AKEtlTS .ti;t c The war which has brought out many new names and phrases, such aa "camouflage," "oyer the top" and others, has added another new- coined word to the lists.' It Is "suilleage." Early In the moblllta tlon of the American army it was re alised by the war department offlcera that entertainment of a high char acter would have to be supplied the men In camp. ' The vigorous routine of training., the sudden change from home life to cantonment made it ne cessary to give the men In training relaxation from camp duties. The plan 6( supplying entertain ment has been worked out. and. sys tematized under the military, enter tainment council, appointed by the secretary of war, which Is. now offer ing to, the public .what. Is , called "Smlleage Books." .These hooka. like mileage, books, contain coupons. The coupons are good for, the admis sion of .any soldier, or friends ac companying him to , the .. J'shows" that are to be put on In the aixtcen army - cantonments and national guard camps. The booka, countersigned by the secretary of .war,, will seli. at f i aud $0, the dollar kind containing 20 five-cent coupons and the , flve-dol- lar variety containing 10Q coupons. Relatives and friends of the Mi dlers and the public generally will buy the "Smlleage Books',' and Hend them either to the soldiers by name or to the camps for general distri bution-and the soldiers will tear out the coupons and see the shows "for nothing."; v ; : vf; The 'government' has already built sixteen ?t heat res In which th,e. shows will be "presented. Performances' will also he given In the Liberty au ditoriums and In the Liberty tents originally under the direction of the chautauquas all, now under the management -of, the military enter talnment council. - 8 MKN IXJI RKI) ON XX, 8. CltriSKR MONTANA Washington, Feb. 19. Eight men were injured by the explosion of a cartridge case on the cruiser . Mon tana today. - ! ; v ' FLOYD RA!i:P GETS JAIL SENTEIJCE Federal Judgw WolvartiHS 8mteae ltoenlNir( gocUllat to Two Xemn at McVelU Island Portlsnd. Feb. II Federal Judge Wolverton today sentenced Floyd Ramp to two years at McNeils Island aad a $1,000 fine. Ramp asld to the court "I suppose there Is no cbaoca, to get this hang4 tp bsnr isnment o siberta." He gave no tice of appeal, and was granted 29 days. He declared Seymour Bted- man, of, Chicago, chief counsel of the socialist party In the United 8tates. would handle the appeal, t , l.i .'1 M - t T.lXtM LKVIKD BY THE - VSlS V-ar-V f-V-, Petrograd, Jan. II. (By mall). The Bolshevlkl town council In Pet rograd has voted the following new taxes:: ' On private automobiles and motor boats, 75 per horse power. , On prlvau carriages, a50 a year, plus 1250, for each horse., , , 8slllng yachts., 1500 a year. Dogs, 125 yearly. ;' ' VETEDO is i;i i:eed of tuEti : , The Grants Pass recruiting station baa received the following Instruc tions pertaining to the veterinary corps:; , , : ., , To provide for the organisation of veterinary hospitals for . duty over seaa, and for, other purposes, the veterinary corps wlll requlre at least 2.000 addttional enlisted men with in the next few weeks., It Is desired to enlist as ; many mea aa possible between 18 and 35 years of age, and who are not registered under the selective draft, law. These men should be accepted for, and enlist ed in, the veterinary corps, national army, and sent to the medical offi cer's training camp at Fort Riley Kansas, or to Fort . Oglethorpe, Ga. as may be most convenient. , , The following classes of men are desired:: , Horseshoers, 20; sad dlers, 20; pharmacists, 20; cooks. 40; typists or stenographers, 40 veterinary, studenta, agricultural students, farmers, stable men or men accustomed to handling . horses. 