Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, January 29, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tl'KMH.tYi JAM AllV Sil, IVIN.
Published Dally Except Saturday
A. B. VOORHIE8. Pub. and Propr.
Etrd at thPostofBc. Grant Paw,
Or., a Mcond claaa mall matter.
Display space, per Inch 15c
Local or personal column, prlln 10c
Header, par Una ... 5c
By mail or carrier, par year.... $(.00
By nail or carrier, per month.. .(0
By mail, per year-............-1 1.50
, State Editorial Association
Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn.
Northwest Patriotic Preaa Assn.
' The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to th u.e for republication
of all news dispatches eredlted to It
or not otherwise: credited In this
paper and also the lcal news pub
lished herein.
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are also
reserved. .. . , , .
f Fair and Colder with moder-
f ate westerly winds. 4
Many years ago the late Charles
W. Fulton, or, Charlies, as he was
usually called, lived in Astoria and
had a summer cottage at Seaside, to
gether with many of bis friends. On
one occasion, when they were opened
for the season It was discovered that
a number of them had been robbed.
A caretaker, named Charles Wtl
lard, a blustering Texan, was under
suspicion and had a reputation as a
dead renter shot, to maintain which
he amused himself by shooting corks
thrown Into the surf.
When Fulton learned that his
house had been looted he went to
Seaside with Sheriff Jack Williams
and Deputy Lambert and at Seaside
they were Joined by a constable. To
gether they visited Wl Hard's cabin
and when they knocked, Wlllard
threw open a window, rifle in hand,
but allowed them to enter. Fulton
Identified certain articles, when the
visitors told Wlllard to come with
them to Fulton's cottage for further
Investigation, which he did, carrying
hlg rifle. Fulton and the constable
entered the cottage when shots
called them outside. Williams lay
dead and Lambert, fatally wounded,
held the men he had been told to
guard, in his weakening grasp, Wil
, lard freeing himself, shot the con
stable In the hip. Fulton then club
bed Wlllard into insensibility, as he
supposed, and started for help,
when he saw Wlllard propped on
his elbows taking & bead on him
with his rifle. Fulton drew his re
volver and fired. By prompt action
and accurate shooting, he saved his
life and killed the robber.
Good Goods
Simon Pure and Shield Lard
Veg'etole, Crisco
Pearl Shortening'
i i i i
.-i ... H ' 3 f Ml
' Purchasers of thrift stamps and
war savings stamps are permitted by
the government to writ their nanie
on the stamps, so every purchaser of
a thrift stamp (JS rents), should
attach it to his thrift csrd and In
dorse It. Every purchaser of a war
savings stamp ($4.12) should im
mediately attach It to his war sav
ings certificate. War savings cer
tificates should be registered at the
post office as Insurance against loss.
To the already strongly establish
ed Berkshire breeding industry of
the Rogue river valley In southern
Oregon there lias been added lately
three more registered Berkshire
herds. The first Is that of Arden-
cralg farm. Grants Pass, where there
is now an exceptionally fine young
son of Laurel Champion out of Mas
ter's Lady Premier 5th, senior cham
pion sow of Oregon in 1114. This
boar will be hsown at tb next Ore
gon state far. To mate with him are
three typy gilt sired by Rival's
Duke 35th out of Sllblrfa Violet 4th
and 5th, two good granddaughters of
laurel Champion.
Th second new Berkshire herd Is
that of M. F. Crook at Pryden.
headed by another fine son or laurel
Champion out of Berryton Belle
3 1st. This Dig Is a little brother of
the gilt recently sent by Winona
ranch to a Pennsylvania buyer. With
him go two gilts sired by Artful
Leader, the iunior herd sire at Win
ona and a son of Grand Lesder 2nd,
grand champion board of the world.
A neighbor of Mr. Crooks has start
ed the third herd with a daughter of
Rival' Duke 35th. She goes to Geo.
Walton of Dryden.
No Raiie
In Price
Of This
Great Remedy
i .......
i k-a with Itad Sop Si
HU1 tpirtwvaa It.
Co4U In, (Wm
14 Tab .
AtArP Ws
Washington. Jan. 29. Secretary
Houston of the department of agri
culture, in a communication to the
American Association of State High
way Officials, has set forth squarely
the policy which he thinks should be
followed In highway construction
during the war. Secretary Houston
"So far as it Is practicable to do
so, this department will urge the
maintenance of the highway already
constructed; the construction and
completion of those highways which
are vitally important because of
their bearing upon the war situa
tion or for the movement of oom-
Eighteen thousand babies will he
born to Belgian and French moth
er who are too poor, because of the
war, to give them the reception they
should have. The fathers of these
new babies eitht-r are dead or fight
ing. The Spokane chapter of the Red
Cross has undertaken to furnish 500
complete baby ; outfits for these
youngster within the next three
This will be done entirely aside
(from the war work, which forges
ahead from morning to night at .the
Paulsen building, and which must
never "be 'halted even for babies!
