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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
ft SUNDAY. JANUARY S, ItlS. - DAILY MOO IB MTU OOCROMI II !i i! lllllllllllllllJiiiLU iiff ffff!:::: mM ttffffff t fiii ii m nun J-L Even experts are unable to judge the quality of plumbing fixtures by their appearance. Only by selecting the ware of a well known brand like pacific Plumbing Fixtures can you make sure that your plumbing fixtures will give you years of satisfactory service. PACIFIC bath tubs, lavatories, sinks and closets are of beautiful and graceful designs and simple, easy to clean patterns of sub stantial appearance. They have a beautiful glossy white surface which they will retain for many years. Although PACS7IC Plumbing Fixtures are of superior quality, they cost no more than any other reputable brand, and are guaranteed forever against any defects in workmanship or materials. Remind your plumber and architect to install PACIFIC Plumbing Fixtures. They wiQ be glad to follow your suggestion, for they know they will give yean of satisfactory novice. Before you build or remodel, write for a copy of The Book of Bathrooms. It is a j6 page book brim full of ideas. Free on request of LELAND PLUMC:.'3 FIXTUBES For Sale by all Plumben Main Offices, 67 New Montgomery StreetJSan Francisco PORTLAND AMD LOS ANGELES Factories Richmond and San Pablo, California No Raise In Price Of This Great Remedy CASCARAK? QUININE fp BONDS TO BE ISSUED i IN MLLtlf HIYIUUmO 1 foe Mr la tablat form uft. Km. sputa cold in 24 noun jnp in tm. nioarybacklfUlail. Gettta ana koi with Red Sop aad Sir. HiU-apietaraoatt. Cotta Uw, five more, earee ukhm y. MTaMrtafatZSa. At Any Dra Stare OITE ADVEHTISEjEENT WILL XTOT MAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WILL 8EHVE AS A 8TOITE tS THE FOUNDATION OF BUSHTE88 SUCCESS :: :: I Washington, Jan. &. Recently Senator McNary presented to Seere Jtary of the Treasury McAdoo sn ar igumept in favor of the Issuance of ! Liberty loan bonds in denominations !of $5, HO and 120. so that the bonds might be within the purchas ing power of those whose Incomes are small, yet desire an opportunity to show their patriotism. Today the secretary informed Senator Mc Nary that his suggestion was so im portant that he would have It care fully considered, and hoped to work out something along the line suggested. a classified ad will give results. Diver Banks Creamery (lonar1 Estate Co. Owner) l'a.vt highest -market price tor botterfat Honest Test Full Weight Prompt Payment .runt I'axs, Oregon . , E San Francisco, Jan. 6. Army headquarters today announced -that Christmas presents sent to Ameri can soldiers In Franca after the gov ernment's time limit for receiving them, December 6, bad elapsed, will be returned to the senders It post age is supplied. In no case. It was announced, will these tardy gifts be delivered to France. Since December ( vast amounta of packages have accumulated at var ious points all over the country. Jam McCumber, Will Alderaou, George Walters and Dsns Deckers Mt Monday for Fort Klamath, hers thsy will work. Miss Edith Klum arrived from Marshfleld. where she spsnt the summer, and will spend the holidays with her mother. Mrs. John Alder- son, ho came la a few days ago from Fort Klamath. airs. Martha Stevens, who sint several weeks In northern Califor nia, came home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farlelih and son, Clarence, made a bttstnese trip to Grants Pasa Tuesday. Mrs. Allen Reed and daughters. Martha and Rffle, and son, John, made a business trip to Grants rasa one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Watson and children of North Rend stopped over to spend Christmas with Mrs. Wat son's sister and mother, Mrs. 8teekel and Mrs. Ellis, la Inland. They left Wednesdsy for Hawaii, where Mr. Watson haa a position. Guy Ooff made a business trip lo Grants Pass one day last week. I-eonard Miller and wife were visitors In Grants Pass lsst Satur day. Merle Wallace, of Grants Pass, spent lsst week In Lsland with rela tives, Fred Ellis, who Is working with the Western Union Telegraph com pany, came home to spend Christmas and returned Wednesday to his work on the Columbia river. Mrs. Ed Stoneman from Fort Klamath eame home to spend Christmas with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alderson. Mrs. Warren McCortnlck and chil dren, of Hugo, are visiting Mrs. Decker thla week. Ike Ward has been busy this week loading and ahlpplng wood. The farmers of Orave creek have bonded to a dredger company and expect to see the work begin soon to prospect the properties that