DAILY ROGtE RIVER COI'RIKB WEDNESDAY, DM'. INI, ItIT, AGE TITO 1:1 ? 'i t : I! t 1 M r r ill ' 5 t 15 v ' 1 Published Dally Except Saturday A, E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr. BENJ. C. SHELDON, Editor Entered at the Pottofflce.Qrtuta Pat. Ore., a second data mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch 15c Local or personal column, per line 10c Reader, per. line.... 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year.... $6.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year.. 1.60 MEMBER Stat Editorial Aaaoclatlon Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Awn. Northwest Patriotic Pre Ann. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pre 1 exclualrely entitled to the use tor republication of all newt dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In thli paper and also the local nsws pub lished herein. All right ot republication of pe dal dlspatchee herein are alao reserved. WEDNESDAY, DEC. W, 1S1T. " OREGON WEATHER : Rain with moderate south- 4 4 easterly galea. CULUNARY EXPERTS San Francisco, Dee. 26. With a meatless day and the expressed de sire that the people of the United States cut down the use of meats on other days of the week as far as pos sible, the culinary experts of the United States food 'administration for California hare evolved a num ber of palatable dishes with the po tato as the basic Ingredient, in com bination with meat. These combi nations are designed to stretch the meat flavor and are as follows: Potato Pie To 1 quart of hot boiled potatoes add enough hot milk to moisten. Season with butter and alt. Mash in kettle In which they were boiled and beat with a fork un til light. Stir In Vt cup of minced ham. Have . ready 4 hard boiled eggs and H cup of stock or gravy. Arrange potatoes and sliced eggs In dish In alternate layers with pota 1 toes forming the top and bottom lay ers. MolBten with the gravy. Brush over the top with milk or egg and brown In hot oven. This dish can be arranged in three layers with the middle layer some kind of meat hash bound together with egg or thickened gravy. Potato Turnovers Boil and put through the rlcer enough potatoes to measure a pint. Add 1 well beat en egg, 1 tablespoon of flour and season with salt. Turn on floured board, roll out and cut. In circles size of saucer. Place on 'each a large spoonful of dry hash seasoned with onions and parsley chopped fine This hash should be dry or bound together with thickening. Double over and pinch together like a turn over. Place on greased baking sheet and brown In hot oven. Serve -with a thickening sauce made from the gravy In which the meat was cooked or with a tomato sauce. Family Potatoes Use 6 cold or freshly boiled potatoes. Cut Into quarters and put In saucepan with pint of gravy or soup stock. Add 1 chopped onion, salt and a little pepper. Simmer on back of stove balf an hour before serving. Potato Roll Heat 1 pint of mash ed potatoes and Vi cup of milk In saucepan. Add 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, salt and a little red pepper or paprika. Stir In 4 well beaten eggs and mix thoroughly; Re move from fire and beat until light. Heat 1 tablespoon of fat in frying pan, and spread the potato mixture evenly over the pan. Cook until golden brown. Roll like an omlet and serve smoking hot. Red pepper, or paprika, Is prefer able to black pepper tn these potato dishes. i A Clean-Up ac 8IZK MIXVTK GELATINE IV IMc SIZE MALTED MILK . .t.V Sit SI.K l"OUK HKAXH 10c t.1o KI7.K KIITKHKH IIKUHIXtiS 10c I.V KIZK OltMiOX IXHlX ...... - ltc . 