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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1918)
VNDir.'tvnni'ARV it, ma. tinitf n6dvu' Rivta courcs p.ioa I - $1195 ':' I P. O. R. DETROIT I GJ There It indelible losic In the fudne- ' - C) ' Y'Y i1 I! ; " Titer) U tnfleaible logic in lh fixing of thai price for the Maswell closed cart. The purpose of the Ma swell builders wm to strike) the MIDDLE LINE of ab solute value. . They have done to with scientific ac curacy. i .The Maxwell closed cars have trace, beauty, comfort, ' efficiency, durability, economy and standard equipment ' But, if built to sell for less than 119S one or the other of these would ' be lacking. On the other hand, for higher price you could get only larger site or fancier furnishings not any greater VALUE or finer "class." That is what we mean by "the Middle Line," - fhM-Fsuiwr Sid, SI93, Si-Fating' Tum Cart r CVv, KuJ.ltr, 974S ill Pruti F.O.I PttrtU COLLINS AUTO CO. IMHTHIIlt TOIW X Minsdt Th tusking of a mnalt psnte wre present st s downtown dairy lunch s lit dsya ago when a quantity of gas egplnded with a noise like a German bomb, and th lid "T the coffee pot ss tended to the celling. At Orat all thoughts naturally turned to tht war, and to th probability of the building being mined, and a few of ths custom ara row and wer aliout to search for a menns of eslt. ' Uttl dsrosg waa done, but a wsltr r who waa observed In th act of trying to climb over th counter, waa blushing furlouily; and lha waiter who was doing business with a lighted match Just prior to th explosion rmslnd for awn tlnuv paler tbaa asusl. In dianapolis News. . """ ' ' ' ' swift leanest A strange winged tiled haa mad Its appearance on the smooth Ice of Lake Placid In northern New York. Condi tion being favorable for speed, It of ten sweep along at a mlle-amlnute clip, Its InII gliding and Ita none lifted In ths air, Kxcept for lha fact that It doean't fly, It might be described as S flying Ice-boat. It consists eaaentlally of a light frame supporting a mono plao and a 80 hors power motor with ssrlal proppller connected. tautlful Feet In Hartford. We have observed that a large in. Jorlty of the men who traverse on residential streets' tn thin time of snn and Ice wear overdoes of some klmi iiml Hint the large majority of women do not. Whether It Is woman auffrage or plain recklessness that accounts for this difference ws cannot aay. '- It can not bs because overshoes sre unbe coming to a woman, for those wesrlir them look very trim. Hartford Ootr auU To Laugh At A Lsirt Mat. ' Onu nf the funniest sights In the florid U s Mian whomt list Ims been kuocked In or ruined by Mux blown off provided, of ruurae, It In) th oth m f.l low's hstt All th loke In the world sre baaed on a few elemental , Ideas, sod this Is one of them. The sight of other people In trouble Is ' nearly si ware funny. Tbta la human ' nature. If you will observe your own J conduct whenever you see a friend 1 falling down on the street, you will And that nlss times out of ten your flrst Impula la to laugh and your sec ond Is to run sod help blm get up. To be polite yon will dust off his ! clothes snd sak him If he has hurt j himself. But when It Is over you ess ' ni resist leillnc blm how funny as looked when he was falling. The man with the real sense of humor Is the man who can put hlmaelf In the spec tstor's plsce snd laugh st his own mis fortune. Bert Wllllsms, In the Amer ican Msgssln. Unltsd ItsUt Debt to Sweden. It wna In June, 1782. when, upon the order of flnstsvu III, the Swedish min ister In Parts, Gnstavua I'hlllp Crentss got Into comninnlcntloti with the Amer icans' agent In France, Benjamin Franklin. It waa nothing lens than s treaty with Europe's oldest kingdom which Cretits offered to Franklin snd the free states of his land. Franklin himself, sa well n hla countrymen. rapcd