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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
KI MIAY. rMklUAItV IT, IMN. DAIMT ROGIIC RIVER tXHRIER rica. ntm BIJOU OLIVE THOMAS "INDISCREET (MINE" I " I . - . ' t Vim lake no rhanre with OIJVK TIIOMAft he I jher with Ui goods every lime Hhe seek plan to obtain qaerfi lor llmsMlwajr lleauly sJmimt. ilTN Extra! Extra! fen r1IJW TBH CROWD ' LOCAL LEGHORN PEN IS ON HONOR USI K. Hamrrbacher, whose ien o( Willi leghorns remained on lb honor roll In Hi Northwest Kit Laying contest conducted by 'th ilt rolli'K of Washington at Pull man last year, l again represented THE SUPERB THEDA BARA SUPER PRODUCTION Direct from its phenom enal engagements in Se attle and Portland where it broke all atten dance records and play ed to tfco largest re ceipts ever known in iL... -Ill L. muse ciues. The Love Adventures of Egypt's Vampire Queen A love that wrecked empires and changed the map of the world The most romantic and absorbing story in all history A wonder picture of Ancient Rome and Old Egypt The Egypt of the Greek, the Roman and the Ptolemy Heavy with the legends of Antiquity and rich with the luxuries and splendors of its unbridled revelry The picture that cost half a million dollars,; employed 30,000 people and required nine months to .make. . . ..... ' . s . J , Admission 60c, plus war tax 6c Children and Matinees only 25c Tonight CHARLIE HAPLIN 'WORK It and 21 with a po of Quality Whit J horn.. Thl pen of Ave bird ha alto been on th honor roll since th content tartd November 1, (hiring the three month ending January Jl.'jh in U ciedlted with 20 eggs which aold Intha open market at $12.12. An Individual hen during th aame length pro dured 9 eggs, market value, 12.99. Mr. liammerharher la Ktb n the lint or ahout W exhibitor. Last year at the clone of th contest Mr pen stood Hth among 200 pen. THEATRE "T f JU . 1 I n 1J 111 ZZ. J I iV 1 h -III 1 I .f .li h II i I -Ml . I : ' - PER52N1L New onion leti at Cramer Bros, Fred Uham pnt Friday In Med ford. 191 vegetable wed at Cramer Uroa. g Mr. II. I Wilton vent to Olen- dale Friday night. Seller' Kitchen Cabinet at llel mer'. 86 PrUlum Incubators at Cramer Hi oa. ga Mr. P. X. Jantter went to Wolf Creak Friday night to vlilt relative. ' Karly garden teed In packet at Cramer Broa. (I IS. A. Igergren and family left Friday for Colorado Spring to re main. Bulk aeed at Cramer Broa. 86 F. a. Bramwell of th Granta Paa Hardware company, went to Rone burg Uit night for short atay. A large lln of mirror In all sixes at Helmer'a. 6 Rpray pump at Cramer Broa. 116 M. Dunn returned Friday night from Medford and Ann land after several day trier. 1-awn and clover need at Cramer Broa. S6 Mr. and Mr. I Beam, of Port land, spent a few daya In CI rant Pan on buslnesa. ' Poultry tonic at Cramer Broa. ft. Mr. J. 0. !ml loft for San Diego BtitunUy morning, where ahe will spend several month. We have taken the agency for the famous Wrstlnghouse Maxda lamp. All alxre In Ntork. Grunts Pas Hard ware Co. ' Mra. Prank N'onbalala and two I children went to Portland Friday night to visit relative, i Shell, grit and hone at Cramer 1 Broa. 86 !2B LOCAL : t i P. K. Uottachalk returned Sat urday morning from Portland where be ient a week. Charle Snow returned aeveral day ago from San Francisco and left laat night for Eugene. fmbrallaa repaired at Cramer Bro. .Vtlii Anna May Johnaton, who pent a weak with her alaUr, Mlaa Jennie Johniton, returned to Klam ath Falla Saturday. English Break fait Tablea In round and aquar ahapea at Helmer'a. Hi Mra. J. O. Nlblsy arrived Satur day morning from Sacramento where ahe spent a few day with her parent. Bicycle repaired at Cramer Broa. Mra. C. C. Crimea left laat night, returning to Portland, after spend Ing teveral day with her alater, Mr. Catherine Gray. Pruning tool at Cramer Broa. It D. K. Dodaon left laat night for bla home at Ta oma. He apent er- era! daya here with hi mother, who U III but Improving. 