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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1917)
pack rout DAILY ROGVT5 RIVER OH'RIF.R WKDXKNDAY, lKC. 10. I9IT An4lur Miuwrll In la GiHirge McColutu of this i'lty pur chaned a Maxwell on Tuesday from Hi Col 1 1 in Auto company. Teacher KxitinliiNtlmi - The teachers examination are now In progress t the court house, and 1U continue throiiKh the week. Six teacher were enrolled this morning wild other to enroll Inter. Dresden Baskets TOMORROW Christmas Things A splendid assortment of Dresden Baskets with raised flower decorations, and dipped in metallic paint, making them water-proof for out-door use, which we will sell tomorrow at Half Price . Also a full line of Cut, Blown, and Chippendale Glassware, Pot tery, Dinner and Baking Ware, Pictures and Leather Goods. L I. Hall's Art Store 213 South Sixth St. u .VI I'luin'iiKPr train No. S3. due here nt i: 10 (lit nftoriionii, Ih di'luyed liy a washout nt some point In lhi Vlllnimtt valley unit will not ar rive until late tonight. (iuirgitl With tanvny Sheriff lU loft this muruliiK for the .pleuute district 'with a war rant for the arrest of John Sheri iind wife on a complulnt of A. F. Knox for larceny of turkeys. Mr. uml Mrs. Shors who have been em Plied nt the Knox ranch are accus ed of taking a number of turkeys, belonging to Knox, to Medford and selling them. To My ltrm My entire file of prescriptions for glasses ha been lrt with llert narnes. the Jeweler. He will he In position to rill your ordera for re placing lenses. Dr. Kit. Hywnter. 40 hr 4 PER52WIL iH5 LOCAL : How to be a soldier, 15c at Clemens. 40 J. W. Kay ot Eugene U In the city. H. J. Kendall, ot Kerby. Is in the city today. Furniture for gifts. Some excel lent bargains at Helmer's. 39 Miss Elenor Maule left last even ing for Medford for a brief visit. Mrs. S. F. Smkb and child ret: left today for Etna Mills. Cal. We make our own candies, and have a splendid Christmas assort ment. Sugar Bowl. 41 Mrs. Harry Ent left this morn ing for Roseburg fur a brief visit. See our window for specials for balance of year. Clark & Holman. 41 A delayed shipment of Centemerie kid gloves have arrived in brown, white and black. Kinney & Truax. C. C. Long went to Marshfleld to day, where he will visit with friends fpr a few days. Every lady visiting the store on Saturday, December 22, will receive j a souvenir. Mrs. E. Rehkopf. 39 Mrs. R. O. Gennett and children went to Kennett, Cal., today, where they will visit with friends. Fountain pens, $1 up at Clemens. Special for Friday and Saturday only, men's Jap silk initial hand kerchiefs 10 cents. Kinney & Truax. Children's books at Clemens. 40 Mrs. Jennie Camp went to Ris burg last e-ealng, where she will visit a few days with friends. A fine line of tapestry furniture at marked down prices at Clark & Hol man. 41 Miss Zepha Hogue, proprietor of the Kerby confectionery, Is in the city today. Special gift books at Sabln's. 37 Furniture for children. Some perfect beauties in children and misses rockers at Helmers. is Dim Mitchell or Merlin is a Grants Pass visitor today. C. E. Noble ot Uallce Is speudlng a tew days In town. Souvenir day, Saturday, Decem ber 22, Mrs. E. Rebkopf. 39 Mrs. R. F. McCIeen was Mtiei lo Roseburg yesi-rday on account of ;he illness ot her daughter. The only place in town to get randy canes at 5c each. Sugar Bowl. 41 H. S. McDanlel and A. L. drove arrived last night from Creswell and are registered at the Grants Vbjs. Men's pure linen handkerchiefs, plain or Initial 25 cents. Kinney ft Truax. 37 Mrs. R. S. Adams and two Ml I'ren, Phyllis and Robert, who have been visiting with Mrs. Adams par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. N. I'.eyincr. left last evening for their home at Valler, Mont. Phone your orders for Ice cream and whipping cream. 137-J. 37 A rich assortment of coloring and patterns In men's ties that should he 75c at 50 cents. Kinney & Truax. 