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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1918)
TIKHDAY, KKIIIM'.tltY l, IDIM. d in t nouns . RiVEn . ooiiiikr PAGE THREB MAZOLA Hotter cooking r.t Jesa cost with Mazola, the pure oil from corn MazcU it a vegetable oil from an edible source, for deep frying, tauttlng, shortening nnd ia!ad dressing. Foods fried In Mazola retain all of their natural flavor and are easy to digest. Mazola does not transmit taste or odor from one food to another can be used over and over again big factor in tttnomy. And because Mazola h a vegetable oil, it enables you to follow the pl?ns of the Food Administration and save animal fats butter, lard, suet. Get Mazola from your grocer in pint, ?uart, half-gallon and gallon tins. Also ask or the free Mazola Hook of Recipes or write us direct. Vol ewtf nuidti II Muele mi en ah wtlif MilMttM. Corn Products Refining Company JMew Neglected Colds bring Pneumonia aSCARAfVpUININE 7U eM fee.Be fmm aero, tun ree4s as tablet alii tun, 9t Is we .u-m aapleeaeat lAn Cm eotde In 14 koun OrIB tlT. ftlaaer kerb If H UIU. OH himim ana wim Km Top ea4 Mr. Mill'i picture oa M lJ W I I .W Aaf Or Smn WHAT? BAKE BEANS SANS PORK? IT CANT BE DONE Iloeton. After acquiescing In "nifulloM Tuesday und Fri day" anil "Untitle Thursday Mini Sundays," thn housewives of thin fit jr nrtt rebelling ngulnst "porklca HaliinlH?." TI117 are willing to forego roust of pork, chop and hum and even bucuii, but How ran one cook tho fnmntia Puritan standby, baked henn, without the generou rut of pork nugly nestling hi the dish? It cm n't be done. 80 buked been with the pork graces ninny supper table thom Sat urday night, and they will right along until Washington tela Its Inventing geniuses to work solv lug the question of porklesg baked beans. AT WAR WITH YOURSELF 1 , HELP NATURE TO DEFEAT THE ClXEASE IN YOUR BODY. Keep up thn fliihti do not give up. Nature. In trying tnwrvn yon In conquer ing thn wrongs that niuy ox Int. Ttod IiIinhI, vim, cournge, vitality, all aet-m lurking. No wonder you are ncrv oiu and dlscoiirugcd. Why not mil to your aid a strong, dcpcmlitulo ally? ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has (or nearly tidy years proven lu merit a a nnt power fill inula and blood bulkier to thn iniiny thousand who have beoti returned to good health by Its use. ( Icur thn coaunl toncuo, set rid of nnslghlly skin troiilile. Let thin remark able remedy rid your body of the Im purities of tho blood, let It tone and trenathnn you. It often enrol the linger ing chronic cough. Dr. fierce1 tmlilen Mmllcnl TVIseovery I absolutely horhul, free (rum alcohol or dangerous hnMt-forming drug. All druggist. Liquid or tablet. Portland, Orko. ! certainly can rec ommend Doctor I'lnrco'a Golden Medleul Dlecoverv. 1 had liver troublo to bad iniu i wan jiiPi yellow nnd biuf In dlgettlon, too. A l hid woman' trouble, and I wua weiik and nervous. 1 decided to try Dr. Pierce's (lolili'ii Mcilleiil llovory and hi 'Favorltn Prescription. I took tlx bottle of each and wua a well woman. "My husband had Ho wan verv weak. trouble with hlliing, j guve him I'iinivi'ry aim it curea nun. "Icniinol iiicii!,- tmihlKlilyof Dr. Pierre's Tlemexllex."-.':.:. I lil t) PATTEIHON, tlJO Klrby Htreet, PonTI.ANO.OHKO. "For hlllnuanesa nnd torpid liver at ml to rcRiiluto the bowel, tlicrn I nothing that ran eiiml Doctor Plrrce'a Pleasant Pellet. I have lined them over twenty yuuia und have always found them kihkI."-A, W. Humfiihkyiv icy R 7Stb in.i't, N. C2J York Mason, Usta Cessnas i1Ias Oregea TtLLS DUAL OF U.S. SOLDIERS General Pershing Sends Official Report of Funeral of Amer ican Heroes. TRIBUTE BY FRENCH GENERAL Seldler of Prince and United States Surround (3 rave as General Bor dtaux Bulegltee Dad Bug. geata Monument Ineerlptlon. Wellington, D. C 1 lie wur depurt rnent hn rm-lved from Oenerul Per ailing a copy of the, record deHcrlblng the funrritl aervlre for the three Amerlran aoldlers who were killed In the tier inn in' Omt trench raid ugnliiNt United Blutea tniopa on November a. The pujiers benr the following Indonwo meiit from Mujor Orueral Wllllnm U Blbert: "Korwurdrd