Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, December 27, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"ft lll'l
Startle Grists Pus
People report quhk reault Irom
pur Uvopllk eye wah. A lrl with
weak (trained ya was hlpd by
ONK niilloBtlon. Ilr uiuthtr could
not ew or read ecaue of y pl.
Id oo wk bar trouble m goat. A
malt bottle of Uvoptlk la guaran
teed to help BVEKY CA8E weak.
trained or Inflamed ye. ONI
WABII alertlee with Ita quick r
aulta. Aluminum y cup FREE.
National Dru Store.
14 Pat af lha Trrhe Whan H
Into Oaalh Vallay.
That uiual frightful of desert, (fealli
valley, In California, Ilea between two
kfly range, one of wbl b la called tin
Fuiicrs! mountains
Tba IiIkImt level of the mountains
are rather drneely forculed, with tirra
and there little meadow and "park"
(UHltirul clearluum. In alib'li dwell a
atraugo aulmul known na the lcrralwt
Bo luaceeas Me ar these ItihoNpltahle
helnlil. however. Iliul lh ura.
rarely won. baa rvumlned hnol uu
limped lug Ita linldl Utile rail be
aald. Tbera U no ren'm t r fi. ':-o..tti .
tbut II la (luiiKir.nirt to mi.i
know even wlui'.ur Ii li uiiu .i t
or a plant feeder. II Iim a l.m e'm.i
d body, alt or much leet I.mi , v. i
sort of alivll miming (lie wh.i. ( wi't
, of Ita back.
Ilitvuig. It la prciumed. few nutural
eucuilc, tlio f l-ruNli it :n re In
number until It la e:srd ltli i.u Im
pulse to in In rate. possibly leae In
food aupply no longer aiiffiee. Tlia
BJilmala (lieu form hmg prueeaalona,
maMiliig down Into tba desert In a'.u
gk file, wltli the evident Inteutlou of
eroaalnc tba valley to tbe niountalna on
' tba otbor aide.
But noua of them avar geta arroaa
Aa tby aueouutar tba bot aanda tbey
rapidly dUleud with tba brat, and ooa
4ffter another they blow up with loud
reports, tba place where tbla happen
bring marked by. dap, grave abapad
eolea.-rblldelphl llecord.
5000 Miles
Files and Filing Equipment
SPECIAL-Monroe File
; 45c. 3 For $1.25 :
Demaray's suSl
Let Electricity Save You
Labor and Money
pmfci iff
Pi ri ii i r .aT "v. -v
108-J 623 G STREET.
Magla 4 Slshee,
Wben la shaped Ilka tba Inverted
Utter U, In wtikb tba ami are of
eual length, la Oiled wltb water and
eaeli end of tbe Hi la put Into a aepa
rata vassal full of water "tba down
ward iuir or welghl of I ho liUld tn
earn of the two arma will balance tbe
other, and If the water la at lha aaioe
level In Ike two vraaela II will remain
at tbat level la bulb renaela. Uut If the
level of Ibe water lit one vwavl la lowee
than bi lha oilier, aluee Hie two vetiela
are connected wl'b a ple full of wa
ter. Iba water will run down from tbe
blgher level to Hie lower. Tine conau
lutra wbat la railed a alphou. A elpboa
llaelf baa no more magic about It than
a pencil baa wbeu It falle or than any
olber almllar pbrtmuicuou In nature,
yet aoma of tbe alpliooe manifestation
aeeu to be not only magleal, but at
moat Incredlble.-Hl. Nicholas.
"Meet Perfect Ode."
Oue buiidred ) ear ago appeared wbat
Byron called "Ibe moat per feet ode In
Ilia language." Tba Burial of Hlr Jobn
Moore." It waa the Kewry Telrgrapb
which gave lo Iba world tbla anony
mom poem of Itev. L'barlea Wolfe,
wlilrb won for It author bul a posthu
moua faiuo. for not until bla death In
ltd waa Ita real autborahlp made
known. Ibnugh vartoiia had leen tbe
guesses aa to Ibe writer. Tint olerure
curate of llallyclog muM have fall
proud Indeed to nnd among It putative
autbora aueb posts aa Campbell and
Hyrun.-Lotido Cbronble.
Liaht ml lha Firefly.
A aelrulUI naye that a temperature
approaching 2. ilegreea K. would be
ueeeeeary to make a light equivalent to
thai emitted by an ordinary nrefly. The
enormou wame of energy In all Indue
trliil metbode or proiluclng light la a
matter of common knowledge, and lha
eiatuple of tbe firefly rrmalna unlml-
Uted by man.
