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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1918)
HUIUV. JANUARY II, tl. BAIL? tOOVM KITER COURIER PAGE TKRT3 MEMORIALS FOR THEIR DEAD Classified MvwMm erblani Ivtr Kp Ortan th Mam try f Dtctaitd Mimbtr f Thllr Famllli. It la not quit aicurnle to entltl , hake bolt-a:d brclt ' '. )ik more try lccs - ( iv.' i 1 . FIRST AID AT SQUAW PEAK Len lehool-Tfichir on Frontier II lucMMful 11 Riduclng Pupil's Unjolnlfd WrUt. 1 u eallng my limrli III tlx- whnol- ' lioii nil by iiiym-lf. Ami mm I lite, n buy entered unci dmpM-d ln-a lljr Into m-iiI. w rttf Umr 'llbhn Kent, hi th Atlantic. I looked tin Indifferently. The hoy'a face waa dyed uilli nil. tint some of tho youngster IihiI been nii'tirliin lhinu lvf with niir ni'W red. water color. Thi wiu iin uuuimliy suc cessful effort to he hlih-ous, I though). Anil then "I llilnli my wrist In out nf Joint." alii the boy la uti-mly, controlled loo. I mm la Ufa, liut I wa mill a Utile akrptlral. "Ar jmu really hurl. Rilmtnlf I de aisnilitl, pushing my lunch basket any. "trfc" he replied. I wa mi my feet Mini at hla idle. Hi brilliant red that dyed half liln far hihI mar wa really MimmII I brnl over biro. "I low did juu ilu ur Tell nit my borne. I wa tnkln; him down, to the river la water blin. ibut't know" II was burl. Ami I we abum am, helpless I . ."My wrlt li out o' Joint r hi In alsfed faintly. "Are you eurer Hut, oh I I wiiii aura myself a I looked it It The inn bid sprung fur out Id front of the MKT biiml. The hone bulged hldmufcly over It. I think I run out nml tiMik a wild look around, hut there nobody In lnht hut crowd of hysterical chil dren pressing up nml whimpering. I wn no diK'tor, I only know thut Ihl wrlHt ought In be net it one, nml I mulled dimly from my own gnimtmir school ilny n few hint In my old hy nlolniy n In th setting of bone. "Edward, thin nuiilit to Ihi done now t" I milil n riiluily mm 1 could. Tin not iur thnt n,n.'i".L'"T" "flo lihtinl miiA try ! rceiiminfndi-d Rlwunl irlinly. "I'iiII It out" I did not glvo mywlf tlinr to think. I nt down hi-nldr him, roluli'ly tiMk thi tirrlhl, mlmhuiMMl wrlM fnto my bmidi, nml iuIIih1, pri'wdiig the bmid n llttl birkwird nt the mimi tlim. frit the bonri mnp mnoolhly Into thcli proper plnrfil I hud done whit I lnu' Mt out to (l; ! It wn unbfllHVulilt). , ' ' A Plonnr of th Sa. . Th klni'i wnt visit to Port Oil tow rtcalla fact In (be hlxtory ol ahlpi ind ihlphulldluK which bii pirtlculir lntrt at the pri'ncnt time. Ai ' twybody knowi, obM-rvei th Montreil Hrrnld, It wai from Port Olaitow that the drat itrnmer tn built, thi Comet, owner Henry Ball, wm launched In 1812. She wai a 80 Ion veaael With an engine of three bora power, and wn found to ba ao aucceanful that wl'thin the next two yeara two larger craft were conitruct ed. One of theae waa the Marjery, and from the Clydo the Marjory wai tranxferred to the Thmuea, and piled between London and Grnvenmd dur Ing the flrat tnontha of 1815. But ahe waa viewed with dlHfavor by tlx Thainea wulermeu. She wna ery much of a novelty, and they wera au plclotm of noveltlea j IiphUIch, they con' ildcred that thli kkotch-bullt boat In terfered with their rlnhta. Bo thi ' Morjery left the Thnmea for tb Belne; her owner having mild her to a French company. To rwh the Beint ahe hud to rroni the cluiunel, and ah waa thui the nrot stenmer to do ao. Wild Foodi, taade and Roota. One of the project outlined by the committee on bulimy of the national renenrch council la the neiirch fur wild plnntH which may be urd ua wnrtlme aulmtltutea for the more cutly crop plnnta. Kill ing the Civil war Dr. John I'orcher, n noiilherner, piiIiIIhIiimI u book giving n llt of plunla of the Houth which could he milinlltuted (ol much-needed