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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1918)
11 riAif.v r.fifjfi: i:ivmt on i:if:n Till IIHIlAY, MSI AUY . IIHH. PAGE TURK GREAT EVENTS OF THE YEAR IN BRIEF Progress of the War ol Civiliza tion Against Germany. AMERICA ENTERS CONFLICT Cisr of Ruitli OtpoMd and Radical ttk Ptsce Hlndsnburg tin mashsd by Alllti and Tu torn Invada Italy Othar Important Happirv Inga of 1(17. ComplUd by t W. PICKAP.D. HIE WORLD WAR Jnn I -Oaftuan i.-ruitl Huaalam In W.illmlila Hritiali riiln lunk In MVdl Irriin.riri l.'ai hwt. Jan. I. -I'raml.r TriHi(T f IIiimIi re. IkI (lid waa wn eailcl by I'llme Uolll ma Hrlllali warxhlp Ornwallla tuna by tor. pailn. J.m 14 Japan-aa linlilcilitn Taukuba 0alril)el ! ai"ialiin, IM alllril Jun S - I'reahli nl VVilm.n, aiMreaamg etiate. tiivt wnrlil outline nf terms on 9 If l ha bailrvtil lull llIK peace I on III b com lililail. Jan, 71 -ttoMtroyere fmighl two ertgaKe neiili In North een, Iha (lerinane loam aevaral veaaaia an. I l ha Knillah una. Jan . -l.rn an iunk mllr nf Kranch Uaii.haa on Hill J", VarOun region. Ilrlllah ausllinry cruiser l.aureiillo sunk br mm, Viii llvaa loal. Frrni-li Ireneporl Admiral Mailn tor pailneil loal Jan II. -Germany announced eunmarln blia-aail of all enemy eouiiirles outlined fi.rl'lil.'cn linn" and revolt ad pledge on urunnrtn warfare. rati 1 -I'nllril Stales broke off dlplo malic ralail.ina wllh tlrnmiiy ; 1'iealilenl , wlla.ui dlainlaaad A nil.aiiilur vn Horn li.rfT and r.allai1 Anthaaaailor Uerarit. Kali 4 -llariiianv agraail lo raleaae Americana laa.-n by commerc raider. (1. rmnn gtinlnat Inti at Honolulu burned by i raw; many (larnian Vaaaala In Arnarlcaii porta damaged I-ali I -Herman eiibnierlne thalled and an nk Ilrlllah prnvlalnnnl naval miliar Kavretiii, and killed four men, Including Richard Wallace. American. ' llrlaian reliaf steamer Kriiaa atink by Herman submarine: all bill una at crt bet Kab T -Anchor llnar California and oth ar vramla amis' by Ueriuitn uhmarln; II Hut on finirornia. Fob i: - iVaaUenl Wlli lleon refilled parley iiuirlil lie (li-riinm V American echimiiar l.vmnn M. de (Irovnl by Aiiatrlnn iiilunarlne. K'b 17 - Ilrlllah amnaliad fjerntan llnta n bnili abba of Am-ra rlvar. It. B. anil paretnliinry ilrmnml In Oar Viany for ralrnaa of Yarniwditla .rlanara (Irrmnn aul mnrina ank Italian Iritna furl: IWI llvaa !. Kab 7: -UeriiHinj (rtd Iha Tarrowdala ?rli-nrrt I'rh a -drnian aiihiniirlna aiink fiina--4r I miinla "T trlah chnI: If Inat, tnchid ttia Mia A. II llov n'il danalilar of f'hl iirn ittid ! marlniM maniltar nf craw. Ilrlllah nml rmun d.Hmyara fmiaht In F-naHah t'lw al. I'rh t' rnalilant Wllaon lid rnn- iraaa In trrnnl Mm pnr In protait inarlran hlt'I'lnai Ilrlllah ti.k Kul-al-Aiiiiirn from Turka Kali in - I'. 8. aivari'lliaiit ravaula-1 Oarman flol In 1oln wl'h Maxh-n and t ntiiin In nmkina war on uniiaii maiaa. f'rillih oct-ntilfd rintnniarttiiri and olh' yitliiara In An. ra raifh.n " i'rvnrh ilralrnyar Cnaalnl lorpadnad' lt ol March I.-Oarmanv nnnniincrd all yaa. a' la aniild aunk haranfiar wllbnut WarnlnK. Knri-li 4 -Aua'rlan attach at of Onrlla rnmlaail with I ran I lnaaa March I -I'rraldanl Wllaon ordered tha arrnltiff of tf. H tncrch'int vaaai-la March ll.-llaadad cnplurad by Ilrlllah Miirch If.-llaviilullnn bcun In f'atro rrnd. March 1 -riiina aavarad dlp!nmnll r la 1 loin with Oarmany. Iluaalan Imnarlal rahlnaf depnaad by riiima. March 14.-riarmiina In Taal ralraal alnnir Homma from Miirch It -Cnnr Nlchnlna nbdicatad Itua Ihii Ihrona for hlmaalf and Ma on. Itnaalnm captured Hamadan. Aalallo Twrkay. March If.