Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, February 07, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THI KMMV. rt.lllUAHY T. IIHH.
daily noons iuvkii coiiiiF.ii
. Waste and Extravagance
Are Germany's Silent Allies
Mil ) will help llu KmUii. Ibey Mill kill AiiiciliuH'Holillcr,.
Kirry tll of, nirj i-xliut huniht takes fori- from Hie
xwrr .iin-ilr iiiim ul lnli lhr win- In win. Hw-ry nimjr .ptiil
lor luxuries mill niiiiirrr)r llilng. l a x-iuiy o In I lie prixlm Hon
Mini iiinhii4 nl fiHMl, I'liHhliiK, iiill , IiIm, mill niiinlii- n for
imr soldier.,
A loiitf ii i kim'ihI iMikirfully, l.oriimny Mill ivifli sllnil
Iml pom-rfiil help riiiin A i lint Jnt mi imieli further away Im t It
iNiy of I'nmt,
I'on'l kx-ml llmimlillriily or Uliiirrcumrily. N.tVK! Willi hi nil
'' nikI plenty or work for rrr.ioor, (here iieirr such mi
ori'lilITIMTV In lllll.l Yol IIKM.r' mill II KM' till II Mil VI'IIV.
Hn 10 help lie (t eminent. Ij-iiiI your sating to your
111 V Will H V INtiH M AMI'S
nml drive tun 1 ! ninny's .llenl mIIIi-. 'nl )oor illinc uml iiir.
Irr, n well your ilolhir, nl work. V
Kery mmi, woman, nml rlillil mil liny Urn- Hnvln' HI amp
mill kV buying I linn. I'ul nil you Van "r lnl Wnr Saving
hlnioiw, ttml watch your ntxlng. grow. INKY AUK A I'liOI IT..
Alll.K. NlMI'l.l:. mill KM I IIK IXVKMMUVr. You'll nrrr (Iml a
heller road) In l'pmierily.
IIKI.I tOlltsU.F TO I'lUiM'Kltl l Y III 1,1 YOI It MliYIHY
hA' I'oiirtlcil lly
California-Oregon Power Company
German Says It Is More Exciting
Than Running a Sub
Amtrlcan Tslls seme Anecdotes Shew
Ing the latent ef the German Spy
lyiUm-Experience of Am
lean Ctrl In La'pale.
(rnrrwpunilrnt of lh C'lilofo News.)
Hrrnr, Hwltxerluiul. l-ust week 1
German f lume rnptaln visited I'nrin
Thl story la Inlil on Dm authority
of tin nuiti who m the U-boat captain
there. I know Inn man. Ho la a ton
servatlve, solid, reliable American. IIli
word la worth im mil on tlie dollm
wherever he la known. For some
yriir he wna In business relations with
(IfTtiuiiiM, and learned to know many
of llicrn very well.
"I wna stnndlng In front of tha opera
house In 1'nrls," until ttila man, "when
a green rnr whlxxcd hy. I Just caught
a glimpse of a fiunllliir fnrf. Beside
tha man I knew wua a Frenchman
wearing a Mark beard.. Two tnlnuti
later I remembered whom tha familial
fare belonged to.
"Ton Ilntten.' I aald lo myself.
'Why why dung It Inst I heard ol
Von llutti'n hp wna commnndlng a U
bout In the North sen.'" j
Fullla to Chase Grata Car.
The rnnn purzlrd over It for a mo
ment. Then, being a good American,'
he told the American authorities In
I'nrla. lie bad not been able to get
the number of the ear or a description
of the chauffeur. Chiming green ran
In I'nrla la like trying to catch wild
geene by the milt plnn. Next day the
111 11 n wna wnlklng down the Avenue de
l'Opera when the green car whined by
again. lie tried to cntch the number, !
but thnt old oil and duat trick tliut .
