i I ... - v DAILY EDITION VOU VIII., No. 10)1. oauurn pacs, mawn oocrrr, okboom, moxday, fkbki akv in, ivih WHOLK XT MB ICR taf. i ' ' ' ' I ' ...... v ' REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE IS PLANNING ORKAT MUVK TO KIJOIT A RV W IW40AX tXIXORKHM AT MKXT KLKtTlOX TO HOLD HATIONAL COHFEREHCE ronfrrnr lo Be MnMMNd "f Na tional and HUU rtrtnmllterwien, ttaagte im aad UorrrorB , Chicago. Feb. II. Will II. Haye. f Indiana, th republican na tional chairman, kaa a big propor tion In rontamplatlon. It It likely to develop Into tin Oral big and con crete move that ha will maka to elect a republican congress In Novembar and a repifbllcan president In I CO. Tba ldia, lo eubstaere, la to hart tha republican national committee rait a nstlon-wlde conference, to ba held aom tlmo In April, probably In Phli ago, Tha purpoM will ba, If turh a session la summoned, lo hava a free and full discussion of nation al politic) nfalra and. If found ad rliabla. to prapara a statement that. In affaot. would ba tha republican national platform adjusted lo eondl tlona that hava arisen alnca tha Chi cago convention of UK. Tha statement would ba In accord with tha "clean-sweep" policy adopted at St. Lou la recently, when Mr. Kara waa electad chairman.' and tha executive eompaltn and advla iry committee Of the Hughe ram palm were eliminated. ',',., - It la nndaratood that the men who would be eiperted to alt In inch a conference would bis member of the republican national committee, chair men of tha republican atata com : mlttee of tha varlona atatea, all of tha republican United Stale aenat- or and -republican member of the ' house of represenUtlve. and tha re publican governor of atatea. Tha tentative plan of action In--ctudet preliminary conferencea, dur ing .which Chairman Hay would work out tha constituency of the ' now eitcutlve committee which he In to itiggest and which will be elected. In fact, by tha national committee. ' In accordance, with the new rule em 'bodied In the Howell reaolutlon adopted at St. 1-ouli, directing that all committee, henceforth, having to do with national 'party brganUn tton. (hall be elected by the com mitteemen and not appointed by the 'chairman. HI AM HAH A NKVY ' ' . NATIONAL EMH1JCM Bangkok. Blam, Feb. Id. The na. tlonal flag which ed to be,n rep resentation of tha tamou white ele phant on a scarlet ground ha been replaced by trl-color, composed of red and white atrlpe at eah end. with a central blue atrip double the width of the other.' The official an nouncement of the change sets forth that It ha been made a a sym bol of the advance In civilisation, 'made by 81am on the occasion of her ranging herself on' the aide of tha allien, whoe flag also display three colors. FAVORS EQUAL PAY TO HUN ' Chicago, Feb. 1; J. Ogden Ar mour took the wltnesa itand, In the packing house Inveitlgatlon here to day. He declared himself In favor of equal pay . for women doing the ame work us; men, and believed packing ho line employee should tnt extra pay for holiday and overtime. He I willing-to Conldl 'the 'iiili!1 tloh of an eUht hour day. CfiESCEIIT CITY III HIM BILL CbntOM (lew Waa Important Factor la (MHslalng Favorable Action for j I'mml (Itjr Project, Early In January tha Chamber of Commerce- aent to Director-General MeAdno and the Oregon delegation In congraaa telegram, tatting fqrlh fae jirweno jn. JoMphln county of attentive chrome deposits and of tha Immense body Of Port Orford cedar on the coast, cultable for airplane construction, and urging tha noces Ity or extending the C. 0. C, rail road and tha development of the Crescent .City, harbor project aa aar necessities. In response thereto the Courier la In receipt of tha follow ing dispatch, which convey the wel come Intelligence, that tha harbor project will be Included lo the river and liarbora bill: ' Waablngton. Feb. is. Rogue River Courier, Oranta Pa. Oregon. Am practically certain the Crescent City project will, bo Included In the forthcoming river nnd harbor bill. Chrome development being aa 'Im portant factor la obtaining favorable action.' - W. C. HAW1.F.Y. liEW MliEFUSED ; ' wra mm Portland, Keb. IS. Federal IMa- trlct Judge YYolvertoa today denied Floyd Ramp'a motion for a' new trial and et tomorrow for eentence. Ramp la a, aoclallut, of ', Roseburg Ore.' lie wore a -red ribbon In hi button bole," but.,, remained ''calm