-Tlrlllah look Bapauma and Franrh look Itnya ' ' Kipalliie rnhlad London: ona ahot down near t'oniplaana, Frniua. , II Hand rnblnat In Krnnca rralanad. Mnn h IK. Amarlran fralahtara Vlfllan rla, City of Maniphla and llllnnla, aunk by Oarman iubmarlna: tJ parlahnd Ilrlllah and Franrh advanrrd 10 mllaa on n-mll front and (uok I'aronna, Chaulnaa and Noya Mnrch If Oartnani mad naw flaraa drlva at Vardiin, but wara rapulaad with normoua loaaaa. k KIIkii fnrnird naw French cabinet. Mnrch tl.-Ilrltlah look forty mora lowna In Franca March !. French occupied Fnlemhray and I Faiilllaa, aniith nf rnucy fnraaL Hrltlah raptured Mrnlcourt. Mnrch a. Naw nuailun cuvammant In alnllad. April 1. Brltlah captured Savy. Van dallea, Kpahy and Pclilare. French renchad ounhlrli of Vauxalllon and lrTu. Armad American ahlp Aileo aunk by Oeriimn auhmarlna off French coaati 1 of craw aavad. April l.-1'reahlenl Wllaon, aildraaalnc apan ll ai ""lull of ciilldlcai. aakad formHI raaulutlon that atuta of war waa In ax la lame telwatn tha L'nlluil blalaa and Ui iniiuy, ailiti tailed for co-nparutliin Willi nmnte allien tu ilcfinl (larnutn autocracy. April 4. Haimia Uaaaed riaulullun dechtr Inw lte of war leiwean U. H. and (Jar inany, by a vuta of Ki to (. April I Houaa puaaed wnr reaolutlon Iiv vuta of 373 10 hi. Frealilcnl Wllaon 'jAinail It and lamed a prnciuiiinllon to world and ordered nuvy mohllliad at unca. All Ocrmaii vtaaela In American porta wera aelxed and many auppoaad (Jar luan lilotlera wara arrvnud. - April 7. Gorman rrulaar Cormoran, Interned at lliiuin, blovn up by crew. Cuba and I'nnunin daclarad atata of war With Gerinnny. April l.-Auatrln. broka off diplomatic . ralallona Willi 11 8. April l.-llrlllah advumed two to three nilli a on twelve mile front near Arnia, (innalilnat (lernuin Una and taking Vlmy rldaa and iniiny town. April Kl.-llrnxll aavared relatione Willi Oerinnny: Arnentlim dcclkred It eiipporunl the poaltlon of the l ulled Stutea, Chill decliled to remain neutral. April ll.-Cintn llku declared It (up purled the poaltlon of Ilia United Htaloa iJruKtiay procliilined lla neutrnlliy. April ll.-Hrltlnh navul nien niet In find allied council with U. 8. ofllclala In WnahliiKlon. BiilKiirln aavered relnilnni with U. 8. April 13. Kollvln levered re.ln.Uoni with iTrliahrand French made further big ad Vani'ca on waat front. April 14. Houaa punned t?,000,(0,(i( Wat revenue autliorltutlon bill without dleeoni. Intf vote. April 16. Brllph pat roll entered auburu- Oerm"'ni routed at Launlcourt with lei rlblc liiaHca. tlrltlili trnmport Arcadian torpedoe.l Brltlih traniport Canieronla iuiiki- li 'Aprl1 18. Preildent Wllaon laaued prm Jnmntlon wnrnlmt agalnla tha uommhuiiu. of trnainnable ante. CoMiiroii npprnprlated flO0,00O,OO0 lo mnraeuuv war fund. French 'opened iraal nffrnalve on . I mil front haievreii Holaaoni and lcln. laklna I' "" .rla..liera . Apill II. Mi'imia unanlmouily paatail I. uii i.o no bond laaua bill. Hem am aank I w. Hiltlh hoapltal iii iMidud wlih wounded Ilrlllah and liei- " ai'TiI l- American liner Monaolla aani. Oatinmi mbniurina In I Hah aaa. Nicaragua Indorsed couraa af tjalled lalaa. April f-Hiiaahiii r.iiincll bf workmen' and aohllara' dalagatea ilnlarad anal nil eejmrale paaca. . 1 an Oarman rteatroyere aunk of IVivar April II - llilllah wai roiumlaaliin arrived In I'liltcd Htaiaa. Tin key leveled ralatloni wllh United Hlaiaa April 14 -French war ronimlaalon ar rived in llnlleil Hi'ilci Ilrlllah made furl her advance! In Arrae ecinr In fat of deapeial upolon by (larmnna April Jt - Oarman dealniyere bombarded Dunkirk but are driven off American lankar Vacuum unk by ub. marine, naval lieutenant and t gunner loal. April IT -Ilrlllah occupied Arleaui and half of Oppy. April a Cotigraaa paaard army hi lla Willi eelecllve coiiairlptlnn feaiim' (liiaiainala aavared ndalloue wllh Oar many " . . . April aJ-flenernl