1.860. . - The secretary of war directs that a recruiting campaign to obtain men between the ages specified, 'not sub ject to registration,' and ' otherwise qualified as indicated, be at once In itlated. L SAYS THE 60LSHFVIKI NOT FIGHT Petrograd, Tuesday, Feb. 12. Seattle. Feb. II. A heavy vote la Nikolai Lenine,H Bolshevlkl premier, . being cast in the mayoralty pri reai'ondlng today to in Inquiry as to! martes. Ole Hansen will lead, ac what would be Russia's action, since'eording to betting odds. the Bolshevlkl had declared that, ; , they would not fight any more, said: ."That depends entirely upon Ger many's attitude.", ". - At a meeting of the Petrograd soviet last night, Ensign Krylenko. the Bolshevlkl commander-in-chief was asked by members what Russia would lo If Qemiany ' advanced against - her. Krylenko . expressed doubt that Germany ' would such action and said: -y, . i take ''' "Germany does not want Russia's enmity. Furthermore." the -taking of Petrograd would lengthen the Ger man front and prove a hindrance to her operations." ' . , MItS. YOl XtS, OF AI.RAXV, - IS PATAIXV BI RXE1) Albany, Feb. 19. Mrs. . G. H. Young, wife of the Baptist pastor, was probably fatally burned today. when her clothing caught 'ire 'rom a . stove. : Her daughter, aged 13, extinguished the flames with a wrapping cloak. : . WW EOF SEATTLE SHOT CANDIDATE CXR M.4VOK OfTG. IXQ HI OILI AT THE KLMTIO.f " HELD TlAr., , s .-. FOUCE CHIEF SAYS PECULL.! So Mark Is ftousd aa Wamtwot, Vet the Ballot Is Flattened ami PolUhed. No Blood oa It 8attle, Feb. II. Ralph Horr, candidate for ' mayor of Seattlo la today's election, wbo, waa shot laat night In his offlee by an unknown aaaallant, la out or danger. Ha to wounded In the muscles of the left Vt. , Chief of Polic Warren says th Horr shooting, Is rery. peculiar. "Wt find no mark on woodwork, yet tha bullet Is flattened and polished. J cropped it into a glasa of water and yiere was no blood sUin afterward, because I wiped It on a handker chief, . I.was unable to find any on who heard tha report or tha gun." Seattle,' Feb. II. Ralph A. Horr, candidate tor the mayoralty nomina tion at the municipal primaries hart today, waa shot last night by aa an known man who concealed, himsair In Horr's office.,, The man who fired tha shot, as well as another naa who accompanied him, escaped. Horr waa able to drag himself to his desk telephone and summon tha police.. At tha city hospital doctors said ha would, live, the bullet having punctured the fleshy lower part of his left shoulder. " ' No reason for the snooting could be given by Horr. He declares, how ever, that he haa received several written threats which were to the effect that if he did not cease his de nunciation of anti-patriots, he would be killed. . ! j 8unday. Horr aald, he .received a letter assailing . him , and warning him r"for, thelast. tlme" to "cut. out the pink culf talk.", ( ' t Horr, who Is an attorney, went to his office late last night, after fin ishing the closing speech of bis cam paign. As he switched on the light he. says, he , saw two men. one ,. of whom waa armed, with, a revolver, facing him. v ..... "You won't heed our warnings, eh!" Horr asserted the man declar ed, as he fired, point-blank. ' -: Alter , the single . shot., the man fled.,, It was 20 minutes before Horr managed to, summpn the police. Horr Is 35 years of age, married, and has resided here 12 years. He Is a graduate of the Vnltersity of Washington and for several year graduate . manager, of .the r student bodv at the university. ,. IS FOR NEGRO SOLDIERS New York. Feb. .19. President Wilson has consented to receive rep resentatives of the New York' branch Ut 1116 .anuuni iui nu vanccment of Colored People, who will present a huge petition at the White House today, asking the presi dent to extend clemency to five ne gro soldiers who nave neen sentenc ed by courtmartial to death for par ticipation in the fatal riots at Hous ton. Texas, It was announced here today. . The president also will be asked to review the rases of 41 other ne gro, soldiers who were sentenced to life Imprisonments as the result of the rioting. . .