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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
stAtU BOaWB MTt COi'tUB SUNDAY, nWHlAKT IT, ISIS.' Ssccnd-IIand Ford 1914 OVERHAULED OVKRSIZK PISTONS LKAK PROOF R1NU8 GOOD TIRES SHOCK ABMORRKRS SPOT MQHT 0265 C L HOBART CO. I have just returned from Portland where I secured a corps of experienced EXPERT MECHANICS For the ruaelag muos We have no boy or apprentice aad are prepared to do FIRST-CLASS GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING At raottabte prktw. I have also secured enlarged quarter for hop and laetaltad a rompkHa snav china ahop with lathe. - Wt gwar. ' aaloa our work.' C. L. HOBART nillCHES'i tri S PILLS lilt. M l Umt4 ! Hiimliii ni'in V ii-T1 PARISIAN IDOL SEEKS CONVENT .Aotress Tires of Vanities Amid War's Horrors. IS CTRTED BY FRIES! Iva Lavelliere, Lata Stir of tha Vari. sties. Turns Ovar Her Wealth ta tha Pear Found Shallowness of Stage Contrasted Too . Strongly With BeundleM Sufferings ef the Soldier In the Trenches. Pari rubbed lt rye and wit op with a shock when It reed In the "morning papers recently that Kvs Lavalllere was about to give tip the world end retire to n convent. Level Here, who for almost twenty year he been the Joy of Pari theatergo er; "he whoe verve end sparkle had made of her one of the moat popular actresses of the capital whoa? pe dal talent always gave you the feAlng of biting into a sour-sweet apple with It particular and delightful tanif. Rumor ha It that Lavalllere. like her famous nuuieeake tiring of the pomp and vanities of the world, ha Editor Tells Oow D.D.D. Cured Db Eczema Clergyman ana Baaker Also Write j H. 0. Hotchkles, Editor Echo, Prophetts- . town. III. I Kememher mine wan eczema of 1 fifteen years' standing. Now I em com-1 fletely healed, after 4 bottle of D. D. D. ! hire seen a can of 25 yearn' steading I rand. I here seen my own doctor cured i of barber's Itch, which he could not cur . himself. ! F. B. Teaer, Banker, Hopklnton, Is. ! I treated with three doctors for els mnntlia. They did me no good ; mi face end scalp were full of the dlseese. I applied O. D. D, Besult mr face Is es smooth es a baby's. Rev. L. I. Downing, Petor 5th At. Pre, byterlan Church, Boanoke, Va. : For three ears I suffered, lnteDnely so. I here at at found relief In D. 1). D. I em no . longer tortured completely cured. I here i ao hesitancy In acknowledging the great vlrtuee of this specific. I Druggists ere glad to recommend this soothing, cooling liquid.- Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your money back unless the flrnt bottle relieves you. 1. D. L. Boap keeps your skin healthy. Ak about lb . M Ici.:c;in SMtjUl-t -dT-W iw JhrWSVX 57 decided to seek peace end sols re be hind the walla of a cloister. At all events, tha late star of the Tarletle said when asked If the report waa true: ' Made Vow to Quit ; "When the war began I made a vow that I would never act again. Then menagers begged me to change my mind, and I consented. . I played short season of Tamil net fa," bat the shsllowness and artlOHalltlea of the tage contrasted with tha boundless) suffering of our aoldtera la the trenches sickened roe and I gave op the part "Last spring I went Into the country for a reat. snd there one day the vil lage prleat called upon me and naked me whether I would not com to mass the following Sunday. I smiled ran you Imagine me at mass hut he wa such a delightful priest, and to please him I went. I returned again and anala and now I have decided to give up t!e rest nf my fife to relig ion." levelllere look strange without her makeup. She no longer hide the fact that her hair Is white. She has given up her handsome apartment, sold her furniture. ' her furs and her Jewels, turned the proceed over to the