I'elaln mid chief of French alaff May li-4'lillaau mlnialer lo (larmany demanded Ida paaaporia May 4-Frenii 1 npiure'l fraonrie Houaa puaaa.l aapiiinau" bill wllh modi fied piraa cenaorahlp cluuaa. Ilrlllah ranaHirl Tranaylvanla lorpe doad. Ill Uvea lent May - French mad big advanc on four mile front anuihweal of iJton May l-llollvla aavarad ralallona wllh Oerinany. May I Coalition government of prnvl atonal anveriiiiieiil and aohllara' and work nin'e neleauia fornied In ttirnln May II -Italy rmrld ilaairucllon of U Oertnaii ubuuirlnaa In on weak I'hlnigo board f Irada lovpml Iradllig In 'ny wheit M If.-llilllah -:aln hit lb lllndrn. bin.. Una, eaialdlihliig lliinave near Hull. court. May li-getiaie pnaaad aaplunaa btlla without prohibition und preaa cinaoralop claui-ee llnlliiii nlia krd along Ilia n-hnl laonin frotil anlnlna Krouiid nurlh nf llorlta. May It -I'liani elur Hollare; twfur ibe neichatag rafuaed tu iliucuaa lleimiiii)'' paact aim Trading In wheat fill urea Hopped In al middle weal eeehani-ea Hallane made bi i-.ilna nn Julian from, taking Mont Cm-en and Mom Vodica May 17 -rW-na1 pte:iei urmv ilrnfl bill Ilrlllah i-ulnplried c.'J t'tre i f p it'c '"irt ?.1av ll.-1'r..ali'anl Wil-iin derail 00 dlv.alon, commanded Iiv tie"' riU I'l-tehlng. lent I Frniii e nl nnre Ha nlao aitfee't Ilia nnny draft bill and ti June I for reciairntlon dny llonduraa lever i-d ralatloni wun liar- mnny. Mnv l -fraa'delll Wllaon ael art II C. Hoover a bend of a Md cnnlrnl hoard Mmrngua aeiered rclnllmia wun uer- muny. emit pnaaed Iha U.Mi.v' ." nr uua- Mav a -Houaa nntaed war la bill car. ryin li.a''.ii'' ei rlmy ijnialng rafuaeu paaaporia tor American d.-'ettalei to Hlockholin toclal- lit peace lonfatenc. Ahierlcah ihlp rarrylng tuppllea to 8 wit 1. 1 land aunk by torpedo. rremler Tlata, and vntlr Hungarian ibinet reelgtied. km 94 .It. liana broke throuab Auelrlan frotil from CualaKnavlna lo (Julf of Trleat tailing ,i0 prlaoner. May I -I'll at American field aervlce rat pa went lo front In Franc. Oarman made air raid on enutheaatarn England, killing 7 and Injuring 1744. May 27-ltallam again broka through Aualrlan llnee May si -War departmeni muea can lor lou.oo voliinieera fur regular anny Ixindun reMirted linking of hmpllal ahlp and armed crulaar by eubmarliiea. Hi 11 it I chamher of depuliea authnrlaM ravoi allnn of neiilrallty decree. June I. -Heim to paiMd nrat 01 eamin lal rat lone food bill. - l-Viurieen Herman and Hindoo pottr Indicted by fedeial grand Jury at Chicago. I. a railroad roniinlailnn to Ituaala ar. rived at Vladlvoetok. Jun 1 American rommlealnn to Rua ala, headed by Hoot, reached Ituaatan port. French repulaed five great attack! eoulh of Iion. Jun 4. nniailloff mnde commantUr In chief of Itmalan nrmlaa Jun l.-Mor man ten million younej Americana registered for the National rmnn avlalnra raided naval baa In Iha Medwnv neir London, but were driven off. loilng lht machine Ilrlllah mad big advanca on north bank of Iha flcarp. . . American liner aana uamin auumajoia after long fight. June 7,-llrltlah began grent olTenalve lit Belgium, blnwlag up Mraalnea ridge and ..U.....I1.1. i mllea on t-mll front. glralghtnlng out big lallent. June g. uenarai f-eramng ana ata r Mved In F.ngland. . ... (larmany broke off relntlona with Haiti. June tO.-Oaneral Perilling' ataft ar rived In Franc. Jun U.-KIng Conetanlln of Orec. forced b th alll. abdicated In favor of Prince Alexander, hie eecond aon. American iamahlp Ptrollt reported aunk by auhmarlna. Jun IS.-(irmni mad air raid on Law don, killing and wounding 417. Army and naw deficiency appropriation bill carrying tt,0O0,ia,000 paaaed by con- "Tune 14,-Brltlih made big advanca at and aouth of Meaalnea. ' June tt.-I.lbrty loan heavily orar-aub-rrlbed when booka rlc'ed- , . June 20.