American apeedcra Invented prevented
him. He walked on down to Clro'a for
lunch. . I
"I hnd Po anil no from the conaulnte
and So-nndao from the emtwiwy and
Bo-and-Ho of the United Btutea navy aa
my gueMta," anld he, miming them. "W '
hnd a good time together, for we were
old frlemln. I told of aeelng my Ger
man acquaintance on the avenue. Next
day I enme to Ilerne. Shortly after J
met my Oermnn friend. ' j
" 'I like the looks of your nnval at
tnche In rnrls,' anld he. 'Nice boy.
Think I'll try to get acquainted with
him.' Then he Inughed. I
" 'I mw you there,' I gasped. I
"I know you did,' anld he. 1 ant
at the next table to you In Clro'a. be
hind the plllnr, and henrd yon tell
nhont aeelng me. Nnugbty, nntictity!
And ao you tried to get your old pul
pinched T j
Tho Oermnn told my Amorlcnn
friend thnt ho hnd been In mul out of
Tnrla ever alnce the war begun. He
found It much more Interesting thnn;
running n U-hont, he wild. There wiih,
a danger, he admitted, but Jut ennugli j,
danger to make the Job tnterestinit.
IIcmIiIch, he la a poor man nt hmne. In
bin work he haa plenty of money to!
peml. I
"I'm golni? bnrk next week," rnUl he. :
Extent of Syatem.
A friend of mlnn who returned from
Ilcrlln nfler tho United States ilcclared j
war on Ocrmany told n story, of which j
bo bad personal knowledge, to show,
tho extent of (ho Oermnn fpy net. An j
iicniinlntance In Herlln nbtnlncd pcr-i
mlHNlon to go to Holland on IiukIiicsh.,
It la not easy to get mich permission
. .1 1 1.1 1. n. i 111 i.WI mi n lin '
wna forced to tell Just whom he wished
to see In llollund and why, While In
Amsterdam be received a hurry call to
lmdon from hi corresMindent there
and took the next boat, getting a vise
through the Interest of the American
legntlon In The Hague,
"Why did yon go lo London T" be
waa asked when he returned to Herlln.
He told the atory.
, "'V know of the telegram you re
ceived,' waa the reply. 'Hut why did
you go to room &U1 of the Savoy hotel
and remain closeted with Lord Bluhe
berry there for three hours?"
He waa able to mnkt his explanation
convincing or there might have been
another Incident to write a note about.
Thla waa some weeka before the Unit
ed Htatea waa finally crowded Into war.
It la easier to believe In the number of
aplra Germany hna scattered about
when one bears this atory by an Ameri
can girl, who for some yeara hud stud
ied at I.elpsle. This year she waa re
fused her I'h. D. degree, although It
waa due her. Then ahe waa refused
permission to leave Germany. For
weeka ahe wna promised and put off.
"Heroine a spy for us and you shall
hnve your degree," ahe was told. "Tou
shall have plenty of money to spend.
You need not worry about tho dunger.
We will alwaya tuke care of you."
Mh- did not become a spy and even
tually ahe waa given permission to
leave for Rwltxerlund. Hut the atory
puta one to thinking.
Father Remembers Hla Days of De.
spalr When He Invites Quests for
the Sumptuous Repast '
Twenty yenr Hgo Mux Oootschnelder
landed In New York with a slim young
wife, a Imliy girl thnt could Just toddle,
If) money uiid a hopeful disposition.
The Drat few weeks In the strange
America waa a period of such forlorn
and homesick misery that Mux never
forgot them.
And so, when Max and Mrs. Max,
no longer slim, snt In their One house
discussing the detnlls of a celebration
which might be suitable to 'signalise
the engagement of the only daughter
of a prospermia furrier to mnrry a rich
young diamond merchnnt. Mux had
an Idea, says the Cincinnati Times
Star. "Mamma," he anld, "yon remember
when we landed In New York you
nnd Carrie, our baby, and met Tou
remember how It waa for as then?
