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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
T 4 fiuday, mutt aiiy is, itm. n.tar itoane mnm ooirieb PACE TKX3 Second-Hand Ford 1914 OU:iml I.KK OVKItHI.K PIHTOH LKAK MUM IK MSM i M U TIIUX HIMM-K AHHOIlllKIW HHIT I.KiHT $265 , C. L HOBART CO. EVERY OTiil-.T FIILO KILLED a Phssnla Pionitr Could D Net. Ing Its Than 61 Up PsInUr and Oscerater. Phil BntMlgrasa. i former resident, U flailing Pboenli and refreshing the memories of the few old Itinera wb rentBja. th Arlson Republican stalea. Most of them hurt forgotten the um and even lb eilsteace of mid? of Ihe restdenta of mora this a genera Uo ago, Mr. Snodfraaa recalls them all and asa asked about them. Ho r mrmbers laadmarki (hit long alac have disappeared and wer forgotten br thos who bad become familiar with the building ibat bad labaa) their places, , Tb coming of Mr. Snodgraas baa revived many larldents connected with the lives of lb old-timers. H. R. rat rick, of course, wss bar thea, havtag completed the floatation of lb Oraad ranyoo. Having nothing rlw to do. bf waa awaiting tb alt of Phoenix for rtvtlliatlon to roma and pre empt It. Mr. Pali-Irk wia then, a now, a civil engineer. Ilia leveling rod bad sees rough time and oeeded paint ing. Aboat that llroa P. C. Hlrhneil appeared on the scene and advertised himself a a decorative Pointer. He ' undertook to paint the rod. When Mr. Patrlrk received It bark b bad a lev Hag rod nollk any. other la exist ence. He felt aura that that waa the rat one lllrkoell had aver see. Though Mr. Patrlrk had paid fl for the decoration, be mala no complaint, but repainted It himself after a fash Ion, ao It would do. Tear afterward Patrlrk and Bleb nell met In a saloon In Wlrkenhurg and In talking over old tlmea both bo eame quite frank and nutspoken. "You remember," asked Patrick, ''that leveling rod ynu painted for met" Hlrkorll remembered It very v. ell, "Well." eald Patrick, "what In th ilrvll Imluced you to hold yourself out , to the public as a pulntert Why didn't ynu advertise aa a minister of the gimpcl or the rtar of Russia f Til tell you." replied Illcknell. 1 wa broke. I had Just landed In town on the tall of a freight wagon, without a penny. I had to do something. I went up and down the street and aaw the sign of tilncksinltbs, carpenters, doctors, lawyer and about everything else. All profession and trade seemed to he represented except that of painting and decorating and I claimed that vacant Held by light of dlacovery. So I aturk out a hlngle, though I had never hefore held a paint bniNh In my hand. The omameuta tlon of that leveling rod wa th Aral ' Job I got," American Prevee Orlt When an American la told that any thing la ImpoMlbl hla Impukae la to try to do It without delay. For thl reaann no one will be aatonlahed, though everyone will be Interested, In ..the atory of a member of the Ameri can Aviation corp In France who wa dlarlpllned, by having hla machine ta '. ken away from him temporarily be ; can he had ued It la looping th CHICHESTER S PILLS lAliOND llttANO rlLI.K.ia SOLD BY DRUGGISTS VLRYMRfc (ul people make it a habit to read our clas sified ads Do you ) These ads. are mon ey savers and ' money makers. Keep your eyes on them. kl-Ma-lrr-l IM. I BrwA Kill in N.4 UaM MilliAVV Ik... MMed wlk Rlat HUM. V Ttfce Ikcr. nt if imi L 11 b -Z aval loop dangeroua evolutloo, oa coant of Ita prll forbidden to b at tempted la thla machlaa. While, -wall up la tbo bio," tha aviator bad atari ed to perform tbo feat aad mad Ira graceful loop la daareodlng to tho ground, His. comroandlsg officer elee ed kla raprlmaad by asking, "Why did yoa do It r and tb aviator replied, "A Frenchman told m It could not b doae." It wat let oanatural that tbla explanation mad a favorable Impres aloa oa tba officer, aad that bo