-Preildent Wllaon laud oall for 70.000 volunteer for regular army. June 2J -French repulaed violent attack of Oarman on lh Chemln dee Pamea. June 23-llcuae paaaed food control bill wllh "hone dry" amendment. ... Jun 36.-Prealdent Wllion appointed an cipnrta council compoaed of th aecre larira of Hate, agriculture and commerce and th food admlnlatrator. Jun M.-Amerlcan cool barong agreed to Mnratnntingant of Perahlnf army taJi?ne IT-Becnnd contingent of Penhlng army landed In France. New Greek cabinet headed by Vnlelo took oath nf office. Jun .-Brall revoked Ita decree 1 of neutrality In war between entente all) Jun'sf'-Oreeo brok off diplomatic re lation with Germany, Auatrla. Bulgaria 7ulyUlk-nulan captured Konluchy, Oallcla. and Turklah itrongholda In th Caucaau. July l.-French repulaed great Oarman attack nar Crny. . July 1,-ltuaaiani auccanfully attacked In I'lnak aector. Oerman mde air raid on London, kill ing 37 and toilng a number of plan. July I. President Wllaon proclaimed an embargo on ihlpmenti of food, fuel, atenl and munltlone, to out off auppllea from neutral cmuitrlea to Oerroany except dairy product for non-combatant In exchange July I.' New Auatrlan cabinet reslgneil. Prealdent Wllaon called entire National Quard and Ita rcserv Into tha federal aervlce by Auguet I. , Brltlah battlenhlp Vanguard deatroyad by Interior axploalon; S"0 loat. July 10.-Hualnng broke Teuton line eaat of Lembarg and took Hallca. July ll.-r-Proaldont Wllaon called on American builnea Intereet to nld nation by foregoing unusual pnillta In idling lo the nation nnd the public. Julv ia.-Ruae.lan advunca chacked wem of Ilohorodmany. July 14,-Clmncnllor Pethniann-Hollweg realgned and Dr. O. E. Mlchnelli lUCLeeJ- Houie pnmed $B40.oflO,oi aviation bill. ' July 17. French took Oermun trencho nenr Mnlnncnurt. Three inatnliot of HusHltin cnblnet ri" ygncd; I'lnla In I'ctromnd aupprcBaed Bhnke-up In Drltlnh cuhlnet. 'Julv 19. O rent ilcrtnnn nttnrk batweee Criiohne nnd Hurtehlae partly anioceasfiil Clinncellnr Mhltnell declared hlmanlf for the niilimnrlrio warfare. In Vlluiiu Totflun avrinatig drove lm '. UinalmiH to'iiuHO mine rtusalnn remineon. I '.' mecMnea tn decide whether to ohr; Tuiv Draft for American National army held. Premier l.yorT of llmaia realgoed and waa lucraeded by Kerenaky. July II -hanala paaaad food control and avlallnn bill Iluaalan troopa In dlaorderly relreal. burning village July 71 -Herman aviator raided F-ng-kind, killing II In meat lowna, but being driven away from I guidon, Hlain deiiared alula nf war with Oar niany and A uiiii Hungary. July Tl -Hiiverninaiil of national lafety ereaiad In Kuaala and Kerenaky given ab auliila Kiara. July ft -Mullnoiia dlvlalnn of Kornlloiri Iluaalan army rMirtad blown lo pl wllh Ha own artillery. Itnaalana and Itoutiianlani In Boulh Cai palblaiia broke Teulim line. aUonal Ouard nf II ilalaa and DWtrtet if ( oluintila niol.llliad July a.-Untniany yielded to Argentina leinandi com annua auhmarlna warfare. 1-enillng of more Amerltan troopa In Fritnc annoiincad War Indiiatilea board, K. N. gcolt hli man created. July ki Harumna panetralad Huaalan territory aaal of '.litmt, but Itmalan re llatanc iniTaned Henry Chapman nilhert, Waahlngton, Aral man a-cpied fm National army. Ilrlllah orulaw Arladn lurpedoed; U killed. July II. -Anglo-French force opened great nflar.ave In I'Undara nn t mil frtml taking II village niel tun prlnera. Antf 1 ii.i.ibi. h.i b-r.....i. ml. 1 nail fur ther ground In Vpiea a-ior, but Herman I racapiureil HI. Julian and pari 01 na.i- boek. Aug. I -Oerman rounler-aiiacka In Flan dra ranulaad KornllorT inc. rded llruaallnff a com mender In rliler o( Ituaaian armie Aug l.