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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1918)
TU.HM W, Jt.M AMY illl. HUN. D.tar ROUVE lUVBt COURIER PAGE THREE Try thli recipe (or Crullers and Doughnut you can help save the Nation's fats when you uie Mazolt for deep frying MAZOLA ' Mazola U vttnthli oil It it ih ideal meJiun far Softening, because it is not inch splendid feairy. Cruller m4 H InW MM f lMHn MM I M MI M ! . Mi m Mil ., Ml M rf fciiHiiM. MM Ian m . ni iditMbltM wl lat MM k MM aa. Cat m a k MaMla, Get Matoia from your trocar in pun, quart, a! taJloa or Jtaito UM And ik lor the Ire Matul Book of Recipes, or write at direct. Ta MMf IliUlli t Mil III til M tw Ma HMMk Corn ,y-''- I!1 a,' i o)(Qi, aye mrt? cori more fish &. beans . as.? yiiaft enough 4m sugar : : & use syrups , and serve 4he cause of freedom U.S. rXX)I)Al)MINIS. NATION i . DRUGGIST CLEANS PENNIES H Think It Will Prevent the Spread of Slokaes. 11. M. Floyd, ii druggist of Shelby Tille, Inil., cleans nil of the pennies ho taken In (lining the tiny. Mr. Floyd has been (lulii); this fur some Unit, and Miya lie will continue to (In mi. "Ill tlll'Sf (l'H Of UMCCrtllllllll'H, whi'ii everything mine high mid sick ness higher limn tiny ,"Uicr condl'lnu, tiNi much cure cannot lw taken," hi mild. 'Tcmilo come fruiit nil sorts of Thrifty,shrewd,care ful people make it a hpbit to read our clas sified ads Do you? These ads. are-money savers and money makers. , Keep your eyes on them. prated from corn. deep frying. Mailing , or only itmii givei Doagacwt t MM 8 4 '''"'" Products Refining Company 17 Bnr rise, Nw Yixk "T 1 'SI V ' rmr ' jiicwa. . people, Jiini hh do nil other kind of , iiiiini'y. There in n difference, however, Hundred mid thousands of pennies are j spent dy clilldri'ii lota who want a Iiciiii.v'h wurlh of thlH or (lint. Mud of I lif children Inivn Ihu habit of put: lliiK tin1 penny In their inoutha. What ' run hnppi-n to u coin When placed lu 1 l)i ii mouth In well-known. A penny or in nlekel or u dime could carry a mil lion trnnx, TIicnc itilnn piik from linnil to hiiml. mid only Uhi often from niiiiilli to mouth." . ' Mr. I'll vil clniiirt hU coIum by rub- liiuit them with Hpiinlnli whltlnR, which he mi)h Is the chcnpcKt method. Any HuliMiiinre Hint Hcotiri will do, he aaya. COFFIN BLOCKS SPEEDERS Victim In Road Givea Mute Proteat to Motorlata. Chine1 cool Ich hnve devised an ef fective meiitiw of pmlextlnK aRtilnat Hpeedlng autoinnlillcH. , A few dnyg ago nn uiitniniihllc. hchuiKliiK to a promt nent Chinese olllciul killed a child neiir the MiiimiiT pnlnco nt I'eklttK. The driver wur urrested, but released upon pnyinent of a Very annul flnu. In expreatilon of their disapproval of the court's action the pnreuta of the child and their nelKliUora erected a mat shod In the middle of the road, on the very Kpot where the child wna killed, under which the cotlln wua placed. Inxcrlptlmm were froated on the alilea of (lie cotlln denouncing the InJiiHtlce of the court. Hlnce then the muln roud haa been abandoned by ti'ullle, hut olhclnla ivp imretitly have not (lured to remove the body, which la wntehed roimtnntly by frtendN of the bereaved fitmlly. i.rt'orheHiln Hint will tileune you, at the Courier, A elatalflcd ad bring reaalU. AMERICAN SUGAR SENT TO FRANCE American Price Rigidly Regulated by United States Food Administration. CONSUMERS HERE PAY 9c. Sugar Coat It Centi a Pound During Civil War Refiners' Profit Now Curtailed. Puitar la H'IIIiik imluy llirou(lioui America at from b lu U cent a pound to the cnimimirr, even though there la a world ahortUKe which hua mluceil thla liatlon'a euaar allotment to TO per rent, of uuruinl. Throiifh the efforts of the United Htates food administration the auttar luarkel lias been renulaied aa far aa the producer, rellner and wholesaler la concerned. The food aduilnlatratioti has no power to rernlute retail prices en eiit hy iiuhlle opinion. Even thonnh more than RTi.txiO tuna of auitar have 1 been shlpMd to Franco In the last four minus