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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1918)
tAGa TWO nocvt rivkr .corivsR SUNDAY, lUlKl'ARY IS, ISIS .. 4 Published Dally Rxcapt tatarday A. B. VOORH1E8, Pah. and Propr. BtBtaredatthePoetomoa.Qraata Paee, Or., aa secosd elaae a ill auur. -In ASYERTUINO RATES Diss lav ihn. Dr laeb... lie Local or personal eoluma. per lis 10c lender. 'MT nB...,.......... It By Malt er carrier, per JW .. U M By mail or carrier, per Baoatt.. .It MMBtR ' ' ' : ? 'Stat tttlMM. association . Qregaa Dally Sewspaper Pub. Aasa ava--a- J v. aU - - - - ' Am. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRKSd The Associated Preae la exclualvely entitled lo th a a for repabUcatloa ot ail aaws dispatches eradltad to It or ast ' otherwise sreditod 'la tkla paaar aad alee taa J oal aawa pub lished herela. All rights of rapablicatloa ot apa- tUI dispatches herein ara alaa MOVDAT, FKBRVAKY IK, ItlS . , .f ORBGOK WKATHBR V . i . -.. 4 Fair, ' gentle winds, ',' mostly 4 northerly. f - - . . ...... . . ; r z " -- "" 1 : GERMAN 6ERVI1JTY It la Mt a' bottomless mystery, this outrageous record of, the 'Ger- , maaa at war. nlt la a clearly cansis teat expression of the servile mind. Ta aaderaUiid It. you bate only to understand tbe 'peaceful ' virtue of 'the people whom BIsmark called "a nation of, house asrvanta." They, bare long been governed by tbVaaest arrogant Of all the gown ing1 classes of Eurbpe-the Prussian militarists.' ''They have submitted wlta'e touching, faith In their op preseive-' protectors. Timid... aenti mental, poetic ' and comfort-loving, pluadered for centuries by tbelr marauding- neighbors, tbey bare been glad to -league together la the Ger man empire, with .no matter. ( what low of personal liberty, under the . .domination of 'tbelr tyrannous war . lords. Tbey have seen In that tyr anny tbelr only .eafety ,1t defended ' them supertly., In the, procured wars of the last century, first from tbelr old rivals the Austrian, and then from ' their '-'old conquerors, the French. Tbey believe that It baa de fended, them .as efficiently 1n the present war. - By, inspired news and forged dispatches, tbey bare been convinced that tbey were invaded before this -war waa declared; and tbey' still beliere It. Tbey believe . that tbey ara fighting In self-defense nnder the leadership of an autocracy that is tbelr only self-protection. And tbey are flghUng as the timid fight. The maa who baa beea gov erned by arrogance and baa bowed down to fear la a man who under- - stands no instrument but cruelty to compel respect. He will Invariably resort to fiightfulneas as bis weap on In war. Tie will know no com paeslon. Re will have no dignity not even the dignity of pity. He will be at once incredibly cruel and Incredibly petty. He will persecute noncombatants, outrage women, mu tilate children, bombard hospitals, kill the. wounded, torment prisoners, eut down fruit trees, and defile with animal filth what he has not time to destroy like a discharged servant taking his revenge on the kitchen. It Is inevitable. It ia the nature of the servile mind to do these things and to fall to see why they should not be done. Harvey O'HIggins. The town of Charlotte, Mich., with a population of about 2,900 persons la credited by the treasury depart ment with being the first. community la the country to report Itself 100 THE LATEST Cream of Barley AS A 81 IWTITl TK WITH YOi n WMKAT Kl-Ot H t KCN AliK 4 i , RHTC ItVTATO AMI IIAIU KY KlU h KINNEY TRU AX GROCERY QVAiLrTt 1 par cant -"thrifty." -That ht, every man, woman and child la Charlotte haa one or mora thrift stamps, aad la enlisted aa a regular aaver. COUNTY AGENT'S I NOTES ' J i.i fare of lha Brood how There Is, ao doubt, a vary great Increase In the number ot brood sows to Josephine county this year over last year. This Is aa It should be. It ia directly In Una wtjh the policy of the food administration. The next very Important phase of this work la the getting of the best returns from ,theae brood sow. Many of these sows will farrow In the