If you cannot on the ocean sail
With Uncle Samuel's fleets
You can stay at home with Hoover
And help to save the "eats."
I Gives brilliant clotty abln that
does not nib off or dust on thu
anneals to the iron that test ionr
time as too as any other.
Black SilkStovePcEsh
! Id a clans by Itwlf. It'a
tarrfullf m add and mad
from betur maUrUxlt.
Try It m ywurpaffac
or jnw m ruv
If vmiftM't IndH
rrvt mod, joor
hardware or
itithoHard to re
fund r oar
-Thora'm "A
not I
modttle; the postponement of all
highway construction relatively lea
essential or not based upon import
ant military or economic need. The
department I preparing to lugxeat
to the state highway departments,
the preparation of a schedule of
work for the federal aid project for
191S in lln with this policy."
In carrying out th policy ' thus
announced there ha been sent out
by the office of public roads, of the
department of agriculture, schedule
forma on which th states sre ' re
quested to set forth their proposed
federal aid work for the 1(18 work
ing season. These schedules call for
a description of each road, the char
acter, quantity snd rail haul of the
materials to he used, the probable
cost, the amount of federal funds de
sired, the specific purpose of the Im
provement, Its bearing upon the war
situation, and what effect a delay of
the work until 1919 or luter would
have. With the Information thu
assembled and classified, an efficient
road construction program Is assur
ed. While it I Impossible to make
any definite statement regarding the
transportation of road materials, the
expectations are that the transpor
tation situation will be Improved and
that the shipment of such materials
for essential projects can be made.
Road construction and mainten
ance in the I'nlted States involve an
annual expenditure of some $3..
000,000, and there is scarcely a sec
tion of the country that Is not ser
iously affected by a marked distur
bance In road work.
Washington, Jan. 29. The senate
military committee Is considering
new provisions for the draft law, to
bring in young men as fast as they
reach 21 years and to discharge
them as fast as they become .31, un-
U-ss in military service. , General
Crowder says In future operations
new drawings will be held under new
clawdflcatlons to fix Individual liability.
Effects of the Sun.
City dwellers nnd those who do not
lead h constant outdoor life should
avoid exposing unclothed portions of
their bodies to the bright sunlight for
a prolonged period. According to the
Jolirnnl of the American Medical Asso
cliitloii, Oerinnn specialists who have
Investigated the subject say that the
dniniigc that frequently follows the
populnr imstlrne of lying fur hours In
the sun n the snnd nt flernmn Readi
es is not merely sunburn, but head
ache und often meningitis. Those who
ure Inclined to he nervous lire more
quickly affected by undue exposure to
the rays of the sun. und the nnenilc
and nervously predlsposcd'clty Indoor
workers lire the very pnrwnv v.lvi nn
most fond of sun baths. A liiiuii'il mill
vasculiir skin offers n better protection
against the' sun's rays, hut tin city
dweller's skin 's neither pigmented nor
vascular. Instead of being benefited,
the nervous are rendered more nerv
ous, und when (he summer is over tbe.v
are tnnned, hut ilhcrwlse In poortr
condition than In the spring.
At a business meeting of th
Christian child h Monday evening It
was nted unanimously not to Ink
part In the proposed amalgamation
of thre churches of th city. V. J.
Stovalt presided and Mrs. Ellen
Thrasher was secretary. A short dis
cussion followed th report of the
committee on union by lr. B. C.
Macy, and then was read a report
of the officer of the church recom
mending that lb congregation do
not enter the federation. Th church
felt that It waa out of debt, had a
fin Sunday school and a good list
of member and occupied a field that
needed Its work and teaching. Added
to this there wer certain doctrinal
principal that they would not have
an opportunity to advance? while ac
cepting th hospitality of other con
gregations. At the business aesalon the fol
lowing persons wer elected officers
for 191 R: Rider J. T. Itlevlna, W.
J. fttovalt. Deacons, D. J. Manuel,
r. C. Champlln. A. V. Ray. II. I.
Smith, W. M. W'yley.
Dr. R. C. Mary was elected Sunday
school superintendent, with author
ity to choose hi assistant officer
this year. Mr. Rmma Mary waa
mad pianist and organist.
It was then announced that Rev.
Robert T McHatton who ha been
conducting services the past two
week had agreed to remain over
next Sunday, filling the pulpit morn
ing and evening and that th congre
gation would Immediately make ef
fort to secure a suitable pastor.