reciimmenillng tlmt the mjiicxt of Qrnerul Itordeiiux lo hnve the remuln of the men left at Iluthele mont be fitvorulily coiixlclrred." The record. Inrludlng the nddre of Oenernl Ilnrdcnux, In piirt miy: "Ity roiutiiiiiid of General llnnleiitii, French dlvlHlon. the bodle if (Nirporul Oreehnm, Prlvnte Knrlght nnd Prlvute Hny, rompnny V. Sixteenth Infiintry, were Interred with rcllglniin und mill tnry ceremony at Hut bel moot on the afternoon of November 4. Imprevlaed Altar Uaed. "An altar was Improvised and elabo rately dvcoruted In the villuge. The chaplnlo of a French regiment con ducted the church services. "Following the church ceremony the cortege proceeded to a field adjacent to the village anil formed on three aide of a square, the bodies being placed In front of the grnve on the fonrth side. An American Aug, pro vided by the French, had been placed over the casket. "At two o'clock Oenernl Bordeaux, accompanied by his fult Rtaff, bis In fantry, artillery nnd engineer chiefs and a representative of the French corps commander, arrived and took position. "The troops presented arms and the French Held music and bnnd played a funeral march. The chnpluln per formed the religion ceremony at the grave. Then Oenernl Bordeaux ad vanced to the center of the square and nddressed the troop and then the dead. A copy of hi address Is at tached. "The compnny of United Btntes In fantry fired three volleys nnd Its trum peter sounded tap. ' All the troops were then marched by the grave, sa luting a they passed. General Bor deaux and his staff advanced to the grave, saluted and departed. "Throughout the ceremony at the graves French butteries from their po sition, fired minute guns, over the village at the German trenches. "The entire ceremony was most Im pressive." French Commander's Tribute. The uddres of General Bordeaux In part wa a follows: In the nam of the Eighteenth division, In the nam of the French army, and In the nsme of Franoe, I bid farewell to Corporal Orcsham. Private Enrlght and Private Hay of the Sixteenth Infantry. American army. Of thlr own free will, they had left thflr -happy and prosperous country to com over here. They knew that the war rontlnurd In Europe; they knew that the forces flghtlna- for honor, love, Justice, rtvllliallon wr still checked by (he long The. Past Week in Oregon Marslifleld Coos Day shipyards to pay 10 per cent bonus to work men soon. Ontario Malheur Dralmtge dis trict lets contract for drainage of ri.3rid.S7 screw, rott 1 1 ,'.0,000. Ilnnd Total payroll disburse ments of two til if sawnill here fur 1817 worn 11,37,000. Gardiner Jewett 50, 000 capacity sawmill her ready lo commence operations. Grant Pass-Gold Mill Mangan ese company Incorporated for 11.- 000,000. Marahfleld Coos county shipped 1H0, 000 feet of spruce for airplane material In December. During the past year atate com mission allowed 401 out of itt ap plication for rat and fare Increases and some still pending. This shows new attitude on part of commissions and people toward utilities. Pendleton In Umatilla county, one of greatest farming counties In state, SO per cent of taxpayer will be aasessed over $3,000. Pilot Rock rancher buy ware house and will remodel for grain ele vator. Corvsllls to have $10,000 combi nation fire engine, hose and- chemi cal apparatus. Milton 150,000 bushel grain ele vator to be built at Dates Tiding. l.a Grande Kvenln Observer lo print morning edition for Wallowa county. l-ebanon now ha city mull de livery. Dnaverton Electrically driven atarch factory ready to run on po tato (Mill. Halfway now haa electric street light. Fort Hock may get co-operative creamery. ljine connty'a budget provides for $20,000 for roads' and brldgea. Mosler to have modern up-to-date moving picture ahow house. prepared force which are serving th powers of b'utsl domination, oppression, barbarity. They knew that an effort was still necessary. They wished to tire us their help; and also their senerous hearts did not for-! old historical memoriae, while others fornt more recent ones. They Ignored nothing of th circum stances. Nothing had been concealed from Ihrm neither the lenxth nor hardahlp of this