aear , future and every care ehould be given them In order that they may be In condition to bring forth good, healthy, strong litters. Tbey should be provided with com fortable, dry quarters and fed liber ally and given plenty of exercise. By all means do not abut them up In close quartan. By feeding liberally we do not mean to feed to fatten but to put them In good thirty, condition so that they may impart thrift to their off-aprlng. As much or more may be done In making good, profit able Bogtthla fall wjth the proper handling of the brood sow at tbla time aa by the feeding of the pin during the summer. "; ' ; County Agriculturist. IS CRUEL PERSECUTIOri The committee on public Informa tion, consisting of the secretary of state, the secretary of war, the sec retary of the navy and George Creel, sends the' Courier a 'remarkable book of 171 pages. Its title Is "Con quest and.Kultur i; Alma of the Ger mans In Their Own Words." The committee on public Informa tion aska the Courier to lay before its readers the essential facts re vealed in thla aatounding expoee. : 1. That the German government began more than a generation ago to work out its plans for world con quest 2. That the German people were taught from Infancy to hate all tbe other peoplea of the globe; that mey were superior people avorea.uava ulte particularly Pad of God and by Him chosen to con quer all other nations; that the kais er waa the chosen agent of God, snd disobedience to one wss disobedience to the other. ! ' 3. That tbe war should be csr rled on with pitiless fury and fe rocity. 4. That German arms should carry the German flag to all tbe con- AND NOW THEY ARB COOKING TOBACCO TO MAKE IT ICTTEB For a good many years The Aaaericasi Tobacco Company have been conducting a series of experiments having at their object the improvement of amoaiag taoaccoa, Aad it la interesting to know that one of the greatest of their discoveries waa one of the simplest, snd that was, that cooking er toasting tobacco improved it in every way, just as cooking moat foods improves them. Tbey took real Barley tobacco, grown m this country; toasted it as you would toast bread; moistened it to replace the natural moisture driven oil by toasting; made It into cigarettes, called them "LUCKY STRIKE, tbe toasted cigarette," and offered them to the public The result has been the greatest demand ever created for any tobacco product ia a similar length of time. .. . Tbe change produced by toasting is not only most wholesome, but the flavor ta atft improved, just aalng ataatsWejsampss, .... FIRST A 1l vl'V. STUMEZE of Tweaar-VIv ' leera twanainc J. R. Headerehot. M. D.. ot Elm- dale, Montana, graduated 1114, saya: "I have had indigestion for twenty-five , yeara, also , pllaa have troubled me for the past three years. Tour 8TUMEZB Baa atopped It all." STUME2B. the Master Praacrtpyoa for catarrh ot the stomach. Indiges tion, dyapepala, gaaaa, belching. nausea, painful acid stomachs, bss many friends and Indoraera among the medical profession. There la la STUMEZE that direct and Immedi ate help that all stomach sufferers need and appreciate. STUMEZE la for sale and guaranteed by all drug si Ms. Pet a bot'l today. Be Weill tlnenta of the earth, Including Africa and South America. - 5.' That the ' American Monroe doctrine should be overthrown. In order that German aettlera In South Amarlca and Mexico might set up German colonics there under the Gorman flag. in 'proof of these premises ' the book quotes the exact words of hun dreds of Germans leaders In ' all walks of life the kaiser, his min isters, members of the bun,derath snd the relehstssj, professor,. In Che universities, - teachers ' In the public schools,. , pastors of great Ocrmaa ehnrchea, tnarohants, maaufaetarere, lecturers and writers la aewtpapers aad magaatttati CETITRAL OPMI HAS IMffS Bend, Ore., Feb. 18. After weeks ot unusually good weather for, out door work It. haa now been found necessary to shut down on tbe high way construction on .the road south of Bend-and break up camp. Frank May, . engineer , In . charge, has