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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
X. DAILY EDITION v "r. . -0, VOL. VII.? Xii. UNI. ""v oiurn fam,' jobkpiiink oocrnr. oiudoon. iuiav, fkjiuiaiiv is. ivm. v. WHOLK NI MIIKJI mi. 52 CHUN ARE BUIEO IN MONTREAL III IUI.U HVIIKI IIY TIUH'H" AM) I'KOPLK TOTALLY lKH TIUYFO It rrolc uiui anil Nursing HUlers Htrlve Valiantly to Have Hick, Wounded and Hrlideaa Children MontrMl, Feb. IS. From mini of the Qrey Nunnery, 14 mart chil dren's bodies have been recovered, nuking St known victim of the fire Montreal, Feb. U. The charred bodies of 41 children had been recov ered early (bit morning from the mini of the Orey Nunnery, whlcb wi destroyed by fir. It It feared rainy more had perlahed and search era believed the tool of death might roach 100. All Inmitoa of the great building. except the children, are believed to have escaped. They Include nuna. nuralng alatara. wounded or elck sol dlera from oversea; aged, alrk or crippled men and women to the num her of almoal a thouaand. When the fUnies. were, discovered in (be weat wing the,, alarm ws quickly given and all thoee able to help themaelvea fled to plarea of aafety. Tha herole nuna and nuralng sis ten strove valiantly to aave the ttrk and wounded, ea well aa the Infanta under their charge. Tha children were housed In the section of the building where the Are started and the flames' spread o quickly It was Impossible to . aave . them all. Nona of the aoldler infferfd In jury, however, although nearly, !00 of them were quartered In the build ing. Tha agea of the Inmatei of the nunnery ranged from two or three .days to almont a hundred year. Many of the Infanta who died In the Bra and amoka were only a few day or a few waeka old. Tha elderly Inmatea were houaed In another aectlon of tha nunnery. MAN IS KILLED AT FT. WORTH i .i Fort Worth, Tex., Feb. 15. Cap tain Vernon Castle, of the English Royal Flying corpa, wa killed thla morning, while flying 15 mllei went of Fort Worth. He made over 150 nighti over the German llnea and waa the hero of many axplolta on the Flandera' front, where ha aerved for nine month. He came here In Oc tober with 'Urd Wellealy. Caatla waa killed when trying to avoid a cadet. Ha awarved, loat control and fell. MANY LIVES LOST IING T . Zurich, Fab. 16. A crowded pas senger train from Stanlilau to Lea herg, Oallcta, caught fire laat Sat urday midnight, while between Jet uiiol and Wodnlkl. The train (top ped on a bridge over the Dniester and mapy panic-stricken passengers jumped Into the river and were drowned. Many other were burned to death and a large number were Injured. A fire Monday destroyed two Inrse warehouse at the eastern railroad station at Vienna. The bulldlnna were filled with puper, clothing, dried vegetables and potatoes, which ts a very severe losa at this time. CHILDfiEH'S WARD FIRST AflAM E I Flushing Tourtira of Hard Nurfarr Hrlng Flared on California Hide of Mlaklynu Untile Ashland, .Feb, 15. A large (one of men and teams have worked through tha whiter weather placing crushed stone on the grades of the rlisklyous on the California aide. The surface Is yet rough, but within a few weeks will be covered wllh crushed stone screenings, which will form aurfare very much Ilka con crete pavement In appearance and In durability. Thla aurfare la made solid and smooth by the una of a large gasoline engine road roller. Owing to tha had weather condi tions and the Isolated location, this hss been a difficult piece of work. but Superintendent M. J. Tilly has demonstrated his quallficatlona not only aa an engineer hut also aa a man who understand the handling of man. OFJtMAXM HAVK KF.YY CIAH FOR AMF.RICAX TIMHM'H Amsterdam, Feb. It. The Oer- man newspaper, apeaklng of the great offensive which they aay, Hln- denburg Is going to launch In the west, say that the army has a new poison gaa of aurpasslng effective ness "which la being reserved a a surprise for the Americans.'' cfahohhhip Lin ih pit OX AT CAMP LKWIH Camp Lewis,' Feb. IS, The cen sorship lid ha been clamped down tight here. .Newspaper correspon dents hereerter, will get all news from tha military cebaor, between 1 1 and IS o'clock dally. An Atlantic Port. Feb.lJ.A call for, help has been received from ' a steamer, which, report that she. hss been In a collision with another ship. . . ' 