wsr, nor Ih vlnlenc of the bsttle, nor th dreailrulness of th new weapons, nor the perfldy of th foe. Nothing stop ped them. They hsd accepted to lead a hard and strenoue life; they had crossed the ocean despite treat peril: they had taken their place on the front by our side; they have fallen, farina th foe. In a hard and des perate bsnd to hsnd flaht. Honor to them! Their fa ml I lee, their friends and thrlr fHlow clilsena will be proud when Ihy lenrn of their death. Hen I These graves, th Orst to be dug In our natlnnsl soil, at but a short die tance from the enemy, are as a mark of the mlahty hand of our allies, firmly clinging to the common task, confirming the will of the people and army of th 1'nlted States, to fight with us to a finish, ready to sacrifice aa long as It will be necemary, until flnsj victory for the no blest of caitees, thst of the llherty nf na tions, the weak aa well aa the mighty. Thus, the death of this humble cor poral and of these two private aoldlers appears to u with extraordinary grand eur. We will, therefore, ask that th mortal remains of thee young men be left here, be left to us forever. We will Inscribe on their tombs; "TTer lie tb first soldier of the Vnltrd 8tates Republic to fell on the soil of Frsnce for Justice and Liberty." The passerby wilt stop and uncovv Ma head. The travelers of France, of the nllled roiinlrlrs, of America, the men of henrt who will com to visit our battle- n.,M nf T nrr.ln. will . a. .hl. ! to come here to bring to these graves the tribute or their respect and of their grntefulnrsa. Corporal Oreshsm, Private Enrtght. Private Hay-ln th nam of France, I thank you. God receive your souls. Fare well NEED 37,500 NURSES .1,000 Per Cent. Increase !s Sought by Government, i . ' Nurses Being Called for Duty to Meet 1 Needa of the United States ! 'Army. I Washington. Thirty-seven thousand , five hundred nurses will be needed In the army nurse corps of the medical , department, according to present esti mate based on an army of 1,500,000 , men. The present strength of the corps Is about 8,800, Increasing the enrollment by nearly 1,000 per cent In a year la the task confronting the ( corps. Dally numbers of nurses are being called for to meet immediate needa ; In army hospitals in the United States and for duty overseas. The pres ent rate of enrollment does not meet the demands. Hospitals at National Guard and National army camps still need 371 nurses to bring the quotaa of all up to the minimum considered necessary 05 each. In order to get the enrollments np to the needed number some of the re quirements heretofore Imposed are be ing waived. According to estimates of the nursing committee of the general Prosper to have shipyard. Eugene Government may utilize Idlo suwinlll near bore In connection with war plana. Hoseburg still working to secure loganberry Juice factory. Independence Valley A BileU U'gglug company's camp most up-to-il.ttu In Orexon. Kitted with all mo dem conveniences. Forty mile of truck, employes HO men. Murshfleld C. A. Smith company pieparlng for two shift at mill to Increase output airplane and ship timber. j Newport Standard gauge rail road from South tleach to Wa Id port talked. West Unn Crown Willamette Paper company to contruct modern hotel here. Donald Sutherland mill near here ieumea operations. . Springfield Two-mile macadam roud to be built In apring. Uauilon Two barges secured to ship lumber from Moore Lumber Co. to Sun Francisco. Oregon to receive $132,78. of the 1819 allotment of funds for roads. Vale Drilling for oil pronrespes here and Indications good. Vale Prominent geoloM scv (treat future for Malheur's nitrate flelda. Ashland Chrome ore deposlta 10 miles from here to be develoed. All Irrigation ditches leading from Itonne river must be a -reened to pre vent loa of millions of young Mi nion. Wm. Young of R. C. Dunn A Co. says: "Portland business hoimea did a larger volume of business In 1917 tbun In 1918 and fewer concerns were In business than for five years, Number of business failures decreas ed. Conditions In western Oregon Improved, more than In eastern Ore gon. All slvns point to better bun- Ine In 191 S than 