while arguing and claimed: he did not have a fair ohance or get a fair Jury. Ramp waa arrested at Roae- burg. charged with sedition. OVTCHMAM IMIIKR ARRKNT , rXUt HI'YIVU OX AMCTIt ANK Rotterdam. Feb. IS. A Dutch hipping engineer ha been arreated by the river police charged with ea olonag on behalf of Oerqianj. Ac- ii curding io ine punce n iir-wjui ed hltnieir to the captains' of (team ship coming from the I'nlted Slate n Inspector for the port authori ties and thereupon took cople of any Information which he thouubt useful from the ship' logbook. VERMEIL III ARTILLERY Sl With ihr' American Army In France, 'Feb. IS. Artillery sniping or rather shnrpahootlng has been so successfully carried out by 'the Am erican batteries that the Germans have begun . "strafing" operations shooting '''Mustard shells" (gas shell) 'at the offending Yankees Thus fr the Herman efforts iave re sulted only la. sending one private to a hospital. '' . . The American private'' was outside of his dugout when the "mustard shell" exploded; near by. He did hot feel the effects of the shell Immedi ately, having been masked. Our gunners have become so ex pert they are ableto pick off Indi vidual men behind the enemy line. ' The commanding offlceror line bat tery," ' observing' ,'Vhat appeared through hi jtlnsse to be a German officer enlarging from a supporting trench which crossed exposed ground ordered the gunner, to "get him." The gunner planted a shell direct ly ahead; of .tha German officer, .who was knocked down;, but Immediately picked himself up. Then the gunner dropped another shell at what ap peared to' be only three Inches over the Herman and this' time the officer did not tlr. A group or five Germans came out of dugout to bring In their comrade and were picking him up When the Runner' landed "a third shell directly AMERICANS PREPARING FOR ACIi UKNK1LU fMlHHlXU MAKKH .A TWO DAYM' IMHPMTION OK VANKUB HWTOR " WEA3S "TIS HATM ATO GAS t!ASj Genua Try Ut Owtwlt Xewiouea by Vartuaw Itume, Hut Ho Far, Are Mot tw crr ul With the American Army In Fraaoe, Feb, 18. A time for mora active operations on the westers front approaches, the American force la widening Ita sphere of ac tivity. 1 American troop now hold a ectur east of St. Mlblei. American artil lery la helping the French lo Cham pagne and Infantry, with French nnlta, are bow holding the front line In one of the most famous bat tle fronts In the world. On the American sector Germans have tried to outwit the newcomer by various ruses. Including false sig nals, ' tapping wire, charging wire entanglements with electricity and other methods, but they hnva been out-maneuvered every time. General Pershing has just made a two oy'a Inspection of the Ameri can sector northwest of Toul, la a "tin" hat, with a gas mask swung over his chest. He wslked through the trenches and asked the men how they were being, fed and. treated. i ney, aseyreu aim iney were saim fled. ' ' . OTERLY OPPOSED Washington," Feb. 1 S. Senator VVatson," In 'supporting the ' senate draft of the administration' railroad bill, denounced the provisions of Jhe Overman bill, giving the president wide powers to ' reorganise war branches, ss unconstitutional and au tocratic, and conferring tinheardof powers and providing that this au tocratic power 'shall continue one year after the war. "Why this pro vision?" ". 4 ' NKW A.UHANMAUOIt ' KX ItOtTR FROM JAPAX Washington, Feb. IS. Viscount KlkuJIro' Ishll has been appointed ambassador from Japan to the I'nlt ed States and wlH soon reach Wash ington, succeeding Ambassador Sato. Senator S. B. Huiton.'of Portland, was the speaker at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon this noon, and hi " address fully came up to the mark set by Toastmaster E. K. Blanchard, who Introduced the speaker, In a complimentary speech. Mr.' Huston complimented the Chamber of Commerce on the suc cess of the luncheons, and the work of the Red Cross and other war wqrk stating that Josephine county Is of ten spoken of In' Portland ss the county so often at the head of the list. The senator has two sons now In France and his speech naturally centered on the conflict now being waged. He said In part: "If wa lose this war, ' ' we loae everything. We subject our wives and daughters to the fate of the women of Belgium Snd northern France and we make' our" ions the slave of the 'Huns of central Ktird'pe'. It would' be better If 6nr -cities and HOSTQII VOULI) HAVE ALL SPIES SHOT AilD SYL1PATHIZERS SENT TO GERUAII Y ... . .