1 . . , An Atlantic Port. Feb. 15. An American passenger ship which left here yesterday for Cuba, hss just re turned with a large hoi above her starboard water line. She was In a collision with another vessel at mid night In a fog. The other vessel waa atruck In the bow, but Its fate la un known. The foregoing dispatches were re ceived from different ports. TAKES,; .... i t. YJ ENEMY ALIEN i Washington, Feb. 15. Immediate taking over of the plant, and business of the Schutte and Koerttng com pany, of 'Philadelphia, a big autoniu tlc, valve concern, wa , ordered, to night by the alien property , custo dian, wfth the announcement that a hearing had shown tha company to be owned entirely by German Inter ests In Germany. iThe plant, which had bean engaged on government contract for some time, turn out automatic ejectors and Injector boil er valves Installed upon nearly all ahlp. Common stock of tha company, It developed at a tearing here today, stood on tha books until 'March 9, 1917, In tha name of Ernest Koert tng, of Hanover, Germany, said to be a relative of,lmperor William. U waa then claimed to have been trans ferred to hla daughter, .Helena Fisch er, wife of Adalbert K. Fischer, who was Interned February 8 rs a dan gerous enemy. The plant Js valued at $1,700,000 The surplus earnings of the company for the fiscal year, ending March IS. It IS, are estimated nt more than $200,000. - SISKIYOU 1 CONTINUES PLANT GERMANY WILL AGAIN FIGHT AGIST SLAVS Hostilities Being Ccssiderd rower of the Ho asd Be Objective AniHlerdam, Feb. IB. Peace oa German term having been refused by. tha Bolahevlkl government, Ger many will again take up military operatlona against northern Russia, la reported as having been decided upon by a conference at Imperial headquarter, participated la by the emperor, military and political lead er. Fetrograd will nrobablr ba tha objective. , Germany holda that TroUky'a plat of no war, but no peace, ended tha sr mist lea and It la understood tha central power mad peace with I'kralna to offset their diplomatic defeat at the bands of Trotsky and TRY TO VOL OUT i Salt Lake City. Feb. 15. Inci dent to the removal today of civil prlsonara from the southern section of the war prison camp at Fort Douglas to a new location within the compound, two more tunoela were discovered 1 by tha prison? stt thorlties.' This Wake total of II tunnel that have been found with in the last two and $ half moatha. Two were found Wednesday about tha lime Miss Augusta Minnie Deck man fiance of 'Ernest A. Leibdld. an Interned enemy alien, was arrest ed on a charge of, rifling the mill pouches In tha censor's office. .' . The tunnels discovered yesterday bad. not been extended very far, but their discovery , Indicate the deter mination with which the prlKonera of the camp Wave been working to gain their freedom. " " ; '; Roth the Rev. U. Henry Leesmann, who was arrested Sunday night at tha war prison camp, charged with trying to amuggle a note to one of tha .Interned enemy allena, and Mis Deckmsn, are still In jail In default of $2,000 ball each. CANAIMANH AXI KKKM H , . MAKK HUXTC88KVL KAIIIrl London, Fab. 15. Tha artillery waa' active on tha American front during last night. The Canadians and French force have both made successful raids. Parle, Feb. 15. French forces penetrated the German line north east, of Courcy on the A1sne today and returned with prisoners. Iil,2e4 KNKMY ALIENS- .! RKOISTER IN CHICAtH) Chicago. Feb, 15, Completion of regtatratlon of German aliens In Chicago shows 13,264 names, It was announced today. Tha police now have their full records, Including fin ger prints. SELL YOUR CHEESE' BrMJIINE 15TH Washington, Feb. 15. June 15 was fixed by the food administration! tonight as the official beginning of the cheese production.' season of 1918 and the date before which all cheese now In storage must be mar keted, i, - Notice was given that special per mits for holding stored cheese after that date, would be granted only In cases where further curing Is necessary iliTTTMirrmnnrrw itim Agaisst Rcssia By f!i!itiry Petrcgrad Will Dssitkss of First Attack " will support Ukraine against the Bol shevik!. Zurich, Fab. 11. The Munich Ba varia correspondent of the Nene Augeburg Zeltung. aaya he learna that the discussion at lirest-Utovsk last, Sunday before Dr. von Kuebl- aana, German