Peuntaln Pen Teeta,
Pouatain pane era teatad by aa In
atniment called a micrometer. If one
ptert of tbe merliaulam la out even a
all hundredth part of an Inch tba mi
crometer reject It aa faulty.
"Do you think that lha lady who U
moving In aUive you la nicer
"Oh. dear. ye. Why. iba noticed
thai baby bud two teeth before he bad
been I " the hoiie two hour."
Cholera, Tuberculosis and Para
ites Are Drawbacks.
si:.:?L i,:eihods areqed
Parmer May Aveld, to Laroa Extent,
' Decimation af Hie Hard by Ipl.
teotlea lanltary Pravantlvo
Maaauraa Are Pavered.
The greateal drawbacka lo tba bog
Induatry that breeder lu tbla country
have lo contend with are Ibe lowie
through hog cholera, lubereuloala, and
the lufeNtatlon of lb animal, eepe
rlHlly young plga, by perailte. Were
It hoi for the fecundity of awlne their
protllabla protliietlon In the prearnc
of Ibeae aerloua dlMHe would be out
of the queatlon. In the following re
innrka on aaiillatlon no attempt I
innile to go Into the detulla of the dla
eaaea effecting hog or their treat
menl. The object la merely lo call at
tention lo the alinpla inenaurea which
may be need by any farmer to avoid,
lo a large extent, the declmntlon of
hla herd by epIUMillca. Cleanllnea
and rntlonal method of management
are relied upon by thouuinda of farm
era to keep their herd In health and
vigor. They ure the mark of lha
good fanner and aurceaaful hog
Hog cholera nnd awlne pltigue, both
highly fittnl 11eae chiiractertred by
fever and heavy mortnllty, are o very
elmllnr tbat the breeder may regard
them a Identical an fur aa hla prac
tical management of the herd la con
cerned, rnaltlve differentiation be
tween Ibe two dleciiae can only be
made by the mont carefal buctertolog-
Cholera Tbrlvea In Surrounding Such
aa Theae.,
leal leata, mid by employing the aa
alatance offered by a fully equlpiied
loborntory. However, ; aanltary pre
ventive metboda which are found bene-
fklol wltb one of theae dlaeaaea will
prove equally emcacioua witn me
There are a few fundamental facta
which tbe breeder muat remember If
he la to avoid loaaea through hog chol
era or awlne plague. Tbe flrat la that
they are tpeclflc dlaeaaea cauaed by
genua, and tbe contagion cannot be
apread from one anlmnl to another or
from one herd to another except
through the. agency of theae minute or
ganlama. They may be carried In t
multitude of waya by the hog them
Mlvea, on the clothing of persona, on
vehlclee, In feed, by birds, dogs, and
other antmala, or by at ream. The
breeding or feed of a hog cannot catiae
either dlaeaae, although bnd method
may ao weaken the constitution and vl
tallty that the anlmnl become more than would other;
wlae be the caae. Since, theae dl
eaaea can only urine from the pres
ence of theae specific causative agent.
It can readily be seen that dentition
and the presence of supernumerary
teeth or black tuaka cannot, aa hn
been anggested by miiny, play any
port In their development. A second
fact to be borne In mind la that dla
eaaea cauaed by germ may be best
prevented or controlled by thorough
disinfection and acrupuloua cleanll-
Tuberculoma Inereaelng.
Tuherculosla I rapidly Incrcaalng
among hngs In the United States, nnd
every owner of swine should be on hla
gunrd against tho Introduction of this
aerloua malady upon hla premises.
Unlike hog cholera this disease la In
cldloua In Ita attack nnd slow In Its de
velopment, so Mint It tuny be present
for months In a herd without exciting
the leaat suspicion of the owner, nnd
will be revealed to him only nt the
time of alnughter. Until recent yenrs
tuberculosis has been looked upon ns
of uncommon occurrence nnd only of
Importance from n nient-lnspectlon
standpoint; but today It must he rec
ognlxed na n serious mennre to the
owner of hogs, nnd especlnlly to the
one who allows his hogs to run with
cattle that have not been proved to be
free of tubercnlosta, or who feeds them
upon nonaterlllred products a part
of their ration. A tubermloals of
bog I chiefly contracted through eat
ing Infected feed, the Importance of
Oil statement I ohvioaa.