37 Llggets candy, 25c to $3 at Clem ens. 40 Miss Ruby Best returned last night from San Jose, Cal., where she Is attending normal school, and will spend the holidays at home. Little misses drawn work hand kerchiefs. 10 cents, 3 for 25cents. Kinney ft Truax. 87 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kenyon return ed this morning to Roseburg, after spending a few days here. Rockers for gifts. Leather, tap estry, old Ivory reed and oak rock ers at Helmers. 39 Picture framing at Clark ft Hol man's cannot bo equalled In worn and real value. 41 The best assortment of station ery, 35c to $3 ai Clemens. 40 J. Krlsley came In from Kerby today on business. The best furniture Is always found at Clark ft Holman. 41 J. A. Larson and wife or t'reswell are registered at the Josephine. Christmas letters engraved and embossed cards at Sabln's drug store. 37 "Over the Top." at Clemens. 40 W. II. Herrlngton and wife of l.os Angeles are stopping at the Oxford. Special books for girls at SaMn's. C. C. Lake of Crescent City Is In the city on business connected with the C. C. ft O. P. stage line. Special books for boys at Subin's. C. C. Tranrhcll arrived In (irnnts Pass last night, having made the trip from Portland by automobile. He encountered many difficulties on account of road conditions. Plenty of candy for all, Christmas mixed. 20c per pound at the Sugar Bowl. 41 Go to Homing's Shack before Hoo ver does, and get your Christmas candy. 37 Miss Bertha McCann. who spent the summer with her father, Ed McCann, at Kerby, left this morn ing, returning to Seattle. Iarge assortment of dolls at Clemens. 40 Ladles Chinese slippers 10 cents pair. Kinney ft Truax. 37 Mrs. E. C. Woodley, who spent several days with her sister, Mrs. L. F. Roat, at Murphy, returned to Gallce this morning. Mr. Roat In at the Good Samaritan hospital suf ferlng from inflammatory rheuma tism. Parisian Ivory Sabln has it. 37 Always pure 'and fresh. Our Christmas candies were made this week. Sugar Bowl. 41 Chrlnlmas Caittuta On Christmas eve at the .Mhn- dlst church the Methodist Sunday school will put on a humorous can tata entitled. "Santa Clans and Ills Auto Sleigh." Some of the principal characters will he 1'ncle Sam. Sunta Ciaus. father, mother and children, sailor boys, boy and girl scouts. Red Cross' nurses and other characters. Mrs. Sam II. Baker Is training the cast and It will he an entertainment that all will enjoy. The public is Invited. VISITS GRANTS PASS Grants Pass was visited yesterday afternoon by Charles S. Fee, passen ger manager of the Southern Pacific accompanied by John M. Scott, gen eral passenger agent. It has been several years since .Mr. Fee had paid an official "once-over" visit and he was much Interested In the many evidences of material growth. Mr. Fee. whose son. a member of the railroad engineering corps, was recently sent to Russia via ladl- vostok. Is naturally much Interest ed In the war. and in the part the railroads must piny In It. Regard Ing government ownership of the railroad lines, he believes that the railroad committee at Washington Is composed of the most capable rail road men In the country, and If they can't make the transportation systems efficient no administrative board can. AlUiKXTIXK FOLKS WANT WAR MADE OX GKltMAW Racme Tires 5000 Miles Guarantee C. L. HOBART CO. Dear Hoy unit Girls I will he at the New Racket every day from 4 to 5 p. m. to get your Christmas letters. Santa Clans. 37 Buenos Aires, Dec. 19. A com mittee of notable citizens, represent Ing the Juvenile committee, which Is Itself composed of 100 proinl nent Argentines, adopted formal resolutions today urging that' Ar gentine declare war against tier many. ' Open evenings until Christmas. Clark fc Holman. 41 Ruble After llusl I. A. Roble of Grants Pass came to Medford today to attend to some business In connection with the box factory he operates there. 