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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
DAILY ROOIH RIYKR COIRIKK HI' MIA Y. r'UHIUAIlY IT. I DIN. 1 RED CROSS SHOP Harchallhcr Clothcs We've Got Bigpeals for this store; they all be gin and end in you and your satisfaction. ... That's the first and last principle on which we do business. Give us the opportunity to serve you. HEESE NOW ! HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SPRING STYLES FOR MEN Wll See Here Now fri:! styles; the biggest values; the staunchest all-wool quality in Grants Pass. ' L Qfftpjr especially selected with a full knowledge of O d MlUUl the things you wanturabflity and styles. These clothes 'will outwear most clothes; that's why it'll pay you to buy them. And it'll pay you to buy them now ..too, they'll cost more in the fall on account of the wool shortage. The J.! lary w effects in 'younger men's suits is strikingly smart no belts, but neat form fitting models. who like more quiet styles we offer a line of fine rflr LIP!! quality business sack suits; stylish yet conserva- Any Man can get a perfect fit here tall, short, stout, or lean. We guarantee it. fnmo III fltlfl see iese new tnn?8. They're. LUlU" 111 (lllll the result of an effort to con serve wool by eliminating unnecessary use of fabric. JOE SWAMTZ Formerly the WONDER CLOTHES STORE The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 16 A new shop open In thl city March llh. "The Ited Crosa Shop." ml It lll lo business fur but on day mikI vonlrni. holtllUK a ale or article donated by cltlsen of the i-ltv and country. furniture anil various artltiea have been left In charge of the committee by families leaving the city anil these, with the (w piece left from Ih December ele. form a nucleti for, hut It expected to be kl that lll add materially to the general fund of Ilia Jtad Cross treu-lurr. Some of the branrhe will bring lu donation from their communities, and the proceed from then will go to the brani-h treasury. The III till school boya or tlia Jun ior Ked I'rttM will have a booth here they will aell furnllure mad In the ma una I training department, the proceed from thla booth goes for material tor garment to he made by the girl for the llejitlan children. . Kvery member of the lied Crosa. every one In U rooutry Interested In tha work or the Ked Cross, In ask ed to have a box or place In their home and collect any article they no lonicr need, or that they care to give for thl. eauae. Any article or clothing;, ahoea, hat, home fur nishing. dlhe. "kitchen utenall. book, picture, game, vegetahlea, dairy product, fresh, canned or dried fruit, poultry, farm toola. all are acceptable. And you are aked to look over your, lawn and Mower Harden .and bring whatever you have of extra shrubs, vine, bulb or perennial plant and vegetable, plants from cold frame, berry vlnea and buahea. und vegetable seeds, for there will be many war. garden , planted thla yaJr. Every effort that la made for thla ale la doubly repaid. In that the pnrohaaer find the article at a greatly reduced price and the money goea (or the work' or the Ked Croaa In Josephine county.' Further Information regarding thl .aale will appear In the local pa peri, or can be obtained from any member of the . following commit tee which baa thla work la charge: Mr 0. 8. Eaton, chairman; Mr. O. 3. Blanchard. Mra. C. f . Nutting-. Mra. H. H. Allyn. Mra. O. P. Jester. Mr. J. D. MacVlcar. Mra. N. T. Mac duff. Mr. C. H. Demaray, Mra. C. A. Bldler. Miss Minnie Tuff. Mra. V. C. Hate. Mr. M. Clemen. Mr. W.-W. Canby, Mra. Douglaa Wood. Mrs. E. T. I.udden,' Mr. Sum Raker, Mlae Cecilia Karri. Mr. C. D. Thompson. SOLDIER IN FRANCE Self-Possessed When Meeting Friends IT ISN'T MOW .Ml t il YOl' r.IU kou vom cumirx it'h how Pl.KAHIMll.Y HHKHNKIt YOC AUK at tin price oii pay, Hint gives )ou Mlf NWMIUlllin, You ran reel unemltarMkaed lu the niwiiy of your frlcuila If you liny your rlotlie of u. Our clothe" give you all the looks, the (It, the wear tluvt ran be bouulit at $18 to $40 , Hrvwiliig Hell la Just a rae or buy lag wUely. May He nIiiiu' you? PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cash Clothiers ;. , "Cash Hay a Cheaper Than Credit.". QUALITY BUTTER Miido in (1 runts I 'ass by The Co-operative Creamery On lor our JoHt'hiuo 1 ha nil from vour (Irooor