'HVe SUM KTHIXG IlKAXH ...... -..H S.V SI.K KPAItKLIMI APPLE. JtlCK I UMK K.AUI.Y AVI llltlXti THIS LIST Tt le OwUlnunl In Next liwue KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY FIRST CLAIMS BRIDE XMAS One ot the most delightful social event of the merry yuletlde season was the home wedding Christmas evening of Mrs, Mabel Coodnow Looney. and Chsj. Walrath. of Sac ramento. Cat., at the home of the bride'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Goodnow, 733 North Eighth St. The beautiful and Impressive ring service of the Episcopal church was read . by Rev. O. R. Hammond, of Trinity church, Ashland. The dig nity and simplicity ot the entire af fair made it dlstinclve and charm ing. The bride waa most attradve. in a gown of soft shimmering saud taupe satin, with point lace collar. After the ceremony dainty lunch eon waa served In the dining room made festive for the occasion. Vlth the exception of Ralph Looney, who is "somewhere" In his country's ser vice, Percy C. Walrath Jr., who could not be present, the entire fam ily of the bride and groom were at the wedding, and also a few Invited friends. Many beautiful and useful pres ents were given the bride, both here and waiting for her In her city home. Mr. and Mrs. Walrath left on the evening train Christmas night for their future home In Sacramento.' Those present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Goodnow, Oliver C. Goodnow of 'this city, and John Goodnow and wife of Portland. Miss Helen Hall, Mrs. M. E. Taylor and Mrs. Alice Mallory. QUESTIONNAIRES SENT 241 T0 271 Questionnaires were mailed on Wednesday, December 26, 1917, to the following reglstrances. Order Numbers 241 to 271, both inclusive: Samuel William Kitchens. Charles A. Counts. Harry Ogln Powers. Jesse Mil ford Cyrus. Clarence Elmer Hutchens. Ord Crow. Roy Stauch. . John Victor Welland. Neil Richardson Allen. John William Casad. Orville Scott Perry. Roy Scott Bush. Alfred Letcher Jr. Charles Hans Olson. Henry Leslie Strong. George Leonard Allen. Victor Clyde Brown. William Wlederkehr. Cheater G. York. Delbert Garnald Turck. George T. KIncald. Charley Isac Sowell. John Thomas Hogan. Frank Adam York. Albert Owen Lewis. Irvine Charles Russell. John Thomas Pence. Ennis McKlnley Grable. Edward Ellas Gran. Robert John Boswell. Hachlro Yoshino. Neatly printed stationery at the Courier office. STUMEZE FOR - CHRONIC STOMACH TROUBLE Not a mere aftqr-dlnner tablet, but a real stomach medicine, for mulated to bring Instant relief to severe cases of recent or long stand ing. Try It and be convinced. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Send to The Black Medicine Com pany, San Diego, California, for Free Book. SI - I APPLEOATE .Many acre of runout alfalfa and clover meadows on Thompson creek and other localities near here are owing plowed under for Spring wheat and barley. - Some new land Is being brought under cultivation, alto. Grain acreage will be Increased ful ly 60 per cent the coming setton. At a special meeting last Satur day of the Thompson Creek Irriga tion Association It was decided to enlarge the ditch to full capacity of original plans. Officers were also elected for the ensuing year. Sev eral acre more land will be taken under irrigation next year. Lee Goodman Is busy with his drag saw. Everybody who could hat cut a few 4 to 5-foot pines and firs for their year wood. Mr. Goodman and wife are now travel ing In a Ford roaster, recently pr chased. The following persons were at Medford this week for the purpose of taking their examinations for army service Geo. Mee, Roy Good man and Dick Hoffman, and per- Ratine Tires 5000 Miles Guarantee C. L. HOBART CO. Files and Filing Equipment ' SPECIAL-Monroe File -45c. 3 for $1.25 Demaray's M ASONIC TEMPLE, Let Electricity Save You Labor and Money Mll!iIIIIII!lllll!lllll!lll!IJI!!l!!l!lllll!li CHURNING j ; CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY 103-J 623 G STREET. haps other of whom your corre spondent did not learn. Mrs. Warren D. Mee and son, Charles, have been In Central Potnt all this week. The latter la under Dr. Poellnlu'a treatment for ser iously Injured ear drum. Mrs. Druillla Mee It spending the holidays at Central Point, guest of her daughters, Miss Mary A. Me and Mr. Emma Uebli, and her fath er aud mother, Geo. Ilesselgrav. Mrs. Pauline Elmore and son, Herbert, are possesora of a new Ford, which they recently purchased they tay with "turkey" money. Who tayt It does not pay to rail tur keys? Mrs. M. D. Ilottan has been quite tick for (he past week. Miss Lltsle Elmore, teacher ot the Meadows school In Rogue River valley, Is spending her holiday va cation with her mother, Mrs. Pau line Elmore, having come last Sun day. Mrs. Horace Ttlevln made a trip lo Medford Tuesday. Roy Johnson recently purchased the Tom