nam focb Midnight f "J . ' .-.7 H sr.: , ; II, Charles Ray In Triangle Play, Tha Millionaire Vagrant.1 COMING Oliver Thomas PAGE THEATRE Pffl One Night Wednesday O January SELWYN & CO. Producers of "Within the Law," Twin Ilrds," Margaret IlUagton in The Lie," etc., etc., etc. Preaenta Their Annual Laugh Feetival A preacrition for the blue, composed ibjr A very Hop wood The Comedy Ihut ran over a year at the Kit Inge Theatre, N. Y., and l.roke all records for big husinexft. j TIMELY PRICKS Lower floor, $1.50 and $1; balcony, SOr, 75c and $1. Seats on ale Monday. Mall orders ac cepted Now. ...... HAM'S AID FOR The Chamber of Commerce is to day in receipt of a wire from Con gressman Hawley, replying to one sent him by Manager Sheldon re questing his support to the effort by Congressman Lee of California to ward getting into the pending rivers and harbors bill, an appropriation for the Crescent City harbor; in which Mr. Hawley promised to use his best efforts to that end and in. timating that he thought the appro priation would be made. Envelopes at the Courier. Joy Tonight Robert Warwick and Gail Kane in THE FALSE FIND" 10c and 20t- ONE ADVERTISEMENT WILL WOT MAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WILL SERVE AS A STONE IN TILE FOUtfDATIOU . . FAIR ffl mm Matinee- "The . Millionaire Vagrant" i.nturlng CHAItl.ES HAY BijouTonight II p. m. This is the longest picture (hut fuii have ever seen, II runs from tOIT t HUM at regular pricea. In'itUOAKWAY ARIZONA." XKW YEARS GREETINGS If you haven't been wearing ear m tiffs for the past several weeks you mubt have heard a lot of talk about the wonderful pictures being shown at the BIJou. There's a reason. For one thing we have secured the best photoplays that are on the market. For another thing we have the best, steadiest projection pos sible to be obtained. There Is no eye strain, no fatigue in BIJou pic tures. A fault finder can't find very much to hla liking at the Bijou. We please only those who want the very best. We are happy this week as we have secured for the year 1918 the entire output of the Art Craft. Para mount and Triangle pictures, as there are none better, which will please every one who wants to see good pictures. Selecting pictures to please all the people Is some Job. If it wern't for the people who tell ns, as they pass out each night, "there'a what I call a real picture." "best thing you ever had." I don't Iknow what I would do. We hope that every patron of the Bijou feels that we are trying to pick the best pictures on the mar ket and the ones that will please. We want you to feel that any night you come to the BIJou you will be entertained and enjoy yourself. Don't forget to tell us when yon pass out if you like the show. .See ing a good picture is like reading a book that cost you one dollar for 20 cents. Ton also help the boys at the front as we pay the war tax. In closing we wish our patrons and all a happy and prosperous new year. 46 THE BIJOU PICTURE CO. UNFURL MONSTER FLAG (Continued from page 1.) Lister, J. R. Harvey, Jim Martin, H. L. Stonaker, Sam Baker, J. B. Bogue. M. Clyde Morrow, Paul E. Blanchard, C. L. Hobart, Joe Wolke, S. J. Wayment. Earl Young, Jim Lo gan, W. D. Fry, R. R. Hardware Co., S. Ross, Harry Starr, Judge Colvlg. Mrs. Nellie Xeas. J. A. Smith, S. F Worrwick, E. H. BalBlger, Dan Hearn, A. J. Ha'iHnr, FranK Met chan, C. C. Wynant, David Johnson Paul Schallhorn, Amos Myers, Cra mer Bros., H. Flint, G. P. Rochdale Co., W. J. Mahoney, Grant Orme, O Reddy, N. Williams, Chas. Burkhal ter, J. L. Calvert, J. R. Gunning, F W. Streets, Philip Helmer, Chas Dore, P. P. Proctor, Dr. Dlmmlck, V. T. Truax, Kinney & Truax, M. L, Opdycke, Chas. Barnes. C. A. Dun- lap, Sam Letteken, Poke Martin, Fred Collins, Roy Jordan, J. W. Finch, W. T. Miller, Miss Leah Slo- ver, Mrs, Carrie DeOenanlt, Bob Mosler, J. Pardee, Joe Schwartz, Chas. Randall, L. A. Launer, Geo. H. Dorman, T. B. Cornell, Chas. Gray, B. M. Collins, J. K. Manuel, Miss Ollle Moore, P. M. Kersham, O. P. Harvey, C. W. AInsworth, Frank Jantzen Jr., D. A. Jones, Bill Ham mett, J. F. Burke, J. R. Olson, Jim Dean, Cornell, Walter Evensen, N. K. Dunlap. McADOO IS ftm TSSIXO RELIEF COAL SHORTAGE Washington, Dec. 31. Director General McAdoo and the railway board are deep In consultations over the critical coal shortage and means whereby the railroads may help to relieve It. (3 : PER5Nf1L C. A. Wlueuout made a trip to Ashland this afternoon. Kirk Hudson and son, Hoy, went to Gazelle, On!., this morning. Miss Olive Lester Waited Ashland .friend returning home Sunday. J. K. Turntmlt went to Aahland jihi morning fur a couple of daya. (with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. I P. Harvey, left this morning for I Dr. Plxon and Ed Turner, of ' Keiby, returned this morning from jPoitlund. ' j A. M. Hanson, or Portland, who i