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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
DAILY mOQVm BIYBH COURIER fiuoay, fkiuuary 1.1, lam. r-Billie Biirke xJk "- BUM BUIIs lofa P PEK52W1L Miss Anna McCornilck went ro Medford this morning. , W. B. Damn went to Glendal this morning for a short stay. Frank C. Bramwell went to Port land last Bight to attend a meeting of the hankers' association. B. 8. Taatch returned to Klamath Fails today, after spending a day In the city with relatives here. ' Ben Sheldon stopped off here for a abort time Thursday night an route from Med ford to Minneapolis. Mrs, Wm. Borgman went to Placer last night and on Saturday will go - to Monmouth to visit her mother. ' Mrs. C. L. Hobart returned this morning from Portland and other points where she has spent the past month. Mtts-Aaaa Calvert went to Eu gen this morning to attend an Ini tiation of the sorority to which she belongs,' ' Mrs. R. E. Stephenson returned to Ban Francisco last night after spend ing several months with her mother, Mrs. H.'L. Robertson, near Merlin. Mrs. Robertson 1s spending a few dayi In this city. . ' J. K. McWIIliams, formerly with the Metropolitan (Life, has accepted a position with the Cadillac Oil com pany of Pendleton, and leaves for that city tomorrow. C. H. Ernst will take charge of the Metropolitan Life bualness here. . , ..- U. A. Oriffln came up from Santa Cms this morning on . business for a few days. He will then return to Santa i Cruz, where he and Mrs. Orlflln bsve been spending the win ter. They will return to Grants Pass by automobile when the roads are open. Trying Divorce - Judge Calkins and Court Report er Davis are here today on account of the divorce trial, Gertrude Blrum vs. Chas. Blrum. Attorney Nellie Dickey of Ashland represents the plaintiff and O. 8. Bleacbard the- de fendant. , Basket Social On Friday evening, February 22, the Knights and Ladles of Security will give a basket social at the W. O. W. hall. All ladle are requested to bring a basket and compete for a price for the prettiest design. They re also asked to Invite friends. In strumental music and patriotic songs by a quartet. Committee. 88 BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 11A.M. "Reuben Water A Hwmon You 7:30 P. "He Liked the Sermon, But" M)OI) Ml'HIO tiOOl) FKLMWMHIP L. MYRON BOOKER, Minister The People PnwU; BIJOU Friday and Sat. "The . Mysterious Miss Terry" Hy 4 IXmted hy J. Srarie Oawley Prices I Or Had 'J V OKT THK HABIT i2B LOCAL : lmk on Ihitjr . .M. H. Durbtn. I'. 3. N., returned to San Diego laat night after spending a week' furlough with his parents In this city. Mr. Durbln eiperts to be on shipboard soon. More Man om M. K. Fla Two more atars were added to the service flag for Newman M. E. church for J. - Lester Cob urn and Uoyd D. Johnston, making SS stars In all. Aaseat In Krai Word waa received yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. C G. Anient that their son. Dana. Company A. 28rd engi neers, had arrived safely in France. ItaxkM ItsUI Tomorrow Ashland va. Uranis Pass high schools, at Junior High building. A good game la expected. . Admission 25 cents. SS Aaaonm-ement Premature . The announcement of Chub Har vey's safe arrival In France was published a (aw days ahead of time. Ho has been on the water for several days and haa probably arrived by now, but definite word has not yet been received. Huxton to Speak S. B. Huston, state senstor from Multnomah county and prominent lawyer of Portland, will be the speaker at the Chamber of Com merce' luncheon Monday noon. Mr. Huston Is candidate for the repub lican nomination for United States senator. Under Get Four Htocks . Three good stocks of merchandise in neighboring towns were purchased outright laat week, by H. O. Enders k Sons of Ashland and are being consolidated In various departments of their big store here. They were the 5-1 0-1 5c store at Grants. Pass, the general merchandise store of Pe terson A Miller at Gold Hill and the Talent - Hardware Store at Talent, later In the week Mr. Enders took over Kohagen's 5-10-1 5c store, which haa been operated in his building for some time, and It will be run henceforth as one of the reg ular departments, with a largely In creased stock and a range of price from 5 to 25 cents. Ashlsnd Re cord. at the Courses" Won't Forget it. I-Ye MithnttlM Chuivh The , quarterly meeting of the Free Methodist church Mill tskr place from February IS. tonight, lo February IT, Rev.' D. IV Dodge, dis trict elder, presiding. C. E. filmier, pantor. ' . (inllre Ml no tHvitt The (lold liar Mine, on Hogue river. 