-Auairlana raptured Ciarnowll and Klniimliing Ilrlllah re. look Ht. Julian Ftnndera ai-noiia diafl rt'ite In mnirnl Okliihomov Aug 4 -Hiuppliig board eoiniiiandeared hniil 475 ehlpa under conairui nun. Aug e.-l'reaiilant Wllaon riraftad entire Kftimtuil Ounrd into federal aervbe. Herriiaiia tiiiida violent attack on Ilrlllah III llollrheke Aug . -i luinci llof Mlchaalli made many change In Imiierlal nril I'ruaalnn mlnla- I'remier Ferenal y mmpieied a coalition I ceMnel Aug I fluumanlnn foriae opened nw oPeoaiv north of F"kehaul. F.nal outrol b;ll afiit ! Prealdent Wll aon ' I'liiia.'lau 1 una rlpllun h'tl p.iaaed Aug -Tallinn! fi.iced croaamg of Bu China river In Fokihanl reiilon. Aug 10 drove (lermnna back two indaa In Flundara and French ad villi' ed ami and nnrili of Itlvi'hia-i1e Auk II -Arthur llcn-lermn realaned na tahni niemhar of Ilrlllah "'"r ralilncl, h-. Ing nacuHd of double deallnz concerning UliM-khi'ltn eoiiferriiie Her tier! Hoover made American food ad mlnlatrator Aug If -Oerman alrplaneg raided Eng land, killing a. Aug. 14-i'blna declared war on Oar mitiiv and Atialria-Huliaarv. I'eure propoaalt by Hie pup made pub lic. ' Ana 18-Cnnndlai troopa captured Hill TO. dominating l.eni am the Loo aollenl, and entered lne. V 8 aovernmenl 1 Dian 10 control nour and wheal put In operation. Aug II -ilrlllah and French mad big gain a In Flundara, taking Langemerrk and olher village Von Mntkenien drove uuieiin aero a th Pereth r.'vcr. Aug. H-Franch md great airplane ruhla on Herman poilllon In l)i Iglum and Oirniany. .... Huilana began new onenaiv in in iaon o region 1 .Ana ll-nrillah line idvamM In) yard anat nf Ijini-'emarck. mainly wllh "tank " Many I. w. w. laadvra arraaiaa oy u. I federal agar!. Aug. - French drov back Oarman In Verdun aector on 11 mile front, taking Avncourt wood. a Mart Homme aummlt. Corhaau wood jind Champneuvllle. Aug. n.-Hriirati rorcen inir war rur ther Into lh defeneea of lene. French mnde further advances In Ver dun aector. Aug tl Oermini opnd orTandv In Rlaa raalon. Brltlah look Important poilttoni along Tprae-Menln road. , , Ocrmana mnde air raid on Engllin coaal. killing II. '. . Aug. n.-Dr. H A Oarfleld mad ful admlnlatrator of 17. B Aug. H -Ilrlllah puihed back nn Tprea Menln mad. French look Tllll Jre). Verdim. hv trlnrm Aug M Italian captured Mnnt Santo, nnrtheaet of Oorlil. Aug. . Prealdent Wllaon rejected th pope'a peace propoaala a Impoailbl while German autocracy ejlarg. Aug. .-t'. ft wheat commltte fixed baalc prlc for 1117 crop m fJJV Herman mad air mid nn port of Rlmt. Bent. I. Ilrlllah deatrnver deatroyod four Oarman armed trawler off Jutland. Pept. I.-Ruanlnna almndnnrd Riga. Oerman agrplanea raided i.'hatliaiu, Eng land, klllllik- lun. Sept. 4. Italian captured Mont San Oahrlele. Herman aubmarln analled Scarborough and alrplanea bombed London. Kept, fc American National army began movement lo cantonment. Federal agenti raided 1. W. W. quar tan throughout country. American merchantmen under convoy attacked by U-boat' two aUamahtp and one aubmarln aunk. Dept. . Houae paaaed war credit bill authorising ll.Mtt.HS.i In bond and car tlltcai. dept. 7. Atlantic Iranapor. line Mlnn blha torpedoed; W dead. Herman aviator bumbd American boa pllul camp, killing five. Hapt. (. ckacreiary Lanalng expoaed vio lation of neutrality by BwedHh otnclnl In Argentina and Stockholm, In tranitnlttlng Oerman cablegram! advlilug Unking of Argentina veaaela. French cabinet realgned. gi pt, g.-Kornlloff, commander In chief of Huaalan armlei, beaded military coun ur revolution and waa dlaralaaed by Ker enaky. Bepi. lO.-Benate paaaed war revenue bill totaling Ul.O.O00. Paul Palnleve became French premier. Sept. 13.