poor, and has declared herelf ready for her new vocation. Souie skeptics I persons Insist that the reason for thl change of heart I that the actress feel her powers are waning and that" she ha lost her looks. Some even declare that all thl is only the prelnde to the announce ment that she la to appear In a new play this seawnn. The Soldier Underetande. But the soldier In the trenches un derstands. Through three year of wer, side by side with death, he baa learned to look Into men' hearts. By his own descent Into the darkness of his fate he has discovered the shining brightness of spirllunl ties, lie seems to have grown antennae with which he can probe into the mysteries of a si ml. He Is not 4tonlhcd that a woman, finding her existence tin empty one, has gone boldly forth Into the great adventure of discovering a new and finer life. With the disappearance of Eve Lav alllere from the world's stage It seems as If a part of l'arls had put on mourning for the dead In sympathy for tha living, as If she had under stood the terrible lesson of today and had decided to expiate, to pay with her devotion the fearful price of blood. Proof of World' Great Age. When we come to prehistoric mnn, Assyria I as yesterday. Discoveries made of skulls In various parts of Eu rope show that a low clnss of primitive unit lived upon earth nt least 250,000 years Ago, and for 2n,000 years a high type nf mnn inhabited what la now centnil France. . . SMI OlER New York. Feb. IS. How a SIS a week telephone operator, posing as "Hta Excellency, tha Marquis Kd mond Rousaclot di Caatlllot. confi dential representative or Hla Majesty Klag AJfonso XIII. of Spain," open ed negotiation with tha banking house or J. P. Morgan A Company, for a loan of $50,000,000 to Spain, and, by promising that' Spain would enter tha war on the aide of tha en tente alltee, brought the state de partment Into tha matter, waa re vealed la th federal court her to day, when three Indictment were returned against Edmond Rousaelot. under the espionage law. William Plsrsoa Hamilton, or th Morgan house, waa foreman of the, grand Jury which returned tha In dictment and wa familiar with th transaction, becauee ha waa a mem ber of tha Arm to whom th matter waa ntrusted. SAN FMSCO HAS $50,000 FOR SCOUTS San Francisco, Fab. II. Mora than 150,000, th mark set wa se cured for th San Francisco Boy Scout organisation In a recent cam paign Instituted to secure fund for the carrying on of tha work. Ten thousand dollar of thl will be set aalde for th purchase of acreage on which a permanent camp of Instruc tion will be constructed where the boys can put Into practice what they hav learned In theory. During the past year th roaler of scouts In thi city has grown from 13 boy to 1.704 and It I proposed to Interest at least 5,000 youngs ters In tha movement during the next three years. Men prominent In buslnesa affair of the city are at the head of th movement and the generous response met by the work er when soliciting funds haa con vinced them that the 5,000 quota of boys will be exceeded. There are approximately 21,000 boys In this city eligible for membership In this organisation. NT IS FOR SHIP SWINDLERS San Francisco, Feb. 16. A war rant baa been Issued by the United States commissioner for Prosper J. Forest, whose father owns the foun dry, where he used a forged gov ernment stamp to signify that' bil lets of steel were adjudged suitable for government work, and charging that thl forged stamp had been placed on defective steel sold to the I'nlted States. His actions are alleged to have endangered the lives of thousands of soldiers ordered to Europe, as some of such steel was used In vessels now at sea. 17 VF.AH OLD AMERICA SHOOTS DOWN TWO HUNS Paris, Jan. 10 (Correspondence) "Tommy" Hitchcock of