the retail arocer's auaar price la around S In rente. lie should aell thla sujfNr at H to 0 rents, the food admlnlatrallnn believes, and auks the American housewife to pay no more than this amount. Last AnKuat when the food admln latrallnn waa nifiinlaed the price of auger rose suddenly to It rents a pound. Kurlna the Civil War siiftsr post the coiiMiimvr X rents a pound. Hjr reKiilaiJon of the su.'ur murket and rediieliiR the prire to 8Vi and 0 rents and keepinx It from sdvsnclnr to 20 rente (he food admlnlstratlnn haa av ed the Amerlrsn piihlle nt lent $180, OtitMNKl In four months, seconllng to atalement msdeby Herbert Hoover the other day. "It la our atern duty to feed the al lies, to malulaln their health and strength at any rnet to ourselves," Mr. Hoover declared. "There hns not been, nor will be sa we see It, enough sugsr for even their present meairre and deprcsslne: ration unless they send ships to remote tuarketa for It. If we In our freed and gluttony force thera either to further reduce their ration or In send these ships we will have done rinmaire to our abllltlea to win thla war. "If we send the ships to Java for 250,000 tone of sugar next year we will have necessitated the em ployment of eleven extra ships for n year, Theee ships If ueed In transporting troops would take 150.000 to 200.000 men to Franca." Reason for World Shortage. Aa Mr. Hoover pointed out, the doited Suites, Camilla and Knglnnd were siignr lmMirtltiR countries before the wnr, while France and Duly were very nearly sc-lf supporting. The mnln sources of the world's suirar supply was (ieruniny and neighboring powers, the Went Indies and the East Indies. German sugar Is no longer available, aa It Is used entirely In Germany, which, Hi so absorbs sugar of surround ing countries. Kuuliind can uo longer buy l,4O0,00C long tuna of sugar each year from Germany. The French sugar produc tion baa dropped from 7.ri0,0t)0 to 210,- 000 tons. The Italian production bus fallen from 210,000 tons to 75,000 tons. Thus three count rlea were thrown upon Fast anil West Indian sources for 1,02.000 tons annually to maintain their normal coiiaumptloir. Because of the world's shipping shortage the allied nations Blurted drawing on the Went Indies for Miigiir; East Indian sugar took three times the number of ships, since the dis tance was three times, as great. Sud denly the went was culled on to fur nUli and did furnish I.OMHhi tons of sugar to EuroH when ,'liK,(MK) tons a year was the pre-war demand. The allies hud drawn from .lava 400,000 tons before the shipping isltmitton be came acute. "In spite of these shipments," Mr. Hoover stated the other day, "the English government In August reduced the household sugar ration to a basis of 2-1 pounds per annum per capita. And In September the French govern ment reduced their household ration to 13 2-10 potinda a yenr. or a lilt over 1 pound of srjfttr a month. Even this meagre ration could not be filled by the French government It was found early In the full. America was then asked for 100,000 tons of sugar nnd succeeded In sending 8.1,000 tons hy Peceniher 1.' Tie French request wns granted beennse the American house hold consumption waa then at least M pounds per person, and It was consid ered the duty of maintaining . the French morale made oar course clear." Today the sugar situation may be aummarlaed by stating that If America will reduce Its sugar eon sumptlonv10 to 16 par esnt thla nation will b abl to send 200,000 mora aoldlera to Franco. Sugar today sella at aeaboard re fineries nt $7.20 a hundred pounds. The wholrsiile grocer tins agreed to limit hla profit to 23 renta a hundred plus freight, and the retail grocer Is MtippoMcd to take no more than 50 cents : hundred inlands profit. Thla regu lation wi.h mnilo hy the food ndmlnls-'t-iit inn, which now asks the housewife ii re M'co M'gnr consumption as much, as prsinl'ilc, tiHlnif other sweeteners, snd slxo remind her that she houli) psr no mor i,,in ti cents a pound for jiigiir Control o Cane Refiners' Profit. "Inilnedlntely iimii ilie estnMnli mem of the food nilinliilairulli'ii," Mr. Oooter said, "an esn liutloo waa Biade of the costs ami profits of refin ing snd It wus flmilly determined "in. the spread between the cost of nil and the sale of refined nine euvur should he limited lo ll.'Ul er hundred miiiiii. 