- Count Luxburg, Oerman min ister to Argentina, given hi poaiporu; antl-Oerman rlota In iiuenoa Alrti. Kerenaky made commander In chief 01 Ruaiuin armle. Hept. Il-Kornlloff 1 revolt collapied. Becrelary Lanalng expoaed unneutral ictlon of former Bwedlih charge In Mexico jty, - .- v - - Sept. 14. Italian drov Auatrlan froai Mont Ban Gabriel aummlt. - Bept. It.-Benat paaad bill for Ill.US, ' bond laauea. ' ' Brltlali naval aircraft dealroyed one Oer mun deatruyer and aume trawlers near Ol- "Bept 11 Premier Kerensky proclaimed Ruaala a republic, ! Hept li.-Ooata Rica brok off relatlooa wllh Oermany. Sept. lS.-Huala began reorganlxatlon of army. upprelng anldlrrV commltteei. Houaa paaaed if.m.Ow.uW dellcieuty war '"sept )! BrlUah began great offenalv "gepl.' lf-i?e.eretary Lanalng publlahcu menage of Von Bernilorlt to neilln uak lug k-uva to ipend W.wi "to ItulU' iice con- "'coatA Klca severed diplomatic relation WOerm"ny"and Anuria replied favorably to pope s pein e proposal. Ueruiana broke through Huaalan line at Jucohatudt. Sept. IB. Secretary Laming revealed d talla uf Bernatorfl a plotting before V. H. enured th war. Sept. S3.-becrotnry Lansing dlscloieu Oerman abuse of U. S. protection by con cealing In Bucharest legation explosive., and disease senna alter U. 8. hud takoii It over. , , , , . Sept. 24.Ucrtnun airplanes raided Kng land, killing DO. War Industries board and producers cut ateel prices In half. Germaua loal heavily In attacks near Verdun. Sept. ao.-Oermani mads two mora air raids on Kngland. U. 8. senate paaaed 18,000.000,000 war de ficiency bill. , ,., 1 Dept. W. 01 man won at.uoa f 'eiiiont ' from Oermana east and nort eaat of (7o Be Continued) Lung Are Weakened By Hard. Colds CASCARA (QUININE Tn aid faenlly reoMdy la Ublet fiarai aaie, aura, aaay Is taka. Ne opiala awa unpUaaanl after ftfrcla. Ciau rul'l la 14 hours Orlp k taya. Muary back If mfall. Oat lb IS '7t!EGHANICS - MAGAZINE 360 AftTICLES"" 36TUXUSTRATI0S5 BETTER THAN EVER IScacopy At Vatjr Wowadaalar Yaarty Subscription $130 5nd for our net Are cof-aWog- of mochanicml PooA Popular Mchaiiles Magmlna) Nartk Mkhlgaii Av , Cbeaag Oriental Justice. A younif iiiiiu colng on a Journey In truated a IiiiikIii'iI iHiium to an ultl man.' WUcii l:c cunie buck the old man deuled hnvliitf bud uny money deponll ed witu lilm.aud lie wus bud up before the cutll. "WUi'it nere o:i. yoaiu man, w lico you dclivcivd tills money J" "Under a tree." "Tukv my neul nnd uuiuiuu Unit Ire1," xald Ibe Judge. "Go, yoiinii iiiiiu. and tell Hie tree to come lilt her. and (lie tree, will obey you you allow It tuy seal. The young nuin went In "tiller After be bad been .'one luniie time the eatll aakl to the old tiiun: "He la lone. Do you tblnlt lie lias got there yet?" "No." said the old iiiuii : "it la at gome dis tance Ht. hug not ctn there yet." "How knoweat tliim. old man." cried the cadi, "where ihiit tree lnr The yoiinit until returned and ni(I the tret would not come. "He liua lieen here, youiix tnuii, nml i;lveii. tih evidence. The luoney 1a thliie."-Orien(al. Oipl'tteris Oorms. I)lilnlierlii t'trtiis tn'.iltl::v o rapidly that In the ourse of twenty-four hours there intt.v be iiiuii;. in llloiis. Mean while they are protlu' lux diphtheria toxin, one of the iuit powerful poisons known, vt lilcli la gimoi bed by the body and causes the general symptoms of the disease. - The derma enter the body through the mouth or nose. They mny be trans ferred br kissinc eot'shliiK or mees Ing. or they may be uuuuferred to the lips by the use of the common drinking cup or other utensil or by fingers soiled by touctnnjt eotne object which an in fected person bus juat used. Had to Swallow Many Thlnge. An amuslug nuecdnte Is related of the late Hunguriau statesman Tlssa. who when one day dining at the Hof burg with the Austrian emperor placed a large pear