food- mid iliug plunla The Amerlciin HotmilNt, .toilet, III., propnueH, with tho nld of It renders, to compile a Klmilni' lint. Informa tion Is nought n h to mi.v pluutH not ordlmirlly cultivated which have edible fruim, HoedH, roots, etc It In anfr geMed thiit vnlualile knowledge nu thlfl auhject mllit he obtained from hunt era, trappcri, wooiIhiiicii, furinera, In dlnn uud the forelgnerH. who pick up colixldcialile food from the country aide. Similar Information In doMretl concerning plunta Ihul can l lined In medicine. CardB ai tha Courier effiro. LABOR JSJIS JOY Wealth Not Vcrtr While, De clares Ow.'.cr of a Gusher. Rlchta, Mlnui Toll, Da Not Appaal to Man VVhce. Farm U titu ratrd With OH. Two men ui-re rlillua throiich one of the newly illKi-nvi rcd oil flelda of thu HoiilhwfKl, On ench nlde of tho train row an uiily fonut of derrick, covering Hie rolllni! prnlrle with an uniiatural gmntli. The 'nunl under iIiiim- Iel1ea IIiiiImt trie wa black with crude nil. Itefime oil burn ing, nml enoruiouN clnud of black oiuoke rolled up Into the iky. Hmlileuty the train Mvcpt by a nr ter mi tlon farm tlinl lay like a rca while wunre lietuei-n the hrlntttmt derrick nml I lie lilack will. The little fnrmhoiiKv viin surrounded by a C"t IoiiwimhI grove. Two men with li team at work. Niuck of grain ami ulfulfa and a herd of quiet rattle completed the picture. "Uiok!" one of the traveler rx claimed. "In't that queer! That min't be a dry aeetlnu t" A I"."" JlrriSJ w,' heard Mike Up: "On the contrary, that quarter l perhup the rlchent oil land In the Mil. .Hit that one derrick clone by the houe) It wu n guaher iind ran more than elttht hundred barrel n day. Philip ll". hi" wife and two mm live on the While furm. aa It la called. When the gunher waa itrurk. Ron older on riivhed Into the hou with the new, rtomi and hla wife wen there. "'Father, he the oilmen any It' the hlgKCNt drill In the atatet We can !ciie the whole furm for mil lion I Hurrah!' The father calmly looked at the aont "What of l,r "What of It I W ara rich I We enn go to New York or Chicago and live without working !' "'Live without worklngr'auld Roa. 'What aort of life la JJiatT "They aay I'hillp Ha brought hla hand down on the kitchen table where he ant and until. 'Call In Duncan.' Thnt (n the younger aon. Puncnn came In, and the family aat there together. " 'I let tho oilmen drill to teat onr furm because yon hoy, naked It.' aald Hoaa. The reault will give na mil lion without a atroka of work. But It will ruin our quiet home and unfit na for llfe'a real taaka. It hai already apolled acorea of our neighbor, aa yon and mother know right well. I think too niuch of you boy to let you grow nn with mnnov von never really earn ed. We are healthy, and dally work la Joy. We can't afford to b rich. "He turned to hla wife and aald, 'Janet, thank Ood that wa ara able to work, and do not want to Ilva without It.' And the wife and the boya bowed their henda while the atnrdy old Scotsman praveii ''the oilmen vvere frantic at hi te fumil to ell or leaae. They offered fohninn nrtc. TheT threatened and tried to aenre him Into yielding. But the White farm la atlll there, and Boa and hla wife and aon are working on It hnpplly, aurrounded by the foreat of rig nnd the black atretch of ruined prairie aoU. . The train wua again paaalng through the tangle of derrick nnd black aoll. But In the memory of the two travel era the White farm dwelt, a picture of rare conaclence nnl conviction and reHlatiince to the prevalent dealre to make a fortune and live without work- IntT There la no real life without work ing. When will American learn thut lesaon. and be content to live and work on the White fnnnt Youth'a Compan ion. South Afrloa Growing Sugar Can. Sugar planting la making