Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, January 08, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    tack tto
uu koccb urn mua
TtlMiiY. JIM All. .
til eosje m coins
fkbk4 Daly Esorat fatsreUy
A. C TOOEHIES. r. u Pre;
fcttwl at U4 Fmttft. Craau Pim.
Or-, m load class .-
Display pr lufc-
rfar. per l. . W,
aVy mn or carrsr. per resr - It
Br MA or txrrMt. per Bi?ti -it
Sts: Ei.'rof-ai LmoeUz'.ou
Oregon Xy Vew:sjr P Ara '
North t Patrsotie Prwns im.
The Associated Prsae t escJasSvelyj
atltX la U (or rrytM-Uja !
af 43 m ij;!tii crI.:ed la It
or em KMriM croditod U tt!s
r:r u4 aia tho kxm: ae -
liaaew sereta.
AD rttxu f ropablicatioa of spe
cial :fUkn hcreia ara
Witk Most People
Quality Cocsts
f"Jj IT ITH 1H?
Regular SHpzects I
LiTki nvt
Mr W LTTt T.
: l lit
Kfczey 4 Tniai
Oi iutt nur.
'at: reiir ilx xi x rj i
;tvt tvca .ii i k ;-rt r.
e c-eee tra ! a - ! J
i-a tk r4tj for $-;ri( ;e-
or ms4 cr at early 4ai At
tVe imMI Ls iWrt i
jOeaty rffoi fo' nV. Vl at tse
.. tiase H H mat tist rsera b
fAtg t aa er.a il
tkeee tMT t-e a vrarc.ty If Way
3.a4 ta g.
c. n THowro,.
Coatty Agwesltiral Ageal
V -
Probaltlr Ulr, rolder. hk
awderata aortaarlj viada.
Ta director of railroad aaa aa
aoaac4 Uat dariac IB ar tor
iat travel will b dleonra4 Hara
tofora tba railroada aar dona rrrr
UUa la their yoif to iaereaia that
traOc aad to thJa ad bar a;at
lart HDi of moaer la adTartbiag
tba varioaa attractions. Now tbU
great koortlDg ia aot only to ceai.
ktrt to travel U to be directly dU
eoaraaad. Tae difference will be
wrjr proooaae4 and aoodiera Ore
oa via doabtleaa feel tae cbange.
a r. it am loi ttr.l , vr u, n,. ,u edlfrr taaa
Lat ae tre a a auio&tl tvrtc- f n I e al'i tit tif Caaad a
k.a ia tie farta? TVt caa prx- r3-T. t:U4iai ia Ajk. Ili
Wr be doc if u f. i OolopraJ T;rM- li S0 4 Fe.!!rt r,
, blrt Urw of tie any eajuxea-(
.anej U ftake a tioto-.fa eai- ,v. fc v
W&kiatoa. Js 0rt't
ctfl jaU'.hw t 4)la( of -"
!t ia bora. arrd-ai u
oScitl lafonaatloa la ;-owtk.a of
tie AwerVaa coreraateat kere.
Cersaa e&naU are alirsed T
tre dxreatiaf birtb rale aid '
Ukea lra to arertd bMtrr ar
t- for aMrtbert aad beMee.
. i.
aaa levon w is earrJ At rtaVrrt. It aa imji!! o
(overaJBeat. Tbia woald provide u au tbird lia t--a t CaL Coor baportaat derartarea H
oScial doraaeat oa sth a pUa of
deveioaseat eoald proUilr be
td. Jt 1 eeruial aonb a trUL
Ome of te
tfe etV
to trt-acM4 DirkiM CTt'Utbsrat of ioea ryre f-
biilett. k!ci eaterv4 ti r(bt tide tie rvcnt'oa ad cafe of cl?dra
ud travr-d the Monirt Coat.-try
to all tb redictloaa. e rr-ty'4
Wbea til war ia over aad tbe bia-
lorj of it U vnttea. oee enmaoB
itUii aUI forever deaecrate the Ger-
maa aase. Their rldou batred aad
avallcioaa treaUaeat of tbeir eaesilet
wCI te eatlrely loot tfrbt of. a tbe
tory U wrtttea of tbeir aavace at
roHtiea toaard womea aad rbndrea.
Tbe fact win be wrtttea ia red
tetter tbat tbey drove thoaaaadi of
womea aad ebfldrea la fro at of tbeir
Ilaea. to reetre tbe fire of tbe
French aad Biitlab. aad la great
glowing letter It wtU be written
that the French and British fell back
rather than to fire on then. Thou
sand of tnfaat bare beea pinioned
to the floor wftb baronet. Frencb-
ptAlt OH tit rh:!Jra fl
It au alto hit frtiae to be "-ike i'd received aad ao sirrloat
ed" at tbe necoad battle of Tpre aed
Tbe fall eoBpleneat of bl aonadf! Tie !reaed flv!!?a dt,ir ?
IblamH oa eoldemiea of
laHade oae ia the left elbow.
Folloatag recovery fro
woaad Captala Cook aervrd as at Jphj-iir! roadKioa raaed v lack o
tie iditeate. r-a!tlBC from
lattractor la mllitarr traiafar
hooli la Fraaee aad Enr.lad.
