Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, January 07, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JANl'AEY T, till.
Binr toon urn courzee
; Scientific Farming
Reach Greatest Efficiency
Army Must Co Well Fed.
Ivory Farmer Can Ralte Mora and
, lillir Poultry and Mora Profit,
lily by Dioposlng of Surplus
Malta Kotp Yearling Hens.
Dy R. K. KICIIAIIDN. I'raal.lent of
American Poultry Aw Inilon.l
Wo aro going tn win this wur. It I
going to on.! mir treasury billion nf
dollar beside tii Hvp of hundreds
of i tioiiMiimlH of mir bright young muii
IiimmI, hut w shall win. To win this
wnr Him tiilrhfMt. and with Hit lenal
In uf live w iiiimt iriiiilii tin' fixxl
fur mm Napoleon said! "An army
luuri'litu on Ita aimnm-h." Till menu
thill tin nnny must Im Wi ll iciWiuhiI
to Mich lla greatest ettblt-nry. The
greater part of the food supply inns)
com fmm tin United Mtiilt'M nut only
fur our tJt'ii.iDK) iiml more bo) In.tiir
I - Barrod Plymouth Rook Hon.
army and nuvy, but wo ahall have to
food our people at bum, and tnuat alao
Supply th alllra who art fighting tola
world's greatest battle.
Dlapooa of Surplus Male,
Every fanner cao raise wore and
better poultry and du It far mora
profitably by dlsiawlng of all aurplua
male, by keeping ouly the yearling
bene, ii nd tbo earliest and beat-matured
pulteta, thus keeping do dead
heada nr "slacker" to couauine What
should go to proiitubla producer. It
la a crime to (1Ihmhm of a Inylng ben
or a (iiillvt Unit la Just alMiut to lay.
Keep the Inn hnUM neat and deau.
Hi'pulr the roof, tbo wlhdowa, aud atop
any direct drufta thut ara possible by
knot liiilri or crack. Too much glaiM
and not enough open front la bad.
Write your state experiment atatlon
for needed InfornuiUon. Every state
In the t'nlon except Klorldu and
Wyoming, uiulutuln poultry depart
uiciita which are pltwaed to aid the
home folk with their poultry prob
lems. Poultry Will Help.
Poultry la profitable. No anuroa of
meat aupply la aa rspM or aa cheap.
Every pound of poultry produced will
help In awnling a pound of meat acroaa
to the boya that are fighting your bat
tie, Every farm should have a care
fully culled flock of not lea than two
hundred fowle. The larger tho farm,
the larger the flock, and each a flock
ahould lie maintained largely from eco
nomical reason. Poultry will pick np
90 per cent of Ita living from ecnttered
and wuated grain. They act aa scav
enger In conmiinlng a large part of
11 V.
r. ' t
White Leghorn Hon.
what would otherwise lie loat. Pool'
try will prove valuable in eating oh
' noxloul buga, grasshoppers, wortua and
Insect pests, that would otherwise- do
atroy food thnt Ii valuable. To the
dweller In a Tillage, town or city, a
well-kept flock of a doien or 20 good
laying bent will prove prolltulile. They
, can be kept from the lawn, garden,
kitchen and tnble ofTnl, till of which
make the choicest kind of poultry
feed with but a amnll addition of grain
Increase Food Production.
! During this next yetir every effort
should be mude to mine and vouHtiuie
very pound of poultry flesh possible.
It la one of the easiest und quickest
wa-ya of helping to Incrtmae ihI pro-
duetlon. and that la what ever? red
- biauditd.. America must do to blp his
niiiitry during the m rlml uf the win-.
Kvery NKiiiil of incut produced Hill
help put a bullet ut the IwiU r. I
your bit.
Keep Neste Clean.
Keep tho hens' iivmu rlcnn a ltd the
lieddliig on the floor of the poultry
house clean and Hie eggs will bo clean
When guthered, In most cases.
Hone In Laying Trim.
Keep the hena In luylng trim, Their
'shells" aro valuable fond tiuimuul'
An aiiliiml Is like a niiichln.
.To make u gisiil I'lsrlilne re
quires Hint I'lich pnl bo of gissl
uiHterlal ami Just tho right
weight and strength. The gissl
animal must liuve lis purls (level
oied In Hie right priNirtloii to
lunko tho t)'M denlrol. The
aduplnblllty of u ininhliie and
. the proportioning of lis purls can
lie largely determined by limiting
at It. However, the make of the
machine la (he guarantee un to
Ita posacwdug or lucking ipmllty.