rapid strides 111 South Africa, nnd the lust few year have seen nerca upon acre put under cane, from Durban to pra tlcnlly the end of the new rallwny line In Zululund, terminating t Homkele. The const of Natal nnd Zululund la eminently suitable for tho growth of sugar cane, and many farmer have given up their up-country farm for the more profitable sugar growing along the coast belt. The clinmte Is very warm In Hummer, but ua the main work, the cutting and milling of Hie ,.,i o inkes nlnre In winter, s'luar grower are enabled to leave their farm for a cooler climate uunng tne rammer,, wont hi. jr0p. (hi ceremony u fuuerul, fr It I nut Hint, hut wa have lu KiikIIhIi nu omi word or two word with which to ex plena lha moaning. In order to tecura compliita accuracy, It would have l. en iiecemiary to head llila akt-teh with the word, "Cereiuony ruiformed by a Bcr hla a Kamlly on the Aiiulvvrmiry of the leulli of One of It lleiulier," ud no ueupiiH-r copy rtuder would pa n lltla Ilka that, write a corrcupoudcut. Il la tho riiMtiiiii of th country to re member the dead on the auulveraary of death by a pllgrliiiuge to tho grave yard, with all appropriate ceremoule. A morbid rualoiii, and one that might lie productive of milieu nnd needle grief, according to our Idea, but the Merit are a hard raca and face their iwhmw without covering thuiu. All of the family file to the cemetery, ac eumpmiled by clone friend and bead ed by prleat. Mower ara laid on the grave, prayer are ottered and the women weep. Tha virtue of the d-ad are extolled and he la mlilrced and npiMirophiaed. Tlila part of the ceremony over, the couipuny all down to a meul that they have brought with them. Tho affulr takea on the aect of aouie grave ao rtal ocraloo. Wine la drunk and much food la eulrii. It I cuKioumry to tell all the anecdote mid Incident relat ing to the dead man that thou preaent i-uil remember. Kveli hit of the punt thnt have a himiorou turn are not burred. It 1 In aouie aort a bringing forth of hi whole memory aud netting him again before hi people, bruahlug alde the itamdug iluya Hint were hiding the thought of Idiu from view. It la Interesting to apectilnlu on tin) meaning of Ihl unimiiul practice, ami on the hniiiiin tvudeucy thut gave It birth and keep It alive. It aeema to root In the old huiimu dread of being forgotten completely. Aa theae peo ple do It unto the dead, ao they expect their children and their relutlvea to do unto them, and they cherMi the custom aa a fountain thut will keep their own memory green when their time cornea. Ltarn Value of Man. In one of the chapter of "A Htudcnt in Anna." by Donald 11 an key, a volun teer In the English army nt the begin ning of thi war, thi authority any: "On the whole, though, actual experi ence of war bring the beat men to the fore, nnd the het qualities of the av erage man. Offleera nnd men are welded Into a doner romrndexhlp by (lunger end discomfort ahured. They learn to trust ench other and to look for the rNscntlnt qualities) rather than for the uccldeutiil grace. One lenrns to love men for their great heart, their pluck, their Indomitable spirit, their Irrepressible humor, their readi ness to shoulder a weaker brother's burden In addition to their own. One sees men aa Ood ace them, Huirt from external such a manner nnd In tonation. A night In a bombing party show you Jim Smith aa a man of splendid courage. .V short a of rn tlotia reveal his ' jinfcrfuT GnRulftsh no'. One danger and discomfort af ter nuother you share In common un til you love him as a brother. Out there. If anyone durvd to remind you that Jim waa only a fireman while you were a hunk clerk, you wpnld give him one In the eye to go on with. Tou have learned to know a man when you aee one and to value