related It with sdmlratioa la proof of th floa plrtt of lb fellows tbo Ualtad States la aendlng across tba Atlantic to hold up Unci Ssm's and of tbo world war. Milwaukee Wleconsta. Oueeta Muat Provldo Iraad Caroa, la tarh aorely preaaed aeatral coun rte aa Swedea tba war kaa roanlted n rich aad poor alike being tubjoct id to many reetiirtlooa heretofore aa known. Aa llluatratloa of thla - aot without Ita bunioroua aapect la fouad 'i a XwertUh wedding Invitation re intly received In thla country by i lend of the bride and bridegroom. The latter were member of two .ralthy famUle In Stockholm, aad ,be liandwMiiely engraved . nilaalve In cluded an Invltatloa to a lianquet at one of the fluent hotel la the Kwetllah capital. It wa In a notation at the liottom page that the hand of war uanlfeaied Itaelf, Ih theea word: 'I'leaae bring your bread card." Thl iieanl that well-to-do boeta at wad ling could Dot provide their guet Uk bread etrept lu restricted mount and la Ih manner prescribed , r law. Popular' Mej-haulra Magaalne. cuehed Zepaelln Under Read Heller. When the French began to lake 10 icce the akeletoa of the gigantic Zep "lln that fell on the bill near the .itika of the Buecb they found It an iinoat Ineitticablo tangle of metal. ,'ie way they went to work wat moat leniou. i At the "iirtentlon of M. DurTinil. naval eiiglneer, they cut the rarcaa ,mrt with oir-acetylrnc torchei: the piece of framework were carried by men to a ni hrtiv mad, where a heavy vteam road roller vtm aent over them 'o cru'li'llicin flat. . Thu the bulk wa luced by four-fifth, and the, metal 'Mot aliiinlnnin wa rnrted away ' (he foundry. Uncomplimentary Allutlen !.ooklng at the writing on thnr ft .- you hHve Juxt nddrt'imcd nml pont- : remind me that you have on aaaet kler hmg nhout" "What I thntr -A mailed Oat." Petregrad Win Cellar. The tniierlal wine cellar under neath the winter pnlace at I'etrograd have beeti tacked, and nothing remiilna of what waa the Uirgcat and flneat col lection In the world of the bet wine of the -holcet grow th of the moat fa mous yeara. A great deal had been quietly tolPD during the last six months by enterprMng patriot, and In the end the soldiers on guard obtnlned possession of the cellars, and were Joined by a huge mob recruited from the dreg of the populace. Tens of thousand of bottles were destroyed, and the floor of the Immense cellar were knee-deep In liquor, the end of the orgiea being that muddy water from the Nava wa pumped Into the cellar, after which the mixture of wine and water waa pumped back Into the river. Thousands of bottlea were fired upon to fucilltate the destruction. Numbers of the rioter are reported, to have been drnwucd, as they were ly ing dead drunk on the floors of th cellar In heap. How 8ucr Ccrm t i.f'N. Mlltl's Him! Ii! IlV. I ' the result of the.evoIuiWli i T U.i; 'i.n tlve system. Our n uiu r m-tMor In the Ktiropeim forests of the lee tm-. were nbU to illKest .cvllH'iiHe. uixl gpt the Kupir out of It, aa n gout or a.vmuul does now. The organ which did till work wr.s tho1' vermiform Hp'mNx. Later, man beenn to get enouuli sugar by converting the sturch In criilns and fruit. Then he discovered the process of cooking, which make this conver sion of (lurches . Into sngnr much easier, and even. In. aome cusea per forin the conversion. When sugar wn discovered, It was at Drat regnrded as a curiosity, then served ns a luxury, and finally became the necessity which It now Ih, as men's stomachs' become accustomed to Us use. It Is, then, u,, pnrtlully digested food, and a highly concentrated form of energy. The siigiir-entlng man hn survived because he took a great burden off his digestive truct and thereby had more energy for other work. Uunc uuin baa become a confirmed sugur eater. NOT ALL II1S FAULT Incident Shows Peril, of. Lonell nesi in