Pro. Alfred Powers, connected
with the extension service of the
University of Oregon, was In th dty
yesterday In his capacity as field
representative of the northwest
branch of the Red Croaa society. Me
Is making visit of Inspection with
alt the chapter In western Oregon,
assisting with Information where
needed, and occasionally giving II-
fluatratcd lectures to arouse Interest
In the work.
He state there are now 25 live
working chapters in Oregon, with
Innumerable auxiliary oclotlo clus
tering about them, and alt for the
most part doing good work, especial
ly along the line of raising funds.
Visiting the local chapter In the
midst of on of It busy days, he
waa most favorably Impressed with
the showing the ladle wer making,
and waa especially pleased with the
enthusiasm being manifested by the
school children In the Junior Red
Cross organization. In thl respect
he found Grant Pas In advance of
any other district he had visited.
Mr. Powers left In the evening for
Medford and other upper valley
Anything to sell? Try a classified.
Card at the Courier office.
Women can be nsefuilv emr loved fa
nnrsing the wounded, in tusking np
the soldiers' kits, and a tliouirnd other
ways. Many American women are
weak, pale or anemic from woman's
ill, . For young girls jnnt entering
womannoou; tor women at the crit
ical time; nursing mothers and every
woman who'is "run-down," tired m
over-worked Doctor Pierce's Favorite
Prescription is n special, safe and cer
tain help. It can now he had in tablet
form. Yon can procure a trial package
of the tablet by writing Doctor l'ierre,
Chief of .Stall at Invalids' lintel, Huflalo.
N. Y., enclosing 10 rent. Write in full
confidence if you desire free medical
advice also.
RoRKtiURO, Ohkook. 'There Is nothing
so (t'HKl a Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Proscription for all
diseases with
which a woman Ik
troubled. I took
It for In (lamina
tion nnd it cured
me, 1 also took
It during x
Dcctnacv nnd I
KcCfh. ' w so well all the
' Jr 1. 1 m n h til n .
headache, no linck
ache, no tnm-nlnir
slekne!', no sour stomach, no bloating."
Mns. M, li. IHioiikh, Mosder Struct.
Astoria. Okkoon. "My blond was bad
for u lontr time and I was nil run-down,
had severe headaches, was nervous and
tinil nil the time. After trying different
remille without petting any liottcr. I
ilec.diii u. ? f . Ir Pierce's Keniedles, 1
Ux.h ; I'fii'urltn ('rescriptioii' and the
m'm! ',; ;;..!,! i Us-'ivery ' iiccordiiig t
dli'i'i i.,.i'. "vim resioi-il to perfect!. u. i recommend
"My mother al'.vnv I ses Dr. Pierce's
rtetnlle. She ir.ive me the ' Favorito
Prescription' when I was coming Intfi
womanhood ' ,Vai, C, C MESSENGER.
Diii.r.0 .'trecu
Our Guarantee
Your grocer will refund
the full price you paid
for MJB if it does
hot please your taste, no
matter how much you
have used out of the can
You canbuy
Ask your grocer
River Banks Creamery
(Leonard Katnle (. Owner)
Pay highest market price for
Honest Test Full Weight
Prompt Payment
(irant Pa, Oregon
Billy Qur Dog.
nilly'a favorite toy Is n little bat
tered dog made of cloth, which l
culled Sport. This dug's pcriniineni or
ciipatl) u Is sitting on his hind legs.
Decently hi" mother tn ulmiit to lake
mil) fur a walk. They hud Jut start
ed ulii'ii h usked If he llllttlit go buck
to get Sport. Sport hitvlin: Joined
thrill, the three hml gone Mureely a
block Wtlcll I'.lll) SicllJlIU to lil'tlit"
for the llrst llim" I Is: lit pet wii" fur
ever scut id. Mll"l; "Oil. I IMtoi" I'll 'i '
Sport buck; tm of him going l:h
ns. he's nn'y i.'o' 'An "; IkiTK."
Cards at the Courier ofiVe.
NOTHIMi kik mkh it
There has never been anything; la
Grants Pas with th IN8TAMT ac
tion of simple buckthorn bark glyc-
lerln, etc., a mixed In Adler l-ka.
'ONH SpOONrTI, flushes th KN
TIltR bowel tract so completely tt
relieves ANY CASK sour' stomach.
: gas or constipation and prevent ap
pendicitis. Th INSTANT, ploasmnt
action of Adler-l-ka surprised both
doctors nnd iHttlnntn. National Drag
at ore.
Let Electricity Save You
Labor and Money
Car Bargains
Hntf loin, noon tiiuoh