Herrlott portable sawmill on Applegate and moved It to hit farm on Thompson creek. Tie also purchased the grltt mill that was on the Presley ranch. The opera tion ot these mills will be a great accommodation to the people of this community. The earlier farmers resllie there Is hlg saving In grinding all their grain before feed ing the better for them. Universal cutting of all alfalfa and clover he fore feeding would save farmers thousand of dollar annually. Steps Drive Business Away. Store eiitnimvH now nre llub with the dl.lewnlk, or im nenrly so as con dltlons will penult, olmerve a titer client In the New York Sun. We store-keoN-n tire uwnre llmt customers arc more likely to wtitk Mrulnht Into t Htore alien unimpeded than tn go up 'even one short step. Hunk were tht Inst tn realise the litinllciii ImpoMvo by steps ut the entrances, nud jot don't see architect pluiiiilng huii building" now ivltli steps, nt the front as 'I o.v did In I lie "hi li j i. Drug and Stationery Store OKA NTS PASS GRANTS PASS. ORECON Classified POU HALE O. C. till ANT LANDS-blue print llat showing Linda Id Josephine couuty, 11.10. Add t ess A. , E. Voorbles, Uraut l'asa. tf FOR SALE Two horsu. On gold lug, 155; on utar40. Each In good condition and weight about 1US Iba. A. N. Parsons. 9lf DEALERS In horse, mul7 cattle, wagon, hack, buggies, harness and saddle. W have a variety of all kind at all Urn. If you have anything to sell or exchange, or If you want to buy, com and ut. W will treat you right. All our llveatock I put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Bat Stable, Corner Sixth and K ' : street. Tlmmous, Prop. Phone taS-J. 18tf FOR SALE Good modern home, close .In, north aide. Inquire No. 1ISI, ear Courier, IStf lll BAUD ThrVs btVmuTe. 1.S00 pound and over, I year old; one hone, 1,400 pound, for sal ehaap. Inquire Orant Paw liv ery. 44 FOR SALE OR TRADE for land Store building, lota and ttock gen eral merchandise, 320 acres land all tn Hill county, Montana. 42 TO RENT TREMONT ROOMS Now under managment ot Mrs. L, C. Arm strong; 18 clean room at 15c and ,50c; special rate by week or month; also light housekeep ing room. Would Ilk your pat ronage. 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, eom fortablS and convlently located. 411 C street. 86tf HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent targe, well furnished, steam heat, hot water, bath, and all ho tel privileges. -Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. S7tf KOIt RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms,, also single rooms, close 'In, reasonable.' -621 D, corner Tth. Mrs. T. E. Howard. 45 LOST LOST lletween Hume's Jewelry store and West Q street, a gold pin with a woman and baby, be tween two bears, clasp fastner. Return to James Royce, Good Reward. 42 ALL ENEMIES MEET IN BERNE Streets Are Thronged With Thousands of Men Who Have Been Interned Must Wear Uniforms. At nny time of the tiny In the Swiss cnpltnl one sei-s tho uniforms of bolt) titles on the streets, for thore are thou minds of French, Itrltlxh, Oermnn and Pel cl tin Interned in Switzerland, nnd Recording tn the rule of tho gnme, they must wenr their u nl forms. In or der to tnnke the drenklng of parole hnrder. writes Will Irwin In the Hat nrdny Evenlnir Pont. My first sit; lit of n Oermnn Frits clumping down tho street In his neu tral frreen uniform nnd hi stout mill tnry hoot wire me n kind of shock of surprise. It Is Ibree yenr now, since In llclKim.'i I Inst beheld a free innn In a German uniform. , Today I snw ilor.cn s of men In French uniform pttss other dozens In flenntin uniform. Ench pnrfy to these mcctlnir would look straight nhend, pretending he had not noticed. For the benefit of the entente peo ples the shops nre displaying such signs us these: "Swiss Manufacture." "Same Composition as , the Oer mnn Preparation, Out of Strictly Swiss OrlKln." "Tills Line Made of Swiss nnd English Material." Knowingly to buy Germnn goods Is the same cnrdlmil sin among the French, American nnd Entr II sh colonics here. Just Pieces of Paper. ADronOS Of II recent flnnnol.l tUte'S downfall, n dennal I . . , 1 """ITU to a nnns omcinl thnt he thonght thnl me iimiii m n suponiinitte