Westbury. Long Island, only 17 year old and the youngest American aviator In France, haa achieved the distinction of shooting down two German air planes in on day. Hitchcock waa 1,000 feet In the air when he sighted hla Drat enemy machine below him. It was a big albatrosa (the type used by the Ger mans Ip their bombing raids over England.) The second machine shot down by the Intrepid American was a scout plane. Hitchcock will be decoated and mentioned in French army orders for his exploit. WILL TUNNEL AND BRIDGE BOSPORUS HAY TURKS Amsterdam, Feb. 18. The Turk ish parliament has approved a bill , providing for the construction of a bridge and tunnel across the Bos ; porus, connecting Europe and Asia J Contract for the work has been awarded to a Budapest firm and it ' will begin operations In April. The Bosphorus is at the entrance to the Black Sea, connecting that sea with the Sea of Marora. At Its narrowest point the Bosporus Is 1,800 feet across. Job work at it? Courier. "C:ra-Lc:3 Izf (:r Fc.Ujfcry C:y Van "Oeta-IV the Orest Cora Bu erery 1 Bakes Coma Feel Klf ht 081 Look at th llluslretlon below. See Ik twe Anger peeling oft a eora es though II were a haaana Mil And the ssaa Is smiling while lie's doing hi All done palnleeely. loyfully. The moment "Uete-lt" 1Ga.- the Oew Ceaelaa, Tear eh Cere Me leer Pejeoe said. DwMod "Os." loache a corn er eallua th growth lo doomed. It tehee but two eee eado le apply "Oeta-lt.1 The aora ela la eeaed at once. Tou ten sit at your desk or walk about, denee, think, love and work with abeolute oaee. You can apply "Mele-lt" con veniently alntoet anywhere where nm ran take your shoe and Block ing oft for a moment or two. Uelo It" drlee et onre; then putyour ohoe and etoeklng en aaaln. There's aa further esoua for suffering frosa corns and eora -peine Mela-It" is sold at all druaglsta fyos) need ear ao more then It eenta s tottlet, or sent on receipt of price by R. Iarenre A Co., rfclrego. III. Sold In Urant I'aaa and recom mended as the world' bet eora remedy by Oeorga C. BMM. LADYBUGS AR NOW Urasa Yalley, Cel., Frb. 11. On of the most peculiar harvests In tha world Is taking place In th foot hills below bete at the present tima that of the lady bug. The slat of California through He Inseclary department. Is doing the harvesting and the crop Is estimated at from 10.000,000 to 75,000.000 bug. Th bug are found under light rovers In sunny nooks In only a few places In Nevada and Placer coun ties. They sre gathered Into eases each holding a quart, or about 11. 000 bugs, and sent to Sacramento for storage until next summer. Dur ing tha growing season these bug are employed by the state to aave the cantaloupe, bean and various other crop from enemy Insect,' it being the nature of the lady bug to war upon such 'Insects. Agents of the Inseclary depart ment watch the lady bugs la their hibernating places during th Fall and early winter and at the proper time the harvest is commenced and completed within a few day. WOOD Rim WANTED Notice Is hereby given thst th Board of Director of School District No. 7 of Josephine County, Oregon, will reeeive sesled bids for the sup ply and delivery to the virions school house of th district, piled on the gronnd resdy for measure ment, of 280 tiers of fir and 110 tiers of oak wood, said wood to be cut from the body of sound green timber free from rot. Cot or punk, g nd In two foot lengths. All bids must he accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid.- Rids will be received for all or any portion of the wood to be purchased. The said tlds must be on file with the clerk of the board. Rdward S. Van Dyke, on or before o'clock p. m. Tuesday March . 1911. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EDWARD fl. VAN DYKE, Clerk. KAISKIt'H (tl.S TO BK lUTTl'KNKIl I Bl'LLKTH Washington, Feb. 16. Secretary McAdoo received today a letter bulging with German coin to be de posited to the account of W. Ho henzollern et al, though not through the regular banking channels. The letter Is from a woman in White Bluff, Tenn., and she says: "I am sending to you by malt 76 German and other coins; will you please place them In one of the mu nitions work where the metal will be made into bullets for tho kaiser and his allies, paying him with, his own coin. I have had these coins many years and It occurred to me it is a good use to make, of them." STATU OF WAR KXIST8 ALO.N'O KASTKItX FHO.NT Amsterdam, Feb. 16. A state of war Is considered to exist between the central powersand Russia, ow ing to automatic termination of the armistice with the breaking off of. peace negotiations, semi-official dls patches from Berlin de -tared today. Classified rOH BALM a a GRANT LANDS Bl print plat stow la Una la Joaephla county, 11.11. AddrwM A. B. Voorklo. franta Paae. U DEALERS la aoraee, mul, aaltl, wagons, kacka, bugglaa, haraeaa sad saddle. W har a variety of all klada at all lima. If you hav anything te avail or exchange, or If you vast to buy, ooa and a. Wa will treat you right. All our 11 restock la put out under guarantee. Red Front rood and Salo Stable, Corner Sixth and K treeta. Tloimon, Prop. Phone SSS-J. lltf FOR SALJB Oood modern bouse, cloee In, north I4. Inquire No. till, ear Courier. lltf I HAV I FOR SAJJB or trad nil kind of work, driving and saddle horse, waguat, buulat, haraeaa aad saddle, or will buy yours. Come and sea aa at Brow ale Hampton's Feed aad Bale Stable, phone . 4I-R. Roy Higgle. owner. Also one t-reom houee for sale cheap er to trade. ST FOR SALS CHJDAP Eighty aero In the Applegate valley, New Hope school dlatrlcL About II aero seder the Murphy Irrigation dttch, 144 haree of water goo with the land. Thl land will be aold cheap for aaah. Why rent? Th federal government will loan you half th money n long tltu at low Interest. Addraa B. M. Austin. Rout B Bog II, Modesto, Cal. II FOR BAUD Reeleaned need wheat; Little Club, 11.11; Jenkins Club. 11.11; Washlngtoa Hybrid No. . 141. 11.10; Mereula, S.M; slss Beardlese Barley, White Oats, Al falfa Seed and all Orasaea sd Cto vert. Ralph Waldo Rldn, Cea- tral Point. Mtf FOR RK.NT OR 8 A Mi Irrigated farm plenty of water during the whole asoo. Inquire Jo. Feti ner. 756 North Eighth street. tf PURR BKBO Rhode Island Red sel ling eggs, tl for 15, on sal at Th Rocbdal. , 01 FOR 8AIJC Horse, light hark and harneaa In good condition, a I do one retaluma Incubator III egg aise. Inqulr 1114 Pin atreel city: . ,1? QUALITY WHITE LEGHORN'S Hatching egg and baby chirks th kind that lay and pay book your order early-now. K. Ham- raerbaeher. Phon 406-F-23. R P. D. No. 2. 07 TO HINT TRJDMONT ROOMS Now under maaagmont of Mr. U C. Am strong; eleea reema at IK aad I So; apeeial rats by week or month; ale light boss keep ing room. Would like your pat- roaag. ttf FORNI8HKD ROOMS Large, com fortable gad ceuvleatly I oca tod 411 C street. lltf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for reat - Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Vary- moderate weekly and monthly rate. 37tf COMPLETELY FURNISHED six a room bungalow for rent, garag. piano, lawn, flowers. Close In Wilt make beautiful home. Phone 269-R. i .3tf FOR KENT .Modern, five-room cot tage at corner Second, and C streets. Gas, wster and electric lights. Low rent. . N. E. Towns end. 621 A street; 81 LOST IXST Month ago. child's rubber lined raincoat, olive drab, buttons and buttonholes on either side, age fonr years. Child needs coat badly. Please leave with No. 211 Courier. Reward. 86 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectlveDecember 1, 117. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Grants Pass., 1:00 p. m Train 2 It. Waters Creek 8:00 p.m. All trains leave Orsnts Pas fron the corner of O and Eighth streets opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service cnll n tbe ofltre of the company, Lund burr building, er phon ill for sams. Advertising rarsioiANt L O. C1XMZNT, ht a lrtil limited to diseases of Us ere, ear, soes sad throat. Olaaeee fltted, bom aad throat. Otasess BUed. OSloo hours 1-1 1. I-I, or es as polateient OBoe phone, II; rest daee phon Itl-J. 8. LOUUHRIDUK. M. D. Physiol and aurgeoa. City or country calls stteeded day or eight. Reetdeoes: phon ll; office phone 111, Sixth sad II. Tuff Uulldlng A. A. WITHAM, M. D Phyttelaa aad turgeon. Of rice: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth sad I street. Pboa: Of See. HI; retldeaee, SSS-J. Hours, t a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBUIT PhysteUa aad eargeoB. Leathers Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sage Oo Health Ofleor. Offloor hours. I to 11 a. m. 1 to I p. m. Phone 11S-J. tltl DUTT 10711 B. C. MACY, D. M. D. Sirat-cISM dentistry. 101 H South Sixth street, 0 rants Pass, Oregon. ATTOsUUCTS K. D. Nortoa. Attomey-et-law. PraeUee U oil State sad redereJ Courts. First NaUossl Bank Bldg. OOLVIO A WILLIAMS AttawweTe a I-Law Oreata Paae Baa klag Oo, Bldg. Grant Paae, Oregon. B. S. VAN DTKB, Attorney. Praettoe I sit courts, riret Natloaal Bank BelldlBg. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attorneys. at-Law. Offlc Maeoale Temple, Oraats Pass Oregoa. W. T. mIlLiR,-- Attoraey-at-iekv Couaty attorsey for Jasaghlne County. Office: Bchallhors Bid O. 8. BLANCHARD. Alio raey-et-Law Ooldeo Rule Building. Phone 179. Oram Paee, Oregoe. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD, Al toraays, Albert block'. Pbone Sll-J, Practice Is all courts; lead board attorneys. VhTKRINABT SOROSPW , DR. R. J. BDBTUL, Veteriaortsa. Office la Wlaetrout Implemeat Bldg. Phon lll-J. Reeldeaes Phone lOt-R. URATAOB AND TTRAWWhssV COMMBRCIAL TRAN8FR o67 AN ; kind of drayage aad traacder work carefully aad promptly dene. Phone lll-J. Stand al freight depot. A. Shads, Prop. FTo. ISHAai, drayage aad traaafwr. Safe, plaso aad furniture atovd packed, shipped sad stored. Phone Clark BBd Holmoa, No. IS. BeaV denee phoae 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; ao de we. BuBch Bros. Traasfer Ce. Phoae SI7-R. MIMICAL INSTRICTION J. S. MAOMURRAY, tcaoher of voice culture aad slagtag. Loeeeaa gtvea at home of pupil If rquted. Ad dreae 711 Lee St. lilt! PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTORbTmILL opea dally IS a. m. to I p. m. For Suaday alt tinge call Mill 18I-R or roildeace n-j. Titf TAXI BIUVIC?' WHITE LINE TAXI City and coun try . Popular prices. Call Oraats Pas hotel, pbone III. Residence phoae Sll-J. W. O. White, Prop. Orants Pose, Oregon. II TAXI Phone 601 for taxi. Aay where, .any time. Paramouat Cyclery. IS WANTED WANTED To buy a second hand Iron wheel wagon four te six Inch tire holding about 3,009 lb. C. Sheerer, R. F. D. No. 1. lltf WANTED Mentor saw mills and logging camps. Mill and cam in will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tion.. For full particular write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cat. : 65tf WA NT ED--8a w m I II mensnd Tog" gers. The logging operatlona at Hilt will start February 18th, 1I1S, and the sawmill February 15th, We will have a place for all our old men and many other. Working conditions and 'wages equal to th best. Apply at the company office at Hilt or to the woods or sawmill superintendents. ' II Dlssel Ingtn te Have Tst The Diesel oil engine, which le working successfully In water craft of utmost nil tonnnges, to he thor oughly tiMied on' European railroads,