Likewise In the animal a good
deal can be determined as to Ita
typo by looking at It. Its roul
quality, however, ctinuot be de
termined In this wny, To get at
thla It becomes necessary to go
further back. Tho quullty waa
put Into the uiiluml by Ita par
enta, Ita grandparent, lla great
graudpareiiU, etc. This inakea
It Important ' to know tliut all
these parenta had qualities that
would contribute to tho making
of good animal of the type
wanted. A pedigree la a acheuio
for keeping track of the parenta
of an animal. It la a guaraute
of what la back of the anltnul, of
what baa contributed to. Ita
make-up. It la thla fact that
inakee the purebred animal valu
able. North Dakota Kxieiinient
Treatment lo Palnleoe If Applied Bo-
for Animal Aro Week Old 01
reotlena to Follow.
(By CAP.L J. MKN7.C. Frnidak, Wash.t
Young ca'lveC raff be pnlnlrsHly de
horned If the treatment I applied be
fore they are one week old. Anyone
can du It If they follow directions:
Procure from a druggist a stick of
caustic atala or caustic Hitash It usu
ally comes In sticks live Imhua long
and the sine of a lead pencil. Now
clip the hair off over the place where
the horn can be felt After thla la
finished, wash with snap nnd water
Young HolsUla Calf.
and thoroughly dry with a towel Take
the atick of caustic and wrap some pa
per around the end that la to be bold
la tho hand. Now moisten tho other
end and rub on each clipped spot al
ternately, two or three times, allowing
time for It to dry between each appli
cation. Don't get the stick too wet
and rub only where the born la to ap
pear, because If It gets on the sur
rounding akin It will eat the flesh
away and cauae pain. After the treat
ment protect the calve from rain, a
water on the head will cause the
caustic to run on the surrounding
More Vegetation Must Bo Turned Un
der to Replace That Burned Out
by rleat of tun.
The time has come when we must
turn under more vegetation to replace
that burned out by the beat of the sun
nnd Intense cultural methods. Vege
table matter Is essential to the life
and yield of the soil. Regardless of
the amount of plantfood In the soil,
before a good yield can be expected
the lnnd must have enough organic
matter to make It light, mellow nnd
friable. The first essential Is vegeta
tion, then moisture, nnd next cultiva
tion. Do not be too pcrslRteiit In
leuvlng the field clean. A few weeds
may not he altogether objectionable.
l.merliead that will please you, at
the CourUr.
Attempt Waa Fraught With Much Dif
ficulty and Considerable Profan
ity, According to Writer.
', Kvor since our arrival Hays and I
had been threatening to patronize one
of tho two puhllu bnlliliouttea with a
first-rlasa bogotuuo reputation rumor
bsd lr existed In tho cupllul, says
Krsnck's Vagabonding Down the Andes.
but In a laud where the temperature
rarely rearln-s AO and lliu floor are
tiled, It takes courage, and we lujd been
autlsfylng ourselves und our duty to
humanity by bravely splashing a busln
of Icy water over manly form each
morning on rising. liy dint of strong
resolution often n iM-atod to be up at
Ig and visit one uf the cuse dtf banoa
w did finally manage one morning to
find ourselves wandering the street
by eight,, with towel and soap under
our arm, and sturrd ut by ull we met.
W discovered Ln Vloleta at lust, next
door In a blacksmith shop. The kee
or we woka up told us we might have
a cold bath, hut thut the sign oo the
front wall: "Hid Imths nt all hour."
wn to be tuken with a bogotuuo mean
lug. A few mornings luter we did uctuul-
ly find the other establishment open.
Wo entered a lurge putlo, the most
striking of several buildings, within
which wa a round, or, more exactly.
an eight-aided bouse, and In time suc
ceeded In arousing the plueo to the ex
tent of bringing down upou u a youth
hugely exrlted at the uppearance of
a crowd of two whole tmlhcre all at
one lime.
