wkdnkmiiay, mini arv . III. JOSH B MRS. THOMPSON GIVES 1 PR52NflL 02 LOCAL DAILY ROGl'H IUVKH VOi K1KK Art of ir IN in wo WAR BREAD RECIPES lUmiUO t, U Ingles, of Waters Creek, l U the city today. , G. Rigerman, of Merlin, was In th city yesterday. J. K. Manuel went to Portland to attend the automobile ahow. Barley flour at Pardee's grocery. Frank Bramwell went to Portland laat nlitht on a buslnese trip. J. R. Rogue Is In the hospital suf fering from an attack of appendici tis. A. R. Hsnscam. formerly of Hol land, now of Med ford, ram In this morning for a short stay. , Mrs. C. C. Crimes arrived this af ternoon from Roseburg to visit her alater. Mrs. Catherine Gray. August Schanpp. who spent the . past two months In the city, left this morning, returning to North Yakima. J. H. Williams left for Portland fast night on a business trip. He -will also attend the automobile show. Barley flour at Pardee's grocery. . Mrs. David Coulter, of Holland, re turned this morning from Portland, where she visited her son. who re cently enlisted. C. C. Preeley returned this morn ing from a trip to Portland, where be attended a meeting of the Stand ard Oil employes. Miss Anna M. Turley who spent Tuesday In the city in connection with the home economics work, left last night for Merlin. Miss Blanche 0. Payne, of Cincin nati, Ohio, a friend of the E. G. Har ris family arrived this morning from southern California where she spent the past year and a half. Miss Payne will remain here Indefinitely with the Harris family. Barley flour at Pardee's grocery. Mr. and Mrs A. C. Spencer and baby returned this afternoon from Roseburg where they attended the funeral of Mr. Spencer's father. They left here January IS. Mr. Spencer going to Pasco, Wash., and return ing to Roseburg with his father's body. M. Clemens returned last night from rn business trip to San Fran- elsco. ' He reports the whole central California section suffering from the tack of rain. Mike says the lawns In Palo Alto remind him of the tin .watered Grants Pass lawns In the summer time. iiEr WHITE At Rogue River. Monday. February 4. John White, aged 76 years, 6 months and 3 days. Deceased was born In 1X41. served in the Civil war and came to Oregon soon after the close of the war. He has been a resident of the Rogue River section for the past 40 years. The funeral was held at Rogue River n Tuesday. KXITTIXt. HKtOKI) BROKEN BY ALRANY WOMAN Albany, Feb. 6. Members of the local chapter of the Red Cross be lieve that Mrs. C. B. Davis, of 71 5 j Madison street. Albany, has broken! the state record for fart knitting. She recently knit a sock in three j hours and five minutes. The best: record heretofore was three hours j and 16 minutes, this time havingj Seen made by a Portland woman. , A classified ad brings results. Cards at the Courier office. BIJOU VIVIAN In little Miss THE CHARMING VIVACIOl'8 LITTLE ST Alt IS AT HEK KST IX THIS HKAITUTL AND TtliaiXIMi PHOTO PLAY OK LOYE AMI HACKI KICK. ( ;:MIX0 MAIIGUOUTB OL GET THH HABIT Twin Hoys Arrive Twin fcoys were ban Tuesday morning. February 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jensen, of Portland. A telegram to Mrs. Jensen' sister. Mrs. W. W. Walker, announces that mother and boys are. doing well. Ner-lry Now tVmmlwtiotwr . County court met today In regu lar monthly session. E. C. Neeley of Route No. i. Grants Pans, was appointed commissioner to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of K. J. IJnd recently. Eye In Injured Philip Werts, a young man work Ing on the Clinton Cook farm near Applegste, was brought to Grants Pass Monday and taken to the hos pital Buffering from an Injured eye The Iris of the eye was ruptured by the cracker of a whip which young Werts was using. The New Racket Sold M. Clyde Morrow yesterday sold to H. Q. Enders, of Ashland, the stock of goods of The .New Racket store which he has conducted suc cessfully for a year past. Mr. ten ders will remove the goods to Ash land to be added to his present stock The New Racket Is now closed for In voicing and the goods are being packed for shipment. Mr. Morrow says his future plana are Indefinite Storage llattorjr Crmrging New equipment; charges ranging from 73c to ll.SO. Williams Gar sue and Cvclery. 