Big City. When Vsunostsr laally Ltd Aatray Hemt Polka Palled to Keep In ( Teuth With Him Whele Ser men In Judge Comment aireet tall In Tba avardea of New Tork city aat at hi deak buall) working oa tome record when there walked Into the office Ltavld Baacoui from a Utile rural commuBlty tucked wy la th fsr bill of Vermont He waa a pathetic, wliened figure ss be atood there In agoay aad eubarra ment twirling hi bat and waiting for the warden to look up. There waa heart hunger la hi rye that smote tb man at th deak with pity, "la Joseph II acorn a a prisoner herr b Anally stammered. II could hardly bring bla tongue to aay the word. Tea," aald the warden promptly. "W had a young maa by that name brought la night before last for bar gtary. Htruvk me as th wroog kind of fellow to b la that business; too In nocent looking nd too dralgtitfor ward appearing. Are you bla fatherT Yea," aald the old man aa be dropped' wearily Into th proffered rbalr. "I don't see how be ever came to do ttuy sort of thing. It Isn't c- rordla to bla brlngln' up. M and bis mother never had no education to speak of, but we wa always honest, ind brought the children up strict like. He's hevli la New' York less'u sis months." ' "Walt a minute aud I'll rail him In and see what he has to any for him self," said Hie warden s he touched a tuition mi the desk. In a few moment a rlrsn. oHn faced yoimg fellow waa brought la by a guard, and one of those agonising scenes that only Jails behold ensned. .When the first shock of the -nit-wlu wit over the warden said to the yonng maa: - "Now tell your father and me how yon got Into thla sctsm. Nothing you "r will he ned against yyi at your Irliil." "When I first came lo New York," the young limn Itegsn, "everything went all right. I got a Job and found a good boarding house. I didn't feel homesick at llrt, because I ws mi In terested In my work through ihe day. and at night It wa Interesting to git out and see the sights. Hut after I got used lo my Job and hud seen nmsi of the sights I had more time to think, and. to get homesick and lonesome. The folks at home didn't write, and I didn't know anyone here. I used to sit In my room evenings and picture Ihe toma toes rienlng on the. window sills ut home, and I could aee my mother mov ing about the yard In the sunshine and dad plowing In the back forty. I could almost smell the apples In the orchnrd anil hear the dry corn leaves rustling, and It all made me so sick and lonesome I Just fid to go out and walk the streets, That was the way I ran into the gang I was-l caught with, I guess they used me as a tool. Anyhow, I got caught at the first attempt" w'. ' "That sounds straight, and If I'm any Judge ' of lace I guess It 1 stralifht," aald the warden. "1 want f ynu to get your atory before the Judge through your attorney. Toor record ha bee'h clean till now, and I think It w ill make a difference In the sentence." The trial was held and the facts pre sented to the Judge, "Sentence bus pended," he announced at the close, with a gruffness of voice to hide his emotion. Then he added, looking at the father, "If I had my way I'd Im pose n Jnll sentence on parents who let their boys and girls come to this city and don't write them at least twice a week to let them know that aome one In the world cares for them and Is thinking of them. More young people go wrong la this city from lone sonienesa than we shall ever know. Tou should have had backbone ' to stand alone, young man. But as your parents sre partlcep crimlnl, and I can't sentence them, I'll suspend your sentence. Next case " Youth's Com paalon. Hoovtrlxtd Country Breakfast Excerpt from the Hooverlsed fool experience of the man who edits the "Missouri Notes" column In the Kan su City Times; "The friends who entertained us warned us that they were living very frugally snd