are bonded. Charlie Ellis left last Thursday for Kennett. Cel.. to spend a few dsn with his uncle, E. S. Ellis. The Copper King mine on Orave Creek has shut down work for the present. John DeVall and family motored to,Grsnts Pasa Sunday evening. Raymond Self, of Corvallls. who Is attending the O. A. C, Is spending his holiday vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Morrison. It Is learned that Eugene Bsecus, of Wolf Creek, died lsst Saturday. Jack Haden left fcne day this week for Marsh rield to work tn the ship yards. Mrs. George Light and children have gone to Montasana. Wash., to Join Mr. IJght who has been In. Washington for some time. Classified Advertising FOR TRADE FOR TRADE 150 aoree Of lofted oft Uad II miles from Seattle, Wuh, one-half mile from railroad station, a good email town, One aoto road, most of thla place la eaelly cleared, well watered, would mess fine stoek raneh. Prion I0 par acre. Will trade for email ranch or resi dence property. Will be la OranU Pass about 16 days. Address E. MoOolley, p. O. Boa 11 or call at Palace Hotel. , tf FOIl BALK O. A C. GRANT LANDS Blue print plats showing landa la Josephine county, $1.60. Addreaa A. B. Voorhles, areata Pass. tf DEALERS la horses, mules, eattle, wagons, hacks, buggies harness and saddles. We have a variety of all kinds at all Uutee. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, come aad see us. We will treat you right. All our livestock la put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed aad Bala Stable. Corner Sixth aad K streets. Tlmmons, Prop. Phone lll-J. lltf STEFANSSON PARTY SAFE IN THE NORTH Seattle, Jan. 6. Vllhjlmur 8tef- jansson, the explorer, and the 26 i men of bis Canadian Arctic expedi tion, have not yet left the Arctic ocean, according to reports received : here today from Dawson, T. T., Fair banks, Alaska and Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa dispatches December 20 said ' the explorer had left the northern ) seas and had arrived at Fort Yukon, an Inland point in Alaska. Dawson i advices said every member of the ' party was In good health. Racine Tires 5000 Miles Guarantee C. L. HOBAPvT CO. BE FIRST TO RATIFY Chicago, Jan. 5. A campaign to make Illinois the first wet state to ratify the prohibition amendment to the federal constitution was launch ed yesterday by the anti-saloon league. The first efforts of the league. It was decided, will be di rected toward Chicago to force the election of a dry legislature next fall. The senate Is already dry and a gain of only 10 seats tn the tower house. It Is claimed, would make the legislature safely prohibition. RKVOMTIOXARV MOVE 14 BREWING IX SPAIN Madrid. Jan. 5. A revolutionary movement has been unearthed by the government and telegraphic commu nication has been suspended and other precautions taken. Calling carda at the Courier. Tho End of Your Corns Pain Stop at Once -Corn lift. Off Clean. There Is nothing In ths world like "Oeta-It" (or corns Just apply It sccordlng to direction!, the pain stop at once and than the corn llfta oil as clean as a whittle. No fuas, no bother, no danger. "Oats It," you know, la aafa. Millions have used It, mora than all other corn remedies combined, and it ntv r falls. FOR SALE Good modern house, close In, north side. Inquire No. IIII. care Courier. lltf TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS .Now uader msnagment of Mrs. L. C. Arm strong; II clean rooms at 16c aad 10c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable aad ronvlently located 411 C street lltf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. ITtf FOR RKNT Account of lesvlng Grants Pass will rent my property on corner North Sixth and Eve lyn Ave. Bath, lights, etc., and gas connection, variety of fruit on place, 12. John Summers. 10 TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE One-half Intereat and control of 55 acres on Applsgats river. Good house. Orchard. 20 acres cultivated. For sale or ex change. Prlco $2,00(1. State loan $800. L. A. tanner, real estate. 60 TO TRADE 800 acres of unlm proved land In Harney county to trade for small Improved place around jiere. Address II. H Thompson, Applegate, Ore. 64 CHANCE OK BALK 1 20 acres Illinois valley on Crescent City highway, 15 acres Irrigated, good big 7-room house, cost 11,800 good barn and fence, one half mil lion feet timber, good out range Price, $2,800. State loan, $600. L. A. Launer, real estate. 51 WANTED WANTED A cook at the Pass hotel. O rants tf WANTED Ho ii tie and lot .change for automobile. 