-'.:...::. :-'.. '' ' HOSTILITIES ARE RETJBVED BY GEIWIY Hl'HB MOVIXti , AUAINHT UWH MOI'K TO HM7.K rXTHOXIA ' AND UVOXL ' . SEEK RIOTS IHEKE'J RoUbvUi Captara KU, Afur 4,000 Killed, 7.000 InJurM aad Aviators noma t'lty ' Stockholm, Feb. IS. German have resumed war measures against Russia, according to the Social Dem okrafen. Their objectives are the selsure of Esthoala aad Uvonla. Amsterdam, Feb. IS. Communi cation Is again restored with Petro- grad. Delayed reports tell of ser ious ' rioting and Indicate that the Bolshevikl power I waning. An ultimatum has been .seat to Rumania, demanding that they evac uate Ressaraola. Petrograd. Feb. (Delayed). The Bolshevikl have captured Kiev, principal city of Ukraine, after 4.000 were kilted and 7.000 wounded. Bol shevikl aviator bombed the city. Polish troop have defeated the Bol shevikl. S5 miles southwest of Minsk. Kitmsnlsns threaten Odessa. ; 'Amsterdam! " Feb.! 1 8.dermai forces are already being concentrat ed la Ikralae to attack. Aha Bolaher vfltl,' according to a erUS dispatch to the Tldd. and declarations look Ing to the active prosecution of the war against tb Botahevlkl U North Russia also Witt be made at Berlin next week:' ' "! German authorities are anxious re garding' the fate of perman prison era In' North Russia, whom the Bo! shevlkt are holding as hostages snd who, Berlin dlspatchee say, may be kilted If the Bolshevikl are driven to desperation. Germany has 1 ready served 'notice tpn the Bolshe vikl authorities that she will enforce reprisals If the German prisoners are harmed. Count Cfcef nin, ' the Austro-Hnn gartan foreign minister, has notified Berlin that Austrian troops must not be used against Russia to support any policy whlrh Austria has not ap proved, but only for purposes of self defense ngslnst marauding bands. Amsterdam, Feb. . 18. The Bol shevikl are making wholesale arrests of Germans In Russia and holding them ss hostages, according to a Riga 'dispatch received by wsr of Berlin. Three hundred German (Continued on page 1.) town should all be destroyed and every '''vestige of civilisation wiped out and our country returned to the primeval solitude that existed before the . coming of the white man, it would be . better that every one of us with those that we lovev should die in the trenches fighting for lib erty and democracy, .rather ' than survive to become , the serfs of the German autocracy t.:- ;,-. ' ' . - "Ottr young men go - from' the farms and the mine, the shops, the store and the office, .many of them under age, but so filled with patriot Ism and the desire to serve ..their country, .that they misrepresent their age, It Is probably the first time they. hve- ever' been "away from home, something goes wrong With their mail and they do not hear from home,, they become , homesick and sometimes they forget and desert tor . - -. .' .':. ..: I lH " (Continued on "tnn . ,'yw.- fit -ly v-;-' (u' FIELD HOSPITAL IDDYII Amertcaa I'aUenU laiajtuwd. Bat ataaTer Froaa ahocab Hospital . to Ha Kewoved lo Safe Place With tha American. Amy la France, Feb. IS. Aa American Held hoapltat In a towa within onr Unee apparently waa the target for a Ger man airplane which flew over it lead night and dropped several unusually heavy bomb, . The hospital, la which were a number of alck and wounded oOcers and men waa the building nearest the place, where the German airman dropped two different seta of bombs. Fortunately none of the missiles reached their mark, although the hoapttal patients and tha reel dents of the towa were severely shsksa by tha ezptoslona. American anti-air craft guna engaged the enemy, bnt without success. . The hospital probably will be moved to a leas dangerous spot.' 400.000 rHOMTTTOX8 IX PRUSSIA Dl'RIXG 1017 Amsterdam. Feb. IS. Close upon 400.000 prosecutions for Infringing the food regulations were conducted In Prussia la 117; 151.411 fine of varying amounts were Infllcted'aad 1,781 persona were sentenced to terms of Imprisonment. The courts are congested with case of this des cription - O 2? tt KILLED Vj.. .... .,- ... .... . , . " London; Feb. 1 8. In a raid Over London Saturday night 11 were killed and lour Injured. . Only one machine penetrated to the city and dropped one bomb. One