0. K. Anderson left laat night for Aurora, Ore., where he will remain. Mr. Andernon recently bought a farm there. Simmon' guaranteed Steel Beds nt Hnlmer'. - . 16 Mr. and Mr. 1. A. Plttenger re turned last night from Ixs Angeles, where they have been for the paat year or two, and will probably re main here. Poultry remedies at Cramer Bro. Mr. C. T. Belt, who waa called hare on account of the Illness and I death of her father, Ceorge Hoare, I left taut night for her home at Spo kane, accompanied by her mother. I who will remain tn Spokane indefi nitely. T Nirfhts 1 WO Matin Wed. & Thurs. Feb. 20-21 ONLY TWO SHOWS DAILY STARTING 2:30 P. M. 8:15 P. M. Picture runs 2 hours You are respectfully re quested to be in your seats at the begin ning and. follow spjpj this most absorbing romance in an His tory to the end. I .Work la Nevada Ml are j Chaa. W. Blrum left Friday night, j returning to Battle Mountain, Nev., where he la foreman of th Columbia quarts mine. He waa accompanied by 0. A. Baker, who will work In th mine. "Bone lry" Andnwin H I)r. J. K. Anderaon, of Th Dalle, author of the Oregon bone dry law, and preaent candidate for th nomi nation for Governor of Oregon, I pending a few day In th city. Chevrolet Hale for Week During th pait week 1911 model Chevrolet have been aold to th following partlea: ' R. L. Hammer, of 81 ma, and C. A. Hoile of Granta Paaa. A I no an t-cylinder Chevrolet waa told to J. H. Corbett of thl city. War Krrmon Tonight Till evening at 7:30 at the New man Methodist Eplacopal church Rer. Melville T. Wire will preach the first of th announced aerie of Sunday evening sermon-lecture on war aubjecta. It tople la "The Cruelty and Infamy of Germany is Factor In Her Final Defeat." IMIiKiirnt Taxea - Delinquent taxea will be published In the Oregon Observer beginning with the Issue of Wednesday, Feb ruary 27. If you wish to avoid the publication, pay taxea at once. Geo- Lewla, sheriff. - ' 89 liyiiiHn's Mlmlonarjr Meeting At the Baptist church rt S o'clock a team of men from the Medford cburchea will come down to meet th men of the churche of Granta Paaa relative to n layman' mission ary convention' to be held In Rogue river valley within n few weeks. The laymen of all the churches of the city are Invited. HuHtim Kwk Monday S. B. Hunt on. candidate for the republican nomination for Cnlted States senator, will be the principal siieaker at the noon luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce on Monday. Mr. Huston Is an attorney -of Port land and has represented Multno mah county In the state legislature for three terms. Mr. Huston's talk before the members of the chamber will be along patriotic lines. Thwket Sorliil- On Friday evening, February 2-2,, the KnlRhts and Ladies of Security will give a basket social at the W. O. W. hall. All ladles are requested I to bring a basket and compete for a; rolrt Nearly Doubled Sales tut ;prlxe for the prettiest design. They;' 1917. ' are also asked to Invite friends. In-j . strumcntal music and patriotic songs i Despite the various embarrass I by quartet. Patriotic address by Dr. ments resulting from the United1 jA. A. Wltham. 