'J he pre-war ilifTi n ntliil bad vera ted uImhiI K't cents mid liKrcnwd costs were found In have been Impos ed by the wnr lu lnrrened rom of re fining, )oiic, r ii of ImgK, labor, Insur snee, Intercut mid 'Mher things, rather more then nier the (inference. After prolonged m'KoilniliiiiN Hie reflnera were placed under agreement estab lishing tlii-M- limit on Oi'toh'T 1, and anything over this amount to he agreed extortionate under the law, "lif the roiirse of these Investiga tions It was found by csiivhss of the Cuban producers that their sugsr had, during the firm nine month of the past year, sold for an average of about ii.ii tier hundred f. o. b. Cuhn, to which duty and freight added to the refiners' cot amount to almnt $!i.M per hundred. The average sale price of granulated by various refineries, ac cording to our Investigation, wss about I7..V) per hundred, or a differential of fl.U. "In reducing the differential In ft .SO there wus s saving to the public of T4 rents per hundred. Had such a dif ferential been In use from the 1st of January. 1D17. the public wonld bsvo saved In the flrf nine months of the yesr about CtiO00" Next Year. ' ' With view to more cfllrleot organ isation of the trude lu lmiorted sugars next year two committees have been formed by (he food administration; 1, A committee comprising repre sentatives of all of the elements of American cane refining groups. Tha principal duty of thla committee la to divide the sugsr Impmis pro rata to their vsrlous (-opacities and aee that absolute Justice Is done to every re finer. . . i 2. A comailtte- comprising three rep resentstlve of the English, French and Italian governments; two repre sentatives of the American reBnera, with a member of the food administra tion. Only two of tha committee bave arrived from Euroie. but they repre sent the allied governments. The du ties of this committee are to determine the most economical sources from a transport point of view of all the al ilea to arrange transport at uniform rates, to distribute the foreign sugar between the United Slates and alilea, subject to the approval of the Ameri can, English, French and Italian gov ernments. Thla committee, while holding atroog vlewa s to the price to be paid for Cuban sugar, has not had the final voire. Thla voice has rested Id the governments concerned, together with the Cuban government, and I wish to state emphatically that all of the gen tlemen concerned aa good commercial men have endeavored with the utmost patience and skill to secure a lower price, ami their persistence has re duced Cuban demands by 15 cents per hundred. , The price agreed upon la about S4.00 per hundred pounds, t o. b. Cuba, or equal to about $0 duty paid New York. "This price should eventuate," Mr. Hoover said, "to about I7.S0 per hundred for refined sugar from the refiners at aeaboard points or should place augar in the hands of the conaumer at from S'i to t cent per pound, depending upon locality and condition of trade, or at from 1 to 2 cents below the price of August last and from one. half to a cent per pound cheaper . than today. "There la cow an elimlnution of speculation, extortionate profits, and In the refining alone the American lieople will save over 125.000,000 of the refining charges lust year. A part of these Havings goes to the Cuhun, Huwalliin, Porto Itlcan and Lousintilaa producer and part to the consumer. . "Appeals to prejudice uguiust the food administration ltuve been inuile because the Cuhun price is 34 'cents above Hint of 1H17. It Is said In effect that the Cubans ate ilt our mercy; that we could get augur n cent lower. We made exhaustive study of the cost of producing sugar In Cuba hist year through our own