foreign secretary, Count Csernln, Austro-Huncarlan foreign minister, and Leon Trotxky, tha Botahevlkl foreign minister, were particularly atormy and ended In a violent, rupture, which bore all tha seeds of a future conflict. . x "That la why tha conference at German main headquarters Js dis cussing tha eventuality of energetic measurea against tha Kusslana." the correspondent says. DffiOLl TO DEAL t I a llll Washington. , Feb.. , I e.Norway refuses to accede to the requirements or tha war trade board that it atop exporting to the central powers any materials that may be used in tha manufacture of munitions or sup plies of war. It points out that these export, nave been going forward 'to tha central powers la Halted quan tities and that since Norway Is de pendent upon Oermany for many materia Is essential to Ita economic life, It cannot abide by tha war trade boards' requirement In.thi respect. However, It agrees to limit the amount of these supplies to the can tral power. .., . .Besides agreeing that do Ameri can products will ba re-exported to the central powers, Norway screes that no Norwegian products, replac ed by American exports, shall go to those powers. It further acreea 'to bind the governments of neutran contiguous to Germany not to per mit any gooda Imported from Nor way which Norway may not ehfo to tha central power to go to those powers. Norway agree to limit It export of fish to the central power to 48,000 tons annually, aa stipulat ed by the war trade board, and not to export any auch products prepared with material received from the United States. WEALTH OF COUNTRY TO BE REGISTERED Washington, Feb. 15. The first atep toward actual registration of wealth In the country will be an nounced soon. Representative How ard of Georgia Is drawing 'a meas ure authorising the commissioner of Internal revenue to name a day on which all people in the country, sub ject to Income tax, shall register the total of their moneyed possessions and other valuables coming under the Income tax. 1 While the first purpose of my bill Is to hit the Income tax dodxerx. the registration It provides would ba basis for conscription of wealth In exactly the same manner that we have drafted men," said Howard. Secretary McAdoo has estimated that the registration would Increase the revenue $500,000,000 a year. AVTO HK1IKS: OXK 1KAI . - . THRKR IX HOHPITAI Seattle. Feb. IS An autnmnhllA - carrying four Seattle people to a Ta- cuma lunerai, aaioaeo into a aitcn nnimn tlblAIO near Kent. , Mrs. Elisabeth Veu.jrapldly northward, before they could wife of a Seattle hotel proprietor, Is I be engaged. The raid was made In dead and three are In a hospital. ' .jthe Stralta of Dover. ENROLLMENT OF SHIPBUILDERS liiMinictlona Intrndrd to Clner l ii SUjrJit MiMtindereUadlogs la lb latedng Skilled Workmen Portland, Feb. 15. Secretary of Labor Wilson haa sent the following telegram to all atata directors of the publle service reserve for the pur pose of clearing np some sllcht mls- underatandlnga which have cropped out daring the progress of the na tional "enrollment weak" hh hlch now la on, for the registra tion of skilled workmen throughout the United States: "Tha Immediate labor lead of tha shipyards are comparatively fill ed and tha man who leave hi ores- ent position to seek employment In a ahlnvard la llkal in 41 a 4 rV "The coming weeks and months. however. wtU necessitate an Increase of the present number ot ; shipyard workers by several hundred thous and men who have had experience In trade used In shlpbotldlng. Tha department of labor with the, aid of tha shipping board connctl of aa tlonal defense and the state council of defense, now Is enrolllng'ln It t nlted States public service men of these trade wha are willing to to to the shipyard when they are advised Of a Place. Tha shlnranl rnlnataara In tha public service reserve will be placed through the United States employment service of the depart ment of labor which will have full details as to when and where the man are needed, tha wagea and hous ing and other conditions. "Membership In the reserve brings official recognition of tha perform ance of. or tha readiness to perform a jnoat necessary and patriotic ser rica." It also protects both employ er and worker for It minimize the drain a Industry for tha suoDlrln of the shtpyarda and puts the wage earner