proved the assertion at every meal. For example, for break- fnst one morning we had nothing but i cereal and real cream, home-made ' sausage, fried potato cakes, stewed ! fruit, hot biscuit, two kinds of pre-! serves and coffee. Th menu for the next morning, as announced, the night i before, was nothing but waffles, snd that's nil they had, with the exception of bacon and eggs snd a few little side dishes. We horrified our hostess that morning by eating only 29 woffles. Our allotment wn 87, and she said It we unpatriotic not to clean the platter." ' Dispenser of Mapplnass. If there Is happiness In contributing to the happiness of others, the letter carrier ought to be one of the happiest men on earth. Washington Star. Job work at the Courier. iS T U M E Z E Wop Indlgratlon f Twenty-rlv Veer Mtandlng . J. K. Heodershot, M. O., of Klm dale, Montana, gaduatad lal4, aya: "I hava had Indlgaatlon for , twenty-flva yeara, alao pile bav troubled ma for tha pat tbroo yoara. jYonr HTUMKZB baa atopped It all." BTl'UL-qtf . U - , . i, I..., iir.iw, nw fleeter rreecnpiion i mr raiairn ui ids aiomaca, lnaiaea 'tlon, dyapapila, gaae, . belching, nauaea, painful acid atomacha, baa :many friend and Indoraera among th medical profoaalon. There la la laKIIUL - VU . 1. mi . A 1 . j, i l u CLT. inai uirari ana imnieai- ato help that all atomacb anSerara need and appreciate. BTUMEZK la ifnr .... . ....' A h. . A.- glsU. Get a bottle today. II Well! GENIUS INSPIRED BY WAR John Maatflald, English Poet and Nov- I set, ( Fust of Spiritual Conceptions In Future. John Maseru-Id. ihe poet and novel ist, thinks that the devastating war In Europe by way of compensation will Inspire great Intellect such a flour ished after the Nsnoleonlc struggle: "We shall bave,iicw Darwlna, Spen cers and Cerlyles with new messagea that will reach Ihe whole world. W ahall have new Kyclleya In poetry. Peo ple will feast, upon new spiritual con ceptions aa remote aa possible from the great tragedy. They will turn to th romantic and fantastic, the beauti ful. Just as they did after th Napo leonic war." That is a consummation devoutly to be wished. (Vrtslnly In the present dearth of genius U gratifying to be lieve that the world turn a new Shelley and a new Hyron In the cradle, born at the outbreak of the war a they were born at the outbreak of Ihe French revolution. Perhaps there are other Darwlna and 8Hncer and Carlylea to come. Rut considering that the "First Principle" was published In 162. "So ciology" In 1872 and tb "Descent of Man" In 1871, did the Crimean war and our own Civil war have any part la In spiration? fthall we Infer that the war between the tte stlmnlsted, mid-Victorian literature while doing little to Inspire American letter Exchange. Sunken Treasure. There la aome consolation for Cap tain Kldd. after all. The present gen eration la about to revive the pmfes alon of searching for Ihe treasure ships of the sess on a scale which. If he could know It. would stir the keenest Interest. True, this age I not for men of his kind, lie has been shamefully outdone In piracy, and now he will be nut-captnlned In the salvage of burled treasure by reusnn of the stupendous plnns which are being made for raining ships sunk by Cermiin submarine. At the end of the war charts and airnhlp will. It Is plnnned, locate the wrecks within Ihe wnr sone. Cool will be sucked out of flooded holds by pipes, aa vacnnm cleaners druunp dii-t. Metal forgoes and steel platen will be recovered by magnet, acting In comhl home-jnatlon with powerful blasts of air. The romance of hunting lor Ihe gold of the Spanish galleons will ho nothing to the romance of salvaging this the greatest fleet ever sent to the bottom. Is It possible that we may cross the Atlantic on the Lusltanla once more Chrlstlsn Science Monitor. Be Explicit Many a salesman