The youth uasured ua there wus
plenty of hoi witter. I won the toss
and waa soon stripped. Hut the
shower Was colder than the c fluids
bounding the pole. When I had caught
my breath I bawled my repertory of
profane Hpunlsh nt tho youth, who
could lie eeeu through a hole above pot
tering with some wort of an upright
boiler and firebox, and now and then
peering dow n upon uie. Suddenly the
water grew waTin, hot, boiling, then,
Just when I bad soaped myself from
crown to too In the steam, It turned a
suddenly cold again, and an Instant
later atoptied entirely. My eyea tight
dosed I shouted nt the. youth above.
"K que el aguu calleute so acago.
ho droned. "It Is that the hotel water
baa finished Itself.'
There being no deadly weapon at
hand I turned on a tap of Ice-cold wa
ter and raced to the dressing room still
half soaped. Unys, scantily clad, waa
gating fiercely at the youth through a
bole In the door.
"Then there lent any more hot wa
ter r be deiunnded,
"Not, now, aeiior, but there will be
soon," .
"Good. How aoooT
"Early tomorrow morning, aenor."
"Why, you cross-eyed son of splg-
Horn," exploded the ordinarily even
tempered ex-corporal, "I cauie here and
stripped to an undershirt that I might
dance In my bare feet on thla tile floor
In honor of Jose Maria de la Santa
Trinidad Blmon Ikdlvarl Get np on
that roof and Ore up or . ."
The youth was already feverishly
stoking armful of wood nnder the up
right boiler, and by the time I left for
home Hay was shadow (Mixing to keep
warm with a fulr chance of getting a
bath before the iv was done. .
Bee otator sMs aWwtag why jvm aboaM do H.
Oar si iltlui h to toed our AUIos thla wtator by sanding thea aa aaweh
toed as wa eaa of tke m ooaoeatrated autriUvo veluo la the least shipping
aaais, Tkeee faoaa are wkaai. (, sera, dairy rodueta, aa agjr.
as ailaalsa hi to eat lea ef theeo and asoro of oUer tooda af which
wa have aa akaadaaco, and te waste leas of all food.
read aaat naa aahs Tim at leaet one wheattoas meal a day. Vm oorn,
eal, rye, barley, or mixed cereal rolls, muffin, and breads la place of white
read certainly for one meal and, If possible, for two. Bat leas cake and
As to the white bread. If uii buy from a baker, order It a day tn ad
vaaoe: then he will not bake beyond nls needs. Cut the loat en the table
and enly aa required. Ueo etale bread for toast and cooking.
Meat. Use more poultry, rabbits, and especially fish and aea food in
place of beef, mutton, and pork. Do not use either beef, mutton, or pork
more than once dally, and then eerve smaller portion Ueo ail left-over
meat cold or In made dishes I'se soup in-. freely. Via beans, (hey have
nearly the same food value im mnii ' ,
Milk. Use all of the milk, n.-ii- no a.. ui ii. The tliKdrm most hav
whole milk: therefore, uee lots cn-ain. Theie la a grent waste of food by
not using sll sklrn and sour milk uur mill; can be uotd In cooking and to
make cottage cheese. Use buttermilk -and threw irctly.
lata (butter, lard. cU'.). Uulry I. utter hu (uud tuluea vital to children..
Thvretote, use It on tho tablo as usual, especially tor children. Uee aa little
as pootlble In cookla. Meducv the lire vl fried foods to reduce the consump-;
Uoa of Ukrd and other fats. I'd- imi il'lc nils, as ollvt and cottoneeod oil.
Bave dally one-third of an omui- ul nn.ii ul fuL Waste no soap: It contains
tat and the alycerinv necem.iy f i ccplotlvee. You can make scrubbing
soap at home, and, In soma I rn:i i-.-. you can sell your saved fats to the
eoap maker, who will thus secure our r.cedcd Klyoertne.
offar. Uee leea candy and sweet drink. Urc Ksa auvar In tea and cof
fee. Uee honey, maple alrup, end dark alrupa for hot cakea and wafflee
without butter or ougar. Do not frort er Ice cakea. Du not etint the uee of
. sugar In putting up fruits and Jnms. They may be used in place of batter. ,
Vegetable and trulls. Wu liuve a superabundance of vegetables.
Double the uee of vegutablrt. Thvy take the place of part of the wheat and
moat, and. at the same time, ore heul:hy. Uee potato abundantly. Store
potatoea and root properly and they will keep. Use fruits generouoly.
