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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
iiaiia itwiiE hive:: a hrieii . rxca tin VMAY, IiKX'IlMIIKR M, IOIT flour $2.45 MiU llrim llmiblle ' Mike Clemtn li tin latest 'driver of an Oldsmolill Hl, )iirched of the Denlson axem y. 3 $3.00 Kb.ey & Truax Grocery OTAI.ITY K1RHT. rentier lleoldent li Word ha lift) received ly Urants I'tta friend of the death at Temps, Arl., of Joe Wayne Totlen, who left Grant rui mmi year ago for Arl ton. The death occurred on De- ccmbnr 31. Deceased U survived by hit wife and two children. : PERS2ML LOCAL : IUket IUII at ApplriMte The Kuril Mwh school girls were wlnnors over the AppleKsl lrU Friday night at Aii1nKt. In basket ball, I ho acore being llurh 10, Ap pletate 4. The ItU' h boys, however, went down to dofeat before the Ap pleKate boys, the for being", Ap plrgate 20, Ruch 3. Gall Huillh went to Portland Prl day night. a. II. Illi'hard made a trip to Olendale Saturday. Pnlaluuia Inoubatora at Cramer Pro. Mm. F. Johnaon, of Hugo, waa In the city Saturday. J. I). MacVirar and John llamp ablre are In Portland on bualneia. Carrol Cornell left laat nlnlil. re turning to lila atudlea at the O. A C Hoover taya "raise chlikens." We rkn (Hi vou atarled right with a Petuluuia Incubator. Cramer liros. II. I Wilson came In from Glen dale Saturday to spend Sunday with bla afmlly. . Uylng .tonic will put your ben In condition to lay. 25c, Sflo and 1 packages at Cramer Hros. 50 Keep your poultry house free from mite. Get Conkey's Ike liquid at Cramer llroa. SO DenJ. llarrliton and family, of Rogue River, were shopping In the rlty Saturday. Freeh aigs every day If your hens are healthy. The right reme dies at Cramer Hro. 50 Martin Uum, brother of Jim IJum arrived Friday from North Dakota, and U vlalttng hi cousin, Mr. Ram Bilker. Ileof scrsp, ahell. bone and grit for hens at Cramer Proa. R0 Mies Blanche Morey returt.i.l l Monmouth last night after ni.d!n the holiday with her lstcr, Mr. I'. L. Vannlce. F. H. Roan, of Oakland. Ore., ex tra man, la temporarily at the 8. P. depot, taklns the pi cant by John Summer. Mi powder for setting hen at Cramer Broa. 5 J. Bwart. of the Wonder More, with Mr. Swart and young son went to Portland Saturday night Mr. Swart will remain a week, but Mr. 8wart and the boy will (pmaln neversl week. Poultrr fence at Cramer Rro. BO D. R. Terrlt, formerly cahler of the Rome River bank, who pent the nasi week assisting the Jose phine County bank In the bnlnea Incident to taking over the Kogu River bulness. returned home laat night. N. K. Marduff will be the four minute epeaser ai me joj lunigui. He will apeak on the war saving and ( thrift atamp. , 'lii-Mim llirfiy tJrand P, F. Chllden, superintendent of the Greenback Mine company, I now owner of Ilaby Grand Chevro let touring car, and the Greenback Mine company a Chevrolet "490" model, both purchased from the Churchill Maxwell agency. Interesting Talk 'The Red Cross committee having Charge of the serving of the Cham ber of Commerce luncheon I pre paring for a .record attendance to morrow a much Interest hi been manlfeted In the personal-exper ience to be given by Robert F. Pe loue, Jut returned from France, where he ha been aervlng In a Frenob ambulance corps seeing ac tive service behind the fighting French llnea. LAKES' AUXILIARY ' RED CROSS BENEFIT A benefit will be given for the Red Cros and Y. M. C. A. Monday January Tth, at S p. m. In tb room of the Chamber of Commerce, under the ausplcea of the Ladle Auslllary. .A short program will be given con sisting of special music, readings, and It la hoped, a talk by Robert Peloiise of Ragle Point, who ha just returned from the front In France. After the program the remainder of the evening will be spent with card, Somerset. nd other gsmes. Refreshment will be served. The ladlea extend a cordial Invi tation to every on. Admission 25c. In nnirrm' Training tamp Garry McCrarken, who enlisted In the 144th Field Artillery In Cal ifornia Inst October, has been or dered to report at the officer' train ing camp at Linda Vista, Cal., for a three months' course, lie Is one of five privates In Ihla regiment to be selected. lMilnyhiK ITrferml Worn The Rasket Oroeery haa a window display of Allen AY Lewis "Prefer red Stock" canned good, which are advertised In today' Courier. Port land wholesaler are becoming more alive lo the possibilities of Increas ing their trade through local adver tlalng. Hummers to Ii-twnnn John Summers, for