Well, we shall give a fenst for our
daughter, Carrie, nnd her young man,
but we will give It to the people who
are now like we were then. Our
friend nre hnppy. They nre not hun
gry. They are not aorrowful beennse
there I no one to cheer them up. They
do not need a fent like the poor peo
ple that hnve come from the old coun
try. Those are the people who ahall
enjoy pur Cnrrle's wedding fenst."
And an the fenst wna given, away
down In Knst Hrondwny, In the build
ing which la occupied by the Hebrew
Immigrants' Sheltering Aid society,
nnd which overflows nowadays with
hundred of tnlnery-atrlcken people
from tho countries at wnr In Europe.
There wns a room where 150 per-,
son could cut nt once. Aa soon as one
crowd of ir0 hod finished, another
enmn In. There were no Invitations
nnd no red tape. Mnx and Mrs. Max
nnd the pretty Cnrrle nnd her proud
biiNbnnd-to-be stood at the door and
smilingly welcomed nil who came.
There wns chicken nnd duck nnd gnoHe
nnd geflllte flxh. And everyone was
welcome to nil of everything. ,
Even tho kids, who ntenlthlly pil
fered goodies werp urged to pilfer
more. And the fenst brought Joy nnd
good cheer to n thousand peoplo who
nre bomeles In 11 si range liinil. And
the spirit of kindliness so permeated 1
It nil thnt Maninm Onntsehneldrr, now j
nnd then, wns compelled to wipe nwny
n sympathetic tenr. And nfter It wns
nil over, Tapn Oootschnelder declared j
that hi undying regret would be that j
he had only one daughter to give a j.
wedding fenst for.
Oraip tha Moed at It PatMa and Join
tha Oreat Throng Wtarlng Smiling
. We were coining home from a dinner
party together, my friend and I. It
was Into at night and rather rainy
and n we sat toKi-ther In the dump.
, almost empty trolley car, my frlenil
apoke very umlit- nly and seriously,
writes Margnri-t K. Hnngster In tin-
. ClirlHt litu Herald.
1 "Just, now," she said, "I've a chance
to be very huppy. But I'm almost
. afraid to take II I"
The rnln I t. In a futile manner.
! against the rnr window. I listened to
I It for a inoiiu-iit before I oke.
I "WhyT I questioned at last "why
I are you afraid to take your chance to
' be happy f '
"Hccause," answered my friend, and
ber eyea looked far away past the car
and the rain, even "because I'm
afraid thnt It won't last I"
When It Is autumn, and the leaves
are crimson and gold-colored and very
beautiful, we know, even aa we admire
them, that they will he brown and
withered some day. But that doea not
keep ua from loving their glorious col
ors. It's like thnt. too, with flowers, and
springtime, and the bine sky of sum
mer. We know that the flowers will
fade awny and that springtime will go
and that there will be winter storm
cloud where there were(once sparkles
of sun.
And ao thla la the answer to 1115'
friend and to other friend of mine:
Never be afruld to grasp at-hnppl
ncss becuuse It may not last. For hap
piness la as beautiful as the flower
of spring and the sky of summer and
the vivid leaves of autumn. And even
thoiiL'h It might not lust, hnpplm-s Is
loo beautiful to puss by with never a
And then, as the philosopher said,
nnd as we know, don't be sure, as you
lake your rlmnre at hiippliw-xs, that If
will not slpy. Look around your cirri'1
of friends, look nt your business nsxo
clnlea, look at the cnsnnl crowds that
you pass every dny nnd you'll see thnt
the average of bnppy fnee I rather
high. You'll see more smile. I think,
thnn frowns; more merry face than
sad one I
Pon't be afraid to take a chance at
happiness beennse yotj fenr that It Is
too beautiful to Inst,
Take your
chance. Instead, argu ng thnt hnppnes-i
I loo beautiful not to last
A Baseball Philosopher.
Sentiment plays most of the strings
In this little mtislrnl Instrument of a
world, any n writer in an exchange.