him." Largest Catch of Salmon. New flah are Introduced every year end new Ashing ground discovered and unreyed for the benefit of fisher men. Rescue work among the fishes la also undertaken nnd last yenr more than 8,000,000 fish, left stranded In evaporating pool, were saved to grow np to a life of urn-fulness thnt Is, big enough to he fit for the table. A skilled Investigator has been atudylng frog culture, and the Alnskn aalmon fisheries have been ao guard ed and protected In accordance with federal low that thla season's catch hai been enormous, the largest ever made. The Alaska seal constitute the most valuable herd of wild nnlmnls ever owned by any government, and the bu reau of fisheries I their custodian. Disciplinary Garden. , The city of Somervllle, Mass., ha established a disciplinary garden. Those compelled to work this gnrden are youths who have been caught tres passing In, or In some way Injuring, a garden or park. In referring to this novel arrangement the Youth's Com panion says : "The Idea has grown out of a practice of the Bomervllle police court which compel young evildoers to make Rome sort of restitution to those whom they have Injured." Children Make Tralna Jump. A number of children plnylng about the New Jersey Central rullrond sta tion, any a Vlnelmid (N. J.) corre spondent, discovered thut by placing Joint plate on the rail they could make tralna "Jump," nnd It was grcut sport until trainmen discovered the dangerous game nnd stopped It. No Chanea to Slaap. On the theory thut a person win work better when alternately sitting nnd atnnrtlng, the Trench government 1 outfitting the clerical department or the army with desk which lower nnd raise tl typewriters every half hour. K3 ccrrixt Golden West Coffee (s a healthful brec In2bever222witha ''Just Rldt, teste that never varies. Order s Caa To-Day Yonr Grocer Sells GOLDEN WEST PRODUCTS. SOME KINDS OF STIMULANTS Alcohol and VVIno favored by Euro- ptam, Poppy ty Chine, Bhang by tho Indiana. When the Kiiroienu x weaVy he caIN for ul'-oliol to revive him ; when h I Joyful b,. ImI. i wine, ttuil lie limy In re more Joy. In like manner the Chinese wn liln "while hid.". lie poppy floor. t'n- Indian chews bluing, tho V.V1 .Mrii-aii seek sur cease In kola. (il.Kcrti s a correHpond cut In .Niitloiiid i;i'ii-;-i:i-!iIi-iiI Mag:e line. hdat la in. ire to the Yemen A mi lium nny of these to lis levoteca. It Is no iiiili-ollc, voolng uleeji, but n atliiiulnut, like alenhid. I'nllke al ii. In I. It e.iiui-! no (loiiion, but il fairy. The klmt nin-r will tell you thut when he follows Ihls fairy It take hfm Into region ori-rhxikln purndlse. lie calls the tlant the "(lower of para dise." How and uhen klit-.t enme Into the Veiuin is not certain. IlotiinUt fny thnt It wn brought over from Hurrnr. In AliyxKluIn, iiiuny ceiiturie ago. There Is n trnillllon niuong the wlsu men of the i::it thnt the sheik Ibra him AImiu iirliryn lutriHluced It Into llodeldnh from Kllilopln utMiut 14.0. It n t atk uny Vi uicii Arab and he will tell you "It lutH been always. Allah gave It to us In the beginning, to make ua forget lubor and pain." Contrary to the general opinion held by those who pretend to know any thing about It nt nil. khnt la never uavd a a beverage In the Yemen, but the frenh leaves are Invariably chewed. The youngest leaves are the best. They have u sweetish, slightly uatrlngent taste, not unpleaaut to the Kuropean palute, but certainly not ullurlag. When brewed, they love most of their strength nnd the flavor of the decoc tion I much like that of thoe grape vine "cigarettes" which most of us en- Joyed (?) In boyhood days. The old leave are tough anil ought to tan leathern tongue. Just what Is the exact toxic ef fect of klmt on I be human system ha never yet been