with thankfulneiw the offered hand, tlie treaty was signed In April, 1788, and remained of practical bene flt to the United State for s long time. The mot Important aspect of the mut ter wns, however, that this treaty alg-' nlfled the Introduction of the Cnlted State Into International rein I Ion n s recognised power. ' Anytning to sol It Try a classified Through Our Membership ,, la lbs Federal Knierve lUnklng System, we are placed tn : a fttroiuter poaltlou than ever before to take rare of the 1 requirements of Ml our depositors, whether large or ' small, and at the Same time to give them the tnont mo dem tanking service. Why not open nn account with us ami begin at once ' ' a ' , n KmwHMktmt in IlieilA llMlie ' fit and the addltlonut protec tion which this system give tn your money deposited with it. sjsMsassjf3 JEDSHAL BRSMVtT rh snYgTSM sal FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON DETSILSOFTHE E TAX LAW IlllJj Q. Whst eonstltutea sn Item al lowable as s deduction under the hesd of buslnea eeniT A. All amounts of eipense stu- slly paid dnrlng tlie tss yesr In ths conduct of s trsde, hiulness or pro- f union, This Inolndes sll smounts psid by a farmer for labor In pre paring his land for a crop, and In cultivation, harvesting and market ing the crop, the cost of seed and fertiliser used, ths smounts expend ed for labor In caring for live stock snd the coat of feed ths cost of stock purchsaed for ths purpose of resale. (It should be nnderatood. however, that If such s coat Is claim ed ss a deduction, the entire pro ceeds received upon the ssls of ths stock Is to be returned as Income.) The coat of material uaed snd farm toots which srs'used up, In th roitra of a yesr or two, such ss binding twins, stock powders, forks. spsde. etc., snd the smottnt of rent psid for a fsrm. Amounts psid for llveatock which Is to be uaed for breeding purposes r held to repre sent Inveatmant of cspltsl snd are not allowable for deduction. A merchant may claim aa deduc lion the amount psid for sd realis ing, hire of clerks snd other em ployes, the coat of light, fuel, water. telephones, etr naed In or st hla plsce of business, drsysge freight snd sxpreHs rhsrgea, the cot of op erating delivery wsgons snd trucks. A phylian may claim as deduc tions the coat of medicines snd sup plies used by him In the practice of hla profession, expenses paid In the operation of sn automobile uaed In msklng professions! call, dues to medical societies snd subscriptions to medics! Journal, ths expenses of sttendlng medics! conventions, rent psid for office rooms, hire of office ssslatanta, cost of fuel, light, water, telephone, etc., used In auch office rooms. Amount expended for books'. medical aupblles snd surgical Inntru ments of a permanent character sre not sllowshle deductions. This, In s general wsy, outline the ordlnsry snd ususl expense In cur red by the farmer, merohsnt or professional msn, which may be claimed ss deductions, snd the prin ciples underlying these sllowsnces are equally applicable In the case of any one engsged in bualness, trsde or profession. In short all expenaes connected directly and solely with the conduct of sn Income producing business, trsde,. profession or vors tlons ar allowsble deductions. . Items of , persons! expense or Items connected In sny wsy with the support, maintenance and well being of the fsmlly are not sllowed. nelth er sre the smounts psid for tools. Implements, vehicles, machinery or surgical Instruments which sre more or less permanent .In character, nor the cost of medical, lsw or other professional books, nor amounts ex pended for msklng permanent Im provements . or betterment of sny kind whatsoever, allowsble ss de ductions. These Items are held to be Investments of ' cspltsl upon which depreciation may be etslmed. WAItMXO OIVEN OP POISOXEIt WATKR Oakland. Csl., Feb. 16. A wsrn