I didn't see any of the world's
scries bnsebull games held In New
York and Chicago. Rut my heart wns
, .1 ,. nr""" ""yi warrants Is.ued prior to November
In the bleachers. And It was beating , ... , . .t .
for the Chlcngo White Sox. 1M- 1 91 '' nnd l'ro,es"'l c-lor to.that
I'll tell you why. date, are hereby railed in and are
The head, heart' and owner of the wahl0 Rt ,h f0,,m' treasurer's
Chicago White Sox Is Charlie Comls-;offif on ur r'er the 4th day of Feb-
key. They en II him "the old Roman." i
One day an Important gume wa on1 will cense.
nnd bis grent Chlcngo purk was rrowd- j GEO. S. CALHOUN",
ed wilh something like a &10.0O0 St ' Countv Treasurer,
rrowd. Then old I'IuvIuh got busy und
started dumping wetness In torrents!
onto the pnrk. jfOUXTY THKASt llKK'S CALL
It looked bnd. So bnd that one of
Comlskcy' friend hunted him onL
nnd wnrrleri.llkii In i-vHIaminl ay. I
rlnlmed. Tomlskev. .In mi think if.
going to stopT"
"It always has," replied "the old
No wonder the White Sox won the;
world'a series.
Saccharins, '
As none of It I absorbed by the
blood, dlubeticH are allowed to use
Kiicchnrlne Instead of sugar. Hut sac
charine Im been accused of causing
grave trouble to the digestion und it
him even been Indicted us u cnuse of
cancer. The best incdlcnl opinion,
however, acquit It of these charge,
for there are many liiuhctU-s who have
UKi-d It regularly for nmny year with
out liny III effects. In France Kncchnr
Ine may not be given to Infants, the
aged and the sick without a doctor's
a class! Oed ad will give results.
. . . . . ,
lUl DeODie make It a '
. . 1
habit to read our clas
sifted ads
Do you)
1 hese adS. are moil- :
d , ' whole neason. Inquire Jo. Fetz
ITlOney ner. 755 North Eighth street. tfj
tnnkerf completely furnished five-
rlufiCfSt j room bungalow to rent, hot and
Kcold water, bath. Call at C32 West'
eeD vour eves on 1 street. - ts.-
I , w- - ,
m Goes Further
I Delicious Flavor 1
Vacuum Packed E
Guaranteed f
Coquette's Sad Ending.
The life of a coquette I very like
that of. a drunkard or opium-eater,
and Its end Is the mime the utter ex
tinction of Intellect, of cheerfulness,
of generous fi-ellng, and of svlf-respect
Mrs, Jameson.
The tux roll will be open on Mon
day. February II.
The followlni; is tbe Orexon tax
law, as n l.ued to collection of taxes:
The flrvt "half of all taxes levied
and charged shnll he paid on or be
fore the 5th day of April following,
and the second half on or before the
Sth day of October following.
Interest shall lie charged and col
lected on any tax or half of a Jax,
not so paid, nt the rate of one per
cent per month or a fraction o' a
month until paid.
All taxes remaining unpaid on the
Stb day of October next following
shall become delinquent and on Ihe
Sth dny of Nox ember next following.
a !ienaltv of five npr rent shall be
, j n -,. ,i ,i, ..a
I.,.. ...... . j v
j?!,,on l? ,he lntWft ProvMa her-
All Josephine county (pink) road
"''' 118, on which date Interest
A1 Josephine county general war-
rants. Issued prior to August 1st,
191 z and protested prior to that
date, are hereby called In and are
payable at the county treasurer's of-
flee on or after the 4th day of Feb
ruary, 1918. on which date interest
will cease.
3t County Treasurer.
yean known H tint, sarnt. Always Rellklil.
j managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm
strong; 28 clean rooms at 85c
and 60c; special ratea by week
or month; also, light houaekeep
' Ing rooms. Would like your pat
ronage. 40tf
Portable and convlently located.