many year local cashier of the Southern Pa cific company and first trick opera tor at the depot, has closed his con nections with the Grants Pass sta tion and leaves today for Lebanon, where he will serve the company a station agent. Ilia family will leave In a week or two. Mr. Summers had almost .be-ome a fixture at the S. P. station and he will be missed by his many friend and the traveling public. MATERIAL NEEDED FOR JUNIOR RED CROSS The Junior Red Cross Is badly In need of material, such a old bed spread, old table linen, scraps of I outing flannei, old wash towela, et. anything on this order can be used .to great advantage In the work. Anyone having any of the above ma terials to donate to the Junior Red; Cross, will confer a favor on the youth of our city by sending to any of the grade schools, or notifying any of the officers, who will gladly have same called for. Knitting rot ton (white) ia also needed to crochet around wash cloth. Literature has been forwarded to Hugo where the organisation of a Junior Red Cross la underway. SIX ARK KILLi:l IS RAILROAD SMASH IT tl nfMiAimmin KUUuhMKu 10 No House for This Yonng Many friends of Charles Edward Young, the well-known Jitney man. have been worried the past week abont him. not having seen him limit inwn nd when one M. r.. Young was. arrested the other day for the bootlegging, the wise one said, "That must be 'Ed.' the Jitney man." Cbarlse Edward aeniea tnai he haa fallen Into the hands of the sheriff and Is now boarding with the county. He haa, however, beep confined to his bed with a severe ttack of la grippe, but Is again out and will soon be "on the Job." The bunch of good fellow, who under self-styled title of "Rough necks." collected a fund with which to purchase a new flag for the city have made the following reiort: Total amount collo-ted, $85. 71; uald for flag. $03.30; express. It. S3: roue. 15. 0: leaving a bal ance of1 $13, which amount was turn ed over to the Red Croe by P. A Detlenault, who had charge of the fund. BOOTLEGGER fixirt Make) Appointments The county court t It session last week appointed Dr. J. O. Nlbley county Dhyslclan, and Dr. J. t 8mlth a county health officer. 8. L. Jewell waa given the contract or caring for the county poor at the county hospital, the compensation being placed at $23 each per month. W. L. Schroder was appointed Jani tor at the court house. Jnnliir of RMtirlttai Organl The juvenile member of the Knights nd Ladle of Secnrlty have been organised a a branch of the parent order In Grants Pass, fb- warda of 60 were enrolled a char ter member, and at a recent meet ing the following officer were eject ed Worthy Monarch. Wesley Eg ger; Junior lady. Bertha Calhoun; senior lady, Hilda Jordan; tub-Junior. Howard Dorman; lady of rec ords. Corlvss Courtney; treasurer, Claude McCracken; ptsnlst, Jose phine Isham: captain o! degree staff. Dyke Luckett; lady guide; Pansy Robertson and Elna Williams; knight of watch. Orvtlle Turner. A classified ad wtl give renna. JOY THEATRE Sunday and Monday. Montreal. Jan. 5 Six neoule were killed and 16 Injured In a collision! at Dorval station on the Canadian Pacific railway last night. Cards at the Courier office. MEW TOD4Y fn.issirtrn in nitra is words, two Issues, 25c; six Issues, Kn.- nm. mnnth ftl &0 h.n naM In advance. When not raid In advance. 5c per line per issue.) . MOTORCYCLE and bicycle repair-' Ing. parts and repairs for Indian and Harley-Davldson, typewriter repairing and cleaning saw gum ming, Firestone' and Diamond tires. Paramount Cyclery, former ly Mclntyre's. 49tf $250 AND ALL COSTS M. E. Young, who was arrested Monday night on a bootlegging charge and on Friday wa ; found guilty at a Jury trial, wa today sentenced by Justice Jame Holman to pay a fine of $250 and cost. The amount of the tine waa - promptly paid and the costs are assessed to Young. The 11 Quarts of whiskey were confiscated and the sheriff Is awalt lnai Instructions from the federal government a to Ita final deposi tion. Ju3. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur . ance, plate glass liability Incur-' ance. 204 M Sixth street. tf INSURANCE Any klnd,j beat of companies. U A. Launer, real estate. U WANTED TO RENT A piano, for six weeks or more. Exception ally good care. State make, con dition, terms. Apply 207 West C street 51 FOR RENT 5-room modern cot tage, bath, gas and electric lights, low rent. Inquire N. E. Towns end, 621 A street. 65 WANTED High school girl wants place to work for room and board. Address No. 10, car Courier. 