dis charged his crew and will give hls attention to other work la the coun ty surveyor's offlce. The work has been done under an bpproirltion from . tin' ktaie high way commission and haa consisted ot Cindering between 11 and 13 milaa of Tbe Dalles-California hlkhway at a cost of $1,325 a mile. . A small balance of the appropriation is left with which to finish the work In the spring, when tbe cinders will be leveled snd rerolled. Tbe work will be of great benefit to summer tour late, who hare found this particular stretch, ot. highway on both Mm of Spltxbergen Rich Land. Ilpieabetwett virtually th only ,"jo Man s Landl of any value left en the earth, promisee te present an Impor tant qoestloa after the war ends., Jot Hat p 5 fress po of Europe-, moat Btoherjy pelntsWsrd fe frglona f aeHeraal W SpitabeiWUvtt little, attention from, world power etea those nW bf. nntd Its' Imports) ailBrr. rfMifeatwere'rmieA1 ffy seme ft la said'- the coanrry'wfii prdw te be a second Alaska in the surprises awaiting Ita complete exploration and tsay. u ? l'i!. 0' i, :t ..,. Coal la apparently anllmlted qaaa Utlea, easily, mlneil wtthont abafUng, abonodf In Spitsbergen. Besides there, are found deposit e of iroo ore,' marbte, copper ore, Iron and' copper pyrites, molybdenum, galena; sine blende and ether' minerals. ' - v Use ef Cement Increasing. The popularity of cement as a bond ing material may do shown' In Bgurea. In a period ot 15 years 'the cemt nntirat.ln the ITnltait riiitx k creased from 17.000,000 barrel to S3 000,000. .This Is an Increase a over WO per cent. With fcteel s pftdur which It Is extremely difficult to se cure at the present Ume,' there is a great demand for cement to realaee steel, to some A eitent.-Milwsulee Jownal, . 'i ... , ,'f A Proverb. Disputed. 1 im'X bellera H. t "enVf! see that people.-are Jane more mtcnted and eorapenlooable dnrlag ' a "Kbld watt ;pqom ' KOVtKENT IS STARTED 'A The laymen'a missionary move meat la. rapidly gaining In promi nence and active support In all towns In the Rogue river valley. Sunday afternoon the men of tbe churches gathered In goodly numbers si the Uaptlsl church to coaslinr.the plan of organisation. ' Walter' ' Fraxer Brown of Medford, executive secre ts ry for the movement la the Rogue river valley waa present an) laid be fore the meeting the scope and ob ject of the. work. Following bis talk Rev. Melville T. Wire, chairman, ap pointed an executive committee, con soling of T. M. Stott, and Roy K. lla-kett. they to select any others they may desire to piub the work of registration. Aside from the mere missionary aspect of thla movement, the work Involves a far deeper meaning, for It seeks to enrich the spiritual lire of men to the extent that they may become more powerful and. . more constructive fat-tors lit establishing the kingdom of God. Id accomplish ing thla purpose, It thereby Increases the spiritual power and efficiency of the local church, It also tends to contribute a permanent missionary Impulse to the churches. Further more, the movement Is constantly meeting the kaleidoscopic changes being wrought through the strife of the nations and considers tha new missionary opportunities snd de mands In a world war.' It faces the new world conditions and America's enlarged responsibility. A series of seven great missionary conventions are to be held In Wash ington and Oregon from February XT to March II. The Rogue river valley convention Is to be .held .Medford March . 