ITaalng KtImmJ
We aav arraaced for a prtiainj
jacbool to be ria daring the lat week
ta Jaanarr. Begienlag Jaauarr I.
at the boar of 19 a. ra.. at tbe coort
boute la Grant Pass. At that time
Prof. Brown will give a talk oa proa
lag, br the way of Introduction. It
ii houed that everv one a bo wUhe
en and BelgUna ban been erad- (a uk- ,hif work wm pnmfat
fled ia German trencbea. children' tbl opening meeting. Prof,
hands have been cat off. women by! Brown will dltea some of the 1 ra
the thousand have been forced into'p0111 Ph ' ,h WOTk
'of anme of tbe thing that are to be
bronrht oat la tre field aork. The
eoneabinage, men leg aad arm
have keen traeleaely amptitated. to
ay nothing of ancient cathedrals
However, most of the tonrUt travel i that have been reapected by ha rb ar
ia thia region come aad goe by
automobile and will not be affected
When thia war cease we will re
vert to the former practice of rail
road la tourist matters and It
ntaads this region ia band to plan to
aa end. Heretofore there ha been
M comprehensive pla not operation.
or result would have been better.
F err little resort I under separ
ate maaagement and feel that it has
nothing to do with the other. The
resoit 1 that none of them are able
to make aay money, eonseqnentir
they are looked upon a cheap aad to
large extent uninteresting to
stranger. Local patronage will not
pay the expense of operating any of
them and tbey will be forced to de
pend on outsiders for their patron
age. The tourist travel that pays will
not be satisfied with a log cabin and
a few flapjacks, but, demands the
bt. hotels and everything else In
keeping. Financier win not Invert
their money in (mail country hotels,
no matter bow enthusiastic the
neighbor may be, but, they mint
first see a chanre for dividends,
whkh do not come from small re
tort. Crater Lake Is the chief natural
attraction of Oregon, bit, visitor
average one or two days there. If
It wa tied up with the Oregon
Caves, Klamath Lake, Klamath Hot
Springs and two or three more leaJ-
ing attractions and they were all un
der one management, the time co'tld
probably be emended to t'n days,
which would pay handsomely, par
ticularly as the management woId
maintain the transportation srHeni,
which, of Itself would be a paying
proposition. I'ntll (something of this
sort Is bronght about capital will not
be available and each little rert will
remain a straggling possibility.
Sentiment Is ell right in Its pla e
and Is a valuable aet to any com
munity, but. It takes money to run
a business, of which the tourist trae
Js no exception. How would it do
Ian for eentorle. only to be dee
erate4 aad destroyed by order of the
German ruler. It will be a Mack
pace In history.
Ia addklon to all this the chief
criminal, the greatest murderer the
world has
fnrth with
. w . preclative of the coarse offered and
boast, of hi. partnership with God.the tal(ffcKnr(li
Was there ever each blasphmy?
remainder of the week lll be stient
in tbe field giving practical demon
stration work. In all probability
tbl field work will be carried on in
the otrhard below Grant Pas.
More of the details of the work
will be published later.
Farmer' Wee; at O. A. C.
While the number from Josephine
county was not so large a last year.
ever Orodncea. StSIISi" J''" mum a mat rn
1.1. i.wvt. ,.a one who did go tbU year U most p-
preper aad ssftceat food.
A LrprJg doctor told of b4rd
of asea. women aad children who
hsie rose to doctor deeiarlag tbev
were ill when they were saferlct
from malaatritioa and haarer. He
added that there tu "ao way oat '
of tbe dlfflealty aad these p"-
bad to be refuted food becaave tb.-re
1 ao food to give them.
Ltlf vital (tattttlea for a arontb '
mirror tbe condition abtalalnc
throagti Germany. According to
these there were la that month ,
birth In the city. !! girls and ?TI
boys, compared with Til deaths. JS1" !
of which were males aad the rert fe- 1
male. '
The weekly average of datis It
that month was !", a compared:
with lit la th rorreapiadlrg ninth ,
births was lit as compared with
H Id corresponding weka In 1JH.:
One hundred nd flff-tbree of th
44 rhildren born In Brrslan that1
month were megitimata. ' I
Infectious disease have shown a
big Increase everywhere In the em
pire. Throgbout Silesia diphtheria
and typbu hare shown a general
and strong Increase. Scarlet fever
is prevalent There wera 10.451
cases of acute Intestinal trouble.:
2.44) of which resulted In death. J
Government attempt to control,
these disease bar been Ineffectual.
Official are concentrating on the1
(Continued from page 1.)
ore of mothers and biblco Special
i The spirit of cooperation wcm.'d j protection Is being arranged for
more n:anlfeiit that ever before. The; mother who work with poisonous
Jagricultiral council of the state or-ma,rials and explosives. Tbert are
ganlzed what Is known as tbe Fed-thousands of these
erate Agricultural Councils of (he
rate, and will serve in the same ra-
latlon to the state agent as does our
waa the los of both arms, torn off "j agricultural council to the cointy
high explosives. arent. and also be In radl2M for
Captain E. J. Gook, tbe huge lire-
rP.-'rw&r, r'rrr Itiustfr jyri".-yr:
Brtfoklra ffia,
Found r'rrst Diamond.