loses a sale be cause he expects to be understood. A salesman must not expect nnythlng ; he should be explicit if be don't want to be disappointed. Pi ft Try It! A medicine which hs given satisfaction to its users lor over 40 years, as Cardui has, must be a good medicine. It you suffer from female troubles, and need a reli able, strengthening tonic, of real medicinal -alue, at proven by the experi ence of thousands of women users, TAKE ya BTySJ 1 il Woman's Tonic Mrs. C S. BuddL' of Covins, Calif., in writing of her experience with Cardui, savs: "I took a bottle at liyeareold, and II cured my headaches. I have taken it since mar-, rlage, and received much l-.clp from it. Cardui is the best medicine I ever took .'. . It was the only medicine . . . that helped my back... "Try Cardui. AH Druggists EBll - - Classified 0. C. GRANT-LANDS Bla print plats showlag lands la Josephla county, Address A. VoorhlM, Oralis Pass. tf D KALE KB la horses, male, ' cattle, wagons, hacks, boggles, harness aad saddles. Ws hare a vsrlsty of all kinds at all Unas. If you hav anything to sell or exchange, or If yoa want to bay, corns sad see ns. W U1 treat yoa right All oar livestock is pat out under cuarantoo. Red Front Feed and Bala Stabla, Cornor Sixth aad K streets. Tlmmoni, Prop. Phone IIJ-J. Htf FOR SALE Oood modern house, close In, north aide. laqdlrt No. ZI2, ears Courier. JU PIANOS, lw and second-hand for rant or sale oa ssay monthly pay ments; first year's rent to apply on purchase price. Rowell's Music snd Photo House. SI I HAVE FOR 8ALE or trad all klnda of work, driving and ssddls horses, wagons, buggies, harness and saddles, or will boy yours. Coma and see me st Brownls Hampton's Feed sad' SaJ Stable, phone j2-R. Roy Hlgglns, owner. Also on 4-room house for sal cheap or to trade. ' 17 FOR 8AI-E CHEAP Eighty acres In the Applcgatc valley. New Hope school district ' About 21 seres under the Murphy Irrigation ditch, 144 shares of wstsr goes with the Isnd. This land will be sold chesp for essh. Why rent?. The federal government will loan you . half the money a long time at low Interest. Address E. M. Austin, Route B Box 62, Modesto, .Cal. IS FOR SALE Recleaaed seed whest; Little Club, 12.16- Jenkins Club, 12.25; Washington Hybrid No. . 143, $2.30; Marquis, $2.10; also Beardless Barley, White OaU, Al falfa Seed and all Grasses snd Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen ' tral Point. tf FOR RKXT OR 8 ALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during the whole season. 4 Inquire Jo. Feti ner, 755 North Eighth street. ' tf 1TRE BRED Rhode Inland Red set- t ting eggs, $1 for 15, on ssle st The Rochdale. 06 FOR SALE Horse, light hack and harness In good condition, slso , one Petalnma Imnbator 216 egg size. Inquire 1114 Pine street, city. 87 QUALITY WHITE LEGHORNS Hatching eggs snd baby chicks tne Kina mat my ana pay dook your order early now. K. Him- merbacher. Phone 606-F-23. R. F. D. No. 2. 07 FOR SALE First class alfalfa hay. loose In barn. Phone' 603-F-2S. P. Slattery. ,85 Tt RENT TREMONT ROOMS . Now nnder managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 eleaa ' rooms at 15c ' and 50c; special rates by weak or month; alao light housekeep ing rooms. Would like yoar pat- ronag. . 40tf FURNISHED, ROOMS Large, com- fortable and conriently located. 411 C street. 