poMtlon who handles large amounts of cash Is sub jected to a greater temptation than the "high financier." "Not so," was the answer; "I was a paying teller for ten years, nnd I enn nssttrc you that han dling cash In III r ire ninnim. i. .t. lutely like handling simple pieces of jmyer wmi , milliner on them. It Is the mntheiimtlcs of accounting that In terests s cnshler-the keeping of thos hits of paper In perfect order. The question of what he might do with tho hills never enters n my pnyng mind." The Outlook. Letterheads that will please you, at the Courier. cm n li nnitr.r tf re rii nm nmr CHICHESTER S PILLS Lje-v TIIK IIUMONII IIRANII, a Alumni !.'.'?";!' "i""""" TimndAA gJsJLak I'm. m 11,4 ,m Hold mmiiiAV SX,srvfl&'"P' MI"1. '" !"" rT"iJ T.mkt j 'jw V I V J!:"."1"'- Aif"f iiM irKs.Trir' v I' Advertising PHYSICIANS iTbT CLEMENT, M. D. I'racllo limited to disease ot th y, ear, not and throat. Qlasse fitted, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Ortlce hours -12, 1-6, or on ap pointment. Office phoue, It; resi dence phon 159-J. S. l.oi't;illllI)UK. ,.M. I).. Pbyticlaa and surgeon. City or conutry iali atttutled day or light. Resident' phone 'til; olflcs phono , IK: Sixth ind II. Tuffs Dulldlne. DRElTlinVATKlTpeeTaTlst on dltenae ot th ). ear, nose anil throat: glasses fitted, Office Hour' 9 to 12 a. m i to 5 p. m. Phone ' ItohUlome SiiO-L; office 260-J; Maaonlo Temple, Grants I'nsm Ore. A. A. WITHA.M, M. I).. Phytlcian and turgeon. Office: Hall Rldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice, 118; residence, 1I8-J. Hours.. a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBIJCY Pbyslolan and surgeon. Lundburg Building.. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. Offloer hours, to 12 a m. 1 to 5 p. m. Phon jio-j. tttr DKNTIHTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First -daa. dentlstry. 104 South Slit hi street, Grants Pass, Oregon. ATTOIl.HKYH H. ' D. Norton, Attorney-at-law.. Practice tn all Slat and Federal Court. First National Dank Bldg. COLVJQ A WILLIAMS Attorney-at-Law areata Pus Baoklag Co. Bldg. Orants Pat, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice. In all court. First National Beak. Building. DURHAM A RICHARD, Atlornsy-t-Law. y Office Masonic Temple. Grants Pass Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law-Couuty attorney for Josephine, County. Office: Scliallhorn Bldg. O. S. BLANCH ARD.Attorney-at-Law Guidon Rule Building. Pbone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. DLANCHAIll) A 1ILANCHAHD, At torneys, Albert block. Phona 236-J. Practice In all courts; land, board attorney!. . VETERINARY BTHUfcO.H DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Office in Wlnetrout Implement. Bldg. Phone 112-J. Residence. Phone S05-R. DltAYAGE AM) TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kind of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. O. I8HAM, drayage and transfer. Safes,, planoa and furniture move packed, shlppsd and stored. t'hont Clark and Holman, No. 50. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Broa. Transfer Co. Phone 887-R. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION , 8. MAOMURRAY, toacher of voice culture and tinging. Lossoiu given at bom of pupil If requested. Ad drets 718 Lee St. 851tf TAXI SERVICE ARE YOU GOING or not going, that Is tho qiie&tlon. Call Jltaey Lukeat the Spa or phone 282-R. Always at your service for city or sountry calls. JOtf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL opsn dally 1ft a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 283-R or residence 140-J. . 78tf The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD EffectlveDecember 1, 1917, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 lr. Orants Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 2 lr. Waters Creek 8:00 p.m. All trains leave Grants Pass from tbe corner of Q and Eighth streets. opposite the Southern Paclflo depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundburg hulliMng, or phone 181 for same, OlfB ADVERTISEMENT WILL NOT MAKE YOU A FORTUNE, BUT IT WILL SERVE AS A STONE TN THE FOUNDATION OF BtfsrrfESB SUCCESS it 'tt .01 ouiiil imuumjijULKinnUfli