asci rlnhied. It la certainly a atimulnnt with n lively urn) nearly Immediate effect upon the bruin and nerve cells; the gloomlcat man become cheerful under its Influ ence, the most enervated active. With al, I have been unuhlc to leurn of a single case if Immediate or harmful reaction such ns Inrr.riably follows the use of other atlmuhinta. Letterheads that will please you. at the Courier. CHICHESTER S PILLS Ladkal A. It ymnr PvacsUi let hlU la II, d UM auunic beat. tMtatl ith IUu athbaa. aa Mkw. Bar ff laar rvntat, A.. WCIII.rirkM.TI BIAHONB IIRNII PILLS, In M Bnt, Safto. Alfs Rftllal.l SOLD BY DWSTS EVERYWHERE (VY-V, I- 3 .. :1.JSiIH,TCS 360 ARTIciB18TDUSTIoVriQN5 ETTEn -THAN EVER 15c a copy . At V Mawadaalar Yoarry f ubaoriptbM $1.50 5nf ror ear iww frt cot ahg of mcAnicW hook Popular Moehaiileo Magaalno Hanai Mhriatta Avmm, Chlcaa AX V r FOH FOR TRADE ISO acre of logged oS land St mile from Baattl, Willi, oae-balf, mil from railroad atatlon, a good amaU town, Una aoto road, moat of tbla plac to anally -cleaved, wall watered, would mak fin stock ranch. Prlea 110 per acre. Will trade for amall ranch or raet danea property. Will ba In Grant Paaa about II daya. Addrena E. McCollry. P. O. Box til or call at Palac Hotel. if FOH BALK O. k C. GRANT LANDS Blue print plat allowing lands In Joaepbln county, 1.(0. Address A. E. Voorbles, Grants Pass. U DEALERS la horaea, mulas, tattle, wagons, backs, bugglea, harneu and saddle. W bar a variety of all kinds at all Umaa. If yoo have anything to aell or azebange, or If yon want to buy, coma and eae u. W will treat you right All our livestock Is put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K (treats. Tlmmoni. Prop. Phone 6 8 3-J. IStf FOR.. SALE Good modern house, close in, north aide. Inqolro No. 2IJ3, car Courier. 2Stf FOR SALE A good general purpose horte and a frenh Jaraey cow, t per cent test, SO laying pullets and a few bona for breeding, Rhode Island Reda. Phone Pro volt Central. W. G. White. 57 HAY FOR SALE Loose or baled. Inquire H., E. Gordon. Phone 610-P-S4. li FOR SALE Medium alzed ateel range In good condition. Price $25. Inquire A. G. Houck, South Park street. 58 TYPEWRITERS for aale Smith Premier at 915; Remington at $10. Courier office. 5N TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mrs. U C. Arm strong; 28 clean rooms at 35c and 60c; special rates by week or month; also light houaekeap- Ing rooms. Would Ilk your pat ronago. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located. 411 C street 8tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, wall , furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. . Vary moderate weekly and monthly rates. 37tf FOR RENT 5-room modern cot tage, bath, gas-and electric lights, low rent.- Inquire N. E. Towns end, 621 A street 55 FOR RENT 5-room house, 811 South Eighth street. Inquire of owner, Chaa. Morrison, 622 L St 53tf WANTED WANTED Man with family of two or three boys to cut wood. Long Job and gas' engine to use. Ad dress L. A. Elridge, Rd. 4., Granta Pass, Ore. (5 WANTED To buy, a low iron wheeled truck' wagon to hold about 3,000 lbs., 6-Inch Urea. Ad dress Con . Shaefera, Route 2, Grants Paaa, 68 WANTED A medium heavy horse to work for Its feed. If aulted with horse, might -buy. Address No. 49 care Courier. 55 WANTED 1M or. 2 h. p. gasoline engine. Must be cheap for cash F. S. Ireland. Rd 2. City.. .55 MISCELLANEOUS BENNETTS' CHEMICAL laboratory, 1141 Market atreet. Taeoma, Wn. Let us take care of your ore ship ments and do your control work, rates reasonable. tf CARS WASHED, cleaned and polish ed. Bring them in and get the mud off. Hobart's Garage. . 