Tuberenloala of bog I closely aa
aodated with the aaine lllaeaaa la cat
tle, Ibe reaaon being apparent when
one consider (he close relations of
the two specie of animate upon
nearly every farm. Tutierculous cat
tle may acatler greul numbers of to
berrle bacilli with their excrement;
cow that are tuherruloiia may pro
duce contaminated milk that la uh
aequently fed lo pig; and carcanaes
of ratilM that have died from tuber
cuIomI are sometime eaten by hog.
Any of these condition tiuike the In
fection with tuberculosis of tbe bog
concerned a very easy matter.
Sourcea of Infection.
The feeding of hog upon creamery
refute la also a very frequent source
of liifeetlon. In thl way the milk of
a Mingle cow with a lulierculoua ud
der, If aent lo a public creamery, may
apread the disease to a number of
hog, nnd mny also Infect many farm
that have never previously been con
taminated wltb tuhernalo!.
An equally dangerous source of In
fection is likewise observed In the
method which obtain among some
of the email country alnughter house.
It la not unusual for these house to
get rid of their blood, Intestines, vis
cera, and other Inedible parte by feed
ing them to hogs, a herd of which Is
usually kept oo the premise. This
custom la pregnant with danger and
icrvea lo perjvtuate the Infection prin
ciple of various eontagloua and para
sitic dlaeaaea, particularly tuberculo
us. Hoga are also susceptible to tuber
culous Infection from affected per-
aona nnd ponltry, but these source
oro undoubtedly of far less moment to
tbe bog owner than thoee existing In
a herd of tuherrulnu cattle.
Intestinal worm, lung worm, nnd
skin parasite also levy a burdensome
tag upon the profits of hog raising.
Absolute rlesnUnes will be found val
nnble In preventing and controlling
these parasitic troubles, na well as the
more serious disease hog cholera
and tuberculosis.
Prevention of oiseaae.
In dealing with tho dlKonse of hogs,
preventive measure must be most re
lied oiHin. The anlmnl must be given
dry nnd well-ventilated qunrters, which
must be kept clenn. Contrary to com
mon belief, bogs have some habits
which rulse them above other domes
tic nnlmnls from the standpoint of
cleanliness. For example, unless
compelled tn do so, n hog will nut sleep
In Ita own filth. If n pnrt of the floor
of the pen Is rnisel and kept well
bedded with straw, while the rest Is
not, all excrement will be left on tlie
unhedded portion of the floor and tho
bed Itself will be always clean.
In addition tn cleunllness close at
tention should be given to tbe feed, so
that nothing mny be Ted that will con
vey the genus of disease, especially
tuberculosis. m to tho herd. If tbe
bogs ore AmI milk In nny form nl-
tulnod from cow kept upon the same
farm, the cow should be suhjected to
the tuberculin tost. If they rnn with
th dairy cnttle of tbe farm a tubercu
lin teat of all the cnttle Is none the
less deslnihle. Anlmnl dead fro'.-i
nny disease should not be fed to the
hogs until the ment Tin been made
safe by cooking. Skim milk or refuse
from a public creamery should not be
fed to hogs until It baa been thorough
ly sterMlsed.
Feeding and drinking plucea should
be clean and the water aupply pure.
Unleaa the origin la known to be un
contamlnated and there baa been no
possibility of Infection during Ita
course, hoga'ahould not be allowed ac
cess to any stream. Wallowa should
be drained out and kept filled up aa
much a possible. At least once a
month the qunrters should be disin
fected with air-slaked lime or a five
per cent solution of crude carbolic
add. These precautions will be
found valuable aids In tbe destruction
of tbe various animal parasites, aa
well as a protection from some more
aerloua troubles.
Advantage af Isolated Hog Houaea.
Tbe advantage of Isolated hog
houses, each accommodating, a few
hogs, rather than one large piggery
for the entire herd, baa been referred
to previously. In districts where
cholera Is prevalent these are undoubt
edly the best shelters. They make It
more difficult to carry contagion to all
animal In the herd, and the destruc
tion of one of them In caae of an out
break does not entail a great expense.
An added advantage la that they may
be moved from place to pluce aa need.
ed. While more work la necessary In
feeding, the convenience nnd safety
from their use more than offset this
Danger In Inbreeding.