1 S mile below Oatti-e, was recently sold to Hayes Temple, Oust Fisher and Alfred Eubanke, all of Seattle, who have been operating the property for the past two weeks. The equipment consists of three giants and a steam ahovel. Mr. Kubanka 4s now In Seattle on business, and Messrs. Temple and Fisher were In the- city today. Kerhy It. t llMtefll Kerhy came to the fore In Had Cross work last night when patrio tic meeting and supper was held. The program was held In the Metho dist church, with Rev. Melville T. Wire, of this city, giving the prln eiial address. In conclusion Mr. Wire explained the work of the Juu ior Red Crosa as an auxiliary to Jo sephine chapter, later the company repaired to the I. 0. O. F. hall for a splendid supper which was Riven for the benefit of the Red Cross. This meeting had one of the largest crowds ever known for a gathering of Its kind In Kerby. ill RED CROSS llrl IVt WKtW Uy V. W. II. Only three days of the ' Junior membership haa passed but the num ber of schools reported are 15, of which Are are In the city. Schools reported today all having signed the Junior feed Cross pledge are as fol lows: Central school of Selma, dis trict 43, K. A. Humpton, teacher; Pleasant Valley, district 35. Miss Maud Bradford, teacher; Provolt. district 8. Mlsa Florence lluell. teach er: lieland, district 34, Mrs. R. F. Mustek, teacher. While excellent work of organtt Ing haa been accomplished thus far. It la urged hy the chairman of the chapter school committee. Mrs. W. W. anby, that schools aa soon as all are algned. send their report at one so It rsn be reported to head quarters at Seattle. Thla Is quite necessary as reports are requested by telegrsph In order to check ap each day's, progress In the Junior Red Cross drive. , ., HANK ( LKARA-'tT.S SHOW PROSPERITY IX ORKGOX Portland. Feb. 15 Portland bank clearing continue to gain from week to week, and In comparison with statements of 1117. show most re markable business and Industrial de velopment. . For the week ending to day clearings total f 18.548.9 45.96, compared with 112,709.389.81 . for the same week In .1917.' Balances due from other, banks for the week ending today total $3,034,428.72. compared with $1,182,758.82 one year ago. ' PROVOIr ITKMH last Saturday evening a meeting of the Farmer Club was held at the school house, A short program was given by the menvbersi and. an old fashioned spelling-bee was held, which 'made us remember how much we have forgotten, later a Hoover lunch was served. February 1 a Junior Red Cross so ciety was formed by the school chil dren with their teacher, Florence Buell as chairman. Twenty-eight members, or 100 per cent of the school, are enrolled and ' meetings are held every Friday afternoon, The children are Very enthusiastic over the work. , i A contest Is on In the school at present, each child endeavoring to purchase the highest number of thrift stamps. Interest' li high and rOMIXG EVENT Feb. 19, Tuesday. "The New Minister," musical entertainment, M. B. church. NEW TOD4Y (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 worda, two Issues, 25c; tig Issues, 50c; one month. $1.69. when paid in adVanee. When not paid In advance. c per line per Issue.) I.08T Month ago, child's rubber lined raincoat, olive drab, buttons and buttonholes on either side, age four years. - Child needs coat badly. Please leave with No. 2,19 Courier. Reward. 8C AMERICAN COOKS IUmUmi.IUwi I A meal substitute) i cups cooked beans. Vi cup grated rh. Ilread crumb. 1 egg. Salt, pepper, and a little sage and onion. If desired. , Cook beans In usual manner ilh salt. When done, mush 'hem up and add vheese, beaten egg, and euough bread vrumlia tu make Into a roll. , Hake lu oven bastlug ov a- slonally with fat and water. Serve with tomato sauce. Itrown bean are especially good In this roast. Tomato Sauce) 1 cup tomato pulp aud Juice (pressed through sieve). 1 tablesiHion flour. 1 tablespoon butter. I teaspoon salt. lat butter melt In pan. stir In flour, and then add the tomato. Cook until thick. A little onion Juice gives this a better flavor. Peanut aad Iteaa IaT I cup shelled peanuta , I roasted and ground). t cup beana (cooked In ordinary manner). ,. 1 run toasted bread crumbs. tablespoon butter or drippings. I tablespoon salt. 3 tablespoons catsup, or chopped onions. H cup milk (more or less as needed). Add the Ingredient ss given, us ing enough milk to form the mix ture Into loaf. Put In pan and cook In slow oven one hour. -" 'Ptitato Rpnag Cake 4 egg yolk. K cup gugar. v H tablespoon lemon Juice. 