where he can utilise to the fullest extent hla ability and brala power. We appeal to all Qualified men to enroll during the. coming weak In the reserve and to stick to their present jobs until thev are called." EltUTYAUEIISOTv REPORT POSSEOTIS -. ' : ..!' Washington, Feb. ; 1 5. A nation wide dragnet la being spread by . A. Mitchell Palmer, alien property cus todian, to locate enemy alien, who. through Ignorance of the law or ma licious Intent, fall to make report of their property holdings to hla office. In a statement today, callina on loyal American to assist the gov ernment In apprehending - violators ot tha law, Mr. Palmer gava warning that federal agents are searching the country from coast to coast for out stsndlng alien proiwrty and. that hol ders of uncovered property are liable to a fine of $10,000 or ten years Im prisonment, or both. .. . Full notice haa been given and the time for filing reports baa been lib erally extended. Mr. Palmer said. and the law will ba Impartially en forced against all Its violators. HKHI.IX RRPORTS RUMANIA MAY TREAT FOR PEACE " Amsterdam, Feb. 15. Berlin newspapers Intimate that peace ne gotiations with Rumania are about to begin. London, Feb. 15. Eight a, British craft, while , hunting , submarines, were sunk by a flotilla ot enemv des- trnvera iff or alnbln il.... .....i. - - - ' - - v.Mm.agi u . U T CO.FIO, seven of which were , "drifters" and SUBMARINES S277.731.0D0 1L BE USED tin ii 'KKPAItATIOXS All: BU.VO MA OK FOK AOtiKKSNIVE AKKO KLAXK OI'KIIATIOW xi '.. I DEFICIENCY Bill IS REPORTED !Mnwcb and 8b.Jppia- FacUlUea Will Also Ba Provided oa Ooaipoehms istv Reala Washlagton, Fab. r IS. Principal Item for tb army In tha blUioa dol lar nrgent deficiency appropriation bill favorably reported to tha house Include $277,711,000 for bombs for airplane, and $100,000,000 for quartermaster storage plant on, tha seaeoast and at Interior points. In asking for an appropriation of $100,000,000 for at ora k J and hip ping facilities with an authorization of $50,000,000 more, Oenoral Ooeth ala, acting quartermaster-general, disclosed that It la proposed to spend from $20,000,000 to $$5,000,000 en larging the Buah terminals st Brook lyn. New storage plants at Atlantis coaat point will coat $0,700,000 and Interior points, the locations of which were not given, will coat $50. 000,000. Tha bill also rwveals that tha army .medical corps contemplate , an aggregate of ,1,000,000 square feet for Its storehouses at New Torh. Philadelphia. Chicago, St. "Louis.' San Francisco. Louisville. , Washlagton, Watertown, Shi Antonio ' and At-' laata.. The ordnance department contem plates storage at Newport News, Charleston. Baltimore, Chicago, Phil adelphia, ' Paterson, - Watertown, Springfield. 111.: Cleveland, Spring field. Mass.; Rock Island, San Fran-. Cisco and Boston, with storage for , explosives on -Rarltan river, S. J. The algnal corps wsnts storage at Dayton, Cincinnati, Buffalo and Mlneola. , . - ,., , , ' The report Of the appropriations committee ; discloses an agreement between . the United . States and French governments for France to take over after the war the railroad system which the United States army Is constructing In France. . ., The war department has. expended $150,000,000 for materials for this system. RUSSIAN OFFICERS Stockholm. Feb. 15. More", than a thousand Russian soldiers still re-. main on the Aland Islands and con-, stltute a wild band 'which obej. no , law but selfishness. Their few re maining officers are compel'.ea to sweep the barracks, clean the horses and do other menial labor, while the soldiers .live by plundering th de fenseless Inhabitants An appeal for help arnlnst their depredations waa brought to Sweden by Aland Islanders who' reached the Swedish coast In a rowboat after a night's trip through tha Ice-filled sea. News from Finland indicates that big engagement may be expected shortly around Tammerfora. toward which the troops of General Manner helm are steadily proceeding. 1 ltKSllKVr OF HHOTHK.KHOOl) MAY KFJ-TSK TO IXTKRFKltK Washington, Feb. 15 In response to Chairman Hurley's appeal to Wil liam Hutchinson, president of the brotherhood, Mr. Hurley has been notified that unless he has a definite proposition to present Immediately to striking shlpysrd workers, he will make no effort to Influence them to return to work. 1155