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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1918)
mob wwm DAILY ROGVK RIVCIl COl'RIKR TllllWflAY, JAM'AIIY il, 1IM. "You Can Still Enlist in the Marines - .j&'. ZL GOODRICH NEWS BUREAUI PERSSNflL LOCAL a,:. 1 :,.,..--;.& ENUST TODAY Vpoa presentation to recraJting officer of certificate ljr hi Loral noard to the effort that his class ami order number are no low that he U not with la the currmt quota of hi loral Hoard, any registrant may enlist voluntarily In Uie Nary or Marine CorM and thereafter, apoa pmentation bjr the registrant to hi Local Board of a certificate of a Commissioned Officer of the Xavy ' or Marine Corpa statins; that he haa been so enlisted, inch crrtiri cate shall be filed with the Questionnaire and the registrant hll be placed in Clan V on the ground that be la In the Naval Ser vice of the United States. At present there la a great demand for men for the V. 8. Marine Corpa; height 4 to 74 inebe weight 12 pound npwarda in proportion, 1ST LIECT. JOHN McCLASKKV, . V. ft. M. t ' ' 371 Market Street, San Franrtsru, California. , This space donated by - Califorcia-Oregca Power CoEpany" DEATH OF ft MYERS Xedford, Jan. 3 Without regain ing consciousness Austin Myers, 15 years old of Medford, died at the Sacred Heart hospital last night at 7 o'clock from injuries sustained when he was run Into by a car! -driven by A. Conro Flero near Main street In Central Point Monday night Mr. Myers sustained a fractured skull and an operation was perform-1 d in hopes of saving bis life. After I 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon,) symptons Indicating a fracture of the base of the brain appeared andj Mr. Myers died at 7:30 In the even ing. Mrs. Myers, wife of the deceased who was also Injured in the accident. Is still In a serlus condition, but has very chance of recovery. Th Aneitnt Scsptsr. The- Hebrew word translated an "scepter" originally meant a rod or a staff and was the wand of rnler. It was thence applied to rlie shepherd's crook (Leviticus sxvli. .T.'; Mlcab vll.j 14. It may he Inferr' tbst the- wepter of early Hebrew time was mnIV of, wood. Tue scepter of rue I'erslan twin arch Is descrllicd ns "golden" that Is. probably of tuassrre gold- (Esther It. 11). . Aneitnt Embroidery. In Exodus the "embroiderer"' Is- esn trasted wltb the "eimiiuig workmuo." The art of embroidery ly the bmtn was extensively practiced by tue nations of antiquity. The Egyptians and Baby lonians were noted foe it.' Embroidery wltb the needle wna Phrygian In Ten tloo of a later date- . CUarly Espraintd. "Please tell me-, prf4essor. whs la a periphrasis?" "Madam. It Is simply a clrciunbs-n-tory and pleonastic cycle of oratorical sonurosity. circumscribing an afm of Ideality lost In a verbal profundity." "Thank you. sir." UNCLE SAM'S FAVORITE NIECE Mary PicMord In her great patriotic photo drama "THE LITTLE AMERICAN" Bijou Theatre Friday and Saturday, January 4 & 5 10c and 25c W. K. Arnet and wife, of Klamath Falls, are In the rliy today. Harold King left thla morniiu foi Kugcne, to resume hia studies at the V. of O. Kilo Host left last night, relum ing to Port Orford, after spending the holidays at home. Joe Dean arrived here the drat of the week from Aberdeen for i short visit. Mike fish-In returned thla morn- jlng from I'ortlund, where he spent I the holidays with hla family. I Mrs. M. E. Rowley returned to Ashland thla morning, after spend ing about six montha here. i M. E. Varner and family and K, iVarner and family left this morning for Weed, Cal., where they have (work. ; Mra. R. K. Woodson and Mrs. T. E. Gllmore, of Murphy, spent the i day with the Sweeney family at Medford.. Misses Jeanette Moss and Flor ence Riddle left last night for Eu gene, to continue their studies at the university. ' Mra. W. E. Hanson and children left for Salem this morning to Join Mr. Hanson, who Is now In business In the capltol city. Mrs. P. I Coatea, and Mrs. P. L. Coates and son returned to Albany today, after spending the holldnyt with Mrs. P. I Coates' parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Carglll. John Wiseman returned to Weed today after spending Chrlstmaa, at home. Mr. Wiseman Is engineer on a log loader for the lumber company. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Harmon, who spent the holidays here with rela lives, left this afternoon for their home at El Centra, Cal. Mrs. Han son waa formerly Miss Minnie Mor gan. Con Austin, sister of Mrs. W. T. Miller, returned this morning from Elma, Wash., where he spent Christ mas. After a short atay he will re turn to his duties at Mare Island. Rusell Drake arrived last night to spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drake, and his wife. who Is also visiting here. Mr. Drake Is a member of the roast artillery band and Is stationed at Ft. Mc Ar thur. San Pedro. Cal. He Is home on a 1 "-days' furlough. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coe. who spent a few days here on business and with old friends, left this morning for fhefr home at Hillsboro. Mr. Coe Is engaged In the lumber mill ing business and la much pleased with his Industry. Women of Woodcraft Regular meetlug of Women of Woodcraft on Friday night. Instal lation of Olivers, special business and lunch. Visiting member Invited. t'ae I1iiiIwmmI The rase brought by A. P. Knox axslnxt Mr. and Mrs. Short for the larceny of some turkeys, was d Ik mi I sued without trlnl, the arrest re sulting from a misundersluitdiiiK. Mrs, SI oil's Mother In T. M. Rtott, a few days a no, re ceived a message from Mrs. Stott, who Is visiting her old home at New Castle, Pa., that her mother passed away on Monday. Mrs. Stott ar rived home the Wednesday previous. W. V. T. V. Meeting All members or the W. C. T. V. are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. Mary, Friday, January 4, at 3 o'clock, In honor of Mra. John Summers, who la soon to leave the city. JANUARY JDKY LIST ' FOR SUPREME COURT Th following jury list has been drawn for the January term of cir cuit court, which will be held In Grants Pas beginning January H. The grand Jury will convene , on Monday, January 7. Chas. D. Sexton, Hugo, Ore. E. D. Lehman,, Golden. Ore. D. MrFartand.Orants Pass. Rd. 3. n. C. Offlns, Grants Pass, Ore. W. A. I,owe, Granta Pass. Ore. H. M. rfefferle. Waldo. Ore. J. A. Larson. Grants Pass, Rd. 2. J. R. White. Kerby, Ore. C. H. Record. Waldo. Ore. P. W. Sawyer, Kerby. Ore. P. O. Tonngblood.' Grants Pass, Two Years Ago We Inaugurated the strictly rah and "no clearance sale" Hllcy and II has proven Hie iimwI satisfactory period of our bualueas rare. ' B.ecause There are no more unfair profits to offset the "Clearance Sale" or "Credit" losses. We believe It Is fairer U you la lake a small profit ou every salo Instead is? a large profit on some and none at nil on other. It's Hie only plan Una's fnlr lo nil alike. We utter ' "cleantiM-e" taluea eery ilay In the year, and real ari vlce goes with every purchase. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cjsh Clothiers " llii) Cheaper Than Credit." non.v BARRfE At Ogden. Ttah. January 3, te Mr. and Mrs. Prank W. Bar- rfe, an 8 pound son. DIKlr BACCTS At Wolf Creek, December 29, Edgar Bacous. aged 72 years I month and 5 days. The deceased waa a native of Bel gium and at the time of his death waa homesteadlng near Wolf Creek. Relatives at San Jose, Cal., were no tified of his death and they came to tater charge of the body, which was shfpped to San Jose 'Wednesday night. BAR.VES At her home, 1078 North Ninth street, Thursday, January 3. Mrs. Carrfe Barnes, wife of A. S. Barnes Sr., aged 71 years, dropsy being the cause of death. The deceased was horn In New Tork state and came to the coast about 25 years ago, coming to Grants Pans from Ashland about four years ago. She Is survived, by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Mamie Routledge of Portland and Miss Maud Barnes of this city, and one son, A. S. Barnes Jr., of this city. The funeral will be held at 2:30 p. m. Friday, January 4 at Hall's chapel, Rev. I. Myron Boozer having charge. Interment In the Masonic cemetery. COMTJTO EVENTS 4 Jan. 5, Saturday In the Chamber of Commerce rooms, a meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary. Jan. 7, Monday Grand Jury con venes. Jan.' 8-9, Tuesday and Wednesday "Ramona," Joy Theatre. Jan. 14, Monday Meeting of circuit court. Rd. 8. Wilbur Williams. Qranta Pass. Ore. Joalah Rhoads, Selma, Ore. Gua I.ind, Grants Pass. Rd. I. J. G. Rlggs, Grants Pasa. Ore. W. R. Nipper. Granta Pass. Ore. J. E. Hair, Granta