ngenis in Cuba, and we timl it uveruges .Vo..'ii), while immy producers are nt a higher level. We found thut an average profit of at least n Vent per pound wus necessary In order to maintain nnd stimulate production or that a minimum price of $1.37 waa necessary, and even this would stifle some producers. "The price ultimately agreed wns 23 cents above these figures, or ubout one fifth of a cent per pound to the Ameri can consumer, and more than this amount has been saved by our reduc tion In refiners' profits. If we wish to stifle production In Cuba we could take that course Just at the time, of all times' In our history when we want production for ourselves and, the al lies. Further than that, the state de partment will assure you that such a course would produce disturbances In Cuba and destroy even our present supplies, but beyond all these uiulerlal reasons la one of human Justice. This great country has no right by the might of Its position to strangle Cuba. "Therefore there Is no Imposition upon the American public. Charges have been mude before this commit tee that Mr. ltolph endeavored to ben efit the California refinery of which he Classified FDH SALE 0. A C. GRANT LANDS Blue print plat showing land In Josephine county, 91.60. Addroaa A. E. Voorhles, Grant Pa. if DEALERS In horaoa. mule, ettl. wagons, hackj, buggle. barn and saddle. W have a variety of all klnda at all times. 1 you hi to anything to aell or exchange, or If you want to bay. com nnd a us. We will treat yon right All, our Uveatock la put out under guarnnteo. Had Front Feed nnd Bale Stable. Corner Sixth and K street. Tlmmons, Prop. Phons UII. 18tf FOR SALE Oood modem house, do In, north aide. Inquire No. lilt, oar Courier. 2Stf PIANOS, taw and second-hand for rent or sale on eaay monthly pay ment; Drat year'a rant to apply on purchase price. Rowell's Music and Photo House. . 85 I HAVE FOR SALE or trad all kind of work, driving and saddle horses, wagona, buggies, htrnes and caddie, or will bay your Com nnd see me at Brownie Hamptoa'a Feed and 8al Stable, phone i4I-R. Roy ' Hlgglns, owner. Also one 4-room bouse for sale cheap or to trade. S7 FOR SALE CHEAP Eighty acres In the Applegate valley, New Hope school district. About 25 acres under the Murphy Irrigation ditch, 144 tharca of water goea with the land. This land will be told cheap for cash. Why rent? The federal government will loan you half the money a long time at low Intereat. Address E. M. Austin, Route B Box 52, Modesto, Cal. 88 FOR 8 ALE Recleaned seed wheat; Little Club, 12.16; Jenkins Club, 12.25;, Washington Hybrid ' No 143, $2.50; Marqula, $2.60; also Beardless Barley, White Oats, Al falfa Seed and all Grassee and Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Elden, On tral Point. 6tt FOR SALE 6 hoga weighing about 100 lbs. each at $12 per hog. Call M. E. Provolt, Provolt central. 70 TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mrs. L, C. Arm strong; 2$ clean rooma nt 16c and 50c; ipecial rates by week or month; also light honaekeep Ing room. Wonld like your pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conriently located. 411 C street 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privilege. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. 37tf FOR RENT OR SALE Irrigated farm plenty of water during the whole season. Inquire Jo. Fetx ner, 755 North Eighth street. tf FOR RENT 5-room modern fur nished house. Gas, electric lights, etc. 207 West C street See N. E. Townsend, 621 A street. 73 WANTED WAXTED-Tb buy a second hand Iron wheel wagon four . to six Inch tires holding about 3,000 lbs. C. Shaefera, R. F. D. No. 2. 56tf WANTED Men for saw mills and logging camps.' Mills and campc will operate throughout the win ter. Steady work. Good condi tions. For full particulars write Weed Lumber Company, Weed, Cal. 65tf WANTED Six thousand feet lum ber hauled from Waters Creek to Grants Pass. Moore Baking Co. . 70 FOUND. FOUND A ladies' agate pin. Own er can obtain same by Identifying and paying for thl8 ad. Apply No. ! 