1917." medical board of the council of nation' al defense, there are between 80,000 and 00,000 registered nurse in the country nnd about 200,000 other gradu ate aud practical nurses. Juit as soon aa Immediate needs of cantonnunt hospitals have been cared for a reserve of 100 nurses will be or ganised for emergency service In the United Rtutes, Lakewood hotel. Lake wood, N. J., ba been leused by the government for use as a general hospl tul for the army and provisions will be nuule for housing the reserve nurs es there. This hotel has not yet been turned over to the war department, but will be In a week or so. The nec essary alterations will be made as soon as practicable and the 100 nurses for the reserve will be needed In addition to the permanent nursing staff of the hospltul. How Patriot Soldier Suffered. In all the camp Rites of the Revolu tion a surprising quantity of broken blnck bottles are found, Indicating that the allowance of liquor must have been liberal The elaborate prepara tions made today to protect the sol dier against the cold contrast oddly with the equipment of the men at Val ley Forge. One of the Burgeon whe served at Valley Forge has left the following description of one of the Continental soldiers who was brought In to a camp hospital : "Ills bare feet were seen through his worn shoes his leg nearly naked from the tattered remain of nn onlj pulr of stockings his breeches not sufficient to cover his nakedness hi, shirt hanging In strlngn hi htilr rll sheveled hi face nienger his wlioh appearance pictured a person forsukec hiiiI discouraged." Letterheads that will please you. at the Courier. ful people make it a habit to read our clas sified ads Do you ? These ads. are mon ey savers and money makers. Keep your eyes on them. Classified t'Vli BALK O. C. ORANT LANDS Blue print plala showing lands la Josephine county, $1.60. Ad dree A. EL Voorhles, Grants Pass.' U DEALERS In horses, mule, cattle, wagons, backs, buggies, harness and saddles. Ws bava a variety of all kinds at all time. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If yon want to buy, com and see us. W will treat you right All our livestock: Is put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Bale Stable, Corner Sixth and K street. Tlmmons, Prop. Phone SSI-J. 18tf FOR SALB Good modern bouse. close In, north side. Inquire No. 1111. eare Courier. 18tf PIANOS, taw and second-hand for rent or sale on easy monthly pay ments; first year's rent to apply on purchase price. Rowell's Music and Photo Houae. IS I HAVE FOR SALE or trade all klnda of work, driving and saddle horse, wagon, buggies, harness and saddles, or will buy your. Come and see me at Brownie Hampton' Feed and Sale Stable, phone itl-R. Roy Hlgglns, owner. Also one 4-room house for sale cheap or to trade. 17 FOR SALE CHEAP Eighty acres In the Appleg&tc valley, New Hope school district. About 25 acres under th Murphy Irrigation dltcb, 144 share of water goes with the land. ThU land will be old cheap for cash. Why rent? The federal government will losn you half the money a long time at low Interest Address E. M. Austin, Route B Box 52, Modesto, Cal. 88 FOR 8ALE Recleaned seed wheat; Little Club, $2.15; Jenkins Club $2.25; Washington Hybrid No. 143, $2.50; Marquis. $2.50; also Beardless Barley, White Oat, Al falfa Seed and all Grasses and Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Elden, Cen tral Point. 66tf FOR SALE Good work horse, sound and true, 1,200 pounds. Al so one S-year old fllley, broke to work or ride. Hercules stump pul ler. Harrow, plow and spring tooth. Phone 600-J-2. . 76 FOR SALE One set double hack harness, $20. John Deere top buggy, with set of driving harness, $fi0. All in good condition. L. 8 Morrison, Leland, Ore. 76 FOR SALE Petaluma incubator. 63 egg size, as good as new, cheap, must make room. Will trade for chickens. Just right sue for small poultry farmer, a trio of Buff Wyandotte chickens, rooster and two hens, thorough breds and are beauties, easily con fined to small pen, best that grow for eggs and meat, buy these, and raise your own meat and eggs and help win the war. For descrip tions and price address M. C. Roberta, Murphy. 