56 Carvd Bread Board. - Scandinavia still use the beautiful band carved bread bourds that make the cutting of bread at table a con stantly renewed aesthetic pleasure as well a au economical habit. Instead of lavishing time nml skill ou beautiful linen chest and chairs that cannot ii.lUulili. Iu eM ns.-, rill III hti?h m-ice. j why should not the wood mrvcra of I this country set to work to turn out aa 1 many bread board us possible, so that ho home need be without oucV The de sign may consist of. the simplest pos slble uotched edge or the most elabo rate dragon motive: the point 1 to pro duce number, tf this bread saving ar ticle of table furniture nnd uiukc It the faahlon to use It- New Vork Time. THADE PHYSICIANS U O. CLEMENTr.nPniittoi limited to dlaoaaas of that ay, oar, noio and throat Glaaooa CttaC note and throat Glina fitted. . OOlca boor -ll, 2-5, or oa ap pointment Offlco phono, II; dene phone 151-J. S. 1.0 L'GH RIDGE, M, D.. Phyilclaa and surgeon. City or country call attended day or eight Roeldemer phone 'ti; offlco phono 111. S'.xin and II. Tuffs Building. A. A. WITH AM, M J D., Physician and aurgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Slitb and I atroeta. Phonas: Of- . Oca, HI; residence, J8I-J. Hoara. I a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. i. O. NIBLET Phyaldaa aad aurgeon. Lnndburs BnlMlBfl. Surgeon Utah-Idaho ,. fugag Co. Health Offloor. Officer boars. to II a. m. 1 to I p. m. Phoao 110-J. Iltf DENTISTS E. C. liACT. D. M. D. Ttrst-elaaa dentlatry. ,10114 South MUD atreet, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORlfETS H. D. Norton, Attoraoy-ot-Uw. Practice la all 8tato and Vadoral Court. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIQ ft WILLIAMS Attora7-at-Law Grants Pes Baaklag Co. Bldg. OranU Paaa, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice in all court. First National Bank Building. DURHAM ft RICHARD. Attorney. at-Law. Offlco Masonic Temple, Grants Paaa Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-t-Lew County attorney - for Josephine County. Office; Schallhora Bldg. O. 8. B LA NCH ARD. Attorney-at-Lew Golden Rule Building. Phono 270. Granta Paaa, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD, At-, torneys. Albert block. Phoao 236-J. Practice In all conrU; land board attorney. .. VETERINARY BURGEON , DR. R. J, BESTL'L, Veterinarian. Office in Winetrout Implement . flldg. . Phone 11S-J. Roddoaoe Phone S05-R. D RAVAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All klnda of drayage and tranafer work carefully and promptly dene. Phono 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. 0. I8HAK, drayage, and transfer. Safes, pianos and. furniture novis! packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 10. Seel denco phono 1S4-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phono MU8IOAii INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMUKRAT. teacher of Tolce oulturo and singing. Lessons given at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress Tit Loo St 851tf TAXI SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that Is the question. Call Jitney Luke at the. Spa or phone 262-R. Alwaya at your service for city or country calls. ' 90tf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open daily 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday alt-, tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J., , . 78tf The, California and Oregcu Coast Railroad Company ; TIME CARD V EffectiveDecember 1, 1917. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday t Train 1 lv. Granta Pass.. 1:00p.m.. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All trains leave Granta Pass from the corner of G and Eighth, street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For . all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company,-Lundburg building, or phone 131 tor same.