79 Oregon llorkshlre Knt Pennsylvania was added to the list of eastern states to which Ore gon Berkshlres hae been shipped for breeding purposes when Winona ranch. Grants Pass, recently sent a sow pig sired by tjiurel Champion to C. Merel Sanders. New Oxford. Penn. This gilt Is out of the well known English-blood sow. Berryton Belle 31st, a daughter of Imported Baron Compton; and Is a full brother al though of a younger litter to the first prize Junior boar pig of the 1915 Oregon state fair, to the first prize senior yearling sow of the 1916 Ne vada state fair, and to the grand champion boar of the 1917 North west Uve Stock show. t s. s. The War Savings Stamps executive committee which will have direction of the sale of thrift stamps and war saving certificates during the year was last night selected by Chalrmun R. W. Clarke, and Postmaster Quln lan and County School Superinten dent Bacon, who are named by the state organization as members of the committee. The entire executive com mittee Is as follows: Chairman R. W. Clarke. Promotion section T. P. Cramer. Kdiicatlon section Alice Bacon. Commercial section F. S. Bram well. Industrial section I. A. Roble. General section I Myron Boozer. Postofflce department W. P. Quinlan. Tonig'ht MARTIN Optomist .V'-.'Y.Sf.M CAN SMII,K . J K.V I. IKK 'tJOKS AMINO I.IJvK A S'J.Vti "lU'T ..THK MAX WORTH WHII,K IS THE ONE WHO CAX SMILE V IIK.N EVERYTHING GOKH '! WRONG. .UK IX "THE AMAZON" 10c i!Oc A meeting of represeutgtUe wom en from different communities of Josephine county waa held In Grants Pass Tuesday afternoon. Twenty women were present and took part In perfecting an organisation which 111 be known as the Josephine County Home Economics Commit tee. The meeting was called by Miss Anne Mc.Mormlck. emergency home demount ration agent, lor Jackson and Josephine counties. The mem bers of the committee voted to adopt the county program of work for the year whirh was presented by Miss McCormlck. Mr. Wylberg, preldut of the Jo sephine Agricultural council, Mr Thomiwon. county agricultural agent, Mrs. Bacon, county school su perintendent, and Mlsa Anna M. Tur ley, state leader of home demonstra tion agents, were present, at the meeting. Miss Turley outlined a plan of organisation In which the home demonstration work, the asrt cultural work and the buys and girls club work of the county could l co llated, and ahowed the strength that would result from a union ol these three factors In the war emer gency work In the county. Mrs. W. G. White, Mrs. I. 1). Mlhllls. and Mr. Wylberg were chosen as the of ficers of the home economics com mittee, and will also serve on the executive committee of the county agricultural council. A very delightful luncheon was served to those In attendance by the domestic science girls of the Grants Pass high school under the supervi slon of their Instructor, Mlsa Edna Cornell. ANNIVERSARY WEEK The anniversary week celebrating the eighth birthday ..f the Hoy Scouts of America will le observed by the local troop In sr. 'nte rev I lis manner. On Friday cieniig of this week the tlrnt part o' lli- examina tions for second class srout will b given by the troop committee. On Saturday the Held tests and conclud ing examinations will he held. Spu ria! .services In the various churches In recognition of the boys will oc cupy the Sunday program. On Wed nesday In the Chamber of Commerce rooms a special banquet prepared by the ladies of the Red Cross for the "Boys and their dads" and to others who are specially interested in Boy Scouts work will complete the cele bration. Interest in tho work of the Roy Scouts Is specially pronounced at this time on account of their signal service In war garden, food conser vation and liberty loan campaigns. In the second Liberty loan campaign the Boy Scouts numbering nearly 300,000 sold bonds worth more than $102,000,000. That Is one out of every 18 bonds was sold by the boys. (Continued from Page 1) on church property elsewhere, taken In conjunction with other circum stances attending the latest revolu tion, the Most Rev. Dr. Tlkhon, pa triarch or All-RiiKHia, and metro politan of Moscow. Issued today at Moscow an anathema, threatening all the participants with excommu nication, and calling on the faith ful to defend the sacrednnxs of the church. OWNERS OK HOGS- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Dog license fees for 1918 are past due, and payable at my office in the city hall. II. H. ALLYN, f0 Auditor and Police Judge. Joy Tonight Theda Bara "CAIiilLLE" Children ISct Adults 83c Then receipts are soma of the war" breads served at the Cahmber! of Commerce Muuday lum neons and' receipts have been asked tor by aO many that I am asking ou kindly to publish theui. . Ilrwa Rolls J One and one-half nil of milk, one-half cup fat or fat substitute,' one-half cup potato )cast or one yi-Hst take, on aud one-half cups o 1 bran, one teaspoon salt, one, table spooti sugar lor syrupl. Add flour enough to form a dough! one-half cup corn and one-half cup' of oats or rye may be used In place of all wheat dour. Set to rise over' night. In the mornlnn work down, lei rise again, then mold into turn-! overs, let rise until ILiht. then bake1 In a quick oven. i Splilor tWn l ake : One and one-half cups corn menl, one cup sour milk, one teaspoon odu, one teaspoon salt, two eggs.! two tablespoons of melted fat. I Mix nod a, salt and corn meal, add i eggs well brnten and milk. Ileatj frying-pan, grease sides