Pass, Ore. ' Clans Schmidt, Granta Pass, Ore. J. W. Lelth, Mnrphy, Ore. - 1 A. W. iPlet. Wolf Creek. Ore. R. P. Randolph, Grants Pass. Ore. Peter Pirrer, Hugo, Ore. J. J. Perry, Grants Pass, Ore. H. N. Parker, Granta Pass, Ore. Geo. R. Riddle, Grants Pass, Ore. T. J. Tycer, Kerby, Ore. E. C. Neely. Grants Pass, Rd. 2. C. H. Gordon, Grants Pass, Ore. Sherman Jess, Grants Pass, Rd. 2. Thomas Larson, Grants Pasa. Ore. Thomas Odgen, Grants Pass. Rd. 3 A classified ad brings results. Cards at the Courier office. NEW TOD4.T (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues. 25c; six Issues, 50c; on month, ft. 69. when paid In advanest When not raid In advance, 5c per line per Issue.) WANTED Team of horses, cheap, win pay cash. O. Henrlkson, R. P; D. Nc. 2, Box 19-B. Why Pay 40c ? L J. Ik Om0K. I'KIl Ul..... FDWAHIW IlKI'KMIAIILK tOKKKE, I'KIl IJW U ITAHIM COr'FKK, I'KIl lit. . DLIMOM tPFKK, I'KH Ml Basbet Grocery THE CASH AMI CAHHV NTOIIK 417 G St. ... JMc ... !Mf ... H.V Quality Butter . ICnluce the II. C. of ! by carl ) lug your home supplies THE CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY (Ml rJetia NMret Jersy milk ior He per quart, 9'J.IO per iih.pI h We have plenty of buttermilk, nkltn milk and cottage cheese, etc. Jonephliie County Co-operative Oeamery Association, WANTED too acres, partly Un proved, to leuse with purchase p rlon or buy on terms. U Mi. P. HarblHon. Grants 'Pass. 49 WANTKD High school girl wants place to work for room and hoard. Address No. 10, care Courier. 48 ONE ADVERTISEMENT WTL1 NOT MAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WILL SERVE AS A STONE m THE FOUNDATION op Eusnrass success u JOY TOXIGIHT ONLV The I'niversal Sumt Herlnl The Purple Mask it Episodes, H, 0, and 1(1 COM El IV "The Night-Cap" EIIIUK LVOXS and LEE MOIt.W tOc mid 2q , Bullet-Proof Tires. Experiments innile tit the Nnrili weslern Military itnd Nnvul ncmlonn npiuircntl' show tlmt nur best print oui l Ic iiiitofiinlilli1 tires are fulrly im siime frutu Injury from rllle bull'tH nml it wnutd 1 1" Interesting lo kiin how niooh trmilile Iiiih Ih'i-ii i'X(M'rl cnciil from ibis vtw ii tl Euri pci'n front, snyx the Scientific Ame'-t cimi. ft IS pr'rfiiililc, however, tlmt (til ls the Ivnsf nf the rniisco iif 'roul'l and thnt piinciurcM i-.-viit ' I riir- tr"n, running ovir i Ii "p.mi it, hi. debris r.f lmltli' v. rci ljul ll!ni:i mi fur more Herioic. 8uoh a Plsssurel The local uui.vor wuh presiding at the annual dlnuer of the town's rowing club, and be rose to make bis icecli. "Gentlemen," he snld, "It gives me greater pleasure than I ran express to preside on this occasion, though person ally I am not an adept at aipiutlcs on the water, such successes as I huve achieved being always on terra colta." -Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Bijou TONIGHT ive Thomas la Broadway Arizona It's a Scream 10c and 20c COMING Mary I'kltford In "The Llttlo Amerlrun." A CONTRAST IK POLICE. Al Thsy Are Sean In. Norway, Sweden and Dtnmirk, In C'lirlsUanla the itollcomaii Is a mild and amlnble cltlicu In rather shiny cost and. none too tient who stands In the middle of the romlwny and tries to uiultituin some semblance of order In tho democratic muddle of tlio city's trafllc. ' In Bfwkfiolm the ixillcemun Is a walking arsenal, wild sword and pistol and a brum helmet, ami the arrest of a disoetlwly person becomes an act of state. There the puticcmmi represent t!ie blgfk ailtliurlty nf u proud country He- fulfllU lil duty wltb a stern se verity. He Is the symbol of law and estabrtslied order. In Coieulingeii the policeman Is nel titer the happy-go-lucky citizen who patrols the streets of Norway nor la be a creiiture of resplendent glory like bis colleague In Sweden. Ho strikes a happy medium. Iu this he Is an ex cellent representative of a land wUaj the art of seuslble and peaceful living seems to have been brouulit to Its hluh. est iierfectlon, where everylwly seems wen red, wtivre beggars are aa scarce as very rich dcodIo and where the vnn. en live up to the best traditions of the cnarming china which Is made In the royal residence of Donmnrk.-IIondrlk Wlllein Van Loun In Century. Do You Want DRY WOOD? Medford wants It bad, but am giving yon first chance. Hl'ITLY 18 VERY LIMITED PARSONS' WOOD YARD Phono 0-n, or 101-11