20-2 J., .Parallel with these various conventions for the men similar conventions for the women will be h4d. Tbe women's organisation for the valley waa ef fected last Friday alto Mrs. T. 0. Heine of Medford as president: Mrs. Dr. Sterna, vice president Mrs. B. Ik Hobbs. eecretery, ..Mrs. Carkin Sr., treasurer. . The convention speakera Include those especially well prepared and particularly fitted to present the various phases of the work, smong them being the following:". ' W. K. Doughty.' of New York.' gen eral secretary of the movement; Rev. Km. S. Marquis, D. D for yeara a prominent pastor of one of the i large -Chicago), Presbyterian churchee and at present western aec- retary of assembly committee for tbe erery-member plan, of the Pres byterian church; Frederick A. Agar, of New York, formerly missionary to Africa and homo missionary super intendent In Montana, at present methods secretary of the northern Baptist convention; F. 3. Clark; of New York, former lawyer and also Y. M. C. A. secretary, he Is bow one of the secretaries of tbe domestic and foreign missionary society of the1 Episcopal church, having direction of special missionary work for men. Mrs. Paul Raymond, an author of note and. organiser of the women's congress of missions ' In connection with the Panama-Pacine exposition, haa charge of alt tbe women's con ten tiohs and presides at many of the sessions. Mra. Raymond la expected to arrive in Medford within the next week or ten days at which time1 she hopes to meet many of the women of the vallpy end discuss with Ibem the, plan of work, i ! , k in rar . (i ... . .. .r, . (OoptlDued from Page 1) the purpose of coming borne. When one of these unfortunate boys is ar rested for desertion f he in dishonor ably discharged from tbe army, ' i stigma placed upon his name that foreyer disgraces him and be Is pun Isfted by imprisonment for i period of from ope to ten years. But when we catch a German who baa come here for the purpose of enjoying the benefits of liberty and , democracy which our government affords many of whom have reached a degree of affluence greater than any of which they ever dreamed 1n Germany, plot ting and planning to thwart the Am ertcan government and to prevent it from .winning the war, tbey are ar rested and taken down to Salt Lake and placed 1n an Internment camp and kept there,, feeding upon the fat of the, land .at (he expense of the government which they have done their utmost to destroy. Every one of them where the proof la clear1 and the guilt la certain, ongbt to face (g firing squad before sunrise. I hope that taa ' government will ' keep a 'rt b ei w 's- For THE NEW MINISTER J.L L CHURCH TUESDAY, FEB. 19 ' , VI : '1 !') ill 8 r. M. ' !! : '' VSWM DIKIXTIO. MIIH, GI"Y KM AIT Pi AM NT MUM. UNO HAII1 Iter. Hoaaev AleUuiiW lU-mtn Tha near ululater. .. I'rtrf. Top .otwJor of choir 4krr4ereaio Payllndiy STtwaUt s. Mra, (Vrawoido II. flat MeanlMsr anuaie commMtee, HeaekUh K. Hharp Memlw anuaio committee Itorv- Mooakk -Mesubee ,wuale rwmmltlee . Mian larraay lrrie ttuM ,...v. tUlph lluater JUuitoita In chotr Hethi IVrklna-A nsie M. Iksisy l4vejoy YUlace acttool teacher - tMella Haafcin A relic HenrtetU Hharp Another relic Petamla ricksm--Tb mlllhtes- , lade Alar Hen tow t..M...... Auasta Wlad KverybiMU'a friend Mra, I Uanr Pres. of UtUee AM Ivory fcipewrea. of Old Maid's Club kMemhrre of tdWa Aid and (Md Maid's 1nb Mrs. A. M. Heatoa, Mra, K. H. lUUsigve-. Mra. Melville T. Wire, laMira Hlrona, Mad (lllmaa, Vetsaa WUUama, tlorenco lloeorli, IUaa Aaranest, Itnra llrrtnaa, Marion Habln, Ireae folweil, ' 1 : SYNOPHM t"holr bearlaa rehearalna: for an entertsinmeat, ia lalorrapted by a eosnmlltoe out dlacuaalng the hiring of a new sain later... Mi lxvey la. trwItMwa hrmrlf aad offers aaalstance. Heatiin arrlvea aad teila hla trotslitea. The llea AM calls a snerttng aad dtacwMea a reception for thai new snia Ner. The Old Maid's dub take hark their nrw never lo marry, think tag the new minister may be a ytwag maa. The snlntatr' 'arrlvea, aad u welcomed by eoaareaatlon... Ilealblah advW Mm, lnfraur Top Note aanw htm. Mrs, lUtl conaalta hlsa. Ihw Noonlck Introdtices some of the lacllea Aid. MesikUh draws the atmlater'a atlmtion to the charms of his daugh ter, Henrietta, nalsy and Mr. Itrown meet; renew old arqualaUiwa, The (Md Maida aafc help frosa aextoa ta further their matrtaaoiiial in , Mr. Hrowa ia at laat aMked if be Intends to ssai 1 1 He aeleru hia wife from among them Mora to tha sarprUw of all. Final chorus ftada everybody happy bat Hear let la, , .. ' Adtnlartoa Stoc (-blldrea 10c OYrCTUI.Ul.Kb . (lYKIUilJUi Cf VOl TlRfaB i ' IHOTV ABSORBKIIS mm SPOT UOHT 0265 G. L. HOBART CO. record of all ot them and that when the war Is over," not one of them shall ever be allowed to find a rest Ing place beneath tbe stara and stripes. If you were to arrest one of them and Inform him that he wss to be taken back to Germany and compelled lo live there, there Is not an animal In tbe woods that would kick and bite and scratch and flxht as would this Oerman to avoid going back to the country with which he Is so much la sympathy.'