, 411 C Btreet 86tf I
Large, well furnished, steam
beat, hot water, bath, and all ho
tel privileges. Very moderate
weekly and monthly rates. 37tf
Mi I. n ,i .m .'i i". mil- T I . - J
fwm plenty of water during the;
FOR RE.VT M.Kibban house Tokay;
' .Heights, cheap. Fine home for'
, four high sohool teachers. Also,
two story liouse North Third,!
chenii. Inquire H. H. Allyn. City;
Hall. V. ." " 78
l4lrl A.k .rllr.nWMA
kl-fc-lrrV ll.njHrY
I'lll. I. Ut tixl i.U nrallKVy
I),., Mk.l Hlu R.Mx. T
Tk. atawr. n mt ,m? V
lhMl,L AUforClfl.fllYtt.TriI-.'
ron SALE
O. t C. GnA.VT LANDS Blue print
plats showing u&dt lo Josephine
county, 1. SO. Address A. E.
Voorbles, Grants Pass. tf
UlCALKlia in boms, mules, cattle.
waoos, backs, buggies, harness
and saddles. We have a variety
of all kinds at all times. It you
bavs anything to sell or exchange,
or if you want to buy, come and
ee us. Ws will treat you right.
All our livestock Is put out under
guarantee. Red Front Feed and
Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K
streets. Timmons, Prop. Phone
63J-J. Utf
FOR SALE! Good modern house,
dote In, north side. Inquire No.
2321, care Courier. 2Stf
PIANOS, tew and second-hand for
rent or sale on easy monthly pay
ments; first year's rent to apply
on purchase pries. Rowell's
Music and Photo House. 85
I HAVE FOR 8ALE or trade all
kinds of work, driving and saddle
horses, wagons, buggies, harness
and saddles, or will buy yours.
Coma and see me at Brownie
Hampton's Feed and Sale Stable,
phone iti-R. Roy Higgins,
owner. Also one 4-room fcous
for sale cheap or to trade. 87
FOR SALE CHEAP Eighty acres
in i'.c ApU'aSto valley. New Hope
school district. About 26 acres
under the Murphy irrigation ditch,
144 i harts of water goes with the
land. This land will be sold
cheap for cash. Why rent? The
. federal government will loan you
half the money a long time at low
Interest. Address E. M. Austin.
Route B Box S2, Modesto, Cl., 88
FOR SALE Recleaned seed wheat:
Little Club. 2.15; Jenkins Club,
12.26; Washington Hybrid No.
143, 12.50; Marquis, 82.60; also
Beardless Barley, White Oats, Al
falfa Seed and all Grasses and Clo
vers. Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen
tral Point. 66tf
FOR SALE Second hand lumber
Two carloads lumber, suitable for
mining or bridge timbers, this ma
terial is stored across from gas
plant on right of way of C. A O.
C. R. R. Price for entire lot.
$150 cash. Owner, Edgar . 8.
Hafer. Medford. Ore. 81
r)H iiALh. 2o or 30 nice young
bronze turkey hens, 3.25 each.
E. H. Wise, Kerby, Ore., R. F. D.
No. I. " 78
a second hand
iron wheel wagon four ta -six
inch tires holding about 3,000
lbs. C. Shaefers, R. F. D. No. 2.
WANTED Men for saw mills and
logging camps. Mills and camps
will operate throughout the win
ter. Steady work. Good condi
tions. For full particulars write
Weed Lumber Company, Weed,
Cal. 65tf
WANTED Good young Jersey cow.
Prefer to have one Just fresh. A.
S. Farquharson. Call 603-F-3. 76
WA7;TTD0TET PlaioTBest
of care, no children. Address No.
18S care Courfei or call at 117
E street. SI
WANTED By .March 1, rugs, range,
and other household furnishings,
also garden tools. Address No.
190. care Courier. 78
WANTED Woman for light house
work, mornings. Call evenings.
Phone 351-J. 78
COMPANY. MeCloud, Cal. will
start their logging operations on
or about February 15th. Men
wanted for these logging crews.