60 WILLIAM A. BRA1IY la association With WORLJJ PICTURES Preeenta CARLYLE BLACKWELL JUNE ELVID6E la 99 "The Social Leper Cnt including Arthur Ashley and Evelyn Greeley Story hy Florence C. Holies . Directed by Harley Knoles Rushing, along to a startling climax, tills sensational story grip with the frt fliud) of the first wel and hold it without letting go until the last rel ends and the lights flash up. The acting J this MtrmUon is uecb. All the way through the feature is marked by exceptional cIom. See It and bo supremely entertained. KORI ANIMATED WEEKLY Price, lOo, and BOo DIED DOERNER Mrs. Margaret Doerner at the home of her daughter, Mr. Edward 0. Harri. at S p. m. Jan uary 4. . The .funeral ervlce will be held this afternoon at S o'clock at the family home. Rev. L. Myron Booxer officiating. HINMAN At the home of her grandson,' Fred Oearhart, . 410 Isham street, Friday, January 4, Mr. Elna Elizabeth Hlnman. aged (4 years 3 month and 20 days, bronchitis being the cause of death. Deceased Is also survived by a daughter, Mr. J. B. Scott, of Mer lin. The funeral and burial will be held at the Pleasant Valley cemetery today at 12 o'clock. WANTED A capable high school boy want to work for 'hoard and room or cash equivalent. Address "12 K street or No. 19, care of Courier. 51 FOR SALE One used Chevrolet car. Also one Hudson touring. Churchill A Maxwell. 50 PHILLIPS At the home of her mother; Mrs. Wlseoarver. near! Holland, on December 29. 1917. Mrs. Irvin Phillip, aged 29 years. COMING EVENTS ' Jan. 7, Monday Grand Jury con vene. Jan. 7. Monday Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. benefit In Chamber of Comemrre rooms, 8 p. m. Jan. 8-9, Tuesday and Wednesday "Raraona," Joy Theatre. Tonight Triangle Film Corporation Preeente WALT WHITMAN in The Tar-Heel ii Warrior lUMEDY .. "CAt'GHT N THE END" 10c and 20c Josephine County Ban!: Makes Fine Showing Thii Bank Hat About Three Times a Many Deposit at Two Ycari Ago Itelow is a statement of deposit and resources of the Josephine County lUnk as of January 1st each year ' Deposit Resource January It 1910 . 9 !ftO,4:-4 January 1st 1017 840,130.01 2fl2.NOI.l0 , January 1st 101H 274,102.00 JM2,.i0.OI This wrtalnly I very enaNiragint; record and the Officers and Directors of the Josephine Coswty Hank appreciate the llbaml suHMrt of all those who have hrlird to make em-h a record possible. Special 500 Rolls Toilet Paper, regular 10c goods Four for 25c Basket Grocery THK rASH AND CARRY STORE 417 G St. BIG' a . E ILL i ..' w - i - la "She Disciole" Supported by Dorothy Daltoa, Rob ert McKlm, Thema, Salter and ' Charles rWach Direct- from the Sl'NSET THEATRE of Portland. May Only M jjOT OBITUABT :1 LIBRARJAJra KEPORT v6tf Margaret Isnerner Mrs. Marearet Doerner passed away quietly and peacefully on Fri day afternoon, January 4, at I o'clock at the home of rer daughter, Mr. Edward O. Harris. 1042 East A street She was born In Germany April 9, 1833. and waa 84 years, 8 months and 26 days old at tne time of her decease. She came to this country as a young girl and later waa married to Henry Doerner, also of German birth, with whom she lived In happy wedlock for nearly 65 years. Three years ago her hus band died at the advanced ae of 88 years. After brief sojourns In Wisconsin and elsewhere the family moved to Cincinnati, where they re mained until "1904. In November 1909 they came to Grants Pass. Mrs. Doerner Is survived by "two sons, Armln W. Doerner and Alfred nnerner of Denver. Colo.: two daughters. Miss Cells Doerner and Mrs. E. G. Harris, of Grants Pass; six grand children: a brother, and a sister. The funeral services will be held at. the Harris home this after noon at 3 o'clock, Rev. L. Myron Rnnmr nfficlatlns'. The body Will be taken to Portland for cremation MONTH OF DECEMBER Adult's books P-iiloeophy and religion, 22; sociology, 29;, natural science, 82; agricultural and tech nical, 41; music nd art, 20;. hiBtory 49; travel, 40; biography, 12; fic tion, 1,061. Total, 1,317. Children' book Primers and ptature books, 85; myths and leg ends, 96; nature books, 80; elec trical and mechanical, 89; poetry and reader, 48; history, S3; travel1 books, 52; biography. 8; fiction,. 426. Total, 807. Total, number magaslnea loaned, 277. Fall circu lation. 3,443. ; . 1 Calling cards at the Courier. If You WanV DRY WOOD ! I Now Have it Medford wants It bad, but am . ' giving yon first chance. 81'PPLY IS VERY LIMITED PARSONS' WOOD YARD Card at the Courier oBc).