While Inbreeding la the surest and
quickest means to fix type, It should be
resorted to with the greatest care. The
value of the system Is that It enables
the breeder to Intensify desirable char
acteristics In n herd nnd makes 1m
provemeht jMisslhle In a shorter time
thnn where selection alone Is used. . It
stands to reason that If desirable
characteristics can be Intensified, the
same will be true of undesirable ones.
Much of the disaster which seems to
have followed Inbreeding has probably
been duo to the fact that this point
was overlooked or given only sllslit
Importance, nnd thus loss of vitality
and constitution and susceptibility to
disease have followed. Therefore If
the1 young breeder contemplate In-
Class, fiscfl j
0. C. 0 KANT LANDS Bins print
plats showing lands la Jotephlae
county, ll.SO. Addreu A. E.
Voorbias, Grant Pass. U
rOK SALE Two horses. On geld
ing, $16; on mart $40. Each In
good condition and weight about
1171 lb. A. N. Parson. ttf
DEALERS la bora, mul, cattle.
wagons, hack, bugglaa, harneea
and saddle. W halo a variety
of all kind at all Urn. If yon
hav anything to sell or exchange,
or If you want to buy, coma and
to na. W will treat you right.
All our livestock la put out under
guaraatM. Red Front Food aad
Bala Btabla, Corner Sixth and K
tret. Timmona, Prop. Phone
5U-J. mt
FOR SALE Good modern home.
elo la, north aide. Inquire No.
till, ear Courier. 2Stf
FOR BALE Three big mules, 1,00
pound and over, I years old; on
bora), 1,400 pounds, for sal
ehaap. Inquire Grant Paaa liv
ery. 44
ntaaagment of lira. L. C. Arm
strong; it clean room at ISc
aad 50c: pclal rate by weak
or month; also light housekeep
ing room. Would like yoar pat
ron!. . 40tf
fortable aad conviently located.
411 C street. 86tf
Large, well ,' fornlahed, steam
heat, hot water, bath, and all ho
tel privilege. Very moderate
weekly and monthly rate. ; 37tf
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, also alngle rooma, cloae
in, reaaonable. 121 D, corner
7th. Mr. T. E. Howard. 45
breeding, he should avoid mating thnt
tend to unite almllar defects. Not only
should cure he. taken to prevent this
In tbe animals muted, but there should
be no chance of bad effects due to the
Inheritance of undesirable character
istics, from parents and other ances
tors, i: Some of the greatest work ever
done tn hog breeding ha been baaed
on these principle.
Ivan the Best of Writers at Tlase
Ned While They Work,
Manv If not most writers have had to
bewail the occasional freaklahne of
tbe pen In putting down on paper aome-
thlug very different from tbat intended
by It author.
Readers of Sir George Trevelyan'
"Life of Uacaulay" will recall the hla
torlan's horror when too late be dis
covered tbat be bad written la tbe
Edinburgh Review tbat "it would be
unjust to estimate Jetdamlth by The
Vicar of WakefleldT or Scott by The
Life at Napoleon' when be really in
tended to say tbat It would be unjust
to estimate Goldsmith by hla "History
of Greece.''. There waa, too, an amus
ing allp of tbe pen perpetrated by tbe
grave Sir Archibald Alison in Includ
ing Sir Peregrine Pickle Instead of Sir
Peregrine Maltland among the pall
bearer at the Duke of Wellington'
Another atrlklng tnatance of the pen
mechanically writing something not In
tended came under notice tbe other day
on the title page of a reprint of a once
famoua book, Jane Portera "Scottish
Chief." Thla edition, pubuabed some
year ago by a well knowa London
bouse, describee Ml Porter as "au
thor of 'Pride and Prejudice,' 'Sense
and Sensibility .'" etc Doubtless the
Christian name of "Jane" Induced tbe
lip. All remember and nearly all
Charlotte Bronte was one notable ex
ception love Jane Austen; not ao many
remember Jane Porter. Westminster
. The Matterhorn.
Tbe Matternorn waa tho favorite
pink of those who "went in" tor the
Imzordoua sport of mountain climbing
In the Swiss ilps. Now reporta say
that there is no more mountain climb
ing being done. It is easy enough te
guess why, writes Nlksuh. For those
who", went rround the world looking
for hasnrdous occupations before the
wr there I now no need to muke ex
tended search, to atop nt expensive
hotels, or to hire n retinue of guides.
Nine toon, nations offer tho udventurer
tuore-or less of a salary along with
l.onrrl. lodging and hospital facilities
for the pleasure of risking his neck.