and bottom.! turn In mixture and bake In lint) oven twenty minutes. ' Steamed llrowu I trend One cup war bread crumbs, one I cup corn meal, one-half cup mollis-j ses, one cup sour milk, one-half cup) raisins, one teaspoon I level I sodu. ! one teaspoon salt. Mix and steam I for two hours. This amount will fill two baking powder cans. MRS. C. I) THOMI'SON. El PoitUnd. Keli. (!. The state hish-i way cominlKxIon, in sesi-lon here, in definitely deferred opru!ng bids (or IMHl.miil of road bonds and voted, to do no road building except on such main line sections as would he. avail-! able fur military purposes, and then only after such work was author-, lied by the federal government. . The action was taken folio a lug i the receipt of a telegram from Paulj M. Warburg, chairman of the capital Issues committee of the federal re serve hoard. In reply to a re'iuest for , permission to receive bids. Mr. Warburg's message said the, committee broadly holds that no ex-, penditures should be made nt this time except thoso that are clearly1 compatible and essential to the tin-' tlonal welfare as distinguished from local Interest. I HI XS MAKE ANOTHER AMI RAMI OX PA HI' A Italian Armv lleaduiiarters in ftalV Pell ft PnHno o. n.M.ln tor. I rorlxed laid night by continuous air raids. Several houses were damag ed, but there were few casualties. Italian aviators brought down four enemy machines, and the Brit ish got eight at various (mints where aerial battles are being foil K lit with out cessation. Calling cards at the Courier. NEW TODAY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 26 words, two Issues. 26c; six Issues, 60c: one month. 11.69. when nald in advance. When not paid In advance. 5c per line per Issue.) WANTED By Murch 1, rugs, range, . and other household furnishings, also garden tools. Address No. 100, care Courier. 7s WANTED Woman for light house work, mornings. Call evenings. Phone 351-.I. 7s COMPLETELY FURNISHED five room bungalow to rent, hot and cold water, bath. Call at 232 West I street. 7S THE McCIXR'D iRIVER LI'.VIBEU COMPANY, MoCloud, CM, will start their logging operations on or about February Kith. Men wanted for these logging crews. Good wages, good board, good country. Apply In person or write The McCloud River Lumber Com pany, McCloud, California. . 82 FOR RENT McKlbban house Tokay Heights, cheap. Fine home for four high school teachers. Also, two story Jiouse North Third, cheap. Inquire H. H. Allyn, City Hall. I 78 FOR ALE 23 or 30 nice young bronze turkey hens, $3.25 each, E. H. Wise, Kerby, Ore., R. F. D. No. 1. 7 WHEN A MAN COME HE UK KOIl HIS Ol TUTTING Ma! IMf MOKK THAX MERELY HKIO." HIM t I.OTIIEM WE 'HIIKSS" HIM . ARTISTICALLY! Hlinri.ll HE HEI.E4T A HUT, WE SEE THAT HE H AH THE HI IT HE Ol OUT TO WEAR HMIiMIXG AXII THAT THEY' KIT HIM IX EVERY HKT.tll.t SVVe Give Him the Benefit of Our Expert Experience Mini Mi HE SELEtT A HAT WE NEK THAT IT IS APPROPRIATE SHAPE THE HAT HE Ol till T To "! WE SEI.I. THE HHJHT THIVtJ TO THE !.:i.HI MAN! WE til TUT A MAN I'KIIKKI TI.YI WE DRESS MEN CORRECTLY Suits $15 to $40 PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. C$h WANTED APPLES CASH Communicate with GUY W. CONNER MEDFORD, OREGON Car Bargains CHEYHOLET NEARLY NEW NEW TIREM LITTLE ;IA.NT, 1H TON TRUCK, OOOH COMHTION KORIl I Old, (ioOII TIRES - C. L. HOBART CO. COMING EVENTS , Feb. 7, Thursday Meeting of Parent-Teacher association at Junior high school at 3:30. Feb. 8, Saturday (ilrls' Honor (liuiril dance at the Waldorf hull. Feb. 20, Wednesday. "The New Minister," iiiiihIch entertainment, M. E. church.- HAS UNIQUE COAT OF ARMS Washington Woman Usss 29,000 Can. ctlsd Postage Stamp In Mak ing It Aberdeen, Wash, Twenty-five thou sand canceled postage stamps, repre senting 13 administrations, hnve been used by Mrs. Bnrah Erlckson, of this city, to make n government coat of arms. The stumps were gathered Id the Inst 25 years. The coat of arm represents aa American eagle with outspread wlngt and below It are five apears and shield. Three stamps are from ths Oeorge Washington administration. A lodge has offered Mrs. Brick son $2,200 for the picture, bnt aha has refused It. She still I gatherlni stamps for th completion of the work. She will add the word "Liberty" and "B Plurlbtu Unarn. ' . Clothiers M.1IMI S'JOO .... HJ1 LICENSE KEE NOTK E Proprietors or lillllnrd parlors, eat ing' houses, reslHiiriints, dining rooms, Ice cream parlors, soft drink parlors, soda fountains, and picture shows who have not paid for the first quarter, PLEASE TAKE NO TICE. All llccnso fees are payable at the office of tho undersigned In the city hull, and without notice, If. H. ALLYN. 7 Auditor and Police Judge. Cards nt the Courier office. If You Want DRY WOOD ! I Now Have It I have dry 'wood under cover. Choicest Dry Rone Ihy Mtd Half Dry PARSONS' WOOD YARD Phone B-R, r 101-R