Ing thst concentrated efforts sre t6 be made soon to poison . waterways sll over the country,' was received on a postcard Thursday by the Oak land board of health. The card was signed "Neutral." Federal officers . rushed armed guards to Lake Chsbot and Te mes cal, sources of water supply for the east bay cities. The card read: "It will pay you to watch the city's water supply. A concentrat ed effort to poison the waterways sll over the United 8tstes Is about to be made. Take this warning for what It Is worth to the people, for they will get you In the long run. snyway." ' Msgnsts. Although there Is such a thing ns a natural mniinot most of those In ue sre srtlflclal, Therc-nre two general method for msklng artificial mngnets. The flrt Is to tske s bar or n needle of magnetic subntiince. Iron or steel, wrsp an Inhibited wire eround It like a thread on s spool, snd pun a Htrotut electric current through the wire. The other method I to take ns before a bar or needle of a mngnetlc ulixtiince and place It nenr s mngnet. The In tensity of the mngnetlxiitlon In both ciihcs I Increused by liiiminerlng the bur while the process of ningnetlxlng In going ci. A piece of steel magnetised In thin why remnlns so for a long time, while n piece of Iron soon loses Its mimnctlgutlon. ' "K.U'.',li. M At tlie Cliiirclies llcthsny l'reuyterian (Tinrch Morning service at 11 a. m., ser mon, "Keuben at the water Courses." Evening service st 7: SO p. m., sermon, "H llksd the Har mon, But." Bundsy school at 10 a. m. Chrlstlsn Endssvor st 1:10 p. m. Th music for the day will be directed by Mrs. Will Ireland Bethany church will sppreelete your presence. U Myron Booter, minister. I Knarman M. K. (liurrh Morning sermon topic, 11 o'clock servlre, "The Tide In the Affslrs of Men." Anthem by the choir In chsrgs of Mrs. Knapp. Solo by Mrs. P, W. Hermsn. At 7:10 o'clock the flrt sermon of the series on war to pics will be presched. Ths whole series Is ss follow: "The Cruelty snd Infsmy of Germany as Factors In Her Flnsl Defest," "The Jews Will They Return to Palestine After the Wsr," "Germsn Colonist Am bition In Africa," "Ustlng Tsrms of Pesce Should W Hsvs a Iiesgue of Nstlons to Enforce It?" ' Sunday school at 10 a. m. Jun ior Intermediate League at (:10 p. m. A eordlsl welcome to sll ser vices. . Melville T. Wire, psstor. fit. Luke's Eplcoial Dii.J,, it, .sil tt.RA fn Ftren U II l ... 1 1 " 1 , w . n wm . warn. - Ing prayer snd sermon, 7:10 p. m., by Rev. Philip K. Hsmmond of Ashisna. Catholic Church Masses on Sunday at 8 snd 10 s. m. ' Edmund Wall. Psstor. FACT'S INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE An impartial -jury will always give a ver dict in accordanct! with FACTS. YOU ARK TJIK JUUV, and the facts are plainly in evidence at thin xtore. ' , . .The miix'rior puality of our good. i.s a Fact. -( Our exceedingly low prices is another Fact. And when you get all the facts in regard to this Ktore, your verdict will he: . "The Best Place in Town to Do My . Trading" (let the evidence. Uelider the verdict. Jewell Hdv. Co. V War Savtags Hueaps for Hale , , First Church of (luist Helen 1 1st Christian Science services sre held every Bundsy, In ths W. O. W. hall. at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet ings st 8 o'clock. The subject for today Is "Soul." The reading room is open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. ex cept Sundays snd holidays. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services snd to visit the reading; room. .."'' KKSOI.ITION'H Hsll of Oolden Rule Lodge No. 78 Orsnts Pass. Oregon. Feb. 14. A; D.. Ul., . The sngel of death has again ea- tered our portals and taken from nri one tf our loyal soldier boys, ' Fred j J. liovelace, and transferred htm to the realms eternsl. I Golden Rule Lodge No. 78 gladly offers her testimonial to- his true! worth ss a man, his faithfulness ss t an Odd Fellow, and hla conatanev as I a friend, and psys tribute to his noble memory by plsclng a golden stsr upon our order sen-Ice flag, and pledging ourselves to support the patriotic necessities of the - nstlon which he went forth to serve, snd . WHEREAS, he loved his horn, his lodge snd his country with a con secrsted devotion, snd wss willing to Isy down his life In support of his convictions, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED: That whlleJ we ss members of Golden Rule Lodge No. 78 mourn his loss ss sn Ideal Odd Fellow and patriot, yet we bow In humble submission to our God and our country in the making of this great sacrifice. . Thst we ex tend to his beresved family the .fra ternal hsnd snd heart of Oddfellow-) ship In this ssd hour, drape ,ouri charter In mourning, and spresd this testimonial of love upon ourj records, and j BB IT FURTHER RESOLVED: J That a copy t hereof be sent to the' psrenCs of our soldier, boy and a! copy be furnished to the Pacific Odd fellow and local press. , ' T. T. DEAN: . L. C. HUNTLEY, ' " 'ROBERT SEX AUER. Committee. Attest: T. T. DEAN." Secretary. Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money ; ENSILAGE MEEo;rio;iniCo:.OT . M08-J - 623 G STREET. GRANTS PASS. OREGON Osneral Custsr's War Horses. Frog Town wss one of General Cus ter's war horse. He waa the finest specimen of the thoroughbred I ever saw, standing 16 bauds, well balanced snd of excellent proportions, writes a correspondent of the Washington Post, la motion be was superb, s perfect model for the sculptor's srt. Ths fa vorite war horse of General Custr on the plains was s brown horse called Dsndy. He wss 15ft hands) a com pact, muscular horse, flue head snd neck. He marched In the ranks of Custer's little srmy of daring troopers on June 25, 187, n gainst the confed erated Sioux tribes, that terrible dsy of the massacre of Cuxter sad his men, In the Valley of Little Big Horn, and wss shot through tlie shoulder. He lived, however, to return to Fort Lin coln, whence, after a part lit I recovery, he was sent to Ueneral Custer's fsther at Monroe, Mich. . Weuld Hav Only "isassirt Memory. "1 never," a wife told me, Margaret E. Sangster write In 'the Chrtstlas Herald, "ssy sa untleaseat thing t my hnahaud when h I leaving for work In the morning. If he's done something Inconsiderate thst has an noyed ue, I forget It If there Is say little worry te confide la him. I keep It for anothsr time. Life, It seems te m, la, very Involved la the etty, very ancertaln. Ther ar so msny tracks and cars oa the street, so many acci dents every dsy thst I would hate t think thst my busbssd. tu the midst of all the hurry and worry, carried an unplessant picture of me a picture that I had t-reuleil! I would hate to think, If snythiug did happen, that my face, when he saw It for the last time, hsd a frown on It Ttast's why I smile at htm alwsys when I say good-by In the morning and let nothing bat lev shin out of my eyes I" Trip to Ocean Wll Worth While. The United Stntes of America has l.ttlKI miles of seaennst, and. as one half of the popnlntion lives In the At Innttc, Piiclflc nnd Gulf states, there miiMt be .'lO.Otln.ono people who hnvc the sen within comparatively ensy rencli. There are, to be sure, millions of people who are so fur removed from the const Hint tlie sen Is to them ut most n myth, but It Is snfe to sny Unit there lire not a thousand piplv wlili!t our liouiiilnrlcs who would not see tic oceim If they tollltl. IVrlu'ips there are lininy who will never hnvc tlivlr eyes Ktmlileucd with the sight, but the present great fnclllllos of riillro:ii1 travel nre lessening the number of tin fnrtunntes every year. WATT V V -flTTAaU a no And let us show you our new line of OVERLANDS Due to arrive early next week Prices ,to fit every pocket book Fashion Garage and Machine Shops J. F. BURKE