153 Courier. 70 OWE ADVERTISEMENT WTLI ROT MAKE YOO A FORTUNE. BUT IT WILL SERVE AS A STONE EN THE FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS SUCCESS ' : ' :: was manager by this 84 cent Increase In Cuban price. Mr. Rolph did not fix the price. It does raise the price to the Hawaiian farmer about that amount. It does not raise the profit of the California refinery, because their charge for refining Is, like all other re1 flners, limited to $1.80 per hundred pounds, plus the freight differential on the established custom of the trade. "Mr. Rolph has not one penny of In terest in that refinery." Advertising PHYSICIANS LO. CLEMCTT, M. DPraotias limited to dlaaaaea of the) eye, ma. no and throat. Oil as a flttL noee and throat. 01 lease fittest Office hoars $-12, 2-1, or on ap pointment Office phone, 12; rant dene pbon tit-J. I 8. LOt'OH RIDGE. M. O.. PbysteUs and iurgeonClty or country ea.ll attended day or tizht Bldssnor pbon ; offlc pbon 182. Sixth and H. Toffs Building. A. A. WITHAlf. M. D.. Phyldan and surgeon. Offlc: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I street. Phone: Ot ic, lit; rldno. 2 81-J. Hear, t , a, to 4 p. m. DR. J, O. MBLEY Phyatelna na surgeon. Lnndbnrc Building. Burgeon Utah-Idaho Be gar Go. Health Officer. Officer boars, ta ll a. m. l to 6 p. ns. Phone 810-J. Mtf DESTISTB E. C. MACY, D. nt. D. rirtetae dentistry. 10IH Bonth Sixth treat, Grant Paas, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attorney-at-law. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank BXag. COLVIO WILLIAMS , JUtorsssya. t-Law Ornnta Paas Baaklag O. Bldg. Grants Pass. Oregon. - - ' E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practise la all courts. First National Bank ntrn-i'ng.' ' ' - - ' DURHAM RICHARD, AtUtnars- at-Law. Office Msaonlo Grants Paas Oregon. W. T.MTLLER, Attorn ey-et-Lw County attorney 1 for ' JoawnsJne County. Office: Bchallhora Bide. O. 8. BLANCHARD.Attorney-a t-Law Golden Rale Building. Phone 270.' Grant Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD BLANCHARD, At torn ey. Albert block.: Poa 22C-J. Prattle in all courts; lead board attorneys .-.k m VETERINARY SUBGBOH DR. R. J, BEBTUL, Veterinarian, Office la Wtnatrout Implasasat Bldg. Phono 11I-J. Phone 805-R. - DRAYAGB AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drnyag and traaafer work carefully and promptly dona. Phono 181-J. Stand at fretght depot A. Shade, Prop. F. O. B3HAM, draysgo and transtsr. Safes, piano and fumltar moved packed, shipped nnd stored. Phoao Clark and Holman. No. 60. dene phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do wa. . Bunch Bros. Transfer C. Phon . 317-R. MT81CAA, INSTRUCTION J. & MACMURRAY, teacher ot relo eultnr and singing. Lessons grrao at horn of pupil it requested. Ad dress 718 Lea St 8 6 Hi PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 1 a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday alt tings call Mill 283-R or resldenee 140-J. .' 7$tf MISCELLANEOUS BENNETTS CHEMICAL laboratory. 1141 Market street, Taooma, Wn. Let ns take care of your ore ship ments and do your control work, rate reasonable. - tt TAXI SERVICE WHITE LINE TAXI City snd coun try . Popular prices. Call Grants Pass hotel, phone 396. Residence phone 328-J. W. G. White, Prop. Grants Pass, Oregon. IS The California and Oregon Coast Kailroad Company t TIME CARD EffectiveDecember 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 It. Grants Pass.. 1:99 p.m. Train 2 hr. Waters Creek 3 : 90 p. m. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and Eighth street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot' For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office ot the company, Lundbnrg building, or phone 131 tor same. CHICHESTER S PILLS WiCv TSISIASUMBIDII.r A mmdUml AA yoar Braax fa i m wn wrm mmmmmm rill ! Kr4 tad l.l BrlTEV bom. MM kll Bin Ribta. 1 T wit. Bar rr . miM. Au(o.cirM'irKH.Taaraf r OlaaONB HRANU PILLS, tern l MMla0lla.Btt,8.h.t.AIMaftlWi4l ' SOtDBVDfiUGGISTSEVERnrS