77 FOR SALE or exchange for income property north, 10 acres, six room house, part in crop, near Murphy. Terms if desired, $1,250. J. L. Green, Route 2. 76 A classified ad will give resorts. TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 35c and 50c; apodal rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conviently located. 411 C street. 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOM8 for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. 37tf FOR RENT OR SALE Irrigated fam plenty of water during the whole season. Inquire Jo. Fetx ner, 755 North Eighth street tf WANTED WANTED To buy a second hand Iron wheel wagon four to six Inch tires holding about 3,000 lbs. C. Shaefers, R. F. D. No. 2. 56tf WANTED Men for saw mills and logging camps. Mills and camps will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tion. For full particular write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cal. 63tf WANTED Good young Jersey cow. Prefer to have one Just fresh.' A. S. Farquharson. Call 603-F-J. 76 MvwMkx PHTIICUNS U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Praetleo limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat; Qlsasea tittasL nose and throat. Olaseee nttesl. Office hour 1-11, 2-6, or oa ap pointment Office phone, 61; dence phone 3SI-J. 8. LOUfJHRIDCK, M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or tlsht Residence phono '69; office phone ,; HJ. Sixth and II. Tuffs Building. A. A. WITH Ail, M. D.. Physician and urgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I etreets. Phonee: Of Ice, 116; residence, 288-J. Honrs, I a. m. to 4 p. a, DR. J. O. NIBLEY Physician and urgeon. - ' Londbui? ' Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Oo. Health Officer. ' Officer hour, t to 11 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 110-J. I5U DEXTI8T8 E. C. MACT, D. If. D. Ftrst-Olaa dentistry. 101 South ttxto treat. Grants Pass, Oregon.-" ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attorney-sU-Uw. Practice In all Bute and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg, COLVIO ft WILLI AM3 Attorneyg- at-Law Grants Pr-as Banking Co. Bldg. Or ante Paas, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DTKE, Attorney. Practice In all eonrta. First National Bank Building. ' ....... DURHAM RICHARD, Attoraeya- at-Law. Office Masonic Temple. Grant Paaa Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: SchaUhora Bldg. O. & BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Uv Golden Rule Building. Phone) 170. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD A BLANC HARD. At torneys, Albert block. Phone 2S6-J. Practice In all courts; Unci board attorney. - VETERINARY SURGBO.f DR. R. J. "beSTUL, Veterinarian). Office in Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 11S-J. Residence; Phone S05-R. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. 8hade, Prop. F. O. IS HAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark and Holman, No. 50. Real dent phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Ce. Phone l7-R. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. 8. MACMURRAT, teacher cf voloe culture and singing. Lessons give at home of pupil If requested. AaV dresa ?16 Lee Bt 851tt TAXI SERVICE! WHITE LINE TAXI City and coun try . Popular prices. Call Grants Pass hotel, phone 396. Residence phone 328-J. W. O. White, Prop. Grants Paas, Oregon. 86 TAXI Phone 508 for taxi. Any where, - any time. Paramount Cyclery." PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a, m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday alt tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. ' 78tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectlveDecember 1, 1817. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Grants Pass.. 1:80 p.m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p. m. All trains leave Grants Pass front the corner of Q and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or phone 131 for same. OS ASVSRTD3BM31NT WILL NOT at AinB YOU A FORTUJNJU, BUT IT WILL 8ERVB A8 A STONE IN THE FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS SUCCESS !t U