German airplane dropped Into the sea. Last evening one of seven ma chines flew over London. Casual ties were IS killed and 37 Injured. ABUSE STATESMEN Paris, Feb. 18. "The .right of a newspaper to abuse members of the government Is ' unquestioned and must be observed," says an official statement announcing that a provin cial censor has been disciplined for suppressing an article which, accord ing to the statement, "did not allude to military or diplomatic affairs, but merely contained the usual Insults concerning M. Clemencean." TKJ)IY ROOSKVFAT HAH ANOTHER fiRAXDCHILn ' New York. Feb. .18. A son Was born today to .Mrs. Archie Roosevelt'. The colonel says he Is perfectly "de- lighted" with .the. eighth Rrand-jformat,on of gie,. to-th com mis child. Archie Roosevelt Is a captain aon , ( niaktng recommendaUons with General Perahlwr. '. j for Increases.. v.. A E. TIME EXTENDED Portland. Feb. 18. The following telegram haa 'been received by the State council of defense for Oregon from George F. Porter, chief state councils section, council of national defense, 'Washington, D. C. ' "The time "for 'filing' application" for' war risk Insurance has Jjtist been extended by congress to April 1 2th. Aivtnrriatlc Insurance. however',5 has censed entirely and no' man Is now Insured by the government unless he ha' appiled. ; f h.ts niahes'Volnntnry application doiibiy importantr- Have your publicity " man' '' spread " news throogli the" stite' hd 'tontlnue cain pagtlk'to:,'brTfi'g "farfitly-lrifliieiice to iiiiiraiY IS FOUnD DEAD ntwA ItrtDIITH Bl'IClDK BKCAl'SK DES POXUEXT AT THsJ PBATTIXO - OF HM OXLT BOX DEATH RESULTS FECI K11 Hi Boa, Uejoraje, taderwent Pbyai cml BxauaJaatloa Frtday aad Waa PUoed hi tha Pint Clase Roeebur. Feb. lS.-p-Ia a fit of despondency through worry over the possibility of giving; up his only torn for army service, John Klagery, aae of the moot prominent aad highly respected ploaeer farmers of tha Toaeolla . district committed aulclde Saturday morning at the family home aear" Toaeolla, death result Ing from the effect of a deadly drug which the unfortunate ma a took. According to a report ; reaching thia city, Mr. Klngery arose earlier than ususl Saturday and without any special show of nervousness or worry repaired to a' distant 'apartment g the house where he committed the terrible act, later being found by hla wife. It la the supposition of several Yooeolla residents that tha aid gentleman' worried himself lata do Is g tfae deed through fear of hla on' Immediate chaacea at being drafted Into the amy. the deceased baring made, the etatemeat some time ago that' he would take hi Hfe should his son be take to wax. . ' Oarrow 'KIngary. the aaa. waa ia thia otty Friday where ha naderwwat the physical examination nod . waa placed la the Brst class list he hav ing been In the fourth claaa until then, when he requested another ex amtnatlon. and It Is thonght that upon returning home and Informing hla father of hla Brat class place ment, the worry and strata of losing his son waa too much for the old man to aland, therefore prompting the sad deed. . . The deceased waa SS yearn of age and had . resided , on and operated one of the finest farm la the Toa eolla district for the past 40 years, the Klngery family being among the beat known pioneers of the county, and their many friends and acquaint ance were Intensely shocked to learn of the untimely death of the unfortunate, gentleman. Mr. Kln gery Is mourned by a wife and hla son, Garrow. who is one of the moat prominent young farmers of Toaeol la district. RAILWAY F.XRCIT1VKS XOTi ' orrotilXO HK1HKR WAGK3 , Washington. , Feb., 18. Railway executives who appeared before the railroad wage commission, said they we're not present tb oppose wage de mands of- employees, but to give In- OKNKRAIi SIR1.KY lKAI t , AT IttXTil-tHtn.-ILIi. .'i . Rockford. 111., Feb. 1.8. Brigadier General Frederick W. Sibley died In thia city today, aged SS years. He served in' Indian campaigns" nnd during tb Spanish-American war. IS DECLARED OFF ..New York Feb. 18. The carpen ters' strike on the Atlantic seaboard shipyards Is over.'sccordtng to John Rice,- national organizer of the Unit ed Brotherhoods .of Carpenter and Joiners. . . Several thousand who are now out are expected to return to work tomorrow '' ' '"': l:he'ar'''oh'''rnfn "nbt "yet 'insured. i.--v-v,.v.,ii- !!'