uxu his plate at dessert The emperor remarked to his minis ter that cold fruit after a hot dinner was Injurious to the digestion. Tlsza replied. "The stomach of a Hungarian prince, your majesty. Is obliged to be a strong one." Rud. "Well." said .Mrs Itrtiuu'tiis after a solo by a fashiuiiuMe clmrib choir ten or, "If that sin't the rudest thing I ever sawr "What?" lutiulred ber niece. "Why, didn't you notice It? Just as soou us that young man began to sing every other member of the choir stop ld. But he went rlnlit through with It snd I admire his spunk." Good Reports Please Grants Pass There has never . been anything with the QUICK results of pure La voptlk eye wash. One nian'8 eyes were so badly strained he could not rend.. without pain. TWO applica tions of Lavoptlk relieved him. A lady hnd trted three different glasses for weak, Inflamed eyes. ONE La voptlk wash surprised her. We r-aiantee a Biiinll bottle to benefit EVERY CASE weak, strained or ln-f;nr.-.rd eyes. National Drug Store. XPv ted Top and Mr. Jf, rVT M . Hill picture en It jfl l fV'ri-i MTUalaw3fc tfl lVi A4A.rDra.i4ar. (f L'TUaaw l'S V K "I !a. 1 ' Jk T 1 Classffied rDIt APARTMKNT HOUSE, 2 Iota, Mesni heat, hot and cold water In all apartments, tho best of plumb-' InK, located In builneia center ot Tacoma, Wash., paying Jiiora than 10 per cent on tha lo vektment. Price :'j,000. Will trade for a go ing stock and grain ranch. Will be Jn Grants. Pass'-IS days, address E. McColley, P. O. Bog 3fil, or rail at Palace Hotel. tf KOIl HALL 0. k C. CHANT LANDS Ulue print plate showing landa la Josephine county, 11.60. Address A. E. Voorbtee, Grant Pass. tt DEALERS in horses, ciules, cattle, wagona, hacks, buggies, harness and aaddlea. We hav a variety of all kinds at all times. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, coma and see us. We will treat you rlgrft. All our livestock la put out under guarantee. Red Front Teed and Sale Stable. Corner Sixth and K s: reels. Tlmmona, Prop. Phone 632-J. ' 18tf FOR SALE Good modern home, clone In, nouli aide. Inquire No. 2333. care Courier. 2Stf FOR SALE 640-acre ranch four ' miles north of Grants Pass. Also 132 acres saw timoer, aaw mill, planer and traction engine. W. J. Savage, Rd. 1, Box 54, Granta Pass, Ore. 48 FOR SALE Good blbycle. Inquire' South Park street or phone 347-L. 48 H RK.YI TREMONT ROOMS Now under mansgment of Mrs. L. C. Arm atrong; 28 clean 1 rooms st 35c ; and SOc; special rates by week . or month; slso light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf I f I'UVNHVh RnilMsi jtr-t ', fortable snd conrlently located.) 411 C street. 86 tf. HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam 1 heat, hot water, bath, and all ho- tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. S7tf TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE One-half interest and control of 55 acres on Applegate river. Good house. Orchard. 20 acres cultivated. For sale or ex channe. Prlco $2,600. State loan $800. L. A. Launer, real estate. 50 WANTED i DO YOU WANT your t'mber cut o.' land cleared. - If so notify E. E. Root, 321 West Burgess St. 48 WANTED A buyer for a 3 h. p. up right R. and V. gasoline engine. Will burn distllate. If Interest ed,, inquire of 321 West Burgess street 48 THB MEDFORD SANITARIUM. 'Med ford, Oregon, haa an opening for two or three student nurses. Must be gradustes of high school. not less than 21 years of sge snd well recommended. Course, three years. E. H. Porter. 4 LOST LOST My Collie dog, Robin. Re ward for return. Any information appreciated. Tyrrel Carrier. 48 MI8CKLLANEOV8 BENNETTS' CHEMICAL laboratory. 