301 West O street. to ex-Inqnlre 60 MISCKLLANKOIB BENNETTS' CHEMICAlTlaboratory, 1141 Market street, Tacoma, Wn Let us take care of your ore ship ments and do your control work, rates reasonable. - tf I'M BR ELLAS REPAIRED and cov ered. Inquire at the American ' restaurant. 309 South Sixth St Phone 307. James Dalton. 60 j i.. jt. ...i u j j a ..iiimw iiiniiaian. I'BYHICIANS U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practise limited to diseases of ton eye. ear, nose aad throat. Olaseee fitted, nose aad throat Olaaaee fitted. Office hours 1-1 1, M. or on ap pointment Office phone. II; resi dence phone I6I-J. . LOl'GHRUMK. M. D.. Pbysiclaa and surgeon. City or eoantry calls attended day or right Reeldeaee phone 'CI; office pbone lit. Sixth and II. Tuffs Bulldlag. A. A. WITUAJJ. M. D.. Physician aad surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth aad I streets. Phonea: Of fice, 111; reeldeaee, lll-J. Hoeia, I a. av to 4 p. as. , DR. J. O. N1BLBY Phyaloiea aad surgeon. Luadburg Balldlag. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Oa Health OBeer. Officer bourn, I te 11 a. m. 1 to I p. m. Pheae 110-J. Mtt DENTISTS Letterheads that will please you, at the Courier. Dea't Wnlr Time "Hollerlag." , Wets-It" Never Falls. There Is no need for you to go through another day of corn agony. Ilut be sure you got "OfitiMt." Accept nothing elee, for remember, there Ii poaitively nothing elite as flood. "Gets-It" never Irrltatas the ive flesh, never makes the toe, sore, . You can 'go about a usual with work or play, while "Oets-It," the magic, does all the. work. Then the corn peels right off like a banana skin, and leaves the toe as smooth and corn-free as your palm. Never happened before, did It? Ouesannt. Oat a bottle of "Oete-It" today from any drug store, you need pay no more than JSc.'or sent on receipt , of price by 0. Lawrsncs A Co., Chi- ' cago. III, Sold In Oranta Pass and recom mended as the world'a beat corn rem edy by Oeorge C. Sabln and C. H. Demaray, Washington, Jan. 6. 8enator Chamberlain today Introduced a bill exempting homestead entrymen from the requirements of residence lor entries during the war If engaged jin the orgnnl.ed lied Cross service; also a bill to appropriate $3,000 to obtain a portrait of George Washing ton for presentation to the Argen , tine republic's military college. Cards at the Courier office. CHICHESTER S PILLS JX I'lll. in II. . I uU "-i!"( tSvl Tali n. alhrr. Il. t ,, V - Jr HissiiiNit nit ait iii.i..,.. B. G. MACT. D. If. D. First -otaes dentistry. 1IIH South Stalk street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attorney-nt-law. . Practice la all State and Federal ' Courts. First Nstloaal Bank Bldg. OOLVIQ A WILLIAMS Attorweys-at-Law OranU Pasa Banking On. Bldg. OranU Paaa, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all cearta. First National Bnnk Bulldlag. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attomejra-at-Lew. Office Masonic Teas pie. OranU Pasa Oregoa. W. T. MILLER. Attoreey-mt-Uw Oouaty attorney for Joenpfclne County. Office: Schallhorn Bldg. O. 8. BLANCH ARD.Attorney-nt-Lnw Golden Rule Building. Pbone 270. OranU Pass, Oregon. BLANCIIARU A BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block. Phoae 281-J. Practice la all courts; laad board attorneys. VETERINARY SUIidEON DRR.J.BEflTUL, VeUaarUJL Office in Wlnetrout Impleaseat Bldg. Phone 11J-J. Reeldeaee Phone 105-R. DltAYAClE AND TIIANHFKR COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and traasfer work carefully aad promptly dona. Phono lll-J. SUnd at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. O. I8HAM, drayage aad traasfer." Safes, pianos and furniture morsel packed, ahlpped aad stored. Phoae asrk and Holmsa, No. II. Reet dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; , so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoae II7-R. Mt'MOAx. INSTBUOTIOW" J. S. MAOMURRAT, teacher of voice oulture and singing. Laaaona glvea at home of pupil If requested. Ad dresa Til Lee St tlltf TAXI SERVICE Vein known lint. SiImI. Alw,n hll,l.u SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that la the questloa. Call JIUey Luke at the Spa or phone 212-q,., Always at your service for city nr country calls. 0tf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. to 6 p. tn. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. 78tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectlveDecember 1, 1117. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. ra. Train 3 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. Air trains leave Grants Pasa from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company Lnndburg building, or phone 111 for same.