spent a day bote, went to Mod ford this afternoon. , LaVrrne and Edna Batman re turned this afternoon from Junction iCity. where they visited relatives. I Eerett Smith, who spent Christ- mas with Lynn Snbln, returned to Corvallls today. J. J. Morden, proprietor of the Ashland Milling company, spent the day In the city. I Iona Rlebel, of Port hind. Is vis iting the E. V. Smith family, and old friends. W. H. and George Bsgley, of Hlllsboro, were In the city Sunday for a short slay. Miss Josephine Saunders returned to Ashland Sunday, after spending a few days with friends. Miss Ruby Best left Sunday after noon, returning to her studies at the San Jose normal. Glenn and Mallsa Robinson, who spent several days here with their grand parents, returned to Inland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Coe arrived here Sunday morning from llllls boro lo visit with friends and to at tend to business matters. Mrs. Frank Rutlage. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Barnes Sr., ar rived Sunday morning from Port land, on account of the serious Ill ness of her mother. Misa Lavella Booser left Sunday night, returning to Whitman col lege, at Walla Walla. Wash. She will spend a few days with Portland relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Davis, who spent Christmas with the Steve Jew- ell family, returned lo their hove at Green, Sunday. They were ac companied by Opal Jewell. Tom Harvey, who spent Christmas MarshClcld. Mrs. Harvey and daugh ter will remain here for some days. Mr. Harvey is one of the prominent Coos Bay merchants, a member of the firm of Goings & Harvey, house furnishers. W. C. Fry and wire, G. E. Volsey and wife, J. Volsey and wife, all of Champion; Alberta, spent Sunday night here, leaving this morning, on tholr way to Los Angeles. Mrs. J. A. Dysert and two chil dren left Sunday night for Seattle, to Join Mr. Dysert, who Is employed at Bremerton. Mrs. Dysert's oldpst daughter will remain for a time with her grandmother, Mrs. Dlsbrow, Mrs. H. K. Miller and two sons went to Med ford this afternoon and will make Medford their home, Mr Miller being employed with the Med ford Printing company. Miss Cath erine Miller will remain in Grants Pass. E. McColley arrived here Sunday from Tacoma and will remain for some time. Mr. McColley Is the head of a Tacoma real estate firm and has purchased . the C. G. Plant home on Park street, giving In ex change some Elma property. Injured at Sugnr Factory H. F. Wyatt, working at the-sng ar factory was struck on the head this morning by a boiler riue which fell from place in the tearing down of one of the big boilers. Mr. Wy att suffered a severe scalp wound. TreaMurer Moving The office or the county treasurer will be in the new court house after January 1. Mr. Calhoun will, how- over, retain his old office on G street which will be run In connection with J. E. Peterson, who has remov ed his Insurance office to that place IS The Courier la In receipt of a let ter from C. C. Chapman, manager of the membership c.itni'Hlg'i i' the Red Cross, in which he svs: "Again I am Impelled to compliment you upon the volume of new matter you have published concernlif, ilie Red Cross drive. Our files a' bulky with fllpiiinga from the Courier." 55 LOCAL : Public Library 1 loaed The publlo library will be closed all day tomorrow, New Year'a day. Xo Cornier Tomorrow There will be no iaaue of the Dally Courier tomorrow, New Years day.' .XmitH (Jilt fur Lloyd llnrvey On Christmas dsy at Ulfiidule Mr. Lloyd ilurvey presented her husband with a daughter, Margaret liean Harvey. Women's AMHiiillnit The anmml liuxlnesa meeting of the Women's AsHiirlatlou of the Presbyterian church, will he held In the church parlors on Wednesday af ternoon, January t at 2:30 p. in. Ilnrtx-r Shop The barber shops of the city will remain open until 8 o'clock this evn Ing and remain closed all day to morrow, New Years dsy. 16 Funeral TiicHlny The funeral of W. F. Meals will be held at the Adveullst church on Tuesday, January 1, at S o'clock, and will be' conducted by Rev. Mel ville T. Wire. Interment at the Granite Hill cemetery. lUptUt Udlea' Aid The regular meeting of the Bap tist Utiles' aid will be held In the church pnrlors Wednesday after noon. January 2, at 2:30 o'clock. There will be election of officers. A full attendance Is desired. A. F. A. M. Meeting Regularmeetlng of the Blue lodge tomorrow night. January 1. 