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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
DAILY IKMilK lUYKIt (tHHIr.U ftl'tffl.W, JAM ARY , Itll. - 1JJ.. NU ROGUE fill COUPJER Published Daily Except Saturday -VI 4l u JOY THEATRE' r i ' Ml ', .lues, and . I) and 8 4. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Prow. Wed, Bnt.rd at the Poatofflce, Grant Pas. Or., at Mcond elau mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch le Local or personal column, per Una 10c Reader, par Hne......... ... le ONE SHOW, STARTING 8:15 P. M. Elliott & Sherman, promotori of the world-famed "Birth of a Nation' present Clune's Cinema Operatic Spectacle DAILY COURIER By nail or carrier, per year ..t. 00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .(0 ; . W EEKLY COURIER By mall, per year ......$!. 50 TACK TWO Jan MEMBER Stat Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn. Northwest Patriotic Presa Aan. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Proas la exclusively niilled to the use for republication of all newa dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local now pub lished herein. All right of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. SVXDAY, JANUARY , 191H. -e , -f OREGON WEATHER ' t f Probably lair, with moder- ate southerly winds. PALESTINE IN THE WAR Many attempts hare been made to apply prophecy to thia war, but, gen erally they hare been made by no vices, who have ideas of their own to exploit, and they attempt to prove them by the Bible. Usually they are in some way applied to Palestine where the Lord spent his, earthly day. One by one the scene of his life are falling into the bands of the British, who have been steadily working north from Egypt. Gaza, from which Sampson took away the gate of the city, together! with the iron posts and carried them to the hills before Hebron, was first taken, then came Askelon, the south ern seaport, then Joppa, where Peter bad his vision, then the valley where David slew Goliath, while the Philis tines stood on a mountain on one aide and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side. Then came He bron, where Abraham dwelt and Za charias Is supposed to have lived. Bethlehem was not alow to follow and still the column crept north. Jerusalem was encompassed round bout and finally fell. The Mount of Olives went with It as also Bethany, where Lazarus lived with his sister. General Allenby is now forcing 111 way north along the road over which Jesus Journeyed with his dis ciple, when returning to Galilee. It was then that be sat at Jacob' well and a Samaritan woman came to draw water while his disciples were) gone in search of food. She was as tonished that he ahould speak to her, ft Samaritan, for the Jews had no dealing with the Samaritans. When the dlsr-lples returned she went Into the city and told her friend to come nd ee. They came dressed in tbelr long flowing white robes and is that what caused the Lord to say. lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest. Galilee He just beyond and Jesus loved Galilee of the Gentiles. All his early life was spent at Nazareth, nestled on the side of a hill from the top of which he many times must "have looked at Herman In the north, the Mediterarnean to the west, beyond Jordan to the east and over 8amarla toward Jerusalem to the south. It I no wonder he loved the mountain, In which hi life was spent. He was baptized and came to Naz areth, but, his neighbor were over come witb petty envy and led blm M 'MT)I? M The; Sweetest .JiUiVliUlMAA Story Ever Told Mission Days in Southern California Kirdly Rule of the 1 Old Padres Romance in Mexican Palace and Indian Hut II TiJUUi 'A P. WW'' C " Driving the Red Men From Their Humble Homes Love Finds ' a way in Mountain Deserts . Setting Suns Heal Broken Hearts Founded on Helen Hunt Jackson's Famous Novel of California Mission Indians 20,000,000 People Have Read the Book IT HAM HKKX KNIHUtHKI IIV KAMOIH MKN A.M WOMKN AMI! KM IX KM ( I.KlWiVMKX OK ALL KKNOMIXATION Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle and the Baby ALL WILL WANT TO SEE IT 2,000,000 Have Seen the ' Play Come early and get a good seat. Fi ices 20c and 35c to the brow of the hill to cast him over but they did not. Then he leU Nazareth and went to Capernaum, where most of his great work were performed. Prom here he went up to the mountain and when the peo ple found he had gone they followed him. All day 'they hungered, then he, called them together and fed them with a few email fishes. Here be gave them the beautltudes that have been a comfort to the Interven ing ages and will continue to tbe end of time. Then he sent the disciples away and In the early morning he followed them walking over the water. Impetuous Peter tried to go to him, but, lacked (faith. Many wonderful work were done In Ca pernaum, but, It continued In itr sin and he said of it, and thou Ca pernaum, which art exalted unto Heaven, shalt be brought down to hell, Today the very site of the rlty Is uncertain. It was In Galilee that Meglddo was located. There King Ahazlah per ished, Joslah waa slain and Saul, to gether with hla three sons, died. Down through the age the Chrli tion world ha been looking forward to the battle of Armageddon. The British are nearlng the spot, now so near that they could throw rfhell upon It, and what I to come of It? Is that tbe Armageddon, or do we look for another? I It figurative, or 1 It physical? THE MODERN SPIRIT of c(Nieration( the spirit which animates all noccessfnl bunlnesfi, prevails in the organization of oar Federal rwwnre bank. We own Ktm'k in It. We keep our reserve cash In It. It Is our bank, and Its reHourre enable us at nil times to meet the legitimate banking requirements ot our community. You, In tur it cun ghnre In it benefits and protectlrn by becoming one of- our depositor. aTaftYSTKMaSl FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON The I'nlted Geological 8nr very, department of the interior, printed last jear over 4,000,000 co pies of geological, topographic, and other map and folio," many of them In several colors. Some t the geo logic maps required a many a 25 printing. Tbe total number of Im pression required waa 14,000,000. L rector of the Xatlonnl Kederatlon ot Women' Club, I now traveling in the northwestern states, making pre liminary arrangement 'for the drive, which will be later .organized by prominent national worker. Letterheads that will iim yon, r tb. Courier. Washington, Jan. 6. Declaring the present war tax law not only un workable, but Impossible and dis criminatory taxes, Senator Siuoot, republican,' of the finance commute, today Introduced amendment stab llnhlng a new system of Income taxes. TO '! Seattle, Jan. 5 The northwestern campaign of the Young Women' Christian association national war work council to raise $144,000 In the states of Oregon, Washington, Mon tana and Idaho, will take place dur ing the week of January 21 to 27. That sum I the district's quota of the $4,000,000 fund required by the association for it needed hostess house at army camps, for housing and Improving the condition of girl and women In war employment and ifor Its work among the women In the war zone. The active campaign for fund will be opened with a sectional war con-, ference early In January at Tacoma, Wash., to be followed by state meet ings In Montana, Oregon and Idaho. I To these meetings will be Invited the leading women who are promi nent In' the various communities and ; engaged in club, civic and religious work. Mrs. R. C. McCredle, presi dent of the Washington Federation of Women' Clubs, member of the Washington state of health and a di- AH APPEAL TO COMMON SENSE Will prove that honest value. are much more aatiafacfoirf thaa exaggerated value claim. The atore that la always offering siu Itendous bargains in tire doesn't appeal to your common setine, hut to your credulity. You will be far wiser and do better to come here whereh onewt value are q noted and common sease prior asked. J. F. Burke Agent