The Cnt diuiuouj discovered in
GriqualanU. Koutb Africa, was found
by the ctili'lrtti of a lutb fanocr,
who for a time uw-d It a a plaything.
Tbe stone was iater to CI
Town, abere Its true i.nture was r-c-jguxt-4.
ami It wus sulijiifiitly fr
mardwl to Pari", t. I.iri- it wus i-v
hil'ited und sold for J. Tlie vulu
nile ilcivrry m lJ to mher re
search, uii'l dii.uxtiiils were .la
nirtlinl in vurious liljc lo Griiua
lari'l Went, with Hie n-sult thut. ago, the country of li.e Griquns,
a mix-'! race s.nitig from I'utcii set
tlers nr.'l native women, wiis unuexed
by tireat Britain.
I'ijtuoiid hunting us at Cret cti
Bind ! tt;- ojjiw-. I tl.e Vual river,
but lu tbe yur of the British occupa
tion mines were ien'd In flie locality
known as "dry ilixglngs," which has
since received the Dame of KImberly.
In the w.rlri wus startled by tbe
discovery of the Stewart diamond of
carats. The daily output of tbe
consolidated mines at Kiniberly Just
prior to tlie outbreuk of tbe war was
valued at fJ3).m.
"Yen Can Still Enlist in the Marines
' (K)
OxUiUW i
N l
I p prrweattatiosi lo a rwrratln osVer of a ceetifiiaao by tat
Ixwal IkamJ lo the rflert that hi Hjm and orW smittlvr are su
low that he I nut wllhia 'be rurvrat qs4a of bl. UwwJ Ikianl,
aoy rvMraiu assy ralM rotantarily ia iho Navy or Maria
( orp and thereafter.' apt) fevwrtaiatkia by the reglrtrmitl to
lx.l lUtmni of a rertlfkaie of a t'oassslwHoaed OnVre 4 the Navy
nr Mariae t'vry staling that he buss hrrm mt ewllKnl, swrai eerttfl
rale tiiall be nled with Its Qoealkmnaire asxl tbe rrgWrsat atMOl
be Hared la (tw V oa tbe ictimim that bo 1 In the XataJ Fier
tire of I he I sited Mates.
At pruwit there I a great demand for asm fur the I. H, Maria
Cvrpa; hrlghl to 71 Inches weight I2M immbxW apwarxls la
f. K M. V.
Market Mrert. Kan Kranr4ri, t eJIforaia.
Thia fr donated by
Califorcia-Orcgcn Power Company?
River Banks Creamery
(lieonard Katsle Co. thsaeri
hlgtieM matket
pHce fi
Honest Test Full Weight
Prompt Payment
(.rants Paes, (retna
Washingten Irving.'
A bouse In William street. New Tork.
was Irving birtliplace on April 3.
1783. Tb ISritisb were soon to evac
uate the city and Washington to take
possession of IL Mrs. Irving, a warm
hearted woman of Kngilsb birth and
n ardent patriot of tbe new land, hi Id.
"Washington's work Is ended, and the
child shall be named after blm." The
child was still In tbe care of a fc ut Ii
nurse when one day she saw the pres
ident, as Washington then was, en
ter a sbop. and after him she went.
"Please, your honor." she said, "here's
a bairn was named after you." Tbe
president laid bis band on the boy'
besd and gave blm a blessing which
be never forsot.
Knw Hew to Figure.
Lady -Whut will ) . u i Imrge tae for
! the ue of a horse nml buggy for i
few h 'tin ?
Liver) MHti It will ciint )uu to hil-
jlars fir the Arst lunir nii.l mie .killsr
I for -iich !!'Mltliil hour.
Li;-iy V,'..::. i ll um" it for iho aJh
ilomil huiirn. I've g u.ine fhiip)in
to do und nill nt require It f.
Brst hour.
Communal Kitchens.
Tbe latest proposal fur tbe ellml
outl'iu of wijKte in fod and the sup
ply i,f meals at minimum cMtt in Eug
land,. Includes, what for a letter term,1
is called, communal f!ing. The com-1
inunnl kltb-n has feen priped ot;
s-verul occanlofis but, save for a few
k.umikh1Ic exierlmerits, it has not been
given a thorough trial. I;rd Klionddn
bt interested ia the new proposal ami
acting with a committee of social
workers he is devising plans to give
the scheme a real test. With so many
women doing war work and with con
sequent n"K''t of household duties,
noine sucb plan ai Is proosed will
have to be enrritfi out If th rising gen
eiiition is not to suffer seriously In
A classified ad w!H give result.
Over th Telephone.
"1 wus Deter m i fill I i-il iu my llft
"SomelKMly nskel ine If I wailed a
kiss by wire." '
"And whin I ;u-ke tip he said hw
bad the wrong number."
Ca;ds at tbe Courier offre.
Kacine Tires
5000 Miles Guarantee
a aw