4 At Midnight Tonight The BIJou hns a nisMne. Charle Ray In the "Millionaire VaRranl." The show will start at 1 1 p. m. This Is the longest show you have ever seen, It runa from 191? to 191$. It Cramer In Hlnte Hank Ted Cramer has accepted a posi tion with the Corvallls State bank and will doote his nfternoons to that Institution, continuing his studies at the O. A. C. as usual. Mr. Cra mer rut his vacation short and loft here Sunday morning for Corvallls. Community Sing On Monday evening. New Years eve, the Pareut-Teachor association will hold a community sing In the high school auditorium. The re maining copies or the songs will be given away. Please bring copies of 'HeBrt Songs" and "Old Home Songs" with you. 4 8 Farnimn' tt'erk ut . A. ('. A number of Josephine county citizens will be In attendance at Farmers' week at the O. A. C. this week, among them being W.. W. Canby, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Upson, F. R. Steel, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thomp son. Mr. Thompson will remain over next week to be present at a special session of county agricul turists. Job work st tf." Courier NEW TOIMY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 words, two Issues, 25c; six issues, 50c; ono month, $1.51), when paid In advance. When not paid In advance, 5c per line per Issue.) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mrs. It. S. Bush, 109 No'th Sixth, phone 141-R. tf FOR SALE 640-acre ranch four miles north of Grants Pass. AImo 132 acres saw timber, saw mill, planer and traction engine. W, J. Savage, Rd. 1, Box 54, Grants Pass, Ore. 48 LOST Saturday, December 29, a pearl pin, finder return to New Racket store and receive reward 46 BIJOU Tonight .Ickmp. L. Lanky Presenta VIVIAN MARTIN mid sehsik ;hayakava Forbidden Paths (OMIXO Oliver iiiomns In "BROADWAY ARIZONA," 10c and !2()e I Haoov Happy New Year Hi Ol lt KlULNim AND I'ATItONI, 0X1 AX9 A New Year's Greeting WE ARK VKHY TIIANhrlL Mm FAVOR HIIOW IM III UIMt .TIIK PAST YEAH, AMI UK FELL THAT Olll EFFORTS TO Ft ItMHIl THE REST OF Ol TFITTIMJ', AT THE I.OWF.ST I'ltlti H MtVMHI KVr 1 1 H (aNIlt (Jl'-H-ITY, 1IAVK BEEN FI LLY APPRECIATED' IT AFI OltDM I S THE tiRKATEHT SATISFACTION'. We are not content with battles al ready won, however, and duiing the coming yenr, we aliall preas forward lo still greater achievement. ' WITH MALICE TOWAIIR NOXH AMU WITH REST WISHES WK SAY ONCE MORE A Happy New Year GRANTS PA&S. OWiOON C ish "Cimli liny t Resolve- to save money during the coming year by buying Groceries at the Basket Grocery THE CASH AND 417 Quality Butter ItriliKP tint II. ('. i.f L. by rnriyliig your home supplle THE CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY SIIn i-lciin snort Jersy milk .or He per quart, $i.HI per month We have plenty of biiltoriiiilk, xkiin milk and cottage cheese, etc. JoKphlne County Co-operntlve Creamery AwMxintlon. WORRY AND ILLNESS LEAD 10 A SUICIDE Wlllaid Meals, a well known resi dent of this count, committed sui cide by shooting himself In the fine- head with a rifle about 7 o'cloii Sunday morning. Meals was 'one of the Mcalii Urns who had lived for a number of years on a ranch between the ferry and Merlin. He had later lived In this city where he was employed as watchman at the old Warren box factory, During his stay here, he and his brother had lived together. A long spell of seml-lllness had led him Into a thoroughly discour aged condition. He was worrying somewhat about a matter of certain machinery which was stored In the factory and the owners or which had requested permission to remove. Meala had refused to . permit this without specific Instructions from his employers. A telegram was re ceived only a few hours after he committed the rash act, giving such permission. Meals had risen apparently as usual Sunday morning, but soon af ter left the front door with his rifle In his hands. 'As he stepped off the porch, he dropped a note addressed to his "brother telling of his Inten tion to shoot himself and asking his brother's forgiveness for his step, Letterheads that will please you. at the Courier. Neatly printed stationery at th Courier office. Clothiers heitMr Than Credit.' CAItltY STORE G St. WsatmlnsUr Abbey. All visitors lo London make It a point to visit the famous Westminster abbey. But lu reality there Is uo such place as Westminster abbey, because the abbey disappeared many, iniiny years ago. What they see now la tlio church that used to belong to the ab bey, and the proper immo for this building Is the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. They keep up the old name Westminster abliey because people like It, Just as they keep the blood stains In the Tower freshened up with paint now and then. ' ttiMIVO EVENTS 14 M t M M M M Dec. 3t-?an. 5. Farmers' and hnrna no Iters' week at O. A. C. Jan. 1, Tuesduy Meeting or Pomo- i na. grange, Grants Pass. Jan. 2-5, Wednesday-Saturday Meeting of the Oregon Irrigation congress, Imperial hotel, Portland. Jan. B, Saturday In the Chamber or Commerce rooms, a meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary. Cards at the Courier olflce. Do You Want DRY WOOD? Mcdfonl wnnta It bad, but am giving you first chance, Hl'PPLY IS VERY LIMITED PARSONS' WOOD YARD Phono f).ll, or loi-H