Good wages, good board, good
country. Apply In person or write
The MeCloud River Lumber Com
pany, McCIoud. California. 82
Here Comes the Goshawk.
A warning to sportsmen and others
that a dangerous migration is in prog
ress from the arctic regions has been
issued by the Iowa fish and game com
missioners. The present Invasion is said to be
the most serious since that of eleven
years ago, when the birds driven south
ward by a scnrclty of hnre and ptarmi
gan, came to this state and devoured
grouse by the wholesale.
The goshawk which, tinlike other
hawks, flies straightaway, Instead of
In circles. Is somewhat larger thnn a
pigeon. Exchange. .
Difference Between Them.
"A big mail," said Uncle Eben. "for
gives other people's mistakes. A
small man don't forgive nobody's but
his own."
L. O? CLEkt ENT M. D. PtmUos
limited to diseases of the eys, sax,
nosa and throat Olaasaa fitted.
nose and throsL Glaaeaa fitted.
Offlce hours 1-12, 2-6, or oa ap
pointment. Offlcs pboas,
denes phone 159-J.
8. LOl'CiiHMDtiE, M. U.. Pbyslclsa
and surgeon. City or country calls
attended day or tl-ht. Residence
pbons 'G9; office phots 112.
Slxib and H. Tuffs Building.
A. A. WITH AM, M. D., PbyslcUa aad
surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., coraer
Sixth and I streets. Phones: Ot
lee. 111; residence, 218-J. Hoars.
I a. m. to 4 p. m.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY PhyeUssa aad
surgeon. Lund'jur; Ballttlag.
Burgeon Ctaa-Idaho Sugar Co.
Health Officer. Officer boors, ts
12 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Pkoas
si A-;. utf
E. C. MACT, D. M. D. First-class
dentistry. 101 Vs South Sixth
street. Grants Pass, Oregon.
H. D. Norton. Altornsy-t-law.
Practice In all Stat atvd Fed era!
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
COLVIO 4 WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law
Grants Peas Banking Co.
Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon.
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bank
DURHAM k RICHARD. Attorneys-at-Law.
Office Masonic Temple,
Grants Pass Oregon.
W. T. .MILLER, Attorner-at-Lew
County attorney for Josephine
County. Office f Bchailhom Bldg.
O. 8. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Uw
Golden Rule Building. Phone
270. Grants Psss, Oregon.
torneys, Albert block. Phone
236-J. Practice In all courts; laad
board attorneys.
DR. R. J. BEST UL, Veterinarian.
Office In Wlnatrout Implement
. Bldg. Phone 11J-J. Residence
Phone 805-R.
kinds of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly done.
Phone 181-J. 8tand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Prop.
F. G. IS HAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, pianos and fufnlture moved
packed, shipped and stored. Phone
Clark and Holman, No. SO.
dence phone 124-R.
THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
J. S. MACMTJRRAY, teacher of voice
oulture and singing. Lessons given
at horns of pupil If requested. Ad
drees 716 Lee St. ' 86 1U
WHITE LINE TAXK-Clty and coun
try . Popular prices. Call Grants
Pass hotel, phone 196. Residence
phone 828-J. W. G. White, Prop.
Grants Pass, Oregon. 81
TAXI Phone 608 for tail Any
where) any time. Paramount
TO BROOKINGS Car leaves Ftlday
or Saturday morning. Arrange for
trip with Marvin Jordan. Phone
332-J. 77
THE PICTURE MILL open dally 16
a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday sit
tings call Mill 283-R or residence
140-J. 78tf
The California and Oregot
Coast Railroad Company .
EffectiveDecember 1, 1917.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Train 1 1 v. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p.m.
Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p. m.
All trains leave Grants Pass from
the corner of G and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot.
For all Information regarding
freight and pnssenaer service call at
the office of the company, Lundburg
building, or phone 131 for same. ;
, Letterheads that will please you. at
the Courier. -