'Medford Sun. Be a Red Cross Member BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, 85c VALLEY FLOUR, $2.60 per sack J. PARDEE Phone 281 It's a I-ong Time Before another such sale as Sa bln's one-half price China and cut glass. ' 37 Neatly printed stationery at the Courier office. , Hum hand Gets Children llk. T. - - , t I . wen nanncuiu cams 10 me cuy today to get his children, which' have been granted him by the court In Jackson county, in divorce pro-1 ceedlngs recently held. "You Are Going" Where? To Applegate of course. When? December 25th, Christmas night, an all night dance with a big "eats" at mld-nlght. Tickets S2. 40 Kilwe of Moon According to astronomers, the Pa cific coast will he especially favored when the moon goes Into a total eclipse on the night of Derember 28. In other sections of the United, the eclipse will be only partial. It oc curs between 1 nnd 3 o'clock. Christ Gift Suggestions Kodaks $7 and up Ukeleles $3.50 and up Banjo-Ukeleles $10 up Music Hoi Is and Rags. HiiunllHn Dolls for the KI1- (Ilea, (ilft sheet music. ( hrlMniH ralfmliirx. Music & Photo House fttnnton Howell, Piwpr. TDK I'llMPMt PiaCK TO FIND SOMKTIIIXH M IT MILK Foil A MAN'S til IMS I'M AH Is AT A MAX'S STOItK THIS STOHK, WIIF.HK "MF.X, WHO KNOW" COMK Foil TIIF.IK OI TFITTIXG. The Best Things to Wear in Every line of Outfitting TIIKXTHK I'llICK FF.ATt'KF. OF Ol It STORK IS A STKVXO IXDICKMKXT FOIt ITS l'IIO FltllAf. THAT. WIIF.X gf AI.ITV IS COSIIF.HFI, OI H MUCKS AltF. AI.WAVS TIIK I.OWKHT. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. Cash Clothiers CASH III VS t IIKAI'KH THAN ( HKIHT. For tho X mas Tree Mixed Candies, lb. 20 & 2& Mixed Nuts, lb. . 20c Basket Grocery 417 G St. Quality Butter 95c per Roll THE CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY 51(5 F St. Jof.lilne County Cofijtfmlive Crrmuwy Ammk intloii. 4 CASS lECIED 10 The election of ofllcers for Grants Pass lodge, No, 84, A. F, & A. M., occurred Tuesday night and wis followed by installation, the olH i ;h Installod being: W, M. A. K. Cass. 8. YV. P. II. Herman. J. W. Rosroe Rralton. 8. D. Sam Stlnebaugh. J, D. J. F. Wolfersherger. 8. 8. Don Calvert. J. 8. Scott Ferry. Secy. E. O. Murrls Treas. R. W. Clarke. Trustee 3. A. Wharton. Joy Tonight Pauline Frederick The Love That Lives IMVKIl.SU, (TKIIKXT KVKXTM Otc mill "Joe Job work at ttn Courier. NEW TOIMT SITUATION OPKN for couple with out children or widow with boy old enough to do chores around house. Woman must he good cook and housekeeper. C. & O. C. R. R., Lundliurg building, 40 HOTEL OXFORD ROOMS for rent Large, well furnished, steam , heat, hot water, hath, and all ho tel privileges. Very moderate weekly and monthly rates. 37tf STRAYED OR STui.EN Collie dog sable and white, answering to the name of "Laddie." Anyone know. Ing of the whtereabonts of same notify David E. Wright, Hugo, Oregon, and receive reward, 38 Cl ET I NYOL'iR O RDERS for wood now before the storm It will he scarce. Parsons Wood Yard. v " HORX TA I, HOT At llremeiton, Wash., Tuesday, December 11, to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Talbot, formerly of this city, a daughter. DIED ROHKRTS At Grants Fass, Tues day, December 18, I. O. Roberts, of Ilrovolt, of pneumonia, aged 73 years 9 months and II days. Deceased was born In Tennessee March B, 1844, and came to the const In 1889, settling on a farm near Provolt, He was taken slrk on Sunday and was brought to (irants Pass on Tuesday mornlnK roj- treatment, but died the same night. He Is survived by two sons. Dave Roberts of Provoll. and T. n. Roberts of Gold Hill, and two daughters. Mrs. George Feld mnler of this city and Mrs. Henry Dels of Rogue River. The funeral ceremony will be held at the Mis souri Flat cemetery on Thursday af- 9 tornoon at 2 o'clock. A dsMlfled ad wt'.l glre results. Cards nt i lie Courier o!Hce. 'j