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates.' 37tf COMPLETELY FVRNISHED six .' room bungalow for rent, garage, piano, lawn, flowers. Close in. Will make beautiful home. Phone 269-R. 83tf FOR RENT Modern, five-room cot tage at corner Second and C . streets.' Gas, water and electric lights. Low rent. N. E. Towns end, 621 A Street., 89 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectiveDecember 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday J Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1 : 00 p. m Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. AJl trains leave Grants Pass from i he corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite tge Southern Pacific depot. For a!' --! regarding freight and passenger service call at the office ot the company, Lundburg building, or phone 111 tor same. MvwMm PHYSICIANS U O. CLEMINT." it D. lrsa limited to disss of th eya, eel, bom aad throat 0 lasses fitta. aos and throat. Class fitted. Office hoars 1-1 1, J-1, or oa aa pointmsnt Office phoae, II1, rJ . deaea phoae lll-J. . LOl'OMRIDOE. ii. 0.. Pbystclaa aad aurgeoa. City or country call attsnded day er, tight, laaidaaei phone '; office phone 111 Sixth snd H. Toffs Building. A. A. WITH Ail, II. D., PhyalsUa aa4 surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., eorasr Sixth aad I street. Phones: OS See. Ill; residence, 2 IS-J. Heart. I a. m. to 4 p. as. DR. J. O. N1BLET Phyatatea aad sorgeon. Lundbsr; B sliding. Surgeon tltaa-Idaho Sugar Oa. Health Offleee. Offloer hoijrs, ta 12 a. m. 1 to t p. m. Pboobi lll-J. ltd DEXTISTS B. C. MACT, D. U. D. Flrst-ctaos dentistry. 101 V Sooth Btxxa street. Grant Pass, Oregon. ATTOK2TETS H. D. Nortoa. Attoraay-at-law. Practice in all Stat and Federal Courts. First Nstloaal Bank Bldg. COLVIO ft WILLIAMS Attorasva at-Lsw Grants Peas Baaklag Oa. Bldg. Grants Paaa, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practise la all court. First Natloaal Baafc Building. ' DURHAM A RICHARD, Attonasys- at-Lar. Office Mason! Tempi, Grant Pass Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attors7-at-Larw County attorney for Tnispatai County. Office: 8chaUbora Bids. O. 8. B LAN CHARD. Attorney -a t-Law Golden Rule . Building. 270. 'Grants Psss, Oregon. BLANCHARD At BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block. 'Psoas 23S-J. Practice In all courts: land board attorneys. VETERINARY SCBOEOH DR. R. J. BESTUL. VeUriaarlaa. Office la Wtnetrout ImpIomaaS Bldg. Phone 112-J. Rasldeaas Phone 106-R. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. AH kinds of drsysg and transfer work carefully and promptly do. Phone 181-J. SUad at freigaS depot. A. Shad. Prop. F. O. ISHAM, drayag and traastac Safes, plsnos and. furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Psoas Clark and Holmaa, No. (0. dene phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; SO do W. Bunch Bros. Transfer C. Pheas IS7-R. MV'SlOAIi ISSTRUCTION J. S. MAGMTJRRAT, teaohar of tobos culture aad singing. Lamoas gtrta at horn of pupil tf requested. Ad dress 711 Lee 8t. SSltt PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL opea dally 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. . For Sunday sit tings call MU1 28S-R or resldsnce 140-J. 78tf TAXI SaBVICB WHITE LINE TAXi City and coun try . Popular prices. Call Grants Pass hotel, phone 398. Residence phone 328-J. W. G. White, Proa. Grants Pass, Oregon. SS TAXI Phone 508 for taxi. Aay- where, any time, Paramouat Cyclery. , IS WANTED WANTED To buy a second hsad iron wheel wagon four te six, Inch tires holding about 1,000 Mm. C. Shaeters, R. F. D. No. i. SStt WANTED Men for saw mills and logging camps. Mills and camps will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Oood condi tions. For full particulars writ " Weed' Lumber Company, Weed. Cal. 65tf WANTED Sawmill men and log gers. The logging operations at Hilt wUl start February 184. 1918, and the sawmill February 25th. We will have a place for ! nit nnp ilrt men anit miflT other. ' Working condition and wages equal to the best. Apply at the company office at Hilt or to th woods or sawmill superintendents. 88 WANTED Fresh milk cow. Must give not less than four or five gal lons of good rich milk per dar What have you? Call 612-F-ll or address J. W. Stringer, R. F. D. No. 4. . 85 1