4 teaspoon salt. 4 t whites. . cup potato flour. I teaspoon baking powder. Best egg yolk until thick, add sugar gradually then add beaten whiten: sift ail dry Ingredients to gether and fold la lightly. Bake 20 mnutea In moderate oven. Oat meal Me Owe . The following recipe for a moat excellent pie crust I offered and recommended by the food adminis tration. A trial Is urged upon all housewives: 1 ru prul rolled oats. H lb. vegetable fat. H cupful floor. . Vs teaspoonful salt. Icewater to make stiff dough. . Mix and sift oats, flour, salt and baking powder; rub In vegetable fat. add Just enough wlter to mske the dough hold together; roll lightly. Cut with large , round cutter, . shape over Inverted muffin tins without Stretching. Bake In moderate oven 20 minutes or until light brown. Fill with any fresh or stewed or canned fruit. Put on a meringue and brown In oven. ILLINOIS VALLEY the demand for candy is very low. . Miss Emma Leonard died at Port land on February 3. MWisTleonard was a former resident of the val ley, aha being.a daughter of William Leonard, who resided near Holland a few years ago. . A new ball Is being. built at Ta kllma to take the place of the one recently destroyed by fire. A surprise party was given In hon or of Miss Thelma Wilson on Fri day night, 32 'persons being present. Mrs. Dora Zimmerman was called to Medford by the death nf her brother-in-law last week. A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Tenter of Holland a few days ago. Will Hervey, of Camp Kearney, Is visiting home folks for two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. WImer motor ed to Medford on Monday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lichen on February 13. POIJSH CABINET HAS Sl'BMrTTED RKHIONATION Zurich, Feb. 15. Resignation or the Polish cabinet because of dlssat Isf action with the terms or the separ ate peace between Ukraine and the central powers was officially an nounced In Warsaw dispatches today. Rearrangement of the Ukrainan boundaries gave the new republic n! large slice of territory generally re.j garded as Polish. Resignation ofj the Polish ministry probsbly was the result of this. Our Shoes Look Well and Wear Better IH.UK i KAUTH I AN Vol' M IIKTTKH THAN THIS? HX LINK, Il'-Tts-DATK, t1MFlltT.tlll: l.HTI(l MHOKM FOR MF.N, W. UMTI.Y MADE HY THK WOULD' MOrVr, K.M'F.IIT WOllkMKS. WAI.K-OVKU OH FMUMHK1I. HKK Ot lt KPKI'IAI. WOltK-NIIOK FOR MKX AT , , v : ' . I-' i VK VATHU:itV MAX l t1MMl XITY TO HKK Ol It OH HHOF.S. PEERLESS CLdTlilMrj CO. 1 Caih AX APPRKOIATIOX 1 take this means of expressing thanks 'to all for thteir klndnesa to my half-brother, Kdwlu W. Turner. at the time of his sickness, and es pecially to the Chas. and Tom Hbat liick ' famllle with loin he made his home and the I. O. O. F. for their klndnesa at the time of the funeral. HORACE W. Hl'LHKRT. 41TY TltKAHl IlKlfM N'OTH K There are funds In the city treas ury to redeem JI warrants drawn on the- general fond numbered No. 13.275 to 13.892 Inclusive IntesMt will 'cease after Februsry 18th.. 1918. Dated at Grants Psss. Oregon, February 15th. 19(8. 0. P. JESTER, I Cltr Treasurer. BRfTIHH HHIP FOt NDKK.H, , TEN MKM ARK LOeJT New York. Feb. 13. Ten men from the Hrltleh steamer Miguel Delsrrlnga perished In ' mld-ot-ean when that vessel foundered. She carried a cargo of grain for France. A British warship rescued 27 men. Marvelous Foal f lalmen. Leaving the salt water uf the ocean fur the fresh-water streams on the Pa clflc roast the salmon quickly changes color from silver to blood red. la agreement with this metamorphosis the flsh also grsduslly loses the nrmneaa of Its flesh. A slow but steady de terioration sets In. When the appoint ed time has come to move to Its select ed place, the flsh ma In with a big tide that goes fsr tip the chosen, stream. And In reu hlng the desired grounds In fresh water far from the sea, the salmon perform almost un believable ferns. It will Jump small waterfalls, swimming up greater ones to the height of IS feet. This feat, eemlagly contrary lo natural lawa. the snlninii perforins. Choosing a polm win-re a fnll of the wster la heaviest. It rushes up It with all lu swimming power. tHAl'FFIcrit HHOT BY CRABTREK POHTMIHTRKHN Lebanon, Feb. IS. Bert Bilyeu, a chauffeur, was shot In the leg today by Mrs. Parr, the postmistress at Crabtree, because she objected to his parking his machine In front or her home. JOY Friday and Sat A Story of love Paradise A ft-act Metro WondorpUjr nf romance und the great out doors Htarrlng Evaryih,ly' Favorite Harold Lockwood (XMK1)Y ".Vtrs. $4.50 to $10 $3.85 IIIK I.HF. -V I ' Clothiers IfYouWaiat i DRY WOOD! I Now Have It I have dry wood eider surer. Chetcewl Dry Hoa Dry aad Haaj Dry PARSONS' WOOD YARD V rfcoa aVR, or Ml . '. ' TKe Very Best of All the year round Wll.l, II H FOlMl AT City Market 40JI U MTRF.KT PHONE AH SENATOR WKKKH ( HAKfiKM I'ltKMIItK.VT I'HKD POIJTK H Washington, Feb. IS. Senator Weeks, republican, charges the pres ident with deliberately Injecting politics into the controversy over war efficiency and vigorously criti cises the war department and other branches of the government. Awakened Is Garden" Madam Mannm" Meals