If it ilnos not suit you, you will do lis n favor ly tolling us ho, liud your moiioy will . l)o cheerfully refunded' - Jcstphise Ccssty Cooperative Creaacry Assn. but If I do not writ that often, do not worry because I am In do danger at all." I can't tell you why.' but neverthele It I a fact. , The following wa received re cently by Mra. J. A. Harvey, from her ion, Corporal Frank Harvey, Co. D. 162d Inf. now stationed In France: Dear Mother and All: Your letter Juat received (Janu ary lot, the first mall we have re ceived aince we left the state. The package you apeak of ha not yet come, but It alway take package longer than letter. Whenever yoii send anything, put It In a email wooden box aa package get aoine pretty rough handling;, but there I really no need of (tending anything over here a we can get most every- ' thing we want. That stuff you heard about us fel low being; so badly abused la all "bunk." There la nothing to It at all. Of course I will admit that the place we were In before we left the j state waa awfully cold . but that' could not be helped. I wa preety ilck there myself but I am not blam ing anyone for It and a to what we have to eat. It Is alright. Of course we don't have ice cream or straw-. berry shortcake every meal, but what we do have Is plentiful and good enough for anyone, i have fared lots worse In the snmmer camps than I have on this trip. The whole trouble Is this some fellows can never learn that war Is not a parlor game and that one must ex pert hardahips, so at any time you happen to hear any more of that kind of "bunk" Just put It down as the homesick walling or a "mama's boy." It In going to be fine over here this summer but It Is muddy at this time of the year. I will try to write every week KUT REDEEMED (Continued from I'aie 1) I, MOO anldler or the Britiah. army died of wounds and disease during the slega. and are burled together In a, Vara, mud field enclosed by a mud' wall,- with a few starved palms In It, and huernae desolation all around, but that la' Mesopotamia. Tha Turk dug trenches all around the cemetery, but they respected . the grave. - Volunteer parties of bluejacket from passing gunboat have landed and trimmed these mounds of earth, which are aa clean-cut and neat now as In an Kngllsh church yard. A brick wall I being built around the enclosure. The place I graaale. It la true, but the om bre , aapci will ' disappear , whea water I brought to the land aad the scrub palm are fertilised tod Cared for. ' Three mile below Kut I the only enemy relic In the neighborhood, an obelisk put up by the Turks In com memoratlon or tha full of Kut. It I a kind of Cleopstra's Needle on a square plinth; all of klln-diled liiick plastered over. An old c in verted Hrltlsh "cow-gun" stands as a trophy on each side.- One of llle guns hat tumbled forward and the brick are, iflreoidy fr.umbllng. , The monument waa never unveiled nnd Is still balf-rovered wlih a canvas sheeting, most or which, however, ha been carried away by the wind. IIUM'K TO TAKK OVM! ' MKIM'HANT M VItlK Parla, Feb. 16. France ll! re quisition her entire merh:m'. Mu rine on .March in. HUSTON STANDS FOR ADEQUATE FARM LOANS ItHHlng hi candidacy on (he need of Oregon, 8. II, Huston, Mho would nerve the state In the t' tilled Htates senate, comes out strongly for rural credits and long-time cheap money for the farmer. He urges a broadening or the Kedoriil Ian- so that men who would develop Oregon hind may get aid quickly and at a low rate of In terei. In hk platform Hrn- .Itor HtiNtntt says: Cheap und long tlmit money for the furmer Is one or the essentials to laud de velopment rind prosperity In rural Oregon, I uni in farcr of broadening t'm federal rural credit luw until Its provisions "wall cover the needs or men who would es tablish themselves and their families on the Idle lands or the state, making possible the borrowing of long-time fund with which to make a start with the best chances of success. Xot alone does Henstor Huston aland for rural credits but he "tanda tor a square deal In the matter of paying the coat of the war, He would have the fainter develop the land and the profiteer dig deep to wiy the tremendous cimt of the war machine, THItKK TIMKS KljtfTKI) TO OltWIOX LMilNliAITIlK I'hI.I Advei'tlwrntHit Hunlun for HeniiUr ( oininlftrp, I'ortlanil, Or. ( 'vTi'