Fuel. Coal comes from a, and our railway facilities are
ed tor war purposes. Burn fewer flree. If you can get wood, use It
Say Im; took aa aton than aar
eatarji aant aaiallc aorttoaa,
Vm laral aae waaoaablt Niton-
eatmala roai total awCwej sad
Sat eaea af lniiRparta-
rnaca aa practlrt taa
at a waa alata"
Wa a eat aak ta Awatna eeiolt
to atana tisaaaalia. hat aeaKy,
let wancy, aa atttaat aaeav
K you con flavor"
most ftnt2y with
J TT enssrej
1..VS II I l.i.
it is full flavored
free flowing
i; .1
- - . t
auaaaai MAGAZINE
15c m copy
At V rNsirsSialT
YartySarlBtiM S1.BO
Send for ear mml frmm eaf
adogr oe neocAanecerf aooaje
F'oeMtla' Mochaoriea Magazine)
0) Mooeai fsUeajaaaoi AvooaMt cassoojo)
Famous Old Time Chattau.
, The old thai run of t'uii y Trance.
rediKod to a pile or stonca by the
Germau destruction, dated from the
thirteenth century. In the middle age
It wa known aa a uiuaterplece of mill-
' tnry architecture. Vlollct-lo-Ptic In
, 1850 waa charged with" the reatnratkm
of certain walla that threatened to
crumble. The famous dungeon waa
, nnlque In the whole world. Tbo cha
teau, or. rather, one of Ita towers, for
merly served aa a prison for the male
factors who tufeated the neighboring
forests. During the reign of Louie
XIV. Cardinal Maxarln tried to demol
lah one of the walla of the chateau,
forty feet In thickness, and failed.
New York Time.
or Brj8nrE8s buocess m u
lla sat Halt w ptada ftw at
Sniwlat calMna.
Do sot tat bftaato aaalo.
Watea oat lat tat weete la Cm
Ta na yowaalt Striae eOae
Mlaoaa af aatlaf a CM aaae
wa wttk ta aenapHaa. Daw
vartaaa elmaataaeaa aa
. wjias
FOB TRAOBltO acre, pf logged' off iaad II
mile from Seattle, Waab, one-half mile from
railroad station, a good small town. Cm " auto
road, moat of this place la easily cleared, well
watered, would make fin stock, ranch. Price 111
per acre. Will trade for small ranch or resi
dence property. Will be la Grant Pass about
II days. Address E. V eColley. P. 0. Boi til
or call at Palace Hotel. tf
0. k C. GRANT LANDS Blue print
plats allowing lands in Josephine
county, $1.50. Addresa A. E.
-Voorblee, Grants Pas. tf
DEALERS in horses, mules, cattle,
wagons, hacks, buggies, harness
and saddles. W bave a variety
of til kinds at all times. If yon
bave anything to aall or exchange,
or If you want to buy, come and
see us. We will treat you right.
All our livestock is put out under
guarantee. Red Front Feed and
Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K
streeta. Tim moos. Prop. Phone
611-J. IStf
KOR SALE Good modern house,
- close In, north aide. Inquire No.
2313, care Courier. 2Stf
managment of . lira. L. C. Arm-
. strong; 21 clean rooms at Sic
and SOc; special ratea by week
or month; alao light housekeep
ing rooms. Wonld like your pat
ronage. . 40tf
fortable and convlontly . located.
411 C street. 86tf
Large, well furnished, steam
beat, hot water, bath, and all ho
tel privilege. Very ' moderate
weekly and monthly ratea. - 37tf
FOR RENT 5-roora modern cot
tage, bath, gas and electric lights,
low rent. Inquire N. E. Towns
end, 121 A street. 55
TO TRADE 800 acre of unim
proved land in Harney county to
trade for email Improved place
around bare. Address . H. H.
..Thompson, Applegate, Ore. . 64
Illlnoia valley on Crescent City
highway, 15 acres irrigated, good
big 7-room louse, cost $1,800,
good barn and fence, one half mil
lion feet timber, good out range.
Price, $2,800. Stat loan, $500.
Jj. A. Launer, real estate. 61
WANTED A cook at the
Paa hotel.