.' Mr., Huston referred to severs! specific instances of tbe work of the Red Cross and Y.-Sf. C. A. and kin dred organisations and then added: "It has been said that 'we sre a nation of ebop keepers and money grabbers that we-worshlp the al mighty dollar, but .the work at, these organisations lo' ' ameliorating 'the sufferings bf the people of France and , Belgium and i Italy and Serbia wilt make the name bf America re spected for a thousand yeara." Senator Huston served Multno mah county in ' the legislature for three terms and la now a candidate for nomination for United States senator. . BOSTILITiES iUlE BEKEWEO (Coatlnuad from page I ) and many pro-German Bsthonlans at Dorpat have been arrested and transferred to Krooatadt. All the food In the Dorpat' district baa been confiscated and 'it is almost impos sible to feed the German women and children. t-: ' '. The lives of those arrested, as well as Germans and Oerman supporters who have not yet been arrested, are hourly in great danger, adds -the dis patch, as the Bolshevik! threaten wholesale butchery. The Bolshevlkl have offlelally declared' the" Baltic nobility outlaws. The Lokal Anzelger (Berlin) says there Is great excitement at Warsaw, Cracow and Lemberg as a result of the Ukraine treaty, , Tbe Warsaw newspapers - are .appearing with black borders, floldjers, mounted and on foot, are patrolling tbe streets to prevent demonstration! The direc tor of affairs, Count Rottvorskl, hat resigned. .. .!, Neatly prated stetloiery at -tbi Cenrter ofSsk '' fzr. ........ Jl. I- Stoaaher ,i Anher Wlble Mre. (ieo. Sabla ..Mrc tleo. IHrklnaon K. II. lUlalger A, M. llewUia Mra. A. Ilrwahen Ann4d Meaar In6W tJllietu Mra, ArtJinr WH4e ....JUer1n MIUs Ilelee) WIU Iiciy MarwMia J. M. lahaan Mra. Jwy Knapf .Mra. P. R. Henuaa M,...VIvUa Ishaaa fprd-1914 PlfrTONII lJiAK' TIUMIV Mjki.n NEW SAVINQSYSTEM IN CHINA Scheme Devised by Authorities Shewe Hew Weetsrn Ideas Have leava , te Permeate the Country.' For the purpnea of Boppiementlag prnalon given by the Chinees govern ment to superannuated letter carrtera a systeiu bas been Inaugurated by the ministry of Ibe Interior, whereby tha annual allowance may be raised ta livable Income. The new system provtdea tor the deposit by postal employee of oaa tweuUeth of their -salaries,' taa da post ts to bear Interest at a rate Bat yet determined. Where postal saw lags baaka "have already, beea a tabllahed they shall be need, aad banks elsewhere will be authorised to undertake the handling of tbe aa counts. ',. ',' r ' - The plea- la elaatlr 'In that II wffl beneflt this contributor not only la his old at, but In' caaa of anHdaaa er emergency.' Money may be draw iwa qui up to a certain point for nra ea penses aa. Illness, tbe marriage ar death of a member of one's famii mm Savings and accumnlated Intaraat wis be paid In full or on Installment plaa U membarsj retiring from the police force, :. Before the aavlnga system was pot into operaaioo It was submitted for ap proval to tbe officers of the pollee forces, who assembled ta Peking for tbe purpose of Vlscusalng the matter. Tbe ministry of the Interior bad their unanimous approval of the plan, aad M Is expected that officers of the province will also wish to adopt It Palsrrla Veaetatten. Borne of the vegetation of Palestine It plainly dated In the Scriptures, tmu: Oo forth nntp the mount, and fetch oil braacBwe, and pine eaaehaa and myrtle branches,' Tbli found la ftehe mlah taa, T Cards at tbe Courier office., IfVouWwt DRY WOOD! i flow Have It I hare dry wood under cover. OhaVeest Bit Bone Dry and . Half Dry ' PAFifW YARD taan saey are a wiaar nulla. i