88, States Into war, the General Motor ! . , ' . Medford Winner In flaHketbaU 1 . Medford defeated the Grants Pass . basketball team on the local floor ; Friday night by a score of 47 to 14. A better game has not been played on this floor for some time. .The game started off with a rush with Medford taking the lead, but visitors soon displayed opposition and the half ended 14 to 10 with ' Medford on the long end. The game . was exceedingly cleaner than ex pected, only four personal fouls be ing called in the game. Grey of the Medford high school team led the team In the fast work of the second half. Siriith or Medford and Blrch ard. of Grants Pass, also did excel lent work throughout the game Black, of Roapiburg, and Fish, of Phoenix, officiated. Medford Sun. JOY-SundayandHon '''J-l f -I- V W Vr. ::iiVv- H . MHiKiuaauimai v CARIYU RACmii tJM, JUNE EIVI06B- S -'Youth" A , JOHNMV MIME? J mm nSmmSsmrivr-tamsmmmmi a Cust Ini'ludlnic MCRIEL OSTK1CHU, JOHNNY H1NKS ' j, Story by Hoy 8. Sensabaagh . IHrectvd by Honmlne Fielding; "Youth" Roes) with all tho'seeI of youth.,' There are no lag tinit momenta, no drn((g1n Intervals lu this pep picture of New York high miclety life and a Tennessee fiver diim constniction camp. Populnr Carlvlo IW.-Awell la at his very best. Jnne Klvldge Is rhanninR. The memters of. the cast are splendid. , . ALSO A GOOD COMEDY rrr1 ( olllna Ealiata Frd Collin on Saturday collated In the heavy Held artillery service of th V. 8. and left laat night for Vancouver. GRANDMA I'.iLilAf.lS HOLDS 1 D Ellxabeth ,Ann Williams, better known In Granta Paaa aa "Grandma" Williams, notwithstanding bar II years, la eonatantly knitting sweat er for th soldier boy. Sln July sh haa completed II sweater, each on a beauty. During three wka In January th completed Ave, each one closely knitted In fancy pattern. "Grandma" Wllllama bolda th knitting record for thla section of th state. If not for th whole state, for rapid work, having completed a sweater of heavy yarn on ateel need les In three daya. MAKE BIG SHKQIT The ten boxes shipped from tbn local Red Croa chapter during th paat week contained the following: 120 sweaters, 151 pairs 'socks, Si pair wristlets, 6 helmets, 125 pa , Jamas, '40 bed shirts, 276 comfort pillows, 27 fracture pillows, 220 hand kerchief a, 200 napkina, lti dish towels, 360 waahrags, 1 knitted" washrag, 2 knitted hot water bot tles, 45 tray cloths, 10 duat cloths.. 10 pair operating legglnga, US laparotomy pads, 740 gauxe strips. 600 gauxe apongea, 100 rolls gun rsga. , : .; ' There were by three weeka be tween thla shipment and the last one. When thla is taken Into considera tion the wonderful work of the knit ter may Jie appreciated: The ork, shipped waa all of excellent quality' and the committee having charge tof the shipping la pleased to be able t give such a splendid report. On account of th office In th Court House being closed next Fri day, and no fire being In th build ing the regular Friday meeting: will he held on Wednesday. ,' ;KNKIlAli MOTOKS;4T y cEVKor.PRoPKIi;, v.- General Motor Corp. ami Cve-mlef Motor Co. Imu Report CTwrvi- Corporation and the Chevrolet Mo tor Co. both managed to Increase their production and sales during; ' 1917, according to reports just is sued by the two companies. Ther are, it will be remembered, closely connected through ownership of General Motors stock by the Chevro let Company. Both are headed by W. C. Durant. Sales of the latter company during 1917 amounted to 12,638,303 an Increase of 130, 332,000. or 94 per cent over the year before. Ths -company pro duced 125,004 cars, as against 69, 522 in 1911. The amount of the net profit realized has not been made public. 'Automobile Topics. 88- Niatly printed stationery Courier offlot. at ttacj i . Cards at the Courier office. W1UJAM A. BRADY t I i rector-General WtKU-PICTl'RiS 1'rrwnts , Carlyle 4 Blackwell June Elvidge i 1 YOUTH