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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1917)
MONDAY, DUt KMIlF.ll 81, I0IT. daily nootE rivet cvirieb PAGE TCSZX ; Scientific Farming ; L i WINTIR RULEI. Protect your iinliiinl from the Till will milk Ihi'iii more coniforlribln, mn) will uv you Hiui Him hole In your Imrtl. Hoard In your t-ui. An old hnro, eifrtiilly, lk uii ulil limn, f.'i U tli Colli. Blanket your horse uu frosty night In tliu full, when their ('Mil are short llv your horo ami ratll a giMMl bed, llcddlng I clump. Water yuur linre at eai three time dny. Th stomach of Hi hor I very small. " ruiii'luiilliy In feeding mill w. tmini ilia atm-k li very Inipor I mil. They will worry mid loe hVh If ki'i waiting beyond tint regular time. A (ihmI (irtHjinliiK riwli no minify, mill U rqunl to two quart of out. A horn cannot thrlv on hny nlnne. II need imt or corn for strength i himI grn, lirnn or po tutoe In keep hi bowel right Keep your borne' feet 'fl, aud have him nIhuI often. Moid feet r ruined in tli alabl limn un Ilia road. Do not degrade your family by I 2 lining lame hore. Kill tli worn-out or lururubly Imnu liiir. If you sell IiIiii, th money Unit you rcvlvi I IiIimhI moiify. llonton Work Horse Re lief Association. LEGHORN IS POPULAR BREED i ' : 1 Beet Example of Nonslttlng Clasa and , Moit Wldaly Brd of Any Eu- '- ropean Fowl, Tho Leghorn l probably the ht exnmplu of tliu nonHlttlnii i'Iiihs. Il I" Cfriiilnly ilm iiiohI Mpulnr tt ml the uioHt widely liroil of nny Europcim fowl. Other egg breed liirlllilf lllf aillinrru, Ani'imiiH, AuiIiiIonIiiu, Cum pi lien mul KpunMi, nil Mediterranean Whit Leghorn Cockerel. brcoiln. To (lirxf mIioiiIiI l)f milled tlin Ilniiiliiirg, lliitiduii, tlm Ki'drup, and poHNlhly wiiiie nlliem. Tlicy nil lay wlilti'-nlifllcd eiiU' " The tin 'Hi omnium vnrleile of Lfg horna tiro wlilio, brown, buff, blnek Oinl Kllvor, mul min of llieHf color vnrletle lire m,'nln xutiillvliluil Into ln glf mul roHf-comb MpcelcH. Tim White anil Itinwii I.i'lioniM, nru the iihihI widely bred, mid ihey weru tho Ornt vnrlelles known, FREEZES HELPFUL TO SOILS Aid Pulverize Broken Ground, Cautc Particles " Crumble nnd Vege table Mattor to Break. Tin' ere I Console! iible nilvillllillie III HfVcl'e fieezeK dining wlu'.er, ' Wlillt Cold weiitlu i' iiiiiUi j expi uses Bonie wluit lii'iivler iiuU'ih' the fnriiiHtend In well mritiiKi'il for comfort, both for iiiiin mul miliniilN, tlm noil In iilwuy bencllltd by ffeey.e. Fu riiK-rx ruiidlly rfeounlze Unit lifter luird freeen the noil In In better con dition. FrceiM'H belli pulverize broken Kidinid; they quint! tbo piirtlclos to cnmiblf, vci;t'ttibl(! iiiuttc-r to dlHlnte grnto nnd break down. TIiitb la aim) connlderablf t'hei'k to I ho Incrouso ut liiwt'tH. Many lii"ectH In tbo plipn atiiK r killed by very cold weather and tilts uicuiin leHM Iiici-oiimo the fol lowing aprlng "ml suniiuer. However, there arc ome that stand very low temperature without Injury. The bent way to get the full benefit ' of winter Knows and winter freeze la to have the land brokeu. PROTEIN REQUIRED BY PIGS Feed Necessary for Bone, Muscle, Frame, Material, Etc Skim Milk la Recommended, After tbo pig are weaned they limy flesh or nt least make gains very slowly uiileM fed it feed rich In pro teln, to make bono, muscle, friiiim inn terlnl, mineral mutter, etc. If fed skim milk and groin they will not dis appoint you. PRODUCTION OF DAIRY Output of Five Breeds Given In Farmers' Bulletin. Comparison Mad of Ayrshire, Brown wlit, Guernsey, Holotsln and JerMy -Hulstsln It Olvtn Largest Avenge. Tli average production of Ave dnlry liri'riU iiioiiI generally known In thf I'nlli'cl Rlu I en In kIiowii III Fiirmcr' llullctln Nu. H'.W of Ilif ill purl mi-nl of agriculture, For Ayrshire I Im avcrngo of Ihf 2..'iiS row that have completed yearly rfforil for advanced regUtry In tt.fVi N)iiiuU of titl Ik Idling .''i H-r til of liiilliTfiit, amounting to iwiiiiiili of fnl. Tlif Ifii hlghot milk producer of 1I1U breed range from '..T.ll In 1S.7I.1 hiiiiuI of milk Mini ili average tit Hum' tfii highest pro- 7 i -FTC .k , v . ; -i ' f i I . ' ... . Champion Jtrtty. iluifm I LM,!VtN pniiiul of milk. Tin tin lilcln'K lul icrfnt iroiliii'fr mnt'iisi Aymlilii'H nutitf from oAV-IO In 711.7.'! miiiihN, wllli nu nvirini, fur tlii'KO ten, of 8.VM imiuiiiIn of buttfr fut. V - - Brown twin Record. In tin Itnmii HwIhn hri'fd the Brer agf of 1IMI row Hint luivf conipli'ti'd yi'nrly rworiln for llm ri'Kltry pro- dutloii I 10 v;s.7 hiiiihIh of milk, tft- IH 3.IKI.I pel' " i'III. ninolll iiutiiU of htiitfrfnt. Th poiitid of lililtfrfnt. The ten hlliet milk producer of the breed range from ItUiKUl t I0.-IIHI.7 iMitmd of mill; with nn iivemire. for thene ten, of 17,!!7U.2 pouniN. The (en lilgbfHt hul lerfnt proilueers of llm Iimwn HwIk range from "(Klfl to (II7.-0 pound, with nn iiverm:f for Ihe ten of 0X1,72 pouniN of biitterfnt. Guernsey Record. In the (lin rftKcy the nveniKe of 0,2K) Cow Hint havp completed u year rec ord for advanced n-ulHiry I S.U.'U.iW poilinbi of mill;, tfxllnit per cent, mnoinilltig in iound of nutter fnt. The ten lilhcxt produc of thin breed ningi' from '.M.ikW to 17.aV7.ol IhiitmW of milk with mi average, for tlu'KC ten, of 1!l,:i:i7.l piuinilH of milk. The ten hlglieat flllerusey blltterfal nriMlueei-H runtfc frmn to 0U.!7 pound, nn average for thin ten of 1l7d.7fi pounds of liiitterfnt. HoUtain Hceord. Aniniit! 1I"I'I'':m. !I.L,-Jil row that had enmpleted n yearly record for ud- vnncfd registry nveragiil H.A22.7 pouniN or milk, tenting .'MIM pj'r cent hutierfnt, nmonntlng lo WKI.7 pound of fal. Tbo ten highest producer of till breed averaged from 81.240,0 to JH.k.'iU pound of milk, an average for thene lea of '.II.WH.S-I pouml or milk. The ten bliilicHt IbilNtrln hutterfnt producer averngeil from 1.'Jt5.00 to 1.U17.2M poiind, nn averago for those ten of pound of butterfat Jersey Record. In the Jei'Ney lirei'il, the avernga nf 5,211 cow 'Hint hud completed yearly record for the registry of merit wh High Producing Guernsey. 7,71)2 pounds of milk, testing 5.35 per cent, making 417 pounds of butterfat. The ten highest milk producer rau.od from 19,01)4.8 to 10,0:13.2 pound, nn fvernge, for these ten, of 17,703.4 pounds of milk. The ten highest but terfat producers range from tXiO.t to 875.2 pound, nn average for these ten, of 043.1 pounds of butterfat. PARLEZ FRANCAIS MODIFIED Ingllth May' Now Be Spoken Into Parlt Telephonet. Wartime regulations In France pro hibiting conversation over the tele phones In nny Innguage but French inve been modified. Kugllsh can now oe spoken over the wire within tho limits of the city of Paris, but not In communicating with other cities or towns or In the war rone. Tho unsuspecting American will now be saved the annoyance of bnvlng his : talk over the phono broken Into almost as soon na begun by tlu shrill com mand of the demoiselle rt;i telephone: "I'niiea Fruuculn, s. v. monsieur," , r pr )f ROMANTIC SICILY. t Mn and th Cam f Thl Won der liltnd Hlitory. Hlelly'a bUtory U a vivid and plc luif jue, a fvnK'lou and cratlv and ileiruc(lv, a uiyiblial aud UitauMly ira.'tli'al, a th utorle of all tb rest of lb world put together. And In beauty of nature, of clliuat or man aud of beaut th Ulind la paradUa tinluy, wbvther or not It waa ever tb worklee. paluleM, ilonleM etyduu wlier our Unit mu tator enjoyed all (lis good thing of life without baring lo toll. Nutur ltelf, now In th gulM of tb uilNiuiilenitood god of old, now In cod vuIhIoii or lu quiet fertility tbit acl- eiu'o hu made pbilu to u. wear It uiymerloua hultla through and tbrougb tbo highly colored fabric. And iiiou-aui'li tueiil lower auor their fellow In th ilory Ilk Tltana- I'ludar, Aeivbylue, Theocrltui, Tbucyd Idea, Archlinedu. Ibo two gret lile- rou, Cicero. Verrr. Dlodoru. Ilamll ear and Hannibal, llognr the Count and linger th King, llellarlu, tba treat cruaadera Itli burd of the Lion Heart and I.oiil tho Kiilnt of France, Charlea of Anjou, Frederick II., th "wonder of the world." and Oarlbaldl. Even tbi partial lint read liko a compendium of indent and medieval romance aud cblvalry.-Natlonal Geographic Uaga ilue. MOTORCARJIRES. Te Lengthen Their Live Keep Them Free Pram Oil and Orae, It I pretty generally known that ganolluo, greae. oil and otber fatty till ibI mice are nolveuta of rubtier. If garage floor are not kept clean and tlica atnnd In a pool of oil the tread aofteu aud the trnetlon atratna lu nervlce atreteb the ruldier lu a wavy outline, eventually canning It to aepn- rule from tbo fabric body underneath. I'robably Ibo moat damage la experi enced from greanc. In tb differential hotmlng. working out Into the brnko drum and then ou to the aide wall of the tire. Thl may reull.from loose bearing or too much grenae or from using grease not suitable for differen tial (JreiiKc and oil may lie very easily re- moved by iiilng a nig saturated In gas oline. GomoIIiip. although a solvent. evatMirales quickly and, If applied In small numi! II lei. will not canoe any Jury w heti nnd ns a il uulng agent. 6rdinnry Injiirie in Hie rubber cover do not prevent aiiecessfiil repulra. but not often can work Ik' well done whea ninlerlal have been affii ted by oil or grease. Invariably blltering during rulcunlr-atloii reult.-Popubir Science Monthly Writing on a Moving Train. Writing letHHy on u fnt moving train U dllllcult to a person imiicous- tomed to do It. The railroad oudiictor know the Irblc of It and mtiiingr to get uloug quite siill .liKtoillv. lie pre rer to write In u Klumlliiu I'osIiIoii and holds bis rl'-lit elbow (Irmly iialnst liU side The leasou for Hili I that In n sitting post m-c tlicie 1 too much bit era I movement In the trunk of the body, while In a stninliim poxiilon thl.i Is more eiiHlly controlled. When the arm swing freely, a lu ordinary writing, set oral Joint of the body are nfiV led In Hie prme. each of which I eui ali'e of H own motion IIoIiIIiil' Hie elbow n::'ilut one's rib break those motion tendencies, ex ccpt that of the wrist, which nrovemeut I neeesNiiry ii) writing, und thus the pencil or pen Is more en.slly controlled Csutiout. A lawyer happened to be acquainted with a Juror In n petty civil case, and bo met him during a recess or the court The lawyer wa Just iiuhtlng up." and under ordinary circumstances he would havo offered Hie other a choir iinlicd tattngly. but It occurred lo blui that It might not look right. "1 suppose." he said guardedly, "that a dpir would not Inllui'me your ver dict V" Tho Juror wns equally cautious. "A good one wouldn't.' be replied. "but n poor one might prejudice mo." He got a good clgur.-Iirooklyn Kaglo. The Study of Books. Wo enter our studies and enjoy a so ciety which we nloiie can bring to gether We raise no Jealousy by con versing with one In pivfercnce lo an other; we give no offence to the most Illustrious by questioning him as long ns we will and leaving him us ab ruptly. Diversity of oplnlou raises no tumult In our presence. Each Intel Umi tor stands before us. speak or is sllom. and we adjourn or decide the business at our leisure. Landor. DIRT AMD DISEASE. Man Alone Has Typhoid Fever, and Ho Gets It From Filth, To bo Hie consort of a queen und yet to dio of u disease thut la caused by Qltb! r That was the fate of Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, who died at the prime ago of forty-two from ty phoid fover, a disease that Is wholly preventable, ' Typhoid fever' Is found only In man. It is caused by n short rod shaped mi croscopic vegetuble which enters the body through the mouth nnd leave It In human discharges to enter another humnn mouth, to which it Is curried by lingers, flies. Quids and food. It la essentially a dlseaw of younx adult ll.'o. o;der people are loss apt to hnve It, probably bemuse they have suffered from an attack of th dltea In I heir youth. Typbokl fever la known by various nsine "slow fever." "low fotr"-but. whatever name It la called by, It kill about H per cent of those whom It at tack. A certain percentage of tbuxe who recover become earlier thai la, per son who, (hough well, seer el o the or gauUiu Ul their discharge. Carrier are largely responsible for tbo perpetuation nf typhoid fever, but the In .ijlliitbni o prorer c-wer y (eniM, the w'lollilou or Hies, roi-Uroscbei and oilier flltll Insects, H6 maintenance of n pure food supply und the Intelli gent rate of tlio victim of the disea si tliu uicinuii'S wlili b If rigidly eu- f oited will rid tliu country or the dis ease.-. Vew Yuik .Mull. LIKE INVENTED RAIN. Luokilv For the Aviator, Ho Wss Out ol Rsnge of the Crops. It w.ll be easily understood, write C. O. (iiey In "Tale of the Flying Hervlee," Hint before a bullet that has beeu shot atialghl upwaid beglus to fall Hieru iiiiiHt be a miIiiI where It slunds dead still mid that for the lust part of Its upward (light It travel very (lowly. Ono olllter of my acquaintance told me, after some months of war. (but bis most curious cxiierlence waa when once, and ones only, he discov ered the exact extreme rung point He was flying along quite peacefully on a bright, sunny uiorulng at an alti tude of a Utile over ft.OOO feet, without worrying a Unit anything, when sud denly be saw something blight dart put the tide or the machine. lie be gan to look about blm aud aaw, shade below him and a trifle to one able, a whole stream of little bright tilings glittering in the aun. Then be realizod (bat be bad Just struck a level that bapMued to be the extreme vertical rouge or a machine gun that was making uncommonly good shooting. Other bullets from rlllcs and other machlue guns also flashed Into view us he flew along, and when his eye caught the right focus be could follow the slow. topuiot part of their movement for a couxldcrable dis tance "It looked." be said. "Just as If It were mining upward," and tho phe nomenon was so novel that be quite forgot for a time that the "raindrops" bidlcated Hint be wa uuHipuhir with Hull one below. Rebuild the Health. An Impoverished con ill (Ion of the sys tem Is sometimes the couho of a red nose, and every effort should be made lo rebuild the health. Nourlxhlng food, plenty of aleop In a ventilated apart. went, requisite exercise In the open and doen breathing will largely con tribute toward bettering the general health. XOTICK Notice Is heiebv given, that the County Court will consider bids for the maintenance of the poor of Jose phine County, Oregon, for i period of one year from January 1..I91S, according to certain termr an.l con ditions, to-wit: All bids must specify th exact amount per capita per month. The successful bidder to provide the necessary food, clothin.; al to take care of the Innvites whether sick or well, and It any Inmate a:e sick, they are to be provided i,h all the necessary nursing as requir ed by the County Physician. The county will furnish nothing besides the necessary medical atten tion and medicine. The County Home will be furnlsh If desired. No rent will be charged for the use of the same, but nn In ventory of all furniture, dishes, and fixtures, etc., Is to be made before the successful bidder takes charge of things, nnd he must see that all things Inventoried are returned to the county at the termination of the leiiso, In ns good condition as when thev were received, with the excep tion of the usual wear and tear. All groccrlos, live stock, etc., to be sold to tho successful bidder If so desired nt nn agreed price. If the poor nre tnken enre of at any other place other than the County Home, the successful bidder must provide all of the necessary bedding, etc., and the county not to be required to buy any of said goods purchased at the termination of the contract. The County Court shall hnve the right at all times to Inspect said Place, or home, where the Inmates are being cared for, to ascertain whether they are receiving the at tention required. A bond of $4,000 will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. All bids must be filed on or he fore 10 o'clock a. m. of the 4th day of January, A. D., 1918. The court reserves the right to -reject nny or nil bids or award the contract according to the best In terests of the county. By order of the County Court of Josophlne county, Oregon. E. h. COBURN, County Clerk. a classified ad wll give reanlta. you TKADB APARTMENT HOUSE, 2 lota, ateam beat, hot and cold water In all apartments, the best of plumb, log, located In business center of Taeoma, Wash., paying more than 10 per cent on the In vestment Price $25,000., Will trade for a go ing stock and grain ranch. Will be In Grant Pasa 15 days, addresa E. McColley, P O. Bos 361, or call at Palace Hotel. tf FOll BALK O. ft C. CKANT LANDS Blue print ,plat showing land In Josephine county, $1.60. Addreaa A. E. Voorbiea, Grant Paaa. tf DEALEB8 in horses, mules, cattle, wagon, hacks, bugglea, harness and aaddlea. We have a variety of all klnda at all time. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or if you want to buy, come and see ua. W will treat you right. All our livestock la put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sala Stable, Corner Sixth and K street. Tlmmont, Prop. Phooe (It-J. . 18tf FOR SALE Good modern bouse. close In, north aide. Inquire No. 2233, car Courier. 2Stf CHEVROLET car in good condition for aale cheap. Addres No. 2604 care Courier. it FOR SALE OR TRADE for land- Store building, lot and stock gen eral merchandise, 320 acrea land, all In Hill county, Montana. Ad dres No. 2498 care Courier. 4 SALE OR LEASE IS acres, build ings. In Granta Pass on river, all sandy loam bottom toil, 12 acrea cultivated. Price cut to $3,500. Easy terms, or lease at $175. -L. A. Launer, Realtor. 47 FOR SALE Apples, 25c per box at Warehouse No. 1. Bring box., 46 i Cards at the Courier office. TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment of Mr. L. C. Arm strong; 28 clean room at 3ac and 50:; apeclal rate by week or month; also light housekeep ing rooms. Would like your pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and conviently located. 411 C street. 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. 37tf TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE One-halt interest and control of 55 a res on Applegate river. Good house. "Orchard. 20 acres cultivated. For sale or ex change. Price $2,600. State loan $600. L. A. Launer, real estate. '50 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN $1,700 to loan on first class mortgages. L. A. Launer. Realtor. 47 MISCKLLAXF.Ol'S BENNETTS' CHEMICAL laboratory, 1142 Market street, Tacoma, Wn. Let us tako core of your ore ship ments and do your control work, rates reasonable. tf I AM GOING TO JOIN THE ARMY ns soon as I can get my business In sha.-ie to leave, but will make another trip to Grants Pass first. If you have a piano you want tuned or repnlred leave the order at once with A. B. Corr.tll rr Mrs. Knapp V. P. Broods, piano tuner. 49 UMBRELLAS REPAIRED and cov ered. Inquire nt the American restaurant. 309 South Sixth St. Phone 307. James Dalton. 50 Calling cards at the Courier., Based On Cost Per Tablet It Saves 90. CASCARA QUININE " No edraica tn price Tar this 10-ytir. eld remedy J5c for 14 taMMs Some cold tablet now 30c for 21 tablet Figured on proportionate coat per tablet, you eav 9Hc when you buy HiU'a Cure Cold la 14 koort trip I At to? Dra Star I s PHYSICIANS lTo. clement, .b.muc limited to disease of the ey, ear, Dos and throat Glass fitted, nose and throat Glasses fitted. Office hoar t-11, 2-6, or oa ap pointment Office phone, 62; resi dence phone 15-J. 8. LOUCHRIDCE, M. D.. Physician and aorgeon. City or country call attended day or tight Residence phone 'CJ; office phone 162. Sixth and H. Tuffa Building. A. A. W1T11AM, M. D.. Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I street. Phone: Of fice, 116; residence, 288-J. Hoar. S a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. i. O. NIBLEY Physician ud urgeon- Lundburg Building.. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Officer honra, t to 12 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 210-J. .tstr DEXTIsfS E. C. MACT, D. M. D. First-doss dentistry. 101 ft South Sixth treet, Grants Paaa, Oregon. ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton. Attorney-at-law. Practice In all 8tate and Federal Court. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO ft WILLIAMS Attorneya-at-Law Grants Pes Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice In all court. First National Bank Building. DURHAM ft RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonle Temple, Granta Pas Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law County attorney for Josephine County. Office: Schallhom Bldg. O. 8. BLANCHA RD.Attorney-at-Law Golden Rule Building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCUARD ft BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block. Phone 236-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. VETERINARY SURGEON . , Dit. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office In Winetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. Residence Phone 305-R. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. O. IS HAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture motel packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; o do we Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone S97-R. MfSIOAf INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of voice oulture and singing. Lessons given at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 716 Lee St. 85 ltf TAXI SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that la the question. Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone 262-R. Always at your service for city or country calls. ' 90tr PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally 10 a. m. lo 5 p. m. For 8unday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence 14W. 78tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD 1 EffectiveDecember 1, 1917. ! Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 It. Granta Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All trains leave Grants Paaa from the corner of G and Eighth streets,, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding; freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or phone 131 for same, ' r