1141 Market street, Tacoma, Wn. Let us take care of your ore ship ments and do your control work, rates reasonable. tf 1 AM GOING TO' JOIN THE ARMY as soon as I can get my business In shape to leave, but will make another trip to Grants Pass first tf you have a piano you want tuned or repaired leave the order at once with A. B. Cornell or Mrs. Knapp W. P. Brooks, piano tuner. 49 UMBRELLAS REPAIRED and cov ered.' Inquire at the American restaurant. 309 South Sixth St. Phone 307. James Palton. 50 Courtesy In War. An act of chivalrous courtesy In war was t'hul of the French cavalry eoni niaudor at El Uodon In 18li. Whe'u In tho net of striking down Felton Har vey of the Fourteenth r.ritlsh dragoons Iiv Freni'lminu "perceived he had only one urui and with a rapid change brought down his sword to the salute and passed on." Loudon Globe. l...iie'Hii. thni will iileasa you. it the Cornier. Advertising TK4DK PHYSICIAXS l7 6. CLEMENT, M. D. Praetiee limited to dieeaaes of the eye, 4kj, nose and throaL Glaaaes fltted. none and throat. Olaasea fitted.. Office) boura 1-12, 2-6, or oa ap- . pointment. Office pbone, 62; real--dence phone !S-J. 3. I)I'GMRIDGE. M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country call, attended day or rlsht. Realdene phone 'tf; off lie phor.e 182. Si:h mil ft. Tufa C'-l'dinj. A. A. W1THAM. M. U.. Pbyslclan ami surgeon. O.'fhe: Hall UMg , corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, US; residence, 288-J. Hours.. If a. m. to 4 p. m. JJH. J. O. NIBLEY PbystcUa sad surgeon. Lundbur; Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer boors. to 12 s. in. 1 to S p. m. Pbone 2 10-J. ' Stt DENTISTS E. C. MACT. O. If. D. First-class dentistry. 108 South glxtb street, Orants Paaa, Oregon. ' ATTOBXEY8 H. D. Norton, Attorney-t-lsw. Practice In all Stats snd Federal Courta. First National Bask Bldg. COLVIO 4 WILUAM3. Attorseys-st-Lsw Grants Peas Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Paaa. Oregon. - E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prsctlcw la all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attorneys- at-Law. Office Masonlo Temple, Grants Paas Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Lav County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhora Bldg. 0. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Lasi Golden Rule Building. Pbone 270. Grsnta Pass, Oregon. ! I BLANCH ARD ft BLANCHARD. At torneys. Albert; block. . Phone 238-J. Practice in all courts; land board attorneys. ' ' 1 VETERINARY 81'RGEON DR. R. J. , BESTUL. Veterinarian. Office in . Wlnetrout Implemeat Bldg. -Phone 11J-J. Reeideaos Phone J05-R. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly dotal Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. ' P. G. 16 HAM, drayage and trangfar. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phone Clark and Holman, No. SO. Resi dence) phona 124-R. THB WORLD MOVES; SO do wa. Bunch Bros. Transfer Ce. Phone , MfSIOAx. INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice culture and singing. Lessons given at home of pupil if requested. Ad . dresa 711 Lea St 851tf TAXI BER VICS ARE YOU GOING or not going, that la the question. Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone 262-R. Always at your service for city br country calls. 90tf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open daily 10. a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. r ; '! 78tf : The California and Ore;:; : Coast Railroad Company . TIME CARD ., , ' EffectiveDecember 1, 1917. '. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lv. Orants Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All tr.ilns leave Grants Pass from the corner of G and El shth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information : regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundbarg building, or phone 131 for same. : . I