Mil wonder mountain : climbing hut
fallen off.
There arc ; those who , sny that It
will never again regain 'Its old high
?Miite. They rather think aviation
will attract' most of the devotees who
ntfrvlve the war. IJut your true moun
taineer laughs' 'nt such a suggestion.
For him there Is no tlnill to replace
the one ho feels nt he mvlngs by bla
fingertip over a 000-foot drop.
AiS vcrlG2:i2g
U 67 cTMrNTTM.D. PraoUaa
limited to dlMsao of tba ya, ,
bom aad throat Plum (uui.
nos sod throat. Olaaaa mud.
' Offlo hour t-11, 1-1, or a ap
pointment Offlee phono, II; raat
deaoa pboao I5J-J.
S. LOUGHRIDOE, it. D.. PbyeleUa
and anrgaoa. City or country calls
attaadad day or tight RaeMoaar
phon CI; office phono 111.
Sixth and H. Tuff Building.
A. A. WITHAM, M. D., PhysteUa aad
argaoa. Office: Hall Bldg., coraer
Sixth aad I streets. Phot: Of
fice, 111; refldasc. 11 1-J. Heart,
t a. m. to 4 p. at.
DR. J. O. N1BLET Pbyatetaa aad
surgeon. Londburg BslMlag.
Surgaoa UUh-Idaho Sngar Oe.
Health Offteer. Officer hour. 9 te
11 a. m. 1 to I p. m. Pheae
1104. Iltf
E. C. MACY, D. at. D. Plrat-cUaa
dntltry. 101 Boath Stxth
atreet. Ornate Pa, Oregon.
H. D. Norton, Attoraey-et-law.
Practice la all Bute aad Federal
Court. Pint National Baak Blag.
et-Lew Omata Plga Baaklag Oe.
Bldg. Grant Pass, Orogoa.
E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney, Praedea
la all courts. First Natloaal Baak
Building, ,
. at-Law. , Offlce Maaonl Teaiple,
Grant ae Oregoa.
W. T. MILLER, Attoraey-at-l
County attoraey for Joeepalae
County. Office: Scaallhora Bldg.
0. 8. BLANCH ARD.Attoraey-at-Lew
Ooldea Rule Building. Phone
270. Grants Pas. Oregon.
torney. Albert block. Phoae .
216-J. Practice la all courts; land
board attorneys.
DR. R. J. BB6TUL, Veterlaariaa.
Office la . Wlnetrout Impleaaeat
Bldg. 7 Phone 11S-J. Realdeaee
Phoae lOa-R.
kind of drayage and traaafer
work carefully and promptly dome.
Phone 1I1-J. Stand at freight
depot A. Shade, Prop. f
F. 0, ISHAM, drayage aad traaafer.
Satee, piano aad furniture asoved
packed, shipped aad stored. Phoae)
Clark aad Holmaa, No. II.
dence phone 114-R.
THE WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoae
J, 8. MACatURRAT, teacher of vote
oulture aad alnglng. Lessons glvea
at homo of pupil If requested. Ad
dress 711 Lee St llltt
ARE TOU GOING or aot going, that
la the question. Call ' Jitney :
. Lake at the Spa or phoae 212-R.
Always at roar service for city or
eouatry eaUa. 0U
THE PICTURE MILL opea dally 10-
a. aa. to I p. m. . For Suaday sit
tlnga call Mill 283-R or residence'
140-J. . . 7?tf ,
The Calif ornia and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company '
EffectlveDecember 1, 1117. f !
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday I
Train 1 lv. Grants Paa 1:00 p.m.
Trala 2 It. Waters Creek S:00 p.m.
All trains leave Grant Pa from'
the corner of G and Eighth streets,
opposite the Southern Pacific depot.
For .all Information regarding,
freight and passenger service call at.
the office of the company, Lundburg.
bullcHng, or phone 131 for game.
' Writes It In Wster.
That the Ingenuity of people In tbe
orient sometime finds expression
I through thoroughly modern channels,
say the Popular Mechanic Magasine,
la demonstrated by a sprinkler em-
ployed In Osaka, Japan, which writes
advertisements In water on the road
way aa it la drawn along by man pow
er. Solidly mounted ou the axles of a .
two wheel cort la a perforated drum
Oiled with water, which revolves with
tbe wheel aud as it doe so traces ori
ental character along tbe thoroughfare.