WANTED A capable high school
boy wanta to work for board and
room or cash equivalent. Addreaa
712 K street or No. If, care of
Coarler. 61
WANTED TO RENT A piano, for
six month or more. Exception
ally good care. State make, con
dition, terms. Apply 207 West
C street II
1141 Market street, Tacoma, Wn.
Let na take care of your ore ship
ments and do yonr control work,
rates reasonable. tf
Can You Beat Itt
Once upon a time they published aa
order prohibiting gambling In Sing
81ng. Two Inmate were seen ex
changing token money and they wer?
haled to the court
"What's the charger asked the
"Alleged gambling," said the deputy.
"I thought all the cards, dice, gam
bling paraphernalia and such were de
stroyed." They were," answered the depnty,
"but these two fellows were bettln' on
whether It will rain today or not" .
Distracting' Attention,
"In the good old days town scolds
were severe rf dealt with."
"So they were, but the ducking stool
baa gone out of fashion."
"Tea. About the only way we can
hope to get any relief from a scold
nowadays Is to coax her Into a motion
picture theater and get her Interested
In a film."
I Couldn't Be Worse. ;
Mrs. A. I don't think their man
ners nre particularly good. 1 wonder
-, v. lit'ie they hnvo been living?
I Mrs. B. I don't know,, but their
Mr.niKrs couldn't be nn.v worse If they
I :-d been living nt home nil their
I v I'teyle'n Hone Journal.
a clasaiOed ad wIM glre re It.
L. O. CLEMENT, If. D. Practice
limited to d leasees of lb eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glass aa fitted,
nose and throat Glass fitted.
Office houra 1-1 1, 2-5, or oa ap
pointment Office phone, 12; real
dene phono S5I-J.
3. t.Ol'GHRIDOE, M. D.. PbyalcUa
and surgeon. City or country call
attended day or tight Roaldeaee
phone '; office phon 111.
Sixth and II. Tuffs Building.
A. A. WITHAM. M. D., Pbyslclaaaad
surgeon. Office: Hall BIdg., corner
Sixth and I streets.. Phone : Of
fice, 111; residence, 288-J. Hoar.
I a. m. to 4 p. m.
DR. J. O. NIBLEY Physldaa and
surgeon. Londbnrs B sliding.
Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co.
Health Officer. Officer boar. I to
13 a. m. 1 to I p. m. Phoa
110-J. I6U
E. C. MACY. D. . D. Ftoat-claae
dentistry. 1IIH floath Stxtfe
street. Grant Pa, Oregoa.
H. D. - Norton, Attoray-at-iaw.
Practice la all 8Ut and Federal
Court. First NaUeaal Bank BIdg.
at-Law Qranu Pea Banking C.
BIdg. Grants Paas, Oregon.
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice
In all courts. First National Bank
at-Law. Office Masonle Temple,
Grant Paaa Oregon.
W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-at-Lv
County attorney for Jraeapaila
County. Office: Schallhorm BIdg.
O. 8. B LANCHARD. Attorney -a t-Law
Golden Rule Building. Phoee
270. Graau Pass, Oregon.
torneya, Albert block. Phoa
231-J. Practice la all court; lead
board attorney. '
I -
DR. R. J. CESTUI Vtriaarlaa.
Office in Winetroot ImpUsaeat
BIdg. Phone 113-J.
Phee 6-R.
kinds, of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly doaa.
Phone 181-J. Stand at fnight
depot A. Shade, Prop.
F. G. ISHAAf, drayage and trajuaar.
Safes, ptaao and furniture aaeved
packed, shipped and stored. Phone
Clark and Holmaa, Ho. II.' Real
dene phoa 114-R. '
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoa
1. St W AnMTHJR AT tanhar of votfl
cultur and singing. Lesson gtvoa
at home of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 711 Leo Bt llltf
ARE YOU GOING or not going, that
" is the question. Call Jitaey
Luke at the Spa or phone 213-R.
Always at your service tor city or
country call. . - SOW
THE PICTURE MILL open daily 10
a. m. to I p. m. For Sunday sit
tings call Mill 281-R or residence
140W. 78tf
The California and Oregon
Coast B&ilroad Company
Effective December 1, 1117.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Train 1 It. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p.
Train 2 It. Waters Creek 8:00 p.